Use Cases Use Case #1: Use Case Name: Register Student Actors: Clerk Pre-Condition: All fields are displayed on the page to fill data. Post-Condtion: Data(student full name,student’s father full name,home address,contact number,student’s cnic and father’s cnic,city,gender,martial status) is successfully saved in the databse and success is shown to the student. Use Case: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Student will click on register for exam link. System will show a table to fill data by the student. Student will enter tdata an will click on submit button. System will save data and shows confirmation. Student will press OK button for confirmation. System will return to homepage. Alternatives: 1*: System will try to recover all possible data and continue from home page. 4*:If data entered is invalid then move to step 3 and asks for data again. 5*:If it is not confirmed by student then student is shown step3 to enter correct data. Sequence Diagram Use Case #2: Use Case Name: Register exam centers and lab centers Actors: Clerk Pre-Condition: The clerk is on his/her home page. The clerk is authenticated. Post-Condition: Data is successfully saved in the database and success message is shown to the clerk. Use-Case: 1. Clerk will click on register exam and lab centers link. 2. System will show a table to fill data(center /school name,location,capacity,lab name(chemistry,biology,physics,computer),lab capacity) and will then click on submit button. 3. System will save data and shows confirmation message. 4. Clerk will press OK button for confirmation. 5. System will return to home page. Alternatives: 1*: System will try to recover all possible data and continue from home page. 4*: If data entered is invalid then move to step 3 and asks for data again. 5*: If it is not confirmed by clerk then clerk is shown step 3 to enter correct data. Sequence Diagram Use Case #3: Use Case Name: Register institute/school Actors: Clerk Pre-Condition: All fields are displayed on page to fill data. Post-Condition: Data is successfully saved in the database and success is shown to the clerk. Use-Case: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Clerk will click on register institute or school link. System will show a table to fill data by the clerk. Clerk will enter data and will click on submit button. System will save data and shows confirmation message. Clerk will press OK button for confirmation. System will return to the home page. Alternatives: 1*: System will try to recover all possible data and continue from home page. 4*: If data entered is invalid then move to step 3 and asks for data again. 5*: If it is not confirmed by clerk then clerk is shown step 3 to enter correct data. Sequence Diagram Use Case #4: Use Case Name: Register invigilators Actors: Clerk Pre-Condition: All fields are displayed on page to fill data. Post-Condition: Data(invigilator’s full name,father’s full name,address,contact no,city,province,age,gender,martial status,acedamic qualifications,past experience(optional)) is successfully saved in the database and success message is shown to the clerk. Use-Case: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Clerk will click on register invigilator link. System will show a table to fill data by the clerk. Clerk will enter data and will click on submit button. System will save data and shows confirmation message. Clerk will press OK button for confirmation. System will return to the home page. Alternatives: 1*: System will try to recover all possible data and continue from home page. 4*: If data entered is invalid then move to step 3 and asks for data again. 5*: If it is not confirmed by clerk then clerk is shown step 3 to enter correct data. Sequence Diagram Use Case #5: Use Case Name: Register clerk Actors: Clerk Pre-Condition: All fields are displayed on page to fill data. Post-Condition: Data(clerk’s full name,father’s full name,address,contact no,city,province,age,gender,martial status,acedamic qualifications,past experience(optional)) is successfully saved in the database and success message is shown to the clerk. Use-Case: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Clerk will click on register clerk link. System will show a table to fill data by the clerk. Clerk will enter data one by one and will click on submit button. System will save data and shows confirmation message. Clerk will press OK button for confirmation. System will return to the home page. Alternatives: 1*: System will try to recover all possible data and continue from home page. 4*: If data entered is invalid then move to step 3 and asks for data again. 5*: If it is not confirmed by clerk then clerk is shown step 3 to enter correct data. Sequence Diagram Use Case #6: Use Case Name: Enter results of students Actors: Clerk Pre-Condition: All results of the student are valid and available to the clerk. Post-Condition: Data(student’s obtained marks(theory and practical)) is successfully saved in the database and success message is shown to the clerk. Use-Case: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Clerk will click on enter results link. System will show a table to fill data by the clerk. Clerk will enter data one by one and will click on submit button. System will save data and shows confirmation message. Clerk will press OK button for confirmation. System will return to the home page. Alternatives: 1*: System will try to recover all possible data and continue from home page. 4*: If data entered is invalid then move to step 3 and asks for data again. 5*: If it is not confirmed by clerk then clerk is shown step 3 to enter correct data. Sequence Diagram Use Case #7: Use Case Name: Check registration forms(valid/invalid) Actors: Clerk Pre-Condition: All registration forms are stored in the database. Post-Condition: Data(use case#1 data) is successfully saved in the database and success message is shown to the clerk. Use-Case: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Clerk will click on check registration forms link. System will show all valid registration forms list to the clerk. Clerk will mark any form if it is found as invalid. System will show confirmation message. Clerk will press OK button for confirmation and the marked forms will be sent to the invalid forms list. 6. System will return to the home page. Alternatives: 1*: System will try to recover all possible data and continue from home page. 3*: If form(s) marked is/are invalid then system will show a dialog box that the user has marked none of the form(s). 5*: If it is not confirmed by clerk then clerk is shown step 4 to enter correct data. Sequence Diagram Use Case #8: Use Case Name: Define Exam And Exam Deadline. Actors: Chairman. Pre-Condition: All registration forms of students are stored in the database. Post-Condition: Data is successfully saved in the database and success message is shown to the chairman. Use-Case: 1. Chairman will click on define exam link. 2. System will show a table(containing classes,all subjects and date) to the chairman and he/she will choose the data. 3. System will show confirmation message to save changes. 4. Chairman will press OK button for confirmation and the above data containing tables will be stored in the database. 5. System will return to the home page. Alternatives: 1*: System will try to recover all possible data and continue from home page. 2*:If Chairman forgets to select any content from a table then a system will show a dialog box and step 2 will be repeated untill the chairman selects all possible contents. 5*: If it is not confirmed by clerk then clerk is shown step 4 to enter correct data. Sequence Diagram Use Case #9: Use Case Name: Upload datesheet. Actors: Chairman. Pre-Condition: All subjects and their information(theory and practical) is stored in the database. Post-Condition: Data is successfully saved in the database,date sheet is uploaded on the home page of the website and success message is shown to the chairman. Use-Case: 1. Chairman will click on upload date sheet link. 2. System will show all subjects and their information(theory and practical) to the chairman. 3. Chairman will select the subjects, their dates and upload on the home page of the website. 4. System will show confirmation message. 5. Chairman will press OK button for confirmation and the marked subjects and their examination dates will be uploaded as a date sheet . 6. System will return to the home page. Alternatives: 1*: System will try to recover all possible data and continue from home page. 3*: If Chairman forgets to select any content from a table then a system will show a dialog box and step 2 will be repeated untill the chairman selects all possible contents. 5*: If it is not confirmed by chairman then chairman is shown step 4 to enter correct data.