Feedback on Jennifer Francis’ Blog @ By Christina Brandt CSR 309 Memos, Memos, Memos….. • 2/20/07 Tonight memo number 1 is due and I am going to be honest, Flight 93 is one of the scariest and most visually disturbing movies I have seen since Schindler's List which I saw in high school. It shocked me to see the planes crashing into the twin towers and the Pentagon as well. Seeing the beginning of the movie, it took me back to remembering where I was when the planes hit the towers. I was sitting in the auditorium watching a movie for a class and then the announcement came on about the planes crashing. Going back to the movie and the memo, it disgusts me to think that humans can be brain washed into thinking that killing themselves and thousands of people is the "right" thing to do. Not that I wasn't before but I am more proud to be an American after going through 911 and seeing Flight 93 took me back to all the emotions I had on 911. The memo wasn't hard to write because I knew who the leaders were and I knew what they did and the steps they took and I applied them to this course. It's sad to think that in my memo the group leaders were the hijackers and we were the people on the flight trying to take back the plane. • Posted by jenfran84 at 7:32 PM Feedback on Memos, Memos, Memos….. • Christina Brandt said... – I definitely agree with Jennifer about United 93. I don't even like watching the reruns of news coverage from 9/11 let alone a 111 minute reenactment. I remember being at school on 9/11 and walking into my Modern World Civilization class where the TV was on with the breaking news. For the whole day, we were in lockdown. People's faces were filled with grief and shock. As Jennifer said, saying that the hijackers displayed leadership does not sound right considering the thousands of lives they took and affected that day. The effective leadership as well as the group cohesiveness displayed by the passengers on United 93 is not only honorable, but remarkable as well. – March 28, 2007 7:10 PM What Exam??? • 2/26/07 So today was the exam. Allow me to explain to you my experience with the exam before and after. Before, I am sure if whoever is reading this blog you will know as well that there was a study guide provided by the group leaders, it was more like a practice test. Anyway, the study guide is not the problem, the TEST totally is. I would like to say that the test was dreadful as I am sure the majority of my classmates would agree. The study guide did nothing, it honestly didn't help me at all, and neither did my group leader. We as group members had NO idea what was going to be on that test and we couldn't really prepare for it other than reading the book. I feel that since the start of this class leaders have not really done anything to benefit our groups. I also think that they can't come together as a group themselves and figure out what is best for the class. I feel they took the easy way out by doing an essay test. An essay test takes no thinking on their part other than to ask a question that most will know they answer to or be able to BS about. I have a feeling that most leaders didn't want to make up a test of multiple choice because they didn't want to take the time out of their schedule and write it or agree on it. How is a class of 200+ suppose to trust and rely on their leaders when they can't rely on each other or make up a test and answer key for that matter? • Posted by jenfran84 at 7:45 PM Feedback on What Exam??? • Christina Brandt said... – I agree with you that the test was not so great. Blaming the leaders and not ourselves for our poor grades is not acceptable. We were assigned to read the book earlier on in the semester. If you didn't do this assignment, then you failed. You failed in that you didn't utilize the resources provided to you and you didn't meet expectations. The study guides created were of some benefit to those who had not even opened the book. In my case, I blame myself, and I let myself down. I can not stand disappointment. We should have been more prepared. – March 28, 2007 8:01 PM Bananas • 3/5/07 Kirk Weesler spoke this evening and I am not going to lie, after the first 2-3 hours, I was going crazy. Don't get me wrong, Kirk is an amazing speaker and I really feel like if I was part of a business and he was speaking to me with my group, I would have gotten more out of it. Thing s I did get out of it though would include how to open a banana differently (from the bottom, who'd of thought?) and that his book is really great. It's sad to say this and I wish it was different but this night is just a blur. I think there was so much information being given out at one time that I really can't think back to things he said. Something that I did find interesting was the game he gave us in groups. We had to count from 1-70 I believe or higher and it really was interesting to see how the numbers were arranged and how you could find them easier each time you ran through the exercise. I think next year I may try to attend his lecture again and try to get more out of it. I really feel I went into the seminar with a closed mind and that's why I didn't get as much out of it as I should have. I really feel strongly in the fact that I missed out on a lot and next year if the opportunity arises for me to see his presentation again, I will. • Posted by jenfran84 at 7:55 PM Feedback on Bananas • Christina Brandt said... – Unfortunately Jennifer, I don't think we will be able to see Kirk Weesler's presentation again as students, but maybe as graduates. I agree that Kirk did have a lot of interesting stories to share with us such as the pin lady, the peanut butter story, and the banana story. I also feel as though being presented this information at my workplace would have impacted me differently. Five hours seems like a long time when you are thinking of the millions of assignments you need to do for the next day. I don't know if my mind was completely focused on the information presented to us. He did have a lot of great points though. The "finding the numbers" worksheets were fun and exciting. This provided a great opportunity to get everyone involved in the workshop activities. Good post! – March 28, 2007 7:26 PM There’s Always A First For Everything • 3/22/07 Quitting is hard to do. I have never had to quit a job before in my entire life and now after having my first job that isn't given to me I have to quit. So reasons for me quitting would include that I don't get enough hours. I'm sorry but if I am going to work somewhere I need more than 5 hours a week. That's just a little ridiculous in my book to ask me to only work for 5 hours a week. Secondly, I only get paid $6.00 an hour and after taxes are taken out, that's not even enough to cover a half tank of gas in my car. Thirdly I just don't feel like I am getting the type of experience I need to be having out of this job. I think I went into it thinking it would be fun and maybe for the first week it was but now I just hate it. My manager is extremely nice and she knows my situation that I need more hours and she just can't give them to me so my quitting has nothing to do with her. I really feel she is a great leader and that she does a great job delegating authority and getting jobs and tasks assigned and done on time. Another huge issue I have with the job is that I have to wear a uniform of Khaki pants and a grey pullover and I have had more than my fair share of wearing that kind of uniform in my time at Purdue (old major) so that's a huge turn off for the job as well. I just don't like the idea of quitting. I don't consider myself a quitter by any means, I always stay with it and make sure the job gets done but I have talked it over with my parents and they agree as well that for what I am getting paid and for how many hours I am receiving, it just isn't worth it for me to work there any more. The hard part is going in and telling my manager that, I don't want to upset her but I think since we talked about this before break she will understand. Wish me Luck! • Posted by jenfran84 at 11:52 AM Feedback on There’s Always A First For Everything • Christina Brandt said... – Nobody wants to be a quitter. You have a lot of reasons as to why you should quit your current job though. It is always a good idea to consult others about these types of decisions. I was wondering whether or not your manager ever offered you any incentive to continue working for them. Otherwise, your manager might just possess some poor leadership skills in that he or she doesn't care enough to address your concerns regarding your pay or number of hours worked each week. I hope everything works out for you. Great post! – March 28, 2007 8:23 PM