4/24/12 Yum! China Case analysis Samantha Melanson Samantha Melanson Yum! China Case analysis 1. What were the special challenges in business environment that Yum! had to overcome in the 1990’s to develop its business in China? Challenges: The government was one of the biggest challenges that Yum! China had to deal with. This is because they were more interested in companies that could bring technology to the country, they didn’t allow foreign companies to operate without a local partner and without a local partner it was hard for Yum to obtain the required permissions from the government and gain access to preferred locations at the best prices. Miscommunication with slogans: since it was the customer’s first experience with western food the early days were not without missteps. KFCs first advertisement slogan was “finger lickin’ good”. In the U.S. customers know that means the food is good but in China customers saw that as unsanitary and they did not appreciate the slogan. Competition with McDonald’s is very strong. McDonalds entered China the same year the first Pizza Hut was opened in Beijing. They located themselves in the bigger cities where it was easier to expand. They were growing just as fast as Yum! was and they were offering many more services like 24-hour operation and delivery services. Developing 16 “beachheads: The day Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping decided that it was time to “open up the rest of the country” every city and providence was looking for a foreign investment. When that happened Yum was faced with making a very important decision on the spot, whether to concentrate on the four big (like McDonalds) or to build a national business. They decided to go with build in a national business so they had to rush to set up 16 beachheads to from and develop a countrywide supply chain to support them. Building a team was a challenge because Su wanted the best of the best, people with previous restaurant experience, people had to uphold certain criteria and he had to sell the people he offered the jobs to on an opportunity instead of compensation. Su looked for people with experience and the first place he looked was McDonalds. The chief marketing officer for Yum! China and the president and chief operating office of Yum! China where both recruited from McDonalds. He needed for his entire team to live in China so it took some convincing on his part to make some people move. Su wanted 1 Samantha Melanson people who could write and speak Chinese and understand the Chinese culture so that they could better understand the Chinese consumer. Ownership was a challenge because in the beginning no foreign company was allowed to operate without it’s a local partner. So they had to make partnerships and franchises. However in shortly after they opened a few stores the government began allowing wholly owned foreign enterprises so it was another challenge to switch from a partnership/ franchising strategy to a strategy of company-owned units. This strategy would allow for system-wide quality standards, centralized purchasing, and a greater focus on brand building. Investing in a supply chain. Since Yum was growing at such a fast rate they were having trouble meeting the capacity needed to supply these restaurants. Also Yum was committed to sourcing in Chine whenever possible so they restricted themselves to where the got their materials from. So they needed to create capacity in China through local raw material suppliers not only working with them to increase their capacity but to also improving their quality and ensuring food safety. All of which is necessary for further expansion and in developing the companies own supply chain. The accelerated growth was a challenge because it was like China started booming over night and because they needed to keep up with their biggest competitor, McDonalds. Yum had set goals that they needed to reach every month in growth, it started off at 100 new stores a month then it was increased to 400. They needed to create enough supply capacity to get each business’ needs fully covered. And KFC, Pizza Hut and the other brands in Yum! were now expanding independently form PepsiCo at fast rate. 2. Summarize the key elements of Yum! China strategies, policies, practice and management approaches. Identify Yum! China competitive advantages; are they sustainable? Strategies: 1. Build a nationwide restaurant chain that would be “rooted in China, be a part of China.” a. “To become the bet restaurant company not only I china but the world”- Division’s first mission statement b. Not seen as a foreign presence i. Make it a part of their culture- heart of their society ii. Make it a place to come with your family; sit down and do homework c. Make it wanted in town/neighborhoods d. Develop a countrywide supply chain 2. Take a “future-back” approach 2 Samantha Melanson 3. 4. 5. 6. a. Look ahead to where we want to be in 10 to 15 years b. Build system to facilitate growth-making sure to take necessary steps c. Making the best informed decisions and execute with conviction d. Long-term future Develop and expand brand around consumer wants and needs a. Localized items- wraps, local sauces, and local favorites b. Specific to each region- Changed recipes to suit particular tastes in a given region c. Added more variety to menus- Ex. Extensive 30 page Pizza Hut menu d. Added lower-priced snacks and discount cards targeted at college students to open up demographic e. Expanded menu to include essential cultural aspects adhering to different hours of the day in Chinese culture i. Afternoon tea is very popular in Chinese culture- occupancy rate after additions in the afternoons increased from 20 percent to 80 percent ii. In 2002 opened for breakfast- allowed for distribution of costs Evolve the brand through product localization and differentiated marketing a. Embody Chinese characteristics b. Primary focus on families- evolve with families Ensure superior and consistent service through company-owned units a. Allowed for the adoption of systemwide: i. Quality standards ii. Centralized purchasing iii. Greater focus on brand building iv. Consistency throughout Yum! China locations b. Make every restaurant a training restaurant Create a learning organization in order to promote growth a. Had to be able to produce managers and business leaders as well as products i. Develop talent at the same time as building brand Policies: 1. Food safety- work back through the system to ensure that their products are safe, actively promoted food safety and the adoption of best practices 2. Source locally- sourced from 500-600 suppliers, committed purchase as much as possible in China a. Improve quality b. Ensure food safety c. Increase capacity 3. Understand Chinese consumer a. Write and read Chinese 3 Samantha Melanson b. Previous restaurant experience 4. Strict store development policy a. 450 person team- maintained large restaurant portfolio b. Reviewed two times a year c. Negotiated lease and began construction d. Each location had to be supported with data to prove why it was a good location e. All systems (training, supply, marketing, and customer service) must be in place from the beginning to support each unit 5. Extensive training and dress code a. Western service standards b. Customer service training c. Standardized operations and hygiene practices Practices: 1. Developed a mascot- “chicky” 2. Offered children’s play area 3. Hostesses organized activities- teaching English songs and rhymes and western dance 4. Encouraged suppliers to integrate backwards 5. Encouraged competition 6. Logistic centers a. Contingency plans- Ex. Renting temporary warehouses for during winter 7. actively promoted food safety and the adoption of best practices 8. “New Fast Food” concept Management Approach: 1. Asking consumers what they’d like to see appear in their restaurants so they could better serve the customer’s needs 2. Integrate college-aged students into the fabric of the company to ensure longevity 3. Developing full-service logistics centers a. Inventory management b. Customer service c. Transport d. Warehouse management 4. Satellite centers- support remote areas a. Warehouse management and transportation only 3. Identify the major similarities and differences between the strategies implemented by Yum! China and Yum! in the US. What are the risks and benefits in allowing such differences among subsidiaries of the same company? 4 Samantha Melanson Yum! China Both Yum! U.S. •More then 90% were company owned •KFC outlets were 300 to 450 square meters •KFC's menu had approximately 50 items •KFCs had around 60 employees •KFC is viewed as a restaurant: a family friendly place to sit down and enjoy a meal •Introduced between 85 and 100 new products in a year •KFC menu is localized in each region •Pizza Hut menu is 30 pages long •Developed a mascot named Chicky to appeal to children •Restraunts served as a gathering place for families •In China change is rapid and that calls for innovation, flexibility, and fast decision making •Restaurants offered breakfast •Took four to six months to develop a new restaurant from site identifacation to opening •Turnoverper unit was $1.4 million for KFC •Training for managers took 2 to 4 years due to the number of products •Decorated in KFC's traditional red-and-white color scheme •Colonel Sanders' image is featured in indoor and outdoor signage and advertising •Food was cooked to order rather than to meet individual orders •Positioned as a Western Brand •15% were company owned •KFC outlets were 180 to 280 square meters •KFC's menu had approximately 29 items •KFCs had around 35 employees •a place to grab a quick bit to eat for a low price •Introduced one or two products a year •Menu the same in every location •Pizza Hut menu not as extensive as Chinas •Took 8 months to a year to develop a new restaurant from site identifacation to opening •Turnover per unit was $1.0 million for KFC •A lot of talk about innovation but not lot of action 5 Samantha Melanson There can be both risks and benefits when there are differentiated strategies among subsidiaries. One risk is that by having more different strategies than similar ones the subsidiaries make it difficult for the organization as a whole to set company wide goals. Along with goals set by the company having such differentiated goals makes it difficult for the subsidiaries to follow the companies mission statement in the ways top management wants it to be upheld. On the other hand having differentiated strategies could work as a benefit towards the success of the subsidiaries. Each subsidiary has strategies that are specific to the geographical area they are located. For instance Yum! China has menus that are localized to each region. By doing that they created a much wider range of customers because your average Chinese consumer loves variety. Without the variety in the menus then these chains would not have been as successful. 4. Analyze the company’s annual financial statements presented in Exhibits 2, 3, 5a, 5c. Compare the China and US financial situations for the year 2007 – 2009 in term of revenue growth, cost structure, etc. How successful is Yum! China? Justify your response. Yum! Brands Inc. Yum! Brands revenue growth was increasing from 2005 through 2007. However, from 2008 to 2009 Yum! Brands growth decreased dramatically from 8.53% to -4.14%. A factor that more than likely contributed to this decrease was the economic recession that started in 2008 with the effects of it hitting consumers hard in 2009. Even though the growth rate was declining the company was still managing to open more stores and remain profitable. In 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009 they opened 318, 750, 947, and 788 new stores respectively. Along with the continual store openings the profitability of the company kept increasing due to the companies ability to cut costs. From 2007 to 2009 the company experienced a decrease in total cost and expenses, it dropped form 87.15% to 85.33%. If the company can manage to keep their costs low they will be able to sustain high profitability. Over the past 5 years Yum has experienced a steady increase in their profitability. From 2005 to 2006 it increased from 8.15% to 8.62% form 2006 to 2007 it increased from 8.62% to 8.73% from 2007 to 2008 it decreased slightly from 8.73% to 8.53% but it rose again in 2009 from 8.53% to 9.88%. Another thing that was continually increasing was the company’s market price per share, except in 2008 when it fell $8.26. It was at it’s highest in 2007 at $38.54 but after it feel in 2008 due to the recession it started to increase again. Yum! China vs. Yum! U.S. Even though Yum! U.S. revenues are higher than Yum! China from 2007 to 2009 it is clear by looking at the growth rate that Yum! China is growing faster. Yum! U.S. revenues are decreasing over this three-year period while Yum! Chinas are increasing substantially. From 2007 to 2008 Yum! Chinas growth rate was 50.50% compared to Yum! U.S. which was -1.35%. The next year, 2008 to 2009, wasn’t any 6 Samantha Melanson better Yum! Chinas growth rate, even though it decreased, was 19.96% compared to Yum! U.S., also experiencing decease, was -12.84%. Since the rate at which Yum! China grew in 2008 was so drastic their profitability decreased from 2007 to 2008, 19.66% to 16.58%. However you can see that they are getting back on track with profitability in 2009 because it increased from 16.58% to 17.49%. Even though the dramatic increase of their company came at a huge cost they were still able to remain profitable. Just like profitability, total costs percent of revenue increased in 2008 due to the dramatic increase in growth rate and then decreased the follow year. In 2007, 2008 and 2009 the total cost percent of revenue was 80.34%, 83.42%, and 82.51% respectively. On the other hand Yum! U.S. profitability was increasing but this was due to the dramatic decrease in growth rate. And even though it was increasing it was still at a lower percent then the profitability of Yum! China. You can also see this through the number of stores being opened. In China, 471, 504, and 509 stores were opened in 2007, 2007 and 2009 respectively. In the U.S. 349, 363, and 266 stores were opening in 2007, 2008 and 2009 respectively. It is believed that within five years it is possible that Yum’s China business can be twice as large as its U.S. business. This data proves just how successful Yum! China is and if the company can keep up with increasing growth rate, increasing profitability and decreasing cost, which it already does, then it will continue to grow and be a very successful company. 5. Evaluate the “New Fast Food” proposal: Discuss the pros and cons, risks and potential benefits of such a new approach. 7 Samantha Melanson 8 Pros: - Expanded already extensive menus even more - Added veggie dishes that are attactive to Chinese consumers - Promoted physical actuvity. Held basketball competitions for boys and sponsored gynastics dance programs for girls - Gave grants to reserach projects studying health issues related to restaurant foods and urban living Cons: - Eliminated "super-size" (limited size option for consumers) - Taking focus off of corporate strategy (expansion) and focusing on this new position (being healthy) - Increased costs (healthier food is more expenseive) Benfits: - Educate people about healthy eatting - Nutrition information was printed on every package - More reputable to consumer because their efforts show they care - Brings Chinese consumer back to tradtion of eating a large variety of ingredients - Gain edge over competitors (being the healthy choice) Risks: - Potentially eliminate target popultion who perferred large size options - Could slow does expansion - Allowing competitors to gain edge over them (market share) - Possible decrease in profitability Samantha Melanson 6. Is it the responsibility of Yum! China to undertake single-handed such a significant shift in nutritional content and to further depart from the overall corporate strategy, or should it be left to the Chinese government to educate its citizens and influence their diet? Why? No it is not single-handily the responsibility of Yum! China to undertake this shift in nutritional content. It is the responsibility of the government and all the other restaurants in the industry to work together in making this change. Even though Yum! China was the company to initiate this shift and to bring it to the governments attention; it was done with the consumer’s best interest in mind. While doing research in the obesity rates in China Sam Su found out that 70 to 90 million people in China were obsess, that’s one third of the total number of obsess people worldwide. He also found that under the one-child policy many Chinese children were being encouraged to eat more than necessary. In 2009 the rate of obese children in China reached 12 million. He knew that something had to be done to change these statistics. After going to the government and the restaurant industry association about his concerns and presenting his New Fast Foods proposal they should have taken it into their own hands to develop and implement new regulations regarding healthier eating. However it would be hard for the government and the association to do it alone they would need a company to work side by side with to be the example all the other companies would follow. Since Sam Su is so passionate about his new idea his company would be a perfect candidate. Yum! China would be the perfect trendsetter not only because the CEO is so passionate about the idea but also because his company is so focused on what is best for the consumer. By showing other companies in the industry that you need to focus on the consumer rather than how fast your company is growing is the first major step all the companies need to take. After that putting the regulations into effect will be easy because all companies will be thinking with the consumers best interest in mind. In the end the best alternative for implementing this shift would be for the government to develop, implement, and promote the new regulations and for Yum! China to be their example in how they want them to be incorporated with the companies strategies in making the restaurant industry healthier. 7. If it was decided to expand further the implementation of the “New Fast Food” strategy, what steps would you recommend to build internal and external support and insure its successful implementation while satisfying the expected growth of Yum? 9 Samantha Melanson Internal Steps • Incorporate the New Fast Food proposal in the companies mission • This will make it become part of the companies culture and it will then be adopted by the employess and it will become embedded in the fabric of the company • Develop a seperate team to handle the New Fast Food strategy • By hiring an additional team it wont take the focus off of expansion • The new team can work with the government and report back to upper level management • Require additional training to learn about promoting new strategy to consumers • Employess and upper level managers will have a combination of technology, videos, online trainging, and simulation • Incorporate employees opinions in the implementation strategy • Provid a uniform effort • Get feedback: Is it working? • Empower employees and make them feel imcorporated • Emphasis the imporatnce of constint improvments • Essential in keeping up with the continuing innovation of the industry External Steps 10 • Launch the strategy by having a promotion to gain consumer awareness • Offer free samples of healthier food • Offer educational seminars to educate consumers about health benefits • Have educational activities for children • Form a partnership with local schools and organizations • Start healthy eatting at young age • Increase consumer awareness and support • Increase distribution channels • Sponsor organizations community events by catering • Maintain their mission, values, and culture • Stay consistent in the way they have been operating in the past • If they change too much about the way they operate then consumers may not like it • Bring in an outside consultant to review the new strategy and implementation process • Allow for an outside perspective • See what is practical and impractical • Give an opportunity for the company to make changes berfore implementation • Help prevent downfalls not seen by top management • Help strenghten impact and effectiveness of strategy Samantha Melanson 8. What changes, opportunities and threats do you foresee for the next few years that you must take into consideration before making your final recommendation? Opportunities Threats • Rapidly growing middle class increases potential market • China is still a developing countrylots of room to grow and expand • Potential partnerships local schools and organizations increase brand awareness (new distribution channels) • Expansion within the industry by taping into new target markerts • Frequent introduction of new products • Shift in buyer needs and tastes away from industry product - need for higher volume of healthy options • Accelerated growth companies unable to keep up with necessary capacity • Chinese parents do not want their child to work part time with no college students to work for them they would have no general managers • Natural disaster could prevent materials/ supplies from getting distributed to remote locations • Availability of substitutes Changes • Consumer Tastes • Shifts in the economy • Potentials chnages in government regulations • Advacning technology • Shifts in consumer trends • Increasing fixed costs • Changes in top management 9. Looking at the future, what recommendations would you make to Chairman Sam Su to insure the long-term success of Yum! and meet his objective to have 15,000 stores in China? Be comprehensive and justify your recommendations. Sam Su and top management for Yum! China should pay particular attention to the rapidly growing middle class. By capitalizing on this market they have the chance to become twice as large as the U.S. business. This will open them up to a 11 Samantha Melanson new market and give them a greater market share. This is a great opportunity for expansion. It will also help to promote their brand identity and spread brand loyalty. 12 Yum! China should continue with their New Fast Food Strategy. This will keep them differentiated from their competition and give them a competitive edge. Yum! China should create an annually held seminar that educates people on health and fitness. This will be open to all employees and consumers that are interested. It will discuss new health trends and things to do to stay active. It is also a good way to advertise their commitment to a healthy lifestyle. They should develop an aggressive CSR campaign that goes along with their New Food Strategy. This would also help them to launch other strategies that are aligned with their overall mission. Yum! China should stick with their constant need for innovation and product development. By doing this they will be keeping up with new upcoming trends and they will be keeping their consumers satisfied with coming up with new products. They should develop strategic partnership with local schools and health organizations. This goes along with introducing healthier options to menus. This would help to spread brand awareness. Also, it will open the company up to a new market segment – catering Continue to keep the consumer’s wants and needs in mind. By keeping the consumers wants and needs in mind you are making your company more appealing to the consumer because they know you care about their opinions and what they want out of their experience with your company. As the company expands they should watch their operating costs. With expansion comes more expenses and if they can manage to keep their costs and expenses low they will be able to be more profitable and therefore be able to expand even more. Further their efforts in food safety. Since the beginning they have prided themselves on making sure they get the best and safest food that is available to them. They should also try to integrate the safety measures that they take into their advertising so Chinese consumers can feel good about the food they are consuming. Samantha Melanson Aim to be sourcing 100% of products locally by the time they reach 15,000 stores. By sourcing locally from China they are getting food the consumers trust and giving back to their economy. Also if they were to ever stop sourcing locally they would lose credibility in the eyes of the Chinese consumer. 13