INS Assignment 2 Stephen Curran R00054166 Janet Comerford R00032790 ITM2 INS Assignment 2 Page 1 Introduction For this project, we have been tasked to implement the following services on two separate instances of Ubuntu Server 10.10. On one server (VM2): Web Server (Apache) with Virtual Hosting two sites DNS Server (BIND) File Server (Samba) Network Printing (CUPS) On the other server (VM4): DNS Server (BIND) DHCP Server for Ubuntu clients FTP Server SSH Server eMail Server (Postfix) & POP/IMAP Server (Dovecot) There were also to be two client machines running Ubuntu Desktop 10.10. The network address we have chosen is and we have implemented these addresses on the machines. However, when DHCP is running, addresses will be allocated automatically to the client Ubuntu PC’s. The topology is as follows for the setup: PC1 INS Assignment 2 PC2 Page 2 Janet VM1: Ubuntu Desktop 10.10 (Before DHCP allocation) VM2: Ubuntu Server 10.10 PC1: Windows Host PC Steve VM3: Ubuntu Desktop 10.10 (Before DHCP allocation) VM4: Ubuntu Server 10.10 PC2: Windows Host PC Janet has been tasked with installing the services on VM2 Steve has been tasked with installing the services on VM4. We will now demonstrate how we have implemented each of the services. NOTE: You have to be logged in as root in order to make changes to the system. Also, due to our limited knowledge/experience in the area of installing, configuring and running these services, we have followed the online instructions in the links provided EXACTLY to the detail. INS Assignment 2 Page 3 Services On VM2 The first thing I did when I entered the server was give myself root access by typing: Sudo –s (I was asked for a password which was my server password) Simple Machines Forum requires PHP and database support such as MySQL. So after I used #apt-get update To refresh the list of available packages and then #apt-get upgrade --show-upgraded To upgrade installed packages to latest versions APACHE Apache is the most commonly used Web Server on Linux systems. Web Servers are used to serve Web Pages requested by client computers. Apache will host a Wordpress instance, Wordpress requires MySQL and PHP. I installed LAMP as this has both the requirements along with apache. To install LAMP I started off with the following command: #tasksel (Selecting LAMP Server when the list of options came up) #nano /var/www/info.php (Inserting the following into the editor) <?php phpinfo(); ?> I then restarted Apche2 #/etc/init.d/apache2 restart Next I installed phpmyadmin #apt-get install phpmyadmin I opened the browser in the desktop and typed: http://Server IP address/phpmyadmin To setup MySQL I typed the following mysql -u root –p CREATE DATABASE forum; CREATE USER admin; SET PASSWORD FOR admin = PASSWORD(“password”); INS Assignment 2 Page 4 GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON forum.* TO admin@localhost IDENTIFIED BY ‘password’; #cd /var/www/wordpress # mv wp-config-samle.php wp-config.php # nano wp-config.php Change database_name_here to wordpress. Change user_here to admin. Change password_here here to the password you selected in the GRANT ALL ON wordpress.* TO wordpressuser IDENTIFIED BY ‘password’; command. Open up a web browser, and navigate to http://ipaddress/wordpress. Apache also needs to host Apache2 is configured with a single default virtual host which can be used as a template for additional virtual hosts if you have multiple sites. If left alone, the default virtual host will serve as your default site. To configure a new virtual host or site do the following: INS Assignment 2 Page 5 # cp /etc/apache2/sites-available/default /etc/apache2/sites-available/ Enable the new Virtual Host using the a2ensite utility and restart Apache2: # a2ensite mynewsite # /etc/init.d/apache2 restart Samba One of the most common ways to network Ubuntu and Windows computers is to configure Samba as a File Server. To install Samba I entered the following command: #apt-get install samba #smbpasswd -a vm (vm is the username of my server.) I then created a test folder. I did not do this in root because then the owning user and group will be set as ‘root’, which means you won’t be able to access the folder using your Samba username and password. # mkdir /home/vm/test I then made a backup copy of the original smb.conf file # cp /etc/samba/smb.conf Now edit smb.conf: nano /etc/samba/smb.conf Add this to the very end of the file: [test] path = /home/vm/test available = yes valid users = vm read only = no browsable = yes public = yes writable = yes These settings will share the test folder we created earlier, and give your username permission to read and write to the folder. INS Assignment 2 Page 6 I then restarted Samba with this command: sudo restart smbd Once Samba restarted, I used this command to check smb.conf for any syntax errors: sudo testparm Below is a screenshot from Steve’s computer. As you can see, he can access the test file I created. INS Assignment 2 Page 7 Name Server 1: DNS Domain Name Service (DNS) is an Internet service that maps IP addresses and fully qualified domain names to one another. In this way, DNS alleviates the need to remember IP addresses. Computers that run DNS are called name servers. BIND is the most common program used for maintaining a name server on Linux. To install BIND I entered the following command: #apt-get install bind9 Next I configured the bind files. # nano /etc/bind/named.conf.local zone "" { type master; file "/etc/bind/zones/"; }; zone "" { type master; file "/etc/bind/zones/"; }; NOTE: is the domain name I was using and the IP address so replace it with your own and the IP address also. I then edited the options file. # nano /etc/bind/named.conf.options forwarders {; }; Now add the zone definition files: #mkdir /etc/bind/zones #nano /etc/bind/zones/ INS Assignment 2 Page 8 IN SOA ( 2006081401 28800 3600 604800 38400 ) IN NS IN MX 10 scurran IN A vm IN A Note : vm is my DNS servers name is my domain name Scurran is the mail server name I then created the reverse DNS zone files: #nano /etc/bind/zones/ @ IN SOA ( 2006081401; 28800; 604800; 604800; 86400 ) 1 IN NS IN PTR INS Assignment 2 Page 9 Now restart bind: # /etc/init.d/bind9 restart Modify the resolve.conf file: #nano /etc/resolv.conf Search Nameserver Test BIND: # dig CUPS (Network Printing) The primary mechanism for Ubuntu printing and print services is the Common UNIX Printing System (CUPS). CUPS manages print jobs and queues and provides network printing using the standard Internet Printing Protocol (IPP), while offering support for a very large range of printers. To install CUPS I entered the following command: #apt-get install cups To configure the email address of the designated administrator of the CUPS server edit: #/nano etc/cups/cupsd.conf INS Assignment 2 Page 10 Modify the ServerAdmin line ServerAdmin CUPS can be configured and monitored using a web interface, which by default is available at http://localhost:631/admin. The web interface can be used to perform all printer management tasks. In order to perform administrative tasks via the web interface, you must either have the root account enabled on your server, or authenticate as a user in the lpadmin group. I now add vm to lpadmin # usermod -aG lpadmin vm INS Assignment 2 Page 11 Services on VM4 DHCP, FTP & SSH Servers There were instructions how to install and configure the DHCP Server on the site The information relating to FTP and SSH Servers were links to other sites that had the required information. DHCP To install the DHCP Server I simply followed the instructions on the following address: This is an excellent guide and it now works perfectly on my Ubuntu Server, giving out addresses to the Ubuntu Clients within the network. By entering the command ‘service dhcp3-server start’ as shown above, the server will start allocating addresses if requested. (The dhcp3 service should be running at system start-up) By typing ‘ifconfig’ we can see that the server has a static address of On the Desktop below, I have changed the ‘/etc/network/interfaces’ file to force it to request an IP address from a DHCP server. Because VMware is set to ‘bridged mode’, it will request an address from the server at on the same network. INS Assignment 2 Page 12 As you can see, I have commented out the static addresses. By entering the command ‘/etc/init.d/networking restart’, we force the Desktop to re-request and IP address. Above we can see that the PC has requested an address from and has been allocated INS Assignment 2 Page 13 SSH & FTP For this part I will demonstrate that the two services are functioning correctly by establishing a secure connection to the server using an FTP client (Filezilla) along with SSH on port 22. To install SSH use the following guide: To install FTP use the following guide: Once these are installed and configured correctly, use Filezilla on the Ubuntu Desktop to establish a secure connection with the Ubuntu Server ( Enter the information as follows and click ‘Quickconnect’. A message box will appear saying the host may not be secure because the key is unknown. However, due to the nature of this assignment we know that the server is safe so we can continue. (Notice also the ‘Fingerprint: ssh-rsa’ key in the message box.) INS Assignment 2 Page 14 Once you click ‘OK’, Filezilla will then attempt to connect to the server. As you can see from above, the connection has been successfully established with the server using SSH on port 22. INS Assignment 2 Page 15 DNS Server (bind9) To install DNS (bind9) on Ubuntu Server I used the following guide: NOTE: Using the guide, I have had to replace the names given with names that match my current configuration: >>> >>> >>> Where ‘mta’ is the username of the mail server and ‘ns1’ is the username of the nameserver. Once the configuration has been completed, you can see that the bind9 DNS service is running by entering the command ‘dig’. eMail Server (Postfix) To install the eMail server (Postfix) I followed the instructions in this link: file:///C:/Users/Steve/Desktop/INS%20Part%202/Postfix%20%20Community%20Ubuntu%20Documentation.htm There was quite a bit involved installing and configuring Postfix correctly. In order to test it out type the command ‘telnet localhost 25’. Once it says you have ‘Connected to localhost’ type ‘ehlo localhost’. INS Assignment 2 Page 16 If it is configured correctly the following should appear: 250-STARTTLS, 250-AUTH ‘220 ESMTP Postfix (Ubuntu)’ POP/IMAP Server (Dovecot) To install Dovecot I followed the instructions in this link: file:///C:/Users/Steve/Desktop/INS%20Part%202/Dovecot%20%20Community%20Ubuntu%20Documentation.htm To show that Dovecot is up and running on the server type ‘telnet localhost pop3’. The following should appear if it has installed successfully: ‘+OK Dovecot ready.’ INS Assignment 2 Page 17