Syllabus for Calculus IV Ordinary Differential Equations (Spring 2015) MA 214-008 (MWF 3:00 pm - 3:50 pm) Instructor: Dr. Yue Chen Office: 767 POT Classroom: CB 349 Email: Course Website: Office Hours: MWF 10:00-11:00 pm or by appointment, or anytime you stop by and I am in my office Textbook: Elementary Differential Equations (10th Edition), by William E. Boyce and Richard C. DiPrima Course content: MA 214 is a basic course in ordinary differential equations (ODE). The basic problem is to determine an unknown function from an equation that involves only the derivatives of the function. Differential equations are used to model a wide variety of physical and biological phenomena, from atoms to animal populations. We'll study basic equations for which the unknown function-the solution-depends on one real variable only, like time or position. This is the meaning of the adjective ordinary. We will study first- and second-order ordinary differential equations extensively, especially linear differential equations. We will discuss applications to other natural sciences, like physics and biology. Approximate course material to be covered includes most of Chapter 1 (Introduction), Chapter 2 (First-order differential equations), Chapter 3 (Second-order linear equations), Chapter 5 (Series solution) and Chapter 6 (The Laplace transform). Participation: Students are expected to attend all of the lectures. Poor attendance will have a negative affect on your grade, especially if you are between two grades. Homework: You need to log in WebWork to find your homework assignments. No late homework is accepted. Completion of the assignments on time is VERY ESSENTIAL to your success in this course and is one of the BEST ways to prepare exams. Quizzes In non-exam week I will give a 10-minute ``checkup'' quiz on material from the previous week's lectures. Examinations: There will be two tests during the semester and a final exam. Each examination will be announced at least one week in advance. Teaching Assistant Qiao Liang POT 706 WF: 2:00pm-3:00pm Mathskeller M: 9:00-10:00am Grades: Your final course grade will be computed using the following weighted average WebWork 15% Quizzes 15% Test 1 (20 February, in class) 20% Test 2 (3 April, in class) 20% Final exam (4 May, 3:30 pm – 5:30 pm) 30% Final letter grades will be assigned: A (90-100 %), B (80-89 %), C (70-79 %), D (60-69 %) and E (0-59 %). Important dates: Monday Wednesday 19 January 4 February 16-20 March 10 April 1 May Friday Friday Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Last day to drop with no W Spring Break Last day to withdraw from a course Last Class Remarks There will not be any make-up exams. Make-up exams will be given only in cases of major and documented emergency (illness, accidents, family emergency, official university activities). If you have to miss a class, you are responsible for finding out about any homework, handouts or announcements made in class. As a courtesy to both the instructor and the other students, please refrain from using laptops, tablets, cellphones or other electronic devices during class. No calculators will be allowed for exams. Test questions are carefully prepared so that the numerical computations involved are simple, minimal and can be easily done by hand. The instructor reserves the right to modify this syllabus at any time.