Once On A Housetop All: Once on a housetop things started happening out in the winter air. Bells started ringin’ and folks started singin’ and reindeer were ev’rywhere! Snowballs flyin’ left and right. I saw an angel or two. Falling stars lit up the night. Solo: I even saw an elf, it’s true! All: You say you saw an elf? Yahoo! Once on a housetop chimneys were billowing, smoke circling in the sky. Look! There’s a candy cane filling a window pane, even saw a reindeer fly! Folks eating latkes left and right, and lighting candles too! Falling stars lit up the night. Solo: I even saw an elf, it’s true! All: In fact he looked a lot like you! Solo: Who me? All: Yes, you! I think he looked a lot like you! Once on a housetop things started happening out in the winter air. Bells started ringin’ and folks started singin’ and reindeer were ev’rywhere! Snowballs flyin’ left and right. I saw an angel or two. Love and joy that magic night, Merry Christmas to you! Oh, Happy Hanukkah too! Oh, Happy Kwanzaa, Feliz Navidad, and Happy New Year too! Once on a housetop, our dreams came true! Ashes to Ashes All: Ashes to ashes and dust to dust! Cleaning ch-ch-chimneys is a chimney sweep must! A sweeper is a somebody that you can trust! That’s ashes to ashes and dust to dust. I said, ashes to ashes and dust to dust. Let’s sweep! Let’s sweep! Let’s sweep! Achoo! Ember, solo 1: It doesn’t matter if you’re a girl or a guy! Keep lookin’ for a chimney you can occupy. Climbin’ on a rooftop up to the sky! A sweeper’s a person with a natural high! All: Let’s sweep! Let’s sweep! Let’s sweep! Achoo! Hazy, solo 2: I’m covered in carbon, I’m covered in soot! I’m covered in ashes from head to foot! A sweeper is a person who’s never mean, A sweeper is a person who’s never clean! All: Let’s sweep! Let’s sweep! Let’s sweep! Achoo! Clean-out, solo 3: A sweep can be tiny, a sweep can be tall! A chimney sweep is careful ‘cause he just might fall! You can’t believe the places that we have to crawl! If you need a chimney swept, just give us a call! All: Let’s sweep! Let’s sweep! Let’s sweep! Achoo! (Percussion interlude) Ashes to ashes and dust to dust! Cleaning ch-ch-chimneys is a chimney sweep must! A sweeper is a somebody that you can trust! That’s ashes to ashes and dust to dust. I said, ashes to ashes and dust to dust! Huh! A Big Red Fella in the Chimney There’s a big red fella in the chimney, Somebody’s gotta call the cops! Gotta get him outta there (‘cause it’s getting’ hotter there) before that chimney pops! It’s a crazy silly situation. I’m calling “nine-one-one,” (to coda) ‘cause a big, red fella in the chimney’s really not a lotta fun! B What does he think he’s doing? That’s not what a chimney’s for! There’s no use boo-hoo-hooing, But why can’t he use the door? What does he think he’s trying? He’s way too big for that! We’ll have to keep on prying, This fella’s way too fat! Solo 1: Somebody bring me a crow bar! Solo 2: Somebody get some wax! Solo 3: How ‘bout a plunger? Solo 4: A ladder? Solo 5: A diet! Solo 6: Somebody get me an ax! Coda ‘cause a big, red fella in the chimney’s really not a lotta, it’s getting’ hotta, not a lotta fun! (spoken) He’s gonna blow! Kwanzaa Child Kwanzaa Child don’t be blue. There’s a bright golden future waiting just for you. You’ll be strong, you’ll be fine. This is the precious day that you will start to shine. We’ll celebrate a new beginning with friends from far and near. We’ll dedicate ourselves to winning as we welcome a brand new year! Kwanzaa Child it’s your day. We will stay right beside you all along the way. Here’s to you, here’s to all! And to the one like you who answers the Kwanzaa call. We’ll light a candle to our freedom to faith and unity. To the right that we have to become the very best that we can be! Kwanzaa Child Solo: Kwanzaa Child, I can see there’s a bright golden future waiting just for me. I’ll be strong, I’ll be fine. It just takes a dream to become a Kwanzaa Child All: It just takes a dream to become a Kwanzaa Child Kwanzaa Child Solo: I have what it takes to be a Kwanzaa Child. All: I can see that you are a Kwanzaa Child. Lotsa Latkes Oy chiribiribiri bim bom bom. Oy chiribiribiri bim bom bom. Oy chiribiribiri bim bom bom. Oy chiribiribiri bim bom bom. Mother solo: Lotsa latkes for ev’ryone now, let’s all shout hooray! Eat ‘em hot ‘cause they’ll soon be gone now, on this holiday! Father solo: Long ago the Maccabees won a vict’ry we celebrate! There was oil for only one night, but it lasted for all eight! All: Light the candle, (stomp) spin the dreidl, give it a mighty toss! Light the fire (clap) warm the griddle, pour on the applesauce! Yeah! Oy chiribiribiri bim bom bom. Oy chiribiribiri bim bom bom. Oy chiribiribiri bim bom bom. Oy chiribiribiri bim bom bom. Lotsa latkes light as a feather! Lots for me and you! We’re so happy singing together: Happy Hanukkah too! (repeat) Have a latke or two! Happy Hanukkah too! Just A Tiny Baby Clean-up solo: He’s just a little bitty baby in a manger, just the tiniest thing. How could just a tiny baby in a manger come to make the angels sing? All: He’s just a little bitty baby in a manger, just the tiniest thing. How could just a tiny baby in a manger grow to be a mighty king? Shepherds are coming full of love just to see the tiny child. Angels are singing from above for the baby meek and mild, for the tiny little child. La la la…… Wise men are trav’ling from afar, as the story was foretold, Led to the baby by a star! He’s more precious than all their gold! And he’s only one day old. Clean-up solo: He’s just a little bitty baby in a manger, just the tiniest thing. How could just a tiny baby in a manger come to make the angels sing? All: He’s just a little bitty baby in a manger, just the tiniest thing. How could just a tiny baby in a manger grow to be a mighty king? This tiny baby in a manger will be a mighty king. Break the Pinata Break the piñata, see the candy on the ground! Sing a serenata, it’s a holiday sound! Sing Feliz Navidad, it’s a happy holiday! Sing along the promenade, dance the night away! Hey! Feliz Navidad, Merry Christmas ev’ryone! Feliz ano nuevo, Happy New year too! (repeat) (Angel 2 appears in the scene and helps the small child break the piñata.) Break the piñata! Break it! Break it! Break the piñata! Break it! Break it! Break the piñata! Break the piñata! Break the piñata! Break the piñata! Ole! (Breaks piñata and scramble for candy.) Hey! Feliz Navidad, Merry Christmas ev’ryone! Feliz ano nuevo, Happy New year too! (repeat) Happy New year too!