LEADERSHIP III TRAITS AND PRINCIPLES Objectives 1. Be able to explain the difference between a Leadership Trait and a Principle. 2. Know the definitions of all 14 Leadership Traits and be able to match a Trait to a given definition. 3. Be able to select which is the correct Trait or Principle as it relates to a situation or question. 4. Be able to select from multiple choices, the correct Trait or Principle when given presented with a situation. 5. Be able to select a Leadership Trait and in a paragraph explaining how you would use it in a given situation. 6. Be able to select a Leadership Principle, and in a paragraph explain how you will improve yourself . 2 Trait vs. Principle • Trait is a characteristic or quality that distinguishes somebody (attribute, feature) • Principle is an important underlying law or assumption required in a system of thought (Code, standard, belief) LEADERSHIP TRAITS “JJ DID C BLUE KITE” LEADERSHIP TRAITS J J UU D S G T M I E N C T E D I D C B L U E E P E N D A B I L I T Y O U R A G E E A R I N G N T E G R I T Y E C I S I V E N E S S O Y A L T Y N S E L F I S H N E S S N D U R A N C E KITE N NA O I C WT T L I EA DT G I EV E N T H U S I A S M The quality of being impartial and consistent in exercising command. The quality weighing facts and possible solutions on which to base sound decisions. The certainty of the proper performance of duty. Uprightness of character and soundness of moral principles, absolute truthfulness and honesty Ability to reach decisions promptly and to announce them in a clean, forceful manner. Courage A MENTAL QUALITY THAT RECOGNIZES FEAR OF DANGER OR CRITICISM BUT ENABLES A MAN TO PROCEED IN THE FACE OF IT WITH CALMNESS AND FIRMNESS Creating a favorable impression in carriage, appearance, and personal conduct at all times. Faithfulness to country, Corps, and unit, and to your seniors and subordinates. Avoidance of providing for ones comfort and personal advancement at the expense of others. The mental and physical stamina measured by the ability to stand pain, fatigue, distress and hardship. Acquired information including professional knowledge and understanding of your men Seeing what has to be done and commencing a course of action, even in the absence of orders. The ability to deal with others without creating offense. The display of sincere interest and exuberance in the performance of duty. J J UU D S G T M I E N C T E D I D C B L U E E P E N D A B I L I T Y O U R A G E E A R I N G N T E G R I T Y E C I S I V E N E S S O Y A L T Y N S E L F I S H N E S S N D U R A N C E KITE N NA O I C WT T L I EA DT G I EV E N T H U S IA S M Trait vs. Principle • Trait is a characteristic or quality that distinguishes somebody (attribute, feature) • Principle is an important underlying law or assumption required in a system of thought (Code, standard, belief) Technically and Tactically Proficient Yourself and Seek Self Improvement Your Men and Look Out for Their Welfare Your Men Informed Your Men Informed The Example That the Task is Understood, Supervised, and Accomplished Your Men as a Team A Sense of Responsibility Among Subordinates Your Command in Accordance With It’s Capabilities Responsibility and Take Responsibility for Your Actions 3 1. Table ___ a movable, usually solid, barrier for opening and closing an entranceway, cupboard, cabinet, or the like, commonly turning on hinges or sliding in grooves. 2. Chair ___ an article of furniture consisting of a flat, slablike top supported on one or more legs or other supports: 3. Door ___ a seat, especially for one person, usually having four legs for support and a rest for the back and often having rests for the arms 1 2 Example Test Questions List two Leadership Principles, take one of the two and tell how you follow that Principle as either a JROTC leader or in another leadership role. Take the other Principle you listed an explain why you need improvement in that area, and how you plan to improve.