Village of Chester Annual General Meeting (AGM) May 28, 2014 1. 2. 3. 4. Call to Order Chair Mulrooney called the meeting to order at 6:45 pm, Present at the table were Brenda Mulrooney, Chair; Wynand Baerken, Commissioner; Mike Heisler, Commissioner; Bill Nauss, Commissioner; Bill Zinck Jr., Vice Chair; Iris Tolliver, Clerk Treasurer; George Ernst, Grant Thornton. Also in attendance was Chief Dave Richardson, Chester Fire Department; Viola Hiltz, Red Cross Swimming. Chair Mulrooney thanked everyone for coming to the AGM. Minutes from Previous Annual Meeting Minutes from the previous June 5, 2013 were distributed. MOTION: Bill Zinck Jr., Wynand Baerken seconded, the approval of the June 5, 2013, minutes. Carried. Business Arising from the Minutes No business arose from the minutes. Reports a) Auditor’s Report Georg Ernst presented the Auditor’s Report and reviewed the financial statements. Mr. Ernst also reviewed the amortizations, reserves, and commitments. MOTION: Georg Ernst moved to accept the Auditor’s report, Bill Zinck Jr. seconded. Carried. b) Treasurer’s Report Iris Tolliver went over the 2014/15 fiscal budget that was approved at the last meeting, May 13/14. The Fire Department budget is $111 800.00 which is up a little bit from last year; the one time budget items has decreased. The fire boat is mentioned but really not included as there is a separate rate and just the people who live on the islands pay this tax. 4. Reports (continued) b) Treasurer’s Report (continued) The Reserve for the new fire truck is $751,700.00; the cost of the truck is $611,514.50 (taxes in); with an addition of a rear tank fill of $1380.00; and equipment to equip the truck $73,692.00; leaving the total cost of the new truck coming $686,586.50. When the decision was made to install the siren there was no budget for it, so that cost will be coming out of the reserves as well, which was a cost of $23,716.00. So there will be left in reserve for the fire truck $41,397.16 and of course will be adding to this reserve in this budget year as well. The total Administration budget cost of vehicles, insurance, building in general, plus Village administration for a total of $273,501.00. Public Works (includes seasonal, litter picker, etc.) The Jib lot is up as work to be done on the benches, and Pool is included in Public Works as is the Litter picker budget. Public washrooms budget is up this year, as there were problems with the water maker, but the issues have been resolved. The total budget is $459,650.00, with the plan to put $120,000.00 in reserve for a truck, $49,000.00 in reserve for the building, and $10,000.00 for the Lido Pool. There is normally a $20,000.00 reserve for Utilities, but the Commission has agreed to put that in the budget to accommodate some feasibility studies on water and sewer for the Village. That brings the total budget to $756,050.00. The Fire Hall repairs, two LED lights, Akron Gun and Remote for the truck, were covered by last year’s general funds’ surplus. The EMC report is not included in the tax rate, as the rent covers the expenses. The fire rate is up slightly from 6.94 last year to 7 this year and the Village rate up from 14.78 to 15.17 this year. Iris Tolliver asked if there were questions from the electors: Ray Cambria, Central Street – Asked what the speed signs were Iris Tolliver stated they were the speed signs that tell the driver what their speed is that they are travelling. Ray Cambria, Central Street – Asked what Fire Management Services was Chair Mulrooney stated that those monies have been set aside, due to requirements coming down from NFPA, ISO, and Insurers all require more time to provide the information which means more paperwork. The Commission set the money aside so when the Commission decides how to handle the work, then the money will be there to go forward. Ray Cambria, Central Street – Seasonal Public Works, budget has increased, why? Chair Mulrooney stated a Car Starter was donated to the Village Commission, and this in an initiative going on over the province and it is not hoped to have the chargers installed to have the electric cars charged. 4. Reports (continued) b) Treasurer’s Report (continued) Ray Cambria, Central Street – Sewer & Water Feasibility – There is not a lake here Chair Mulrooney stated a pond or lake is not needed. There are drilled wells, water makers, all kinds of alternative things, etc. Ray Cambria, Central Street – the tax rate has a continuous increase each year and just wanted to state that he is concerned about the increase. Jo-Anne Grant, Pig Loop Road, what is the cost of the Public Washroom Chair Mulrooney stated that major repairs were needed so the system was changed. Iris Tolliver stated that the system was in need of major repairs and the system was only 3 years old. Jo-Anne Grant, Pig Loop Road – questioned the increase in Professional fees. Chair Mulrooney stated that lawyer fees have been needed with the sewer issue, and other issues are coming forward, so will been representation to be well informed as to what action can be taken, if necessary, to protect the Village. Carol Nauss, Main Street – where is the money for the sirens in the budget Iris Tolliver stated it was not in the budget, it is coming out of reserves. Ray Cambria, Central Street – Promotional Pens? Iris Tolliver stated there was hats, bags, pens, etc., purchased for tourists coming by, fundraiser requests, all for promotion of Villages. Jo-Anne Grant, Pig Loop Road – wanted to note that she supports the promotional items as it is nice to have to give to tourist, and then promotes the Village. c) Chairperson’s Report I wish to thank everyone for coming this evening. VOTING BY LAW - As most of you already know we have a new Election Bylaw by Ministerial Approval. This now brings us in line with other Municipal Election rules and regulations. This was our first year using this procedure and it was found to be a resounding success. We had 236 voters come out and cast their ballot for the candidate of their choice. We congratulate Bill Zinck on winning his fourth term to office, and thank Tom Mulrooney for offering his time and making it a contest. This is all good for the commission and helps to keep the public interested in the Village and our civic and community endeavors. I would also like to congratulate Dave Richardson in his new office of Fire Chief, Everett Hiltz in his role as Deputy Chief, and Morgan Stevens in his role of Assistant Deputy Chief. ACCOUNTABILITY and TRACEABILITY – The administration of the Village is now working to the ISO 900-2008 Standard. This means a standardized procedure in running the Village which will give us a consistent level of service no matter who is on the Commission or running the office. It also creates traceability and accountability. One of the great assets of this system is that there are audits done regularly which 4. Reports (continued) c) Chairperson’s Report (continued) shows where standards are dropping or need to be improved as time and demands change. Over the next while we will integrate the Fire Department into this system as we integrate the relevant elements of the NFPA 1500 Standards. In our continued effort to scrutinize our expenditures we have completed the recommendations of the Fire Hall audit. This has seen a new efficient propane heating system installed, to which there is a low cost purchasing plan for propane to Fire Halls. There are new windows replacing all of the old ones, insulation in the attic and the bay doors being resealed. Our heating costs were much lower this year, because of the many different energy cutting measures taken. There also has been a keyless entry system installed, relieving personnel from coming up to unlock and re-secure the building after functions at the hall. The controversy of last year’s fire alarm was settled. A new emergency sounding system has been purchased and should be installed any day. This device is forward thinking in that it will have the capability to send alarm or voice messages. So cold be used for Emergency Measure Operations, broadcast evacuation routes, announce comfort centers, even broadcast Amber or Silver Alerts, etc. It is a system that can be expanded upon as comfort levels and training allow. The much awaited new Fire Truck that was ordered last year will be arriving soon. This is part of our fire truck replacement program that we have in place, attempting to have each truck replaced shortly after its 20th birthday. The Lido Pool will be open again near the end of June. This year we will see hand rails on the steps leading into the pool. These have been asked for by both parents of small children and the elderly to offer a safe walk in and out of the water. We had hoped to have a couple of changing rooms but the budget did not allow that. The public swim time has also been increased to 2 hours long from noon till 2 pm, to allow the public increased access in the heat of the day, reopening again at 5:00 pm for public swim. It has been brought to my attention that there are members of the public that believe the Village Commission only has the Fire Department and the Lido to worry about, and so question why the office and the increased staff. Staff does much more than that and can actually do even more than they do now. We do oversee the budget for the Fire Dept., but we also maintain the building and property at the Fire Hall, the EHS Station, the Lido Pool, the Public Washrooms, the Jib Lot, our green bin program, your street lights, litter pickup, life guards, the hanging plants, and the Christmas wreaths, and Crossing guards. We also work with the Municipality on other projects that come up covering the village and that we can assist each other on. In last year’s report I mentioned that the municipal garbage contract would expire this spring and since we had found there would be a substantial saving the commission would be giving notice to the Municipality that we would be doing our own collection. 4. Reports (continued) c) Chairperson’s Report (continued) With the Municipality decided it would continue to give and collect for that service to the village whether we did it also or not. So in fairness to the residents we withdrew our intention. We are now in deep dispute over the intended amalgamation of our self-sustaining sewer treatment system to the other systems or fields within the municipality that is operating at a deficit. This is of great concern to us and will see a substantial increase in your sewer tax rate. Of particular concern is the lack of an answer concerning expansion of these systems or the creation of new ones? Several of the systems are quite old and will see the need for either replacement or upgrades in the near future, including our own. I encourage all to attend the meeting to be held at Forest Heights School in the cafeteria and voice your concern or ask your question. If you need a ride ask your friend. It’s June 4th at 7:00 pm, mark it in your calendar. I wish to thank the commissioners and our staff at the Village for all they have done this year. I also want to thank our Fire Fighters for all of their time and putting themselves in harm’s way and to the employers of those fire fighters who allow them to leave their jobs in the call of their community. And last but not least to Viola who is still overseeing the swim program and getting ready for her next season. The Village Office is always glad to have you drop by with a concern, a suggestion or a comment. Brenda Mulrooney moved the adoption of this report, Bill Zinck Jr., seconded. Carried. d) Fire Chief’s Report Good Evening, my name is Dave Richardson and I’m your new Fire Chief. I have 26 years in the fire service and the last 9 as Deputy Chief. Before I start my report, I would like to thank our former Chief Duke Chafe for the last 9 years of dedication to the community and the fire service. Duke is still an active member of the department as an operator. As the new Chief, we are trying to implement some new changes to the operation structure of the fire service in Chester and the outside areas. We have some young blood in the department as officers which are very keen to help the fire service move forward. We are going to try and be more active with our training in the upcoming year. We are sending 5 members to Wolf Ville to attend FDIC training sessions. The MBU training trailer will be in Chester at the old liquor store parking lot from July 28 to August 11. If you are around the area, stop in and see what training is provided by the Fire school and the Mobile Burn Unit. The fire boat has been tested and is ready for the water once the float is installed. 4. Reports (continued) d) Fire Chief’s Report (continued) Last Year our department responded to over 120 calls ranging from mutual aid to our neighboring departments to MVA’s. The new fire truck is built and waiting final inspection before taking delivery from Fort Garry in Winnipeg. I had chance to view the truck when it was in the building stage. This new pumper will be a great addition to the equipment that we already have in the hall to help the tax payers with fire protection. The last thing that I would like to say is that I look forward to serving you and working with the Commission in moving forward with the fire service in the upcoming year. Dave Richardson moved the adoption of this report, Bill Nauss seconded. Carried. e) Lido Swim Program Report Good evening Ladies, Gentlemen and Commissioners We had a great summer last year. All went very well, we held 3-3 week sessions: Monday to Friday. We are getting ready for the 2014 Water Safety Program at the Chester Lido Pool. Lessons start June 23, 2014. Registration for the first session (3 weeks) will be held at the Chester Area Middle School on June 16, 2014 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. We held our annual swim-a-thon and fund day at the end of the program. The children collected pledges for a swim-a-thon and a total of $1,585.oo was raised. Prizes were donated by the businesses. Pizzas, drinks, treats and cake were served, games played which everyone enjoyed. I would like to thank those who donated items, parents and the children. As usual, I hear remarks all the time what a unique and wonderful pool we have. It is great for children to learn to water safety, a place to enjoy the outdoors, recreational swimming and the great scenery. The parents and the children are easy to work with and I enjoy every minute of it, especially the children. I would like to thank the commissioners for the upkeep of the pool and the use of the pool for water safety lessons. As most of the children live near the water, it is important that they know water safety skills. One final note - At a meeting earlier this season, the commission expressed that the public would like more public swim time. We agreed to give up an extra half-hour at lunch time this summer – giving the public swim a lunch time from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm. After talking to some parents, they feel that taking the extra ½ hour lunch time for public swim was not a good idea. The younger children like to be in the water at the warmest time of day. We have already submitted a request to have the ½ hour time back for the 2015 season as we already understand it won’t be changed back for this summer. There seems to be ample time for the public to have free swim. 4. 5. 6. Reports (continued) e) Lido Swim Program Report (continued) Many thanks. Viola Hiltz moved the adoption of this report, Bill Zinck Jr. seconded. Carried. New Business a) Appointment of Auditors for the Coming Year Georg Ernst accepted to be the Auditor for the upcoming year. Adjournment a) Chair Mulrooney adjourned the meeting at 7:28 pm and thanked everyone for coming. Bill Zinck Jr Chair Maxine Veinot Administrative Assistant