ETF Lesson Plan Template

ETF Lesson Plan Template
Monday 9-15-14
Unit Name:
Government (unique learning unit 1, lesson 15)
Lesson Focus:
Vocabulary review
TEKS Standards: GOV.21.A
Objectives: (Bloom’s verb…) What do I want students to be able to DO when the class is over? Format
SWABAT: Identify unit vocabulary terms.
Key Points: What, What: To match vocabulary terms on the government unit with their definitions.
How, Why?
Why: To gain an appreciation of the American government system and use
context clues to answer challenge questions.
Online jeopardy game and previous notes and word wall allowed for assistance.
Key Vocabulary: What key terms will my students need to understand? TO BE ADDED TO WORD WALL language
 Ballot
 Voting
 Citizenship
 President
 Judge
 Executive branch
 Legislative branch
 Amendment
 Freedom
Assessment Plan: How will I ENSURE alignment to assess that the students mastered the objective?
What will I do if they haven’t? Writing/expression
Students will participate in matching and writing vocabulary words in the jeopardy game.
Lesson Cycle:
Do Now: Spiral review? Formative assessment?
Teacher Actions:
 Posted on the board: “list 3 words about
texas.” Posted on the board.
 “Please write (or circle) the answers to
the question on the board. This is a silent
and solo activity, you will have 5 minutes
to write your answers.”
 T collects the responses written on paper
and discusses them as a class.
5 min
Student Actions:
 Q/JP/T- will write their responses on a
provided paper or journal.
 A/D/J- will touch their responses on a
sheet provided.
 Once finished the answers will be
discussed aloud.
Introduce New Learning (I Do): Engage and Connect-the real world, schema, goals, assessment,
10 min
etc.? CFU: How will I check for student understanding of the new learning?
Teacher Actions
Student Actions
 We will learn to play a game called
 Students will listen to the teacher
describe the game rules.
 First we will assemble teams, by
 Students will find their table partner.
identifying your table partner.
 Students will move next to that partner.
 Next we will move to that partner.
 Students will take turns choosing and
 Finally we will take turns choosing a topic
answering questions on the online
and question to answer as a team.
jeopardy game.
 The most points wins at the end of the
Guided Practice (We Do): How will I walk students step by step through what I want them to do?
How will I balance teacher-led and student-led? (Gradual release: Model, Teach Back, partner/group
practice) CFU: How will I know During the lesson that students are on track to master the objective? What
are the anticipated misconceptions/misunderstandings and how will I address them? How will I emphasize
key points?
Teacher Actions
 “We will now do a practice round.”
 Teacher gives an example of a question,
not having to do with the unit, to teach
the act of choosing/answering questions.
Student Actions
 Ss will listen and watch the example of
how to play, then practice with 1-3
example questions. To CFU
Independent Practice (You Do): How will I monitor student progress? How will I ensure there’s
adequate time for practice? Behaviorally, what does this time look like and sound like? CFU: How will I
circulate to among students to ensure everyone is on track towards mastery? How will I gauge mastery?
Teacher Actions
Student Actions
 T begins the online jeopardy game.
 Ss will cooperatively choose a topic and
Teams will be chosen randomly to begin.
question difficulty level
 T will read the questions out loud and
 Ss will answer the questions, effectively
click on the game tiles.
playing the game to completion.
 T will record which responses students
 Students will write down missed
vocabulary terms.
Closing: How will I have students summarize what they’ve learned? How will I reinforce the objective’s
10 min
importance and its link to past and future learning?
Teacher Actions
 EXIT TICKET : Students will take 3 words
they missed and write it down with a
brief definition in their daily journal.
 If you did not miss any questions you are
exempt from today’s exit ticket and your
score will reflect your ticket.
Student Actions
 Students will record their missed
answers in their journals.
 Ss will turn in their journals in the top
 Students with a perfect score will not
turn in a journal entry.
Differentiation: How will I scaffold and/or accelerate learning? For Whom? How will I group my students? Which
strategies will I choose to make sure I engage every student on his/her ability level?
Ballots are from the unique learning curriculum. Q/T/JP will have level 3 (words only), while J/D/A
will use the picture forms. A/D will need help receptively identifying their responses and will not be
able to respond to verbal group questions.
Accommodations/Modifications: What supports will I provide students on an IEP or as needed?
Individual teacher conferencing
Frequent checks for understanding
Extended time
Shortened assignment
Peer tutoring
Assessments read orally
Modified work
Learning Lab for extra help
Check list provided
Preferential seating
Other (state below)
Frequent 10 and 15 minutes breaks for Tatum, Jorge and Juan Pablo