
Background and Introduction
Invasion of the British Isles
800-600 B.C. Celtic invasion Brythons (Britons) in
Britain and Gaels in Ireland (clan culture)
55 B.C.- Roman invasion (establishment of towns,
introduction to Christianity)
407 A.D. – Romans leave British Isles
5th Century (449 A.D.) Anglo-Saxon invasion
(Germanic tribes). Celts flee but leave Christian
Viking Invasion
9th Century
Norse invade Scotland, Wales, Ireland
Danes invade southern England
Anglo-Saxon’s maintain power and
Christian values against pagan Vikings
871 A.D. Alfred the Great establishes Saxon rule, promotes
rebirth of learning and culture
1066 A.D. Anglo-Saxon rule falls to Normans (North men,
Vikings) with death of King Edward
Anglo-Saxon Period
“Anglo-Saxon England
was born of warfare,
remained forever a
military society, and
came to its end in
battle.” - J. R. Lander
In a society dominated
by aggression, what
would you expect to be
the Anglo-Saxon
attitude toward family
life, the role of women,
art, literature, ethics
and work?
Anglo-Saxon Civilization
Persons of rank received with grave courtesy
Ruler generous to those who remain loyal
Everyone aware of shortness of life & passing of all
things in the world
Impersonal, irresistible fate determined most of life
(Wyrd or Fate)
Heroic human will & courage allowed individuals to
control their own response to fate
Characteristics of an Epic Hero
Is significant and glorified
Is on a quest
Has superior or supernhuman strength, intelligence,
and/or courage
Is ethical
Risks death for glory or for the greater good of society
Performs brave deeds
Is a strong and responsible leader
Reflects the ideals of a particular society
Anglo-Saxon Poetics
Alliteration – repetition of consonant and vowel sounds at the
beginning of words
Assonance- repetition of vowel sounds inside the words
Caesura – a natural pause or break in the middle of the line of
poetry and joined by the use of a repeated vowel or consonant
Out of the marsh // from the foot of misty
Hills and bogs // bearing God’s hatred
Grendel came // hoping to kill
Anyone he could trap // on this trip to high Herot
Anglo-Saxon Poetics
Kennings – a metaphorical phrase used to replace a
concrete noun. Ready made descriptive compound
words that evoke vivid images
Kennings are formed by prepositional phrases
possessive phrases compound words
Prepositional phrase – Giver of knowledge
Possessive phrase – mankind’s enemy
Compound word – sea path
Composed by single Christian author for a Christian
audience (probably a Northumbrian monk)
Sometime in the 8th -11th centuries (700-750)
Only manuscript available dates from the year 1000;
discovered in the 18th century
Epic poem handed down through oral tradition
Depicts a world from early 6th century
Comitatus – Germanic code of loyalty
Thanes – warriors swearing loyalty to kings in return
for land, treasures
Old English
Old English is also known as Anglo-Saxon
Runic alphabet