LITERATURE LITERATURE HOMEWORK HOMEWORK VOCABULARY VOCABULARY READING READING GAMES GAMES AND WRITING WRITING PREVIOUS AND PREVIOUS ASSESSMENTS: ASSESSMENTS: VOCABULARY AND AND DEW DEW VOCABULARY ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT DEAR DEAR NEXT NEXT RETURN TO TO DRIVER DRIVER RETURN 18 English -- Week 20 Semana 18 Inglés -- Week 20 Secret Code: oops…. You will have to find it in this ppt. Week January 5 - 22 Scaffold Lessons Spiraled Lessons Self- Edit Uno mismo – edición, Peer- Edit par – edición, Teacher Edit maestro edición TEKS AND Microsoft® TranslatorFOCUS LITERATURE HOMEWORK READING AND WRITING VOCABULARY GAMES ASSESSMENTS: VOCABULARY AND DEW ASSESSMENT DEAR PREVIOUS NEXT RETURN TO DRIVER This Week’s Expectations NAME DATE I. PARTICIPATION GRADE: DAILY – PARTICIPATION -- WARM UP – READ OVER THE PREVIOUS DAYS LESSON 1 AND HAVE YOUR ITEMS READY TO GO IN 3 MINS 2 VOCABULARY STATION WORK -- WEDNESDAY TURN IN SPIRAL LEARNING 3 DAILY -- WORK (NEWSPAPER/CHOICES MAGAZINE) II WRITING – STRATEGIES PRACTICE GRADE SHEET 3 GRADES / WEEK Return to Driver 5 5 5 13 WRITING PLAY, LESSON FOR THE WEEK AND PROMPT III POETRY: ADD TO YOUR POETRY BOOK 1 MAKE MY OWN ANALOGY AND LIMERICK-- W 2 CREATE YOUR OWN IAMBIC PENTAMETER PUT IN YOUR POETRY BOOK 2 SETS OF STANZAS -- F VOCABULARY/DICTIONARY SKILLS: IV WORD SKILLS: 1 SCAVENGER HUNT DENOTATION AND CONNOTATION W 2 VOCABULARY, TRANSITIONS, CONJUNCTIONS, FOREIGN WORDS AND PARTS OF SPEECH REVIEW-PRONOUN-W V EDITING: PUNCTUATION COMBINING AND CORRECTING SENTENCES– T NEWS PAPER / CHOICES MAGAZINE: VI READING : 1 ANALYSIS : NEWSPAPER OR CHOICES MAGAZINE-- T 2 CHOICES MAGAZINE ACTIVITY -- W 3 PARAPHRASE -- H 4 QUOTATION -- F 2 4 3 3 10 3 3 3 3 VII LIBRARY BOOK: READING JOURNAL/ANSWER ONE QUESTION/EACH CATEGORY ON THE DAY SHOWN 5 ANALYZE CHARACTERIZATION -- T 7 CREATE -- W 8 EVALUATE -- H CK PROGRESS 9 CHARACTERIZATION BOARD – NEXT WEEK VIII ASSESSMENTS: 1 VOCABULARY ASSESSMENT -- H 2 READING ASSESSMENT -- F 3 PRE-WRITING AND PROMPT RESPONSE -- H TOTAL A = 110 98PTS; B = 97-90PTS; C =89-78 PTS Extra Practice: Extra Credit: Pronouns, Putting words, phrases, together Making words work FOLDER GAMES 77= FAILING 4 2 2 10 10 30 I. THE SECRET CODE IS: I AM EXCITED ABOUT JANUARY. THIS PPT IS STILL UNDER CONSTRUCTION DAILY – PARTICIPATION -- WARM UP – READ OVER THE PREVIOUS DAYS LESSON 5 1 AND HAVE YOUR ITEMS READY TO GO IN 3 MINS 5 2 VOCABULARY STATION WORK -- WEDNESDAY TURN IN SPIRAL LEARNING 5 3 DAILY -- WORK (NEWSPAPER/CHOICES MAGAZINE) II WRITING – STRATEGIES PRACTICE 13 WRITING PLAY, LESSON FOR THE WEEK AND PROMPT GRADE SHEET 3 GRADES / WEEK III POETRY: ADD TO YOUR POETRY BOOK 1 MAKE MY OWN ANALOGY AND LIMERICK-- W 2 CREATE YOUR OWN IAMBIC PENTAMETER PUT IN YOUR POETRY BOOK 2 SETS OF STANZAS -- F VOCABULARY/DICTIONARY SKILLS: IV WORD SKILLS: 1 SCAVENGER HUNT DENOTATION AND CONNOTATION W 2 VOCABULARY, TRANSITIONS, CONJUNCTIONS, FOREIGN WORDS AND PARTS OF SPEECH REVIEW-PRONOUN-W V EDITING: PUNCTUATION COMBINING AND CORRECTING SENTENCES– T NEWS PAPER / CHOICES MAGAZINE: VI READING : 1 ANALYSIS : NEWSPAPER OR CHOICES MAGAZINE-- T 2 CHOICES MAGAZINE ACTIVITY -- W 3 PARAPHRASE -- H 4 QUOTATION -- F 2 4 3 3 10 3 3 3 3 VII LIBRARY BOOK: READING JOURNAL/ANSWER ONE QUESTION/EACH CATEGORY ON THE DAY SHOWN 5 ANALYZE CHARACTERIZATION -- T 7 CREATE -- W 8 EVALUATE -- H CK PROGRESS 9 CHARACTERIZATION BOARD – NEXT WEEK VIII ASSESSMENTS: 1 VOCABULARY ASSESSMENT -- H 2 READING ASSESSMENT -- F 3 PRE-WRITING AND PROMPT RESPONSE -- H TOTAL A = 110 98PTS; B = 97-90PTS; C =89-78 PTS Extra Practice: Extra Credit: Pronouns, Putting words, phrases, together Making words work FOLDER GAMES 77= FAILING 4 2 2 10 10 30 + Daily Assignment List M LITERATURE T READ TURN IN YOUR HOMEWORK: ANALYZE THIS W VOCABULARY NEWS PAPER / CHOICES MAGAZINE CHOICES MAGAZINE ASSIGNMENT PARAPHRAS LIBRARY BOOK WRITE IN READING JOURNAL ANSWER 1 QUESTION EACH NIGHT: ANALYZE QS: CHARACTERIZATION EVALUATE CREATE READING AND QUESTION: ROMEO AND JULIET ROMEO AND JULIET 5-10 PREDICT THE GENRE OF BOOK FROM PICTURE COMBINING/CORRECTING SENTENCES CONTEXT CLUES DRAMA VOCABULARY 5-10 VOCABULARY PRE-LOAD CONJUNCTIONS PRE-READING ACTIVITY SNIPPET TO DEVELOP INTEREST: ROMEO AND JULIET WRITING: IAMBIC PENTAMETER 23-28 READING: ROMEO/JULIET PERSUASIVE TRANSITION WORDS WORD CHOICE UNIT---WRITING CREATE: ANALOGY: ROMEO / JULIET LIMERICK: ROMEO / JULIET STORYBOARD PAIR UP: CHARACTERIZATION 10 MIN DEAR PRESENTATION H & F ASSESSMENT DUE: ASSIGNMENT GRADE SHEET READING: ROMEO AND JULIET Dictionary Skills: SCAVENGER H: STUDY HUNT DENOTATION AND CONNOTATION VOCABULARY ROOT WORDS ASSESSMENT PROMPT EXAMPLES OF LITERARY TERMS PRE-WRITING WRITING Analyzing Words: CONTRACTIONS, HOMEWORK PRONOUNS FOREIGN WORDS CLASS EFFORT: WRITE A PLAY CONJUNCTIONS READING: ROMEO AND JULIET F – READING ASSESSMENT/ PRACTICE TEST TAKING SKILLS REQUIREMENTS ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ROMEO AND JULIET USE YOUR READING STRATEGIES: FIND THE LITERARY TERMS IN THE STORY WARM – UPS: READ THROUGH YESTERDAY’S WORK -- ROMEO AND JULIET. *STUDENTS DEMONSTRATE A LITERARY EFFECTS OF CHARACTERS IN A SELF-CREATED IAMBIC PENTAMETER VERSE IN THE STYLE OF SHAKESPEARE. *HANDOUT: SELECT A STANZA AND ANALYZE THE EFFECTS OF THE AUTHOR’S USE OF LITERARY 510 5-10 2328 M LITERATURE Daily Assignment List T READ W VOCABULARY GIRAR EN SU TAREA: PERIÓDICO / REVISTA OPCIONES ANALIZAR ESTA ASIGNACIÓN REVISTA OPCIONES PARAPHRAS BIBLIOTECA LIBRO ESCRIBIR EN LECTURA DIARIO RESPUESTA 1 PREGUNTA CADA NOCHE: ANALIZAR QS: CARACTERIZACIÓN EVALUAR CREAR ROMEO Y JULIETA PREDICEN EL GÉNERO DE LIBRO DE PICT Combinatorio / De corrección Frase LECTURA: ROMEO Y JULIETA LECTURA: ROMEO DICCIONARIO HABILIDADES: Y JULIETA búsqueda del tesoro CLAVES DE DENOTACIÓN Y CONTEXTO CONNOTACIÓN CONJUNCIONES DE PRECARGA DE VOCABULARIO TÉRMINOS EJEMPLOS LITERARIOS Contracciones , palabras Lectura: Romeo / extranjeras Julieta FRAGMENTO DE LA ACTIVIDAD DE PRE-LECTURA A DESARROLLAR EMPAREJAR: Lectura: Romeo / Julieta CARACTERIZACIÓ INTERÉS: ROMEO Y JULIETA N ESTIMADO DE UNIDAD---CREAR ESCRITURA: 10 MINUTOS ANALOGÍA: ROMEO/JULIETA WRITING: IAMBIC PENTAMETER STORYBOARD H & F ASSESSMENT DUE: ASSIGNMENT GRADE SHEET H: ESTUDIO VOCABULARIO EVALUACIÓN INDICADOR PREESCRITURA ESCRITURA TAREA F – EVALUACIÓN DE LA LECTURA PRÁCTICA DE HABILIDADES PARA TOMAR PRUEBAS CLASS EFFORT: WRITE A PLAY requisitos de presentación Información Adicional Romeo y Julieta Utilice sus estrategias de lectura : Encuentra los Términos Literarios en la Historia Calentamientos: Leer a través de trabajo de ayer - Romeo y Julieta. * Los estudiantes demuestran una Efectos literario de personajes de una de creación propia yámbico verso endecasílabo al estilo de Shakespeare . * Folleto: Seleccione una estrofa y analizar los efectos de la uso del autor de elementos literarios . (Estudiante - CORRECTO ) * Presente : hallazgos en una representación visual formato (por ejemplo , tabla de caracteres ) y aportar pruebas de texto para apoyar su análisis. * Al final de esta unidad , estudiantes crearán Analogía y juegos de palabras 4 estrofa de ASSESSMENTS: VOCABULARY ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENTS: VOCABULARY ASSESSMENTDEAR DEAR READING READING VOCABULARY AND DEW GAMES VOCABULARY AND DEW GAMES AND RETURN AND WRITING WRITING PREVIOUS HOMEWORK RETURNTO TODRIVER DRIVER NEXT PREVIOUS NEXT Choices Magazine Online NEWSPAPER PERIÓDICO 1. Describe the cover page. 2. Choose one article. 3. Read it using the reading strategies. 4. Answer the questions or participate in the activity on the Choices Magazine site for that article: LITERATURE NEWSPAPER AND MAGAZINE 5. Turn this in by Friday of each week. You may use this for one of the “Newspaper” assignments. hanksgiving/TeacherContent/SiteWideTheme// 1. 2. 3. 4. Describir la portada. Elija un artículo. Lea usando las estrategias de lectura. Responda a las preguntas o participar en la actividad en el sitio Revista opciones para ese artículo. 5. Assignment Gire estoForenChoices el viernes de cada semana. Usted puede usar esto para una Magazine de las asignaciones de " diario". LITERATURE HOMEWORK READING AND WRITING This week, use your newspaper activity and add this step. Find the grammar examples in the article you chose to read. Find Hyphens in the text of the articles. --Microsoft® Translator VOCABULARY GAMES ASSESSMENTS: VOCABULARY AND DEW ASSESSMENT DEAR PREVIOUS NEXT RETURN TO DRIVER Esta semana, utilice su actividad diario y añadir este paso. Encontrar los ejemplos de gramática en el artículo que ha elegido leer. Encontrar guiones en el texto de los artículos. ----- Newspaper blaadjes/taal/engels/texts/te xt6e.pdf h?q=summarize&sa=X&biw=1 420&bih=758&tbm=isch&tbo= u&source=univ&ved=0CD4Qs ARqFQoTCMiDg6n7gMgCFQ rOgAodJEIKTQ&dpr=0.9 LITERATURE HOMEWORK READING AND WRITING VOCABULARY GAMES ASSESSMENTS: VOCABULARY AND DEW ASSESSMENT DEAR PREVIOUS NEXT RETURN TO DRIVER 1. ANALYZE THIS__________________________ 2. Using your strategies read “________________________________.” Using complete sentences, write three ideas that you noticed while reading. Add your own “diction/voice/tone.” Do not copy the information. Usando sus estrategias leen " ________________________________ . " El uso de oraciones completas , escribir tres ideas que usted notado durante la lectura. Añada su propia " dicción / voz / tono. " No copie la información ____________________________________________________________________ 3. Find three sentences in ___________ that support the ideas above. “_______” Encuentra tres frases en ____________ que apoyan las ideas anteriores . " _____" _____________________________________________________________________ 4. What did you think or feel about the subject? ¿Qué es lo que usted piensa o siente sobre el tema? _____________________________________________________________________ LITERATURE HOMEWORK READING AND WRITING VOCABULARY GAMES ASSESSMENTS: VOCABULARY AND DEW ASSESSMENT DEAR PREVIOUS NEXT RETURN TO DRIVER ASIGNACIÓN Utilizar el proceso de escritura para componer un ensayo argumentativo utilizando una variedad de técnicas literarias. Utilizar habilidades de hablantes eficaces para presentar su argumento de la clase o un pequeño grupo. Aplicaciones de aprendizaje: Análisis de literatura / lista de verificación: 1. Considerar la: finalidad y caracteres del autor: punto de vista el tono tema imágenes de lenguaje figurado 2. Pre – escritura: (lluvia de ideas: escribir todas palabras usted puede pensar de la. Utilice las categorías para pensar en palabras. ) La categorización (¿quién? ¿Qué? ¿Donde? ¿Cuando? ¿Por qué? ¿Cómo? ¿Sentidos? ¿Las emociones? ¿Otros? ) Escritura de la hoja burbuja 3. peer conferencias y uso el par Editar lista no escriba en papeles del autor intercambiar papeles y analizar entre sí es escritura utilice la hoja de análisis: Análisis de lista de verificación durante la revisión y edición. Un 4. creo que en voz alta: • identificar y subrayar el ambiente de las técnicas literarias específicas. • analizar los efectos en el poema. 5. mañana se le presente su argumento: aquí están algunas pautas: presentaciones efectivas deben incluir: • Contacto visual • hablar tarifa (p. ej. pausas de efecto) • volumen • enunciación determinados gestos • convenciones del lenguaje LITERATURE HOMEWORK READING AND WRITING VOCABULARY GAMES ASSESSMENTS: VOCABULARY AND DEW ASSESSMENT DEAR PREVIOUS NEXT RETURN TO DRIVER BUBBLE SHEET Begin, Middle, End • • • Michael Saul Mr. Elder • gave candy canes to the children • • • • threw candy at the parade and were warm all night • during the story • at Grandmas’ house dio dulces cañas a los niños lanzaron dulces en el desfile y miedo el Sr. Elder muerte • grabbed a cup of hot chocolate y observó que los niños abren los regalos • Mrs. Coultas y encendió una vela and watched the children open the gifts and lit a candle • at the restaurant • with red and green ribbons Coincidir con la frase de español a la frase inglesa. • and it scared Mr. Elder to • death • Jaqui • • MAIN MAIN DRIVER DRIVER followed an elf. en el restaurante con cintas rojas y verdes watched a holiday movie y eran caliente toda la noche went to the Christmas party durante la historia en casa de abuelas cogió una taza de caliente chocolate • baked a dozen Christmas cookies • Mrs. Moore • ______ (your name) seguido un elfo. visto que una película de vacaciones fui a la fiesta de Navidad al horno galletas de Navidad una docena _______(tu nombre) LITERATURE HOMEWORK POETRY VOCABULARY Figurative Language Simile Personification Oxymoron Figurado lenguaje símil personificación oxímoron READING AND WRITING VOCABULARY GAMES ASSESSMENTS: VOCABULARY AND DEW ASSESSMENT DEAR PREVIOUS NEXT RETURN TO DRIVER VOCABULARIO DE POESÍA Metaphor Hyperbole Paradox metáfora hipérbole paradoja Sound Devices Alliteration Assonance Consonance Onomatopoeia Sonido dispositivos aliteración asonancia consonancia onomatopeya Imagery or Sensory Visual Tactile Kinesthetic/Tactile Auditory Olfactory Gustatory Imágenes o sensorial Visual táctil cinestésica/táctil auditivo olfativa gustativa Review and Pre Loading Poetry Terms Meter Monometer Trimeter Pentameter Heptameter Dimeter Tetrameter Hexameter Octameter metro Monometer Trimeter Pentameter Heptameter Dimeter Tetrameter Hexameter Octameter Types of Poems Haiku Limerick Ballad Lyric Free Verse Iamb Anapest Spondee Cinquain Narrative Epic Sonnets Rhythm Trochee Dactyl Pyrrhic tipos de poemas Haiku Limerick balada lírica verso libre Iamb Anapest Cinquain narrativa épica sonetos ritmo Trochee Dactyl LIBRARY BOOK ASSIGNMENT • READ DAILY • ANSWER THE FOLLOWING TYPES OF QUESTIONS – ANALYSIS – EVALUATIVE – CREATIVE – CHARACTERIZATION – RECALL READING ASSESSMENT: Show Evidence from the Text “We believe in bravery. We believe in taking action. We believe in freedom from fear and in acquiring the skills to force the bad out of our world so that the good can prosper and thrive. If you also believe in those things, we welcome you.” (Eric, chapter 32 page 412) 1. List at least two ways in which the protagonist has lived by these ideals using evidence from the text. 2. List one example in which the protagonist has not lived by these ideals. 3. How has the antagonist lived by these ideals? Give two examples from the novel. 4. Which of the characters have not followed these ideals? Choose one character and give at least one example. “The pain has been so constant for the past few minutes that I have gotten used to it, like a person gets used to a siren’s wail if it remains consistent.” (chapter 34, page 431) Some words or phrases the author uses triggers additional questions in the reader’s mind. For example, the words “a siren’s wail” may cause the reader to wonder what kind of siren she is referring to. It is questionable because the narrator has never mentioned a siren, or a police or emergency force (besides Dauntless). Perhaps it is a city-wide siren. Which then prompts further questions, like: Who controls the sirens for the city? What are they used for? Why is Tris familiar with a constant siren wail? What are some phrases/words in the book that make YOU wonder or prompts further questions? Are there any words the author has used that you question? Write your thoughts on a separate sheet of paper. Creemos en el valor. Creemos en la adopción de medidas . Creemos en la libertad del miedo y en la adquisición de las habilidades a forzar el mal de nuestro mundo de manera que el bien puede prosperar y prosperar . Si también crees en esas cosas , te damos la bienvenida."(Eric , capítulo 32 página 412) 1. Haga una lista de al menos dos formas en las que el protagonista ha vivido por estos ideales utilizando evidencia del texto . 2. Lista de un ejemplo en el que el protagonista no ha vivido por estos ideales. 3. ¿Cómo ha vivido el antagonista por estos ideales? Dé dos ejemplos de la novela. 4. ¿Cuál de los personajes no han seguido estos ideales ? Elige un personaje y dar por lo menos un ejemplo. "El dolor ha sido tan constante durante los últimos pocos minutos que yo hemos acostumbrado a ella , como un persona se acostumbra a ulular de una sirena si se mantiene constante." ( capítulo 34 , página 431 ) Algunas palabras o frases las autor utiliza disparadores adicionales preguntas en la mente del lector . Por ejemplo, las palabras " una de las sirenas Wail " puede hacer que el lector se preguntan qué tipo de sirena es refiriéndose a. Es cuestionable porque el narrador nunca ha mencionado una sirena , o un policía o de emergencia fuerza (además Dauntless). Tal vez es una sirena en toda la ciudad. ¿Qué le pide más preguntas,como:¿Quién controla las sirenas para la ciudad ? ¿Para qué se usan? ¿Por qué el carácter familiar con un gemido sirena constante? ¿Cuáles son algunas frases / palabras el libro que hará preguntarse o le pide más preguntas ? ¿Hay palabras del autor ha usado que usted pregunta ? Escriba sus pensamientos en un hoja de papel. END OF NOVEL QUESTIONS 1. Survival of the Fittest OR Knowing the Right People? How has the protagonist relied on others for his / her own survival? How has he or she relied on himself or herself? Cite examples from the novel to support your answer. 2. POINT OF VIEW: How would the story differ if it was narrated from the antagonist's point of view? Consider where the story would begin, which events would be included, which new events may be added, and how it might end. 3. THEMATIC CONNECTIONS: Determine two or more themes or central ideas from the novel; next, analyze their development over the course of the text, including how they interact and build on one another to produce a complex account. 4. PARALLEL PLOTS: Determine two main conflicts in the novel. How do the events for each conflict interact with one another and build suspense? Return to Driver 1. La supervivencia del más apto O Conocer a la gente adecuada ? ¿Cómo se ha basado el protagonista de otros para su / su propio ¿supervivencia? ¿Cómo ha sido él o ella se basó en a sí mismo ? Cite ejemplos de la novela de apoyar su respuesta . 2. PUNTO DE VISTA : ¿Cómo sería la historia diferir si fue narrado desde el antagonista de ¿Punto de vista? Considere donde la historia lo haría comienzan , que serían eventos incluido, que nuevos eventos pueden se añadió , y cómo podría terminar. 3. CONEXIONES TEMÁTICAS : Determine dos o más temas o las ideas centrales de la novela ; próximo , analizar su desarrollo en el transcurso del texto, incluyendo la forma en que interactúan y construir el uno del otro para producir una cuenta de complejo . 4. tramas paralelas : Determine dos conflictos principales en la novela. ¿Cómo los eventos para cada conflicto interactúan uno con el otro y construir el suspenso? LITERATURE HOMEWORK READING AND WRITING VOCABULARY GAMES ASSESSMENTS: VOCABULARY AND DEW ASSESSMENT DEAR PREVIOUS NEXT RETURN TO DRIVER END OF NOVEL QUESTIONS FIN DE PREGUNTAS libros 1. Survival of the Fittest OR Knowing the Right People? How has Tris relied on others for her own survival? How has she relied on herself? Cite examples from the novel to support your answer. 2. POINT OF VIEW: How would the story differ if it was narrated from Four’s point of view? Consider where the story would begin, which events would be included, which new events may be added, and how it might end. 3. THEMATIC CONNECTIONS: Determine two or more themes or central ideas from the novel; next, analyze their development over the course of the text, including how they interact and build on one another to produce a complex account. 4. PARALLEL PLOTS: Determine two main conflicts in the novel. How do the events for each conflict interact with one another and build suspense? LITERATURE HOMEWORK READING AND WRITING VOCABULARY GAMES ASSESSMENTS: VOCABULARY AND DEW ASSESSMENT DEAR Return to Driver PREVIOUS NEXT RETURN TO DRIVER Effective presentations should include: • Eye contact • Speaking rate (e.g. pauses for effect) • Volume • Enunciation • Purposeful gestures • Conventions of language Games • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Ninth grade Here is a list of all of the skills students learn in• ninth grade! These skills are organized into categories, and you can move your mouse • over any skill name to view a sample question. • To start practicing, just click on any link. IXL • will track your score, and the questions will automatically increase in difficulty as you • improve! • Commas A.1Commas with direct addresses, • introductory words, interjections, • interrupters, and antithetical phrases • A.2Commas with series, dates, and places A.3Commas with compound and complex • sentences • A.4Commas with coordinate adjectives • A.5Commas: review • Restrictive and nonrestrictive elements • B.1What does the punctuation suggest? B.2Commas with nonrestrictive elements • Semicolons, colons, and commas C.1Use semicolons and commas to separate • clauses C.2Use semicolons, colons, and commas with • • lists C.3Semicolons, colons, and commas review • • Apostrophes D.1Identify and correct errors with plural and • possessive nouns D.2Identify and correct errors with compound • and joint possession • Hyphens and dashes • E.1Use hyphens in compound adjectives Return to Driver • Pronouns P.1Identify and correct errors with subject and • object pronouns • P.2Subject and object pronouns review • P.3Pronouns after "than" and "as" P.4Identify and correct pronoun errors with • "who" • P.5Use relative pronouns: who and whom • P.6Use relative pronouns: who, whom, whose,• which, and that • P.7Identify vague pronoun references • P.8Identify all of the possible antecedents • P.9Correct inappropriate shifts in pronoun • number and person • Verbs • Q.1Form the progressive verb tenses • Q.2Form the perfect verb tenses • Q.3Identify transitive and intransitive verbs • Q.4Identify linking verbs, predicate adjectives, • and predicate nouns • Q.5Identify and correct inappropriate shifts in • verb tense • Active and passive voice R.1Identify active and passive voice R.2Rewrite the sentence in active voice Adjectives and adverbs S.1Choose between adjectives and adverbs S.2Form and use comparative and superlative adjectives S.3Good, better, best, bad, worse, and worst S.4Form and use comparative and superlative adverbs S.5Well, better, best, badly, worse, and worst • • • • • • X.2Use context as a clue to the meanings of foreign expressions X.3Use the correct foreign expression Analogies Y.1Analogies Y.2Analogies: challenge Word patterns Z.1Word pattern analogies Z.2Word pattern sentences Prefixes AA.1Words with preAA.2Words with reAA.3Words with subAA.4Words with misAA.5Words with un-, dis-, in-, im-, and nonSuffixes BB.1Words with -ful BB.2Words with -less BB.3Words with -able and -ible Greek and Latin roots CC.1Sort words by shared Greek or Latin roots CC.2Use Greek and Latin roots as clues to the meanings of words CC.3Use words as clues to the meanings of Greek and Latin roots CC.4Determine the meanings of Greek and Latin roots CC.5Determine the meanings of words with Greek and Latin roots Figurative language DD.1Use personification DD.2Interpret the meaning of allusions Return to Driver © 2004 by Education World®. Education World grants users permission to reproduce this work sheet for educational purposes only. • • • • • • • • Analogy: “SoftSchools.”Analogies Quizzes And Worksheets Web 2 October 2015. “English on the Internet~Test Quizzes.” Language Shop Web 2 October 2015. <> MLA Style "Analogy Examples for Kids." YourDictionary, n.d. Web. 2 October 2015. <> Read more at <a href="">Analogy Examples for Kids</a> • • Limericks: “Limericks.” Brownielocks and the three Bears. Web.2 October 2015. • Everyday Edit: