BARROW PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on Tuesday 8 September 2015 in Barrow Village Hall Present: Councillors Eleanor Johnson (in the Chair), Andy Faulkner, John Hassells, Sally James, Pippa Johnson, Malcolm Moulstone, Julie Owen, Fiona Rackham and Sue Weaver. In attendance: Mrs Pauline English (Parish Clerk), There were five members of the public present. 15.125 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE None. 15.126 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST No interests were declared 15.127 GENERAL PUBLIC SPEAKING TIME Residents raised the following issues: (1) A vehicle had been vandalised outside a property in Long Looms. This was an abandoned car that had been reported to the police, but no action had been taken immediately. It was eventually discovered that it was not taxed or insured and the owner was not known. The vehicle had been set alight and the road surface had been damaged. The Parish Council confirmed that CWaC were aware of this and would take appropriate action. (2) With regard to the changes to Standing Orders (item 10 on the agenda), this was against the ethos of the Parish Council and a negation of democracy. The restrictions would prevent people from attending Parish Council meetings. 15.128 MINUTES The Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on 14 July 2015 were confirmed as a correct record. 15.129 UPDATE ON RESOLUTIONS MADE AT PREVIOUS MEETINGS 149.13 Outstanding Issue Minute 79.13 re Hawkins View Footpath and Muir Housing pond: It had been agreed that Barrowmore would provide a quotation to finish the Hawkins View footpath. With regard to the pond, Barrowmore would tidy it up and make the pond visible and would contact Muir to quote for four cuts a year. Sheep would be put on the field to graze to keep the grass down. 15.87 Long Looms Garages Site: Since the last meeting the Parish Council had learnt that a resident had put in an offer to buy the site which Sanctuary had accepted. 15.117(2) Allotments: The Clerk had received the list of Allotment holders and would write to them informing them that Councillor Hassells had taken over from Brian Cavenett, and would remind them to keep their plots tidy. 15.118 Litter: Barrowmore were to quote for a litter pick in the areas outside the village. Community Payback would be asked to quote for the promenade and side roads. : 15.130 PLANNING (1) Applications:: The following applications had been considered 15/03170/FUL Construct a 3 bay oak framed open fronted garage and secure garden store at The Barn, Barnhouse Lane, Barrow, Chester CH3 7JY – the Parish Council had no objections and the application was APPROVED 15/02787/FUL First floor extension at Smithy Cottage, Broomhill Lane, Barrow, Chester Cheshire CH3 7LB – the Parish Council had no objections 15/02523/FUL Conversion to 10 Residential Dwellings at Greysfield, Ferma Lane, Barrow, Chester, Cheshire CH3 7HT – Members of the Parish Council visited the application site and spoke to the developer about his proposals. The Parish Council fully supported this proposal. (2) Decisions: 15/02787/FUL First floor extension at Smithy Cottage, Boomhiill Lane, Barrow, Chester, Cheshire, CH3 7LB - PERMISSION (3) Awaiting Decision: 15/02523/FUL Conversion to 10 Residential Dwellings at Greysfield, Ferma Lane, Barrow, Chester, Cheshire CH3 7HT (4) It was reported that work had been carried out at New House Farm, Great Barrow without planning or building regulations permission. Bat surveys should have been carried out. The Clerk would report this to the Planning Department. 15.131 CORRESPONDENCE (1) Telephone Kiosk at Little Barrow: The Clerk reported that the Parish Council had completed the agreement with BT to take over responsibility for the maintenance of the red telephone kiosk situated outside the Foxcote at Little Barrow. BT had removed the telephone equipment and the residents of Little Barrow would maintain the kiosk. (2) Mixed Source 3D Seismic Survey: iGas had commissioned a seismic survey of land in the Stanlow, Helsby, Tarvin and Guilden Sutton area. Consultation had begun with landowners in the area. (3) ChALC The Chairman and Councillor Owen would attend the following ChALC meetings: (a) Annual Meeting – Thursday 29 October – Middlewich Civic Hall (b) ChALC Area Meeting – Joint Chester/Vale Royal meeting – Wednesday 30 September at 7.00pm (venue to be confirmed) (4) Tarvin Neighbourhood Development Plan: The Parish Council had been consulted by Tarvin Parish Council on their application to Cheshire West and Chester Council to designate the civil parish of Tarvin (excluding Bruen Stapleford) as a neighbourhood area for the purposes of producing a Neighbourhood Plan for the area. Comments were requested by 15 October 2015. The Parish Council had no comments to make. 15.132 AWAY DAY The first Parish Council Away Day had been held on 22 August 2015 at Councillor Eleanor Johnson’s house. As well as Councillor Eleanor Johnson, it was attended by Councillors Faulkner, Hassells, Pippa Johnson, Moulstone, Owen, Rackham and Weaver, with apologies from Councillor James. The morning session had concentrated on Standing Orders and Financial Regulations, with some consequent amendments proposed. The afternoon session had updated the Council’s Action List and looked at the major issues facing the Council in the coming year. Several items were removed from the Action List because they were either completed or not able to be completed. It was suggested that the Parish Council should hold a summer event in 2016 with the proceeds being put aside towards the construction of a new Sports Pavilion. It was agreed that the Away Day had been successful and that a similar event should be held next year. 15.133 AMENDMENTS TO STANDING ORDERS Several amendments were proposed to the Parish Council’s Standing Orders A copy of the model Standing Orders, updated by NALC, was available and a copy would be provided by ChALC. It was resolved to put this item on the next agenda for further consideration. 15.134 REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES AND SUB GROUPS (1) Barrow Parish Playing Field Committee: Nothing to report 2 (2) Footpaths Committee: Councillors James and Rackham would represent the Parish Council on the Footpaths Committee. With regard to the Footpaths booklet that was currently being revised prior to being re-printed, some new drawings had been done by a local artist and it was resolved that he be paid £10 for each drawing used up to a maximum of 12 drawings, a total of £120. (3) Police issues: Councillor Faulkner was asked to invite the police to attend the bonfire and fireworks on 5 November. The vandalism to the car reported earlier was noted. It was noted that Councillors Faulkner and James had done some Speedwatch sessions. The missing plants had not been reported to the police and it was noted that Mrs Wilding had already done some replanting. Councillor Rackham would ask Katharine Runciman what she wanted the Parish Council to do regarding the Christmas Tree. (5) Website/Superfast Broadband: It was agreed to offer 14 September 1.00pm to Peter Dobbs for the website training. It was reported that broadband in the area had improved generally although there were some properties that were still without a service. (6) Barrowmore Liaison: The notes of the meeting held on 30 July had been circulated. Barrowmore would be looking to quote for grass cutting work in the area. An additional seven rooms had been made available at Barrowmore House and there were now 42 rooms. The rooms were all currently occupied by men and it was hoped to attract some women occupants in the future. Funding had been found for a new security guard at night time. Bonfire night arrangements were discussed and it was agreed that car parking should take place if possible on the large field at the end of Irons Lane. The Parish Council would arrange for the fireworks to be purchased and a sum of £500 was agreed. The usual Risk Assessment would be required. The chumpers would be asked to collect wood. The area below the arch was to be used at a “Street Market”. Stalls were to be offered and Barrowmore would put up tents. A charge of £5 per family was to be made. It was noted that entrance to the site could be controlled. 15.135 NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN Councillors had not received the updated NDP. Peter Dobbs agreed to forward a copy from Dropbox and it was agreed that a meeting of the NDP Working Group was required as soon as possible. Councillor Pippa Johnson would arrange this. The Plan would then be presented to the Parish Council at the next meeting for approval prior to submission to CWaC. 15.136 PRIORITIES FOR THE GOWY WARD FOR THE NEXT FOUR YEAR Councillor Eleanor Johnson had been asked to attend a meeting with the new CWaC Locality Team to discuss the Priorities for Gowy Ward for the next four years. She asked the Parish Council for their views which were: Control of rubbish Speeding on the B5132 Availability of S106 funds Community policing Play equipment grants 15.137 POLICING (1) Neighbourhood Policing: Neighbourhood policing teams would now operate as Local Policing Units (LPU). The Chester LPU team comprised Inspector Paul Loughlin who was responsible for all neighbourhoods policing, Inspector Brian Green who was responsible for the response aspect of policing, Sergeant Graeme Carvell who was responsible for all rural neighbourhoods policing, PC Steve Trow, the beat manager of three of the rural ward areas consisting of 17 parish councils. PC Trow was supported by a team of three PCSOs covering the three ward areas. The PCSO for Barrow would be PCSO Steve Edmonds who would cover the parishes of Alvanley. Ashton Hayes. Barrow. Dunham on the Hill and 3 (2) Hapsford The national 101 telephone number remained the most appropriate method of contact for reporting all non-emergency incidents. The PCSOs had been tasked with attending parish council meetings where possible and with providing regular public meetings at key prominent locations Police and Crime Commissioner: It was noted that the next meeting of the Police and Crime Commissioner with Parish Councils would be held on Wednesday 4 November 2015 at 6.30pm in the Civic Hall, Civic Way, Ellesmere Port. A copy of the note of the last meeting held on 30 July 2015 had been circulated. 15.138 STANDING CONSIDERATION OF HIGHWAY MATTERS (1) Damaged chevron: The damaged chevron on Barrow Lane had been reported to Tony Jones, the Network Steward, who had passed the information to the engineers to arrange for its repair and reinstatement. (2) Damaged Directional Sign: The directional sign on Barnhouse Lane facing the junction with Broomhill Lane had been removed, presumably to be repaired and reinstated. (3) Grass Cutting: The grass on Long Looms was being cut but there was no attempt to cut the edges around the paving blocks. 15.139 FINANCE (1) Payments: To approve the payment of salaries, expenses and invoices for goods received and services rendered. Cheque Amount No 67 S/O 68 (2) (3) Dee Valley Water – Allotments Parish Clerk-Salary Parish Clerk-Expenses (incl. Smartwheelie £210) Receipts: To note any receipts. Sale of Parish Walks booklets Legacy from Ann Faulkner 13.17 330.64 326.04 20.00 1,000.00 Balances: Unity Trust Bank (as at 31 August 2015) Barclays Bank 10,777.63 24,927.50 15.140 ISSUES RAISED BY COUNCILLORS (1) It was noted that the cottages at Greysfield had new foundations and a new brick skim and it was queried whether this work had planning approval or whether it was within permitted development rights. (2) The gatepost in the Church wall was broken. The Clerk was asked to check with Pete Atkinson whether he was aware of it and whether any action would be taken to have it repaired. (3) The Notice Board was ready to be re-sited at Stamford Bridge. Councillor Owen was asked to advise regarding the new location as the old location was considered to be too vulnerable. (4) It was noted with sadness that Paul Oxley, who had recently applied to become a Parish Councillor, had died on 6 September. 15.141 DATE AND TIME OF THE NEXT MEETING Tuesday 13 October 2014 at 7.30pm 4