Review Sheet for First Semester Final Exam

Review Sheet for First Semester Final Exam
Sophomore English Honors
The following is an outline of the objective part of the final exam.
A. Author/Title matching (18 questions)
The Scarlet Letter
“Upon the Burning of Our House”
“To My Dear and Loving Husband”
Of Plymouth Plantation
“Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”
The Crucible
“By the Waters of Babylon”
“Story of an Hour”
“Hills Like White Elephants”
“Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber”
“Yellow Wallpaper”
“The Chrysanthemums”
“Rose for Emily”
Spoon River Anthology
“All Summer in a Day”
“Outcasts of Poker Flat”
“The Lottery”
A Separate Peace
B. Literary vocabulary matching (22 questions)
C. The Scarlet Letters questions (10 questions)
D. The Crucible questions (10 questions)
E. Faith unit poetry/stories questions (10 questions)
F. Relationships unit stories questions (10 questions)
G. Spoon River Anthology matching characters (10 questions)
H. Nature of man unit stories questions (5 questions)
I. A Separate Peace questions (5 questions)
Once you have completed the objective part of the test, you will turn it in and receive the
essay questions (there will three questions, you will choose one to write on). For the essay
question will be allowed to use notes, texts, novels, and anything else you think would help.
The essay will be graded for structure, content and grammar and will be worth 100 points.