MILITARY SUPPORT TO CIVIL AUTHORITIES MSCA EXECUTIVE BRIEFING Situation – It is federal policy for DoD, when directed, to aid civil authorities in coping with domestic security and disaster response emergencies that exceed the capability of state and local governments. Accordingly, the Secretary of Defense has directed the military components to plan for and, when called on, to assist civilian authorities in a range of security and disaster contingencies to include: natural and technological disasters acts of terrorism defense of the Continental United States key asset protection and civil disturbances MEPLO Mission • On order, provide Marine liaison personnel in support of designated civil authorities in order to validate requests for Marine Corps support and communicate those requests to the appropriate USMC command. Commander’s Intent – Marine Forces Reserve (MARFORRES) will contribute to Marine Corps efforts in support of civil authorities to save lives, mitigate human suffering, promote domestic security, and facilitate continuity of essential governmental services by maintaining and continually developing a nation-wide network of highly qualified officers from the Reserve Component to function as Marine Corps Emergency Preparedness Liaison Officers (MEPLOs). Concept of Operations – MEPLOs will, as directed with governmental agencies and major commands assist civil authorities and supported commanders in deliberate planning for disaster response and domestic security contingencies. They also train for and, on order, immediately deploy to assist lead federal agencies and supported Marine Corps Force (MARFOR) commanders in identifying and interpreting needs and managing requests for military support from civil authorities in anticipation of and during times of national crisis. Given the nature of the mission, MEPLOs are assigned to Individual Mobilization Augmentee (IMA) Detachments to facilitate personnel administration and operational deployment. Concept of Operations The MEPLO IMA Detachment is comprised of 10 MEPLO teams geographically oriented to mirror the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) regions. Each MEPLO team consists of one Reserve Colonel and two Reserve Lieutenant Colonels. Marine Forces Reserve G-3 oversees Detachment administration, training, and coordination of MEPLO deployment and employment with supported commands and agencies, in particular FEMA’s National Headquarters and the headquarters of the MARFORs. MEPLO DUTIES SUPPORT AND ADVISE DCO DURING MSCA OPERATIONS LIAISON WITH APPROPRIATE MILITARY UNITS AND INSTALLATIONS LIAISON WITH CIVIL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCIES SUPPORT HIGHER HEADQUARTERS (FEMA, 5TH ARMY, STARCs) COORDIANTE WITH OTHER SERVICE EPLOS M S C A Selected Events SEATTLE EARTH QUAKE (02) WTO (00) WTC (02) SNOW REMOVAL AND FLOODS ( 97 ) NORTHWEST FIRES ( 94 / 96/ 00 ) MIDWEST FLOODS ( 93 / 97 ) TWA 800 ( 96 ) WESTERN FIRES ( 94 / 96/ 00 ) FLOODS ( 96 ) CALIFORNIA / NEVADA FLOODS ( 95 / 97 ) HURICANES BERTHA & FRAN ( 96 ) FLOYD (99) NORTHRIDGE EARTHQUAKE ( 94 ) SOUTHEAST FLOODS ( 94 ) L. A. RIOTS ( 92 ) 96 OLYMPICS EOD MUNITIONS CLEANUP ( 97 ) G8 SUMMIT ( 97 ) LONG ISLAND FIRES ( 95 ) OKLAHOMA CITY BOMBING ( 95 ) HURRICANE OPAL ( 95 ) TEXAS FLOODS ( 94, 98 ) HURRICANE ANDREW ( 92 ) HURRICANES BERTHA & HORTENSE ( 96 ); MARILYN ( 95 ); GEORGE (98) M S C A PRINCIPLES CIVIL RESOURCES USED FIRST (Includes National Guard) CIVILIAN AUTHORITIES OVERWHELMED MSCA IS A TEMPORARY MEASURE MSCA IS A POTENTIAL MISSION OF ALL UNITS MILITARY MISSIONS HAVE PRIORITY MILITARY SUPPORT COMPLIMENTS CIVIL RESOURCES DISENGAGE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE MSCA ACTIVITIES MAY BE REIMBURSED “LAST IN, FIRST OUT” AUTHORITIES CIVIL: STAFFORD ACT FEDERAL RESPONSE PLAN MILITARY: DOD DIR 3025.1 (MSCA) FORCE ORDER P3400.XX (MEPLO SOP IN DRAFT) ALASKA FEMA REGIONS BOTHELL I X V II BOSTON VIII SAN FRANCISCO VII CHICAGO III NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA DENVER KANSAS CITY WASHINGTON, D.C. IX IV VI DENTON ATLANTA HAWAII REGIONAL OFFICES NATIONAL OFFICE PUERTO RICO, VIRGIN ISLS..... RGN II DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA.......... RGN III AMER SAMOA, GUAM, N. MARINAS TRUST TERR OF PACIFIC ISL... RGN IX DoD’s MSCA POLICY ALL REQUESTS BY CIVIL AUTHORITIES FOR MILITARY ASSISTANCE SHALL BE EVALUATED FOR: – APPROPRIATENESS – LEGALITY ( COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS ) – RISK ( SAFETY OF FORCES ) – COST ( WHO PAYS, IMPACT ON BUDGET ) – READINESS ( IMPACT ON PRIMARY MISSION ) IMMEDIATE RESPONSE (Immediate/Serious Situations) - COMMANDERS MAY TAKE ACTION WHEN CONDITIONS AND TIME DO NOT PERMIT APPROVAL FROM HIGHER AUTHORITIES TO: • SAVE LIVES • PREVENT HUMAN SUFFERING • MITIGATE GREAT PROPERTY DAMAGE - MUST INFORM REGIONAL PLANNING AGENT & YOUR CHAIN OF COMMAND - DISENGAGE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE IMMEDIATE RESPONSE EXAMPLES TO SAVE LIVES, PREVENT HUMAN SUFFERING, MITIGATE GREAT PROPERTY DAMAGE - Rescue, evacuation, and emergency medical treatment of personnel - Emergency restoration of essential public services (Water, power, fuel, transportation, communications, fire fighting) - Emergency clearance of public facilities to permit rescue and restore essential services - Safeguarding, and distributing food, essential supplies and materials - Interim emergency communications LESSONS LEARNED • BEGIN SUPPORT WITH DISENGAGEMENT IN MIND • GIVE MISSIONS BACK TO CIVIL AGENCIES ASAP • MISSION INVOLVING RESCUE, FEEDING, BILLETING, MORTUARY ARE DIFFICULT TO DIVEST OF QUICKLY. • PEOPLE LOVE DOD SUPPORT. THEY MAY NOT WANT YOU TO LEAVE. • SEEK REIMBURSEMENT FROM LOCAL OR STATE AUTHORITIES. THE EMERGENCY TURNS INTO A PRESIDENTIAL DECLARED DISASTER Recognition That State/Local Resources Are Exhausted MAJOR DISASTERS • STATE OVERWHELMED AND REQUESTS FEDERAL ASSISTANCE • PRESIDENT APPROVES REQUEST (STAFFORD ACT) • FEDERAL RESPONSE PLAN EXECUTED • EXECUTE ORDERS ISSUED • DEFENSE COORDINATING OFFICER (DCO) • MEPLO NETWORK • MOBILIZATION CENTERS AND BASE SUPPORT INSTALLATIONS (BSI) • REQUESTS FOR ASSISTANCE USMC CAPABILITIES • INSSTALLATION DISASTER RESPONSE FORCE • WILDLAND FIREFIGHTING • SEARCH & RESCUE • HELICOPTERS • GROUND TRANSPORTATION • CBIRF • EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE DISPOSAL • MILITARY WORKING DOGS FEDERAL RESPONSE SECDEF PRESIDENT SECRETARY OF ARMY FEMA DIRECTOR DOMS STATE GOVERNOR CINC DCO REQUEST FOR DoD FORCES ( EPLOS ) FCO SCO TAG NATIONAL GUARD FORCES DCO - DEFENSE COORDINATING OFFICER JTF COMMANDER AND DCO MAY BE THE SAME INDIVIDUAL COMMAND COORDINATION FEMA MISSION FCO - FEDERAL COORDINATING OFFICER SCO - STATE COORDINATING OFFICER EPLO - EMERGENCY PREP LIASON OFFICER ( USA, USAF, USN, USMC ) Emergency Support Function (ESF) Organization-Federal/State/Local ESF-1 Transportation (Department of Transportation/NDOT) ESF-2 Communications (National Communications System) ESF-3 Public Works and Engineering (Army COE) ESF-4 Fire Fighting (NYFD/U.S. Forest Service) ESF-5 Information and Planning (FEMA) ESF-6 Mass Care (Red Cross) ESF-7 Resource Support (General Services Administration) ESF-8 Health and Medical Services (U.S. Public Health Service) ESF-9 Urban Search and Rescue (FEMA/Las Vegas Team) ESF-10 Hazardous Materials (Environmental Protection Agency) ESF-11 Food (Food and Nutrition Service, Department of Agriculture) ESF-12 Energy (Department of Energy) DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE RESOURCES DATABASE (DODRDB) CONTENTS : DOD EMERGENCY RESPONSE ASSETS DOD POINTS OF CONTACT DOD AND SERVICE DIRECTIVES DISTRIBUTED TO ALL EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS LIAISON OFFICERS UPDATES SUBMITTED BY EPLOS BASE SUPPORT INSTALLATION (BSI) DEFINITION: A DoD INSTALLATION TASKED TO SUPPORT CIVIL DISASTER RELIEF OPERATIONS. INTENDED TO FACILITATE TRANSPORT OF PERSONNEL, EQUIPMENT AND MATERIAL, IMPROVE COMMUNICATIONS AND PROVIDE INFRASTRUCTURE SUPPORT OF PERSONNEL INVOLVED IN DISASTER RECOVERY OPERATIONS. Typical BSI Missions • Contracting Services – Transportation •Personnel and supply to/from and in/around the operation areas (buses/trucks) – Supply and distribution (food,water,ammo, fuel, oil,repair parts, etc..) • Communications for C2 ops to include computers and T1 lines • Aviation Support – – SAR Airfield operations to receive and service military aircraft (helo and transport) Typical BSI Missions (continued) • Emergency Medical Services for responders • Basic Subsistence services for responders – Heads, showers, laundry, etc. • Support maintenance of common type equipment • FEMA Urban Search and Rescue Team support (60 personnel, 60K lbs equip) • Manpower Pool BSI Requirements • Outside the immediate disaster area but within reasonable road or rail movement of disaster site. • Airfield capable of supporting C5/C141/C17/C130 aircraft and helos • Hard stand for staging of equipment and supplies • Office space or other shelters from which operational or logistics center can shelter and operate. Key Point • Designation as BSI and subsequent civil support operations shall not affect the ability of the selected installation to maintain a mission ready posture or degrade that posture during execution of the BSI mission. Commanders’ Concerns MAINTAIN ACCURATE RECORDS ON MANPOWER AND MATERIAL FOR POSSIBLE REIMBURSEMENT NO PROCUREMENT OR STOCKPILE OF EQUIPMENT FOR MSCA OPERATIONS UNLESS DIRECTED BY SECRETARY OF DEFENSE DISENGAGEMENT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE FROM ANY MISSION MILITARY SUPPORT TO CIVIL AUTHORITIES MSCA QUESTIONS AND DISCUSSION