Romeo and Juliet Project - Buncombe County Schools

Romeo and Juliet English I Project
Due Date: Friday, March 27, 2015
Directions: Choose two of the following project choices to complete individually. Your project must follow
the directions for each choice to receive full credit. You are more than welcome to be as creative as you
would like on this project as long as you meet the stated requirements. Remember to pay close attention
to grammar and spelling rules. Please see me in advance with any questions! Have fun!
1. Annotated Web Quest:
Using the internet, you will look up different websites on the topic of either Shakespeare’s play (Romeo
and Juliet) or on the author himself. You need to find at least five websites that you think would be useful
in our classroom (for lessons, projects or activities). Your five sites should be presented in an annotated
bibliography; for each entry, you should list the title of the site, the URL of the site, and an explanation (at
least four sentences for each) of the information that can be found on the site. You will be graded on the
detail of your explanations and the usefulness of the sites. Your final project should be something
students can use in the future to research the play.
a. Visit this site for help:
2. Set Design:
For this project you will create a diorama or poster that depicts one of the scenes of the play. You should
use a cardboard box such as a shoebox or larger box, and decorate it as if you were creating a set for an
actual performance of the play. If you decide to use a poster, you can provide various ideas for a set such
as paint colors, fabric swatches, various architectural scenarios, etc. to show your ideas. You will be
graded on effort and overall presentation. Please make sure your project is neat and colorful!
3. Diary Entries:
Create a diary for either Romeo, Juliet or both. Your project must include at least 8 journal entries. Each
entry must be a minimum of half of a page long. Each entry should be decorative to reflect the mood of
the characters. Typing this assignment and changing the font would also be a great idea. You will be
graded on character personality references and plot references (at least two of each). Be sure to think
about how Romeo and Juliet act throughout the play. Examine both the internal and external conflicts for
whichever character you choose. Your journal entries should be presented in either a booklet or binder.
7. Art:
Create an original drawing, collage, painting or sculpture of a character, scene or theme from Romeo and
Juliet. You will be graded on your effort and presentation; projects turned in on notebook paper will not
be graded. If you decide on a drawing or painting, it should be a minimum of half the size of a poster. A
sculpture can be made out of any materials; any sculptures created should be fully clothed. This project
choice should be neat (unless one is going for an abstract appearance). Projects may be done in black and
white; however, if done in black and white, they should explicitly reflect the mood and/or tone of the
play. In addition, students are required to write a reflection explaining their artistic representation;
reflections must be at least half of a page long.
8. Romeo and Juliet ABC Book:
Create an A to Z children’s book with illustrations and facts about Romeo and Juliet. You will be graded on
your effort and presentation. You may use pictures from the internet; all pictures should be school
appropriate. You may also take pictures of your own as well for this project choice. This children’s book
should be colorful and presented in the format of a booklet or in a binder/folder. All letters (A-Z) must be
represented to earn full credit.
9. Poetry:
Write a sonnet, following the English sonnet format: 14 lines with 10 syllables per line, with the rhyme
scheme ABAB, CDCD, EFEF, GG. You will be graded on the format of a sonnet. Your sonnet can be about
any topic you wish. It should be neat and colorful; in addition, it should not be written on notebook paper.
10. Mixed CD:
Make a mixed CD with a minimum of 5 songs you feel would represent Romeo and/or Juliet if they were
around today; in addition, you could also choose songs you feel they would listen to during various parts
in the play. In a typed letter to either Romeo or Juliet, explain why you are including each of the five songs
on the mixed CD. Each song should have a one paragraph in-depth description as to why you think
he/she/they would like each song; use evidence from the themes, symbols, motifs and situations that the
a. Requirements: Choose 5 songs (be sure to identify the artist and name of each song) on CD.
Write a one paragraph explanation for each song. Please include lyrics of all songs as well
(please be sure to remove cursing and inappropriate language). You must also include a
creative cover for your mixed CD. You must include one line from the play that links your
choice for each song with your explanations.
i. Example: I chose the song “Just The Way You Are” by Bruno Mars, because it
adequately reflects how Juliet feels about Romeo throughout the play. In Act I,
Scene 5, Juliet discovers Romeo is her “loathed enemy;” however, she decides to love
him despite this fact. In addition, she still professes her love toward Romeo even
though she discovered him eavesdropping on her in Act II, Scene I. At one point, she
does profess she wishes he would give up his name, yet she continues to love him
even though he cannot logically accomplish this task. Regardless of the fact that
Romeo murdered her cousin, Tybalt, she still loves him. She momentarily refers to
him as a “serpent hid with a flowering face…”, but she quickly becomes embarrassed
at her faltering feelings toward her new husband. Juliet continues to love Romeo
until the end of the play.
12. Board Game:
Create a board game that incorporates the main characters and main events in Romeo and Juliet. You will
be graded on effort and presentation. You may use another board game as a reference; however, your
board game should not be exactly like an already-existing board game. You should also have a creative
name for your board game. Your game should be colorful and include a very detailed instruction manual.
Please be sure to put any game pieces in containers or bags to attach to your project.