Regional and Transregional Interactions

Regional and Transregional Interactions
The Movement of Ideas, Goods and People
Howard Spodek, Chapters 11, 12, and 13 Homework Guide
AP Periodization
600 – 1450
Reading all of the text is encouraged as part of the college level experience. However, the
assignments from the guide have been carefully selected to show respect for your time
outside of class as well as to ensure you are preparing effectively for the AP exam. This
is a six week unit. Be efficient. In AP it’s the thought process and analysis that counts,
not how beautiful the work is.
Inclement Weather FYI: If school is closed due to snow, storm, flood etc. carry on with
the assigned homework for each day on the calendar. The daily activities will be revised,
but the homework will stay on track.
Tip for Writing About History: Writing about history is different than writing about
literature or for language arts. The thesis/topic sentences are the same, and so is the
conclusion. After that the pattern for history are two sentences based on concrete details
followed by one sentence of commentary. Then two more sentences based on concrete
details followed on one sentence of commentary. You could then repeat the pattern or
conclude your paragraph. It is okay to deviate from the exact formula, but the
fundamental differences is that the writing needs to be heavy on evidence and then
backed by analytic commentary.
Period 5 Due Wednesday November
1 and 2 Internet Research activities
Period 6 Due Thursday November
1 and 2 Internet Research activities
1. When the homework guide is provided divide the number of Mosques from this
list up as evenly as possible. Circle your assigned Mosques. Use the Internet for
research (at home, school or library). If possible print one page that includes a
picture of the Mosque and its architectural design if that is available. In your
homework guide write a description of each Mosque that provides date, history,
location, distinguishing features, and significance.
a. Quba Mosque OR Masjid al-Haram
Mosque of Amr Ibn Al As OR Al Azhar Mosque
Great Mosque of Cordoba
Dome of the Rock
Xian Mosque
Jame Mosque of Isfahan
Hagia Sophia (Byzantine Christian Church turned into a Mosque)
Blue Mosque or Sultan Ahmet Mosque
Syleymaniye Mosque
Jama Masjid OR Taj Mahal
Great Mosque of Damascus (Umayyad Mosque)
Masjid Agung
Great Mosque of Djenné
2. Traders and Travelers and Their Networks Long-distance trade is important
because of the way it webs or knits one region of the world with another.
Between 1100 and 1500 land and sea trade routes connected almost all populated
regions of Afro-Eurasia. The western hemisphere (Americas) had two trade
networks of its own, but they were not yet connected with the European, Asian
and African trade web. Let’s look at the map in the Spodek text on page 393 and
think about the trading networks of the time once again. In class form a triad.
Each of you should take a different traveler of the time. Circle the name of your
traveler so that you remember it when doing the homework. One of you will have
Marco Polo, another Ibn Battuta, and the third will have Zheng He (Jung Ha).
Begin your Internet research (home, school, library) at the following cite for
Saudi Aramco’s July/August 2005 edition which features articles on each traveler.
These are great articles, and Saudi Aramco has other articles which you can
access through a search with your travelers name.
Create a map of the traveler’s route that is hand drawn. Highlight important stops
with annotations and small illustrations that you create. Identify each geographic
region that the traveler crosses. Use the AP map identify water routes used as
Write a one page letter from that traveler to yourself that describes the most
important experiences he had on his long journey. Include sights, sounds, smells,
significant encounters. The traveler should explain why his journey is so
important in the world history scheme of things. Times New Roman 12 point font.
Letter format. Print a copy of your letter for each member of your group!
Voice: This really
sounds like the
Interesting and
experiences noted
and significant
The letter is
descriptive: sites,
sounds, smells,
Period 5 Due Tuesday November 20
Period 6 Due Tuesday 20
3. Look at the picture on page 348 “Celebration of the End of Ramadan”. Write
about the picture and the importance of Ramadan to Muslim’s. You may also
want to read text at the top of page 349 before framing your response. Minimum
response length five sentences.
Read How Do We Know on page 350. Write answers to the 3 bulleted prompts
from that segment. Answers should be complete and well supported with concrete
evidence; facts, examples, details, reasons, dates, explanations, etc.
4. Read How Do We Know on pages 352 - 353. Write answers to the 3 bulleted
prompts from that segment that are found on page 353. Answers should be
complete and well supported with concrete evidence; facts, examples, details,
reasons, dates, explanations, etc.
Analyze the map on page 354 of the textbook. Tell the story of the map using
words. Include geographic descriptions based on direction, water bodies, and AP
map regions that apply. See AP map regions as a supplemental resource. The
response should be complete and well supported with concrete evidence; facts,
examples, details, reasons, dates, explanations, etc. Minimum response eight
5. Read about the Abbasid Caliphate on pages 359 through middle of page 360.
Write three journal entries from the point-of-view of someone who had lived at
the time of the: a) third civil war and the rise of the caliphate, b) the weakening of
the caliphate, c) the emergence of Quasi-independent states. The time period
should come alive through your writing.
6. Byzantium and Islam: Read the text on page 60 related to Seljuk Turks and their
Sultanate. Look at the map on page 360. What story does this map tell and why is
it important. Include geographic descriptions based on direction, water bodies,
and AP map regions that apply. Minimum response eight sentences.
7. On AP exams, The Mongols are often featured for both strengths and weaknesses.
The Mongols are often brought into comparative essays and change and
continuity over time essays. Read the section on the Mongols carefully from page
361 – middle of page 363. Compare and contrast the maps on page 361 and 362.
Imagine that you were a reporter who had lived and traveled with The Mongols
throughout their imperial history. Write a news story for release after the decline
of the empire which includes pros and cons of the empire and its legacy. Include
geographic description. Include the relationship between this empire and Islam.
Minimum word count 150.
Period 5 Due Wednesday November
8 – 12
Period 6 Due Thursday November
8 - 12
8. Explain how Islam spread in: a) India pages 363 – 364, b) Southeast Asia page
365, c) Sub-Saharan Africa page 365 – 367. Minimum response ten sentences.
9. Read Law Provides an Institutional Foundation on pages 367 – middle of 368.
Explain this central feature of Islamic society. Minimum response eight sentences.
10. Look the picture on page 368 and then read pages 368 – middle of 370. Describe
the influence of Sufi mysticism. Minimum response eight sentences.
Read pages 370 – 375. Make a list of Muslim accomplishments. Include dates
when possible.
11. Imagine that you live in the Dhimmi States; see text page 376. Write a letter
home telling about your choices. Minimum letter length three paragraphs.
12. Read about The Crusades on pages 376 – 377. Write a summary paragraph
about these events. Minimum paragraph length eight sentences.
Period 5 Due Wednesday December 5 Period 6 Due Thursday December 6
13 -- 17
13 - 17
13. Read about A Golden Age in Spain from pages 378 – 380. Write a series of diary
entries from the viewpoint of a Christian, Jew or Muslim who lived in Islamic
Spain through the following events: a) The Golden Age page 378, b) 1030, the
caliphate in Spain had disintegrated pages 378 – 379, c) the years of Reconquista
page 379, d) By the 14th Century pages 379 – 380. Minimum for each diary entry
is 50 words.
14. Read Religion to Trade on pages 383 – 387. After reading respond to questions
1, 2, and 3 from page 387. Answers should be complete and well supported with
concrete evidence; facts, examples, details, reasons, dates, explanations, etc.
Look at the pictures on pages 389, 390, 394, 397, 399, 400 (sculpture), 407, 409,
and 412. What kind of story do these pictures tell? Minimum response length
eight sentences.
15. Look at the pictures on pages 401, 403 and 408. How do these pictures represent
change and/or continuity over time? Minimum response length eight sentences.
16. Analyze the map on page 405 Trading Ports and Cities, Indian Ocean. Write
descriptively to describe the story of the map and use names of water bodies and
AP map regions. Minimum response length eight sentences.
17. Describe the pattern of emporia trade in the Indian Ocean for the 11th – 16th
centuries as depicted on page 406 in the map. Use names of water bodies and AP
map regions in your response. Minimum response two paragraphs.
Period 5 Due Wednesday December
18 - 22
Period 6 Due Thursday December
18 - 22
18. Read pages 409 China – 414. Describe China’s global position and economic
and political advantage prior to 1500. Why were the Chinese so successful in
these areas? What was the height of their wealth and influence? When did they
turn away from this position and why? Do you think that the world would have
been different from 1500 to present if China had kept up with international travel
and interchange? Minimum response length two paragraphs, at least 5 to 8
sentences per paragraph. Sentences.
19. Use the Internet. Create a Venn diagram comparing and contrasting Tang and
Song Dynasties. What will you be most interested in discussing with the class
after doing this comparative work? Minimum 3 detailed thematic comparisons
and contrasts, 3 thematic similarities.
20. Read from page 414 to 420. Create a simple annotated timeline of important
events related to Mongol rule. Which period of rule was most important and
21. Review Chapter 12 and respond to these questions: a) What is a trade diaspora?
What was the importance of trade diasporas to the spread of world trade before
1500? b)What advantages did Jews and Muslims have for exercising world trade
in the period 1000 – 1500? c)What were the principle inter-regional trading
networks in 1300? D) What is a lateen sail? Where did it originate? What is its
significance? Sketch a lateen sail. Use complete sentences and plenty of
descriptive evidence to back your answers up.
Read The Atlantic from page 425 – 426. Write a short summary of travel and
interchange in this region and indicate dates. Minimum eight sentences.
22. Imagine that you are a European merchant. Read The Decline of Trade in The
Mediterranean pages 429 - . Write a letter that explains why you had trouble
trading in the usual way during this time period. Explain what you had to do in
order to keep business going inside and outside of the Mediterranean. Minimum
three paragraphs of at least 5 sentences each.
Analyze the maps on pages 427 and 429 and use them to tell the story of the pros
and cons of invasion. Minimum eight sentences.
Period 5 Due Monday December 17
or before you leave on the 18th.
23 - 25
Period 5 Due Monday December 17
or before you leave on the 18th.
23 - 25
23. Define these terms and associate them with the appropriate AP region or regions:
a. Guild – Page 430
b. Hanseatic League Page 430
c. Oar Makers – Page 430
d. Humanism page 439
Read How Do We Know? Fernand Braudel Begins the Historical Study of
Oceans on page 431. Write answers to the 3 bulleted prompts from that segment
24. Compare and contrast the photo and paintings on page 432.
Read How Do We Know Islamic Influences on the European Renaissance on
page 435. Write answers to the 3 bulleted prompts from that segment.
25. What can you learn from the photos on pages 433 and 434?
What story do the photos on pages 436 and 437 tell? In what ways do they
represent change over time? Do you also see continuities over time?