CSE 326: Data Structures Part 8 Graphs Henry Kautz Autumn Quarter 2002 Outline • • • • • Graphs (TO DO: READ WEISS CH 9) Graph Data Structures Graph Properties Topological Sort Graph Traversals – Depth First Search – Breadth First Search – Iterative Deepening Depth First • Shortest Path Problem – Dijkstra’s Algorithm Graph ADT Graphs are a formalism for representing relationships between objects – a graph G is represented as G = (V, E) • V is a set of vertices • E is a set of edges – operations include: • • • • Han Luke Leia V = {Han, Leia, Luke} E = {(Luke, Leia), (Han, Leia), (Leia, Han)} iterating over vertices iterating over edges iterating over vertices adjacent to a specific vertex asking whether an edge exists connected two vertices What Graph is THIS? ReferralWeb (co-authorship in scientific papers) Biological Function Semantic Network Graph Representation 1: Adjacency Matrix A |V| x |V| array in which an element (u, v) is true if and only if there is an edge from u to v Han Luke Han Han Luke Luke Leia Runtime: iterate over vertices iterate ever edges iterate edges adj. to vertex edge exists? Leia Space requirements: Leia Graph Representation 2: Adjacency List A |V|-ary list (array) in which each entry stores a list (linked list) of all adjacent vertices Han Han Luke Luke Leia Runtime: iterate over vertices iterate ever edges iterate edges adj. to vertex edge exists? Leia space requirements: Directed vs. Undirected Graphs • In directed graphs, edges have a specific direction: Han Luke Leia • In undirected graphs, they don’t (edges are two-way): Han Luke Leia • Vertices u and v are adjacent if (u, v) E Graph Density A sparse graph has O(|V|) edges A dense graph has (|V|2) edges Anything in between is either sparsish or densy depending on the context. Weighted Graphs Each edge has an associated weight or cost. Clinton 20 Mukilteo Kingston 30 Bainbridge 35 Edmonds Seattle 60 Bremerton There may be more information in the graph as well. Paths and Cycles A path is a list of vertices {v1, v2, …, vn} such that (vi, vi+1) E for all 0 i < n. A cycle is a path that begins and ends at the same node. Chicago Seattle Salt Lake City San Francisco Dallas p = {Seattle, Salt Lake City, Chicago, Dallas, San Francisco, Seattle} Path Length and Cost Path length: the number of edges in the path Path cost: the sum of the costs of each edge 3.5 Chicago Seattle 2 2 2 Salt Lake City 2.5 2.5 2.5 3 San Francisco Dallas length(p) = 5 cost(p) = 11.5 Connectivity Undirected graphs are connected if there is a path between any two vertices Directed graphs are strongly connected if there is a path from any one vertex to any other Directed graphs are weakly connected if there is a path between any two vertices, ignoring direction A complete graph has an edge between every pair of vertices Trees as Graphs • Every tree is a graph with some restrictions: – the tree is directed – there are no cycles (directed or undirected) – there is a directed path from the root to every node A B C D E F G BAD! I H J Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) DAGs are directed graphs with no cycles. main() mult() if program call graph is a DAG, then all procedure calls can be in-lined add() access() Trees DAGs Graphs read() Application of DAGs: Representing Partial Orders check in airport reserve flight call taxi pack bags take flight taxi to airport locate gate Topological Sort Given a graph, G = (V, E), output all the vertices in V such that no vertex is output before any other vertex with an edge to it. reserve flight call taxi taxi to airport pack bags check in airport take flight locate gate Topo-Sort Take One Label each vertex’s in-degree (# of inbound edges) While there are vertices remaining Pick a vertex with in-degree of zero and output it Reduce the in-degree of all vertices adjacent to it Remove it from the list of vertices runtime: Topo-Sort Take Two Label each vertex’s in-degree Initialize a queue (or stack) to contain all in-degree zero vertices While there are vertices remaining in the queue Remove a vertex v with in-degree of zero and output it Reduce the in-degree of all vertices adjacent to v Put any of these with new in-degree zero on the queue runtime: Recall: Tree Traversals a b f c h g e d k abfgkcdhilje i j l Depth-First Search • Pre/Post/In – order traversals are examples of depth-first search – Nodes are visited deeply on the left-most branches before any nodes are visited on the right-most branches • Visiting the right branches deeply before the left would still be depth-first! Crucial idea is “go deep first!” • Difference in pre/post/in-order is how some computation (e.g. printing) is done at current node relative to the recursive calls • In DFS the nodes “being worked on” are kept on a stack Iterative Version DFS Pre-order Traversal Push root on a Stack Repeat until Stack is empty: Pop a node Process it Push it’s children on the Stack Level-Order Tree Traversal • Consider task of traversing tree level by level from top to bottom (alphabetic order) a • Is this also DFS? b f c h g k e d i j l Breadth-First Search • No! Level-order traversal is an example of Breadth-First Search • BFS characteristics – Nodes being worked on maintained in a FIFO Queue, not a stack – Iterative style procedures often easier to design than recursive procedures Put root in a Queue Repeat until Queue is empty: Dequeue a node Process it Add it’s children to queue QUEUE a bcde cdefg defg efghij fghij ghij hijk ijk jkl kl l a b f c h g k e d i l j Graph Traversals • Depth first search and breadth first search also work for arbitrary (directed or undirected) graphs – Must mark visited vertices so you do not go into an infinite loop! • Either can be used to determine connectivity: – Is there a path between two given vertices? – Is the graph (weakly) connected? • Important difference: Breadth-first search always finds a shortest path from the start vertex to any other (for unweighted graphs) – Depth first search may not! Demos on Web Page DFS BFS Is BFS the Hands Down Winner? • Depth-first search – Simple to implement (implicit or explict stack) – Does not always find shortest paths – Must be careful to “mark” visited vertices, or you could go into an infinite loop if there is a cycle • Breadth-first search – Simple to implement (queue) – Always finds shortest paths – Marking visited nodes can improve efficiency, but even without doing so search is guaranteed to terminate Space Requirements Consider space required by the stack or queue… • Suppose – G is known to be at distance d from S – Each vertex n has k out-edges – There are no (undirected or directed) cycles • BFS queue will grow to size kd – Will simultaneously contain all nodes that are at distance d (once last vertex at distance d-1 is expanded) – For k=10, d=15, size is 1,000,000,000,000,000 DFS Space Requirements • Consider DFS, where we limit the depth of the search to d – Force a backtrack at d+1 – When visiting a node n at depth d, stack will contain • • • • • (at most) k-1 siblings of n parent of n siblings of parent of n grandparent of n siblings of grandparent of n … • DFS queue grows at most to size dk – For k=10, d=15, size is 150 – Compare with BFS 1,000,000,000,000,000 Conclusion • For very large graphs – DFS is hugely more memory efficient, if we know the distance to the goal vertex! • But suppose we don’t know d. What is the (obvious) strategy? Iterative Deepening DFS IterativeDeepeningDFS(vertex s, g){ for (i=1;true;i++) if DFS(i, s, g) return; } // Also need to keep track of path found bool DFS(int limit, vertex s, g){ if (s==g) return true; if (limit-- <= 0) return false; for (n in children(s)) if (DFS(limit, n, g)) return true; return false; } Analysis of Iterative Deepening • Even without “marking” nodes as visited, iterative-deepening DFS never goes into an infinite loop – For very large graphs, memory cost of keeping track of visited vertices may make marking prohibitive • Work performed with limit < actual distance to G is wasted – but the wasted work is usually small compared to amount of work done during the last iteration Asymptotic Analysis • There are “pathological” graphs for which iterative deepening is bad: n=d G S Iterative Deepening DFS = 1 2 3 ... n O(n 2 ) BFS = O(n) A Better Case Suppose each vertex n has k out-edges, no cycles • Bounded DFS to level i reaches ki vertices • Iterative Deepening DFS(d) = d k O(k ) i d i 1 d BFS = O(k ) ignore low order terms! (More) Conclusions • To find a shortest path between two nodes in a unweighted graph, use either BFS or Iterated DFS • If the graph is large, Iterated DFS typically uses much less memory – Later we’ll learn about heuristic search algorithms, which use additional knowledge about the problem domain to reduce the number of vertices visited Single Source, Shortest Path for Weighted Graphs Given a graph G = (V, E) with edge costs c(e), and a vertex s V, find the shortest (lowest cost) path from s to every vertex in V • • • • Graph may be directed or undirected Graph may or may not contain cycles Weights may be all positive or not What is the problem if graph contains cycles whose total cost is negative? The Trouble with Negative Weighted Cycles A 2 -5 C B 1 2 D 10 E Edsger Wybe Dijkstra (1930-2002) • Invented concepts of structured programming, synchronization, weakest precondition, and "semaphores" for controlling computer processes. The Oxford English Dictionary cites his use of the words "vector" and "stack" in a computing context. • Believed programming should be taught without computers • 1972 Turing Award • “In their capacity as a tool, computers will be but a ripple on the surface of our culture. In their capacity as intellectual challenge, they are without precedent in the cultural history of mankind.” Dijkstra’s Algorithm for Single Source Shortest Path • Classic algorithm for solving shortest path in weighted graphs (with only positive edge weights) • Similar to breadth-first search, but uses a priority queue instead of a FIFO queue: – Always select (expand) the vertex that has a lowest-cost path to the start vertex – a kind of “greedy” algorithm • Correctly handles the case where the lowest-cost (shortest) path to a vertex is not the one with fewest edges Pseudocode for Dijkstra Initialize the cost of each vertex to cost[s] = 0; heap.insert(s); While (! heap.empty()) n = heap.deleteMin() For (each vertex a which is adjacent to n along edge e) if (cost[n] + edge_cost[e] < cost[a]) then cost [a] = cost[n] + edge_cost[e] previous_on_path_to[a] = n; if (a is in the heap) then heap.decreaseKey(a) else heap.insert(a) Important Features • Once a vertex is removed from the head, the cost of the shortest path to that node is known • While a vertex is still in the heap, another shorter path to it might still be found • The shortest path itself from s to any node a can be found by following the pointers stored in previous_on_path_to[a] Dijkstra’s Algorithm in Action 2 A 1 4 D 2 B 1 2 10 9 4 C 2 E known cost H 1 G 8 7 vertex A B C D E F G H 3 F 1 Demo Dijkstra’s Data Structures for Dijkstra’s Algorithm |V| times: Select the unknown node with the lowest cost findMin/deleteMin O(log |V|) |E| times: a’s cost = min(a’s old cost, …) decreaseKey O(log |V|) runtime: O(|E| log |V|) CSE 326: Data Structures Lecture 8.B Heuristic Graph Search Henry Kautz Winter Quarter 2002 Homework Hint - Problem 4 (a b) mod p (a mod p b mod p ) mod p final mod in case sum is p (c(a mod p)) mod p (ca) mod p Let (bk bk 1bk 2 ...b1 ) be the interpretation of a bit string as a binary number. Then: (bk bk 1bk 2 ...b1 ) bk 2k 1 (bk 1bk 2 ...b1 ) You can turn in a final version of your answer to problem 4 without penalty on Wednesday. Outline • Best First Search • A* Search • Example: Plan Synthesis • This material is NOT in Weiss, but is important for both the programming project and the final exam! Huge Graphs • Consider some really huge graphs… – All cities and towns in the World Atlas – All stars in the Galaxy – All ways 10 blocks can be stacked Huh??? Implicitly Generated Graphs • A huge graph may be implicitly specified by rules for generating it on-the-fly • Blocks world: – vertex = relative positions of all blocks – edge = robot arm stacks one block stack(blue,table) stack(green,blue) stack(blue,red) stack(green,red) stack(green,blue) Blocks World • Source = initial state of the blocks • Goal = desired state of the blocks • Path source to goal = sequence of actions (program) for robot arm! • n blocks nn vertices • 10 blocks 10 billion vertices! Problem: Branching Factor • Cannot search such huge graphs exhaustively. Suppose we know that goal is only d steps away. • Dijkstra’s algorithm is basically breadth-first search (modified to handle arc weights) • Breadth-first search (or for weighted graphs, Dijkstra’s algorithm) – If out-degree of each node is 10, potentially visits 10d vertices – 10 step plan = 10 billion vertices visited! An Easier Case • Suppose you live in Manhattan; what do you do? S 52nd St G 51st St 50th St 2nd Ave 3rd Ave 4th Ave 5th Ave 6th Ave 7th Ave 8th Ave 9th Ave 10th Ave Best-First Search • The Manhattan distance ( x+ y) is an estimate of the distance to the goal – a heuristic value • Best-First Search – Order nodes in priority to minimize estimated distance to the goal h(n) • Compare: BFS / Dijkstra – Order nodes in priority to minimize distance from the start Best First in Action • Suppose you live in Manhattan; what do you do? S 52nd St G 51st St 50th St 2nd Ave 3rd Ave 4th Ave 5th Ave 6th Ave 7th Ave 8th Ave 9th Ave 10th Ave Problem 1: Led Astray • Eventually will expand vertex to get back on the right track S 52nd St G 51st St 50th St 2nd Ave 3rd Ave 4th Ave 5th Ave 6th Ave 7th Ave 8th Ave 9th Ave 10th Ave Problem 2: Optimality • With Best-First Search, are you guaranteed a shortest path is found when – goal is first seen? – when goal is removed from priority queue (as with Dijkstra?) Sub-Optimal Solution • No! Goal is by definition at distance 0: will be removed from priority queue immediately, even if a shorter path exists! (5 blocks) 52nd St S 51st St h=4 h=2 h=5 G h=1 4th Ave 5th Ave 6th Ave 7th Ave 8th Ave 9th Ave Synergy? • Dijkstra / Breadth First guaranteed to find optimal solution • Best First often visits far fewer vertices, but may not provide optimal solution – Can we get the best of both? A* (“A star”) • Order vertices in priority queue to minimize (distance from start) + (estimated distance to goal) f(n) = g(n) + h(n) f(n) = priority of a node g(n) = true distance from start h(n) = heuristic distance to goal Optimality • Suppose the estimated distance (h) is always less than or equal to the true distance to the goal – heuristic is a lower bound on true distance • Then: when the goal is removed from the priority queue, we are guaranteed to have found a shortest path! Problem 2 Revisited 52nd St (5 blocks) S G 51st St 50th St vertex g(n) h(n) f(n) 52nd & 9th 0 5 5 4th Ave 5th Ave 6th Ave 7th Ave 8th Ave 9th Ave Problem 2 Revisited 52nd St (5 blocks) S G 51st St 50th St vertex g(n) h(n) f(n) 52nd & 4th 5 2 7 51st & 9th 1 4 5 4th Ave 5th Ave 6th Ave 7th Ave 8th Ave 9th Ave Problem 2 Revisited 52nd St (5 blocks) S G 51st St 50th St vertex g(n) h(n) f(n) 52nd & 4th 5 2 7 51st & 8th 2 3 5 50th & 9th 2 5 7 4th Ave 5th Ave 6th Ave 7th Ave 8th Ave 9th Ave Problem 2 Revisited 52nd St (5 blocks) S G 51st St vertex g(n) h(n) f(n) 52nd & 4th 5 2 7 51st & 7th 3 2 5 50th & 9th 2 5 7 50th & 8th 3 4 7 50th St 4th Ave 5th Ave 6th Ave 7th Ave 8th Ave 9th Ave Problem 2 Revisited 52nd St (5 blocks) S G 51st St vertex g(n) h(n) f(n) 52nd & 4th 5 2 7 51st & 6th 4 1 5 50th & 9th 2 5 7 50th & 8th 3 4 7 50th & 7th 4 3 7 50th St 4th Ave 5th Ave 6th Ave 7th Ave 8th Ave 9th Ave Problem 2 Revisited 52nd St (5 blocks) S G 51st St vertex g(n) h(n) f(n) 52nd & 4th 5 2 7 51st & 5th 5 0 5 50th & 9th 2 5 7 50th & 8th 3 4 7 50th & 7th 4 3 7 50th St 4th Ave 5th Ave 6th Ave 7th Ave 8th Ave 9th Ave Problem 2 Revisited 52nd St (5 blocks) S G 51st St 50th vertex g(n) h(n) f(n) 52nd & 4th 5 2 7 50th & 9th 2 5 7 50th & 8th 3 4 7 50th & 7th 4 3 7 St 4th Ave 5th Ave 6th Ave 7th Ave 8th Ave 9th Ave DONE! What Would Dijkstra Have Done? 52nd St (5 blocks) S G 51st St 50th St 49th St 48th St 4th Ave 5th Ave 6th Ave 7th Ave 8th Ave 9th Ave 47th St Proof of A* Optimality • A* terminates when G is popped from the heap. • Suppose G is popped but the path found isn’t optimal: priority(G) > optimal path length c • Let P be an optimal path from S to G, and let N be the last vertex on that path that has been visited but not yet popped. There must be such an N, otherwise the optimal path would have been found. priority(N) = g(N) + h(N) c • So N should have popped before G can pop. Contradiction. non-optimal path to G S portion of optimal path found so far G N undiscovered portion of shortest path What About Those Blocks? • “Distance to goal” is not always physical distance • Blocks world: – distance = number of stacks to perform – heuristic lower bound = number of blocks out of place # out of place = 2, true distance to goal = 3 3-Blocks State Space Graph ABC h=2 A BC h=1 A CB h=2 B AC h=2 B CA h=1 C AB h=3 C BA h=3 C A B h=3 B A C h=2 C B A h=3 A B C h=0 B C A h=3 A C B h=3 start goal 3-Blocks Best First Solution ABC h=2 A BC h=1 A CB h=2 B AC h=2 B CA h=1 C AB h=3 C BA h=3 C A B h=3 B A C h=2 C B A h=3 A B C h=0 B C A h=3 A C B h=3 start goal 3-Blocks BFS Solution ABC h=2 expanded, but not in solution A BC h=1 A CB h=2 B AC h=2 B CA h=1 C AB h=3 C BA h=3 C A B h=3 B A C h=2 C B A h=3 A B C h=0 B C A h=3 A C B h=3 start goal 3-Blocks A* Solution ABC h=2 expanded, but not in solution A BC h=1 A CB h=2 B AC h=2 B CA h=1 C AB h=3 C BA h=3 C A B h=3 B A C h=2 C B A h=3 A B C h=0 B C A h=3 A C B h=3 start goal Other Real-World Applications • Routing finding – computer networks, airline route planning • VLSI layout – cell layout and channel routing • Production planning – “just in time” optimization • Protein sequence alignment • Many other “NP-Hard” problems – A class of problems for which no exact polynomial time algorithms exist – so heuristic search is the best we can hope for Coming Up • Other graph problems – Connected components – Spanning tree CSE 326: Data Structures Part 8.C Spanning Trees and More Henry Kautz Autumn Quarter 2002 Today • • • • Incremental hashing MazeRunner project Longest Path? Finding Connected Components – Application to machine vision • Finding Minimum Spanning Trees – Yet another use for union/find Incremental Hashing n n i h(a1...an ) c ai % p i 1 n n 1 n 1i n 1i h(a2 ...an 1 ) c ai % p an 1 c ai % p i2 i2 n n 1 n 1 n 1i an 1 c a1 c a1 c ai % p i 2 n n 1 n i an 1 c a1 c c ai % p i 1 n n i n 1 an 1 % p c a1 % p c c ai % p % p i 1 an 1 c n 1a1 ch(a1...an ) % p 20 15 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ |* | + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | Maze Runner | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + + + + + + +-+ + |X | | | | | | +-+ + +-+-+ +-+-+-+ +-+ +-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | + + + + + + + + + +-+ + + +-+ + + +-+ +-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | •DFS, iterated DFS, BFS, best-first, A* +-+-+ + + + + + + + + + + + + +-+ + + + + | | | | | | | | | | + + + +-+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +-+-+-+-+ +-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | + + + + + + + + + + +-+ +-+-+ + + +-+-+ + | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | + + + + + + + + + + +-+ +-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | + + + + +-+ +-+ + + + + +-+ + +-+ + + + + | | | | | | | | | | | | + + +-+-+-+-+ +-+ +-+-+-+ +-+-+ +-+ +-+ + | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +-+ + | | | •Crufty old C++ code from fresh clean Java code | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ •Win fame and glory by writing a nice real-time maze visualizer Java Note Java lacks enumerated constants… enum {DOG, CAT, MOUSE} animal; animal a = DOG; Static constants not type-safe… static final int DOG = 1; static final int CAT = 2; static final int BLUE = 1; int favoriteColor = DOG; Amazing Java Trick public final class Animal { private Animal() {} public static final Animal DOG = new Animal(); public static final Animal CAT = new Animal(); } public final class Color { private Color() {} public static final Animal BLUE = new Color(); } Animal x = DOG; Animal x = BLUE; // Gives compile-time error! Longest Path Problem • Given a graph G=(V,E) and vertices s, t • Find a longest simple path (no repeating vertices) from s to t. • Does “reverse Dijkstra” work? Dijkstra Initialize the cost of each vertex to cost[s] = 0; heap.insert(s); While (! heap.empty()) n = heap.deleteMin() For (each vertex a which is adjacent to n along edge e) if (cost[n] + edge_cost[e] < cost[a]) then cost [a] = cost[n] + edge_cost[e] previous_on_path_to[a] = n; if (a is in the heap) then heap.decreaseKey(a) else heap.insert(a) Reverse Dijkstra Initialize the cost of each vertex to cost[s] = 0; heap.insert(s); While (! heap.empty()) n = heap.deleteMax() For (each vertex a which is adjacent to n along edge e) if (cost[n] + edge_cost[e] > cost[a]) then cost [a] = cost[n] + edge_cost[e] previous_on_path_to[a] = n; if (a is in the heap) then heap.increaseKey(a) else heap.insert(a) Does it Work? a 5 3 s 6 1 b t Problem • No clear stopping condition! • How many times could a vertex be inserted in the priority queue? – Exponential! – Not a “good” algorithm! • Is the better one? Counting Connected Components Initialize the cost of each vertex to Num_cc = 0 While there are vertices of cost { Pick an arbitrary such vertex S, set its cost to 0 Find paths from S Num_cc ++ } Using DFS Set each vertex to “unvisited” Num_cc = 0 While there are unvisited vertices { Pick an arbitrary such vertex S Perform DFS from S, marking vertices as visited Num_cc ++ } Complexity = O(|V|+|E|) Using Union / Find Put each node in its own equivalence class Num_cc = 0 For each edge E = <x,y> Union(x,y) Return number of equivalence classes Complexity = Using Union / Find Put each node in its own equivalence class Num_cc = 0 For each edge E = <x,y> Union(x,y) Return number of equivalence classes Complexity = O(|V|+|E| ack(|E|,|V|)) Machine Vision: Blob Finding Machine Vision: Blob Finding 1 2 3 4 5 Blob Finding • Matrix can be considered an efficient representation of a graph with a very regular structure • Cell = vertex • Adjacent cells of same color = edge between vertices • Blob finding = finding connected components Tradeoffs • Both DFS and Union/Find approaches are (essentially) O(|E|+|V|) = O(|E|) for binary images • For each component, DFS (“recursive labeling”) can move all over the image – entire image must be in main memory • Better in practice: row-by-row processing – localizes accesses to memory – typically 1-2 orders of magnitude faster! High-Level Blob-Labeling • Scan through image left/right and top/bottom • If a cell is same color as (connected to) cell to right or below, then union them • Give the same blob number to cells in each equivalence class Blob-Labeling Algorithm Put each cell <x,y> in it’s own equivalence class For each cell <x,y> if color[x,y] == color[x+1,y] then Union( <x,y>, <x+1,y> ) if color[x,y] == color[x,y+1] then Union( <x,y>, <x,y+1> ) label = 0 For each root <x,y> blobnum[x,y] = ++ label; For each cell <x,y> blobnum[x,y] = blobnum( Find(<x,y>) ) Spanning Tree Spanning tree: a subset of the edges from a connected graph that… … touches all vertices in the graph (spans the graph) … forms a tree (is connected and contains no cycles) 4 7 9 1 2 5 Minimum spanning tree: the spanning tree with the least total edge cost. Applications of Minimal Spanning Trees • Communication networks • VLSI design • Transportation systems Kruskal’s Algorithm for Minimum Spanning Trees A greedy algorithm: Initialize all vertices to unconnected While there are still unmarked edges Pick a lowest cost edge e = (u, v) and mark it If u and v are not already connected, add e to the minimum spanning tree and connect u and v Sound familiar? (Think maze generation.) Kruskal’s Algorithm in Action (1/5) 2 2 B A F 1 4 3 2 1 10 9 G C 2 D 7 4 8 E H Kruskal’s Algorithm in Action (2/5) 2 2 B A F 1 4 3 2 1 10 9 G C 2 D 7 4 8 E H Kruskal’s Algorithm in Action (3/5) 2 2 B A F 1 4 3 2 1 10 9 G C 2 D 7 4 8 E H Kruskal’s Algorithm in Action (4/5) 2 2 B A F 1 4 3 2 1 10 9 G C 2 D 7 4 8 E H Kruskal’s Algorithm Completed (5/5) 2 2 B A F 1 4 3 2 1 10 9 G C 2 D 7 4 8 E H Why Greediness Works Proof by contradiction that Kruskal’s finds a minimum spanning tree: • Assume another spanning tree has lower cost than Kruskal’s. • Pick an edge e1 = (u, v) in that tree that’s not in Kruskal’s. • Consider the point in Kruskal’s algorithm where u’s set and v’s set were about to be connected. Kruskal selected some edge to connect them: call it e2 . • But, e2 must have at most the same cost as e1 (otherwise Kruskal would have selected it instead). • So, swap e2 for e1 (at worst keeping the cost the same) • Repeat until the tree is identical to Kruskal’s, where the cost is the same or lower than the original cost: contradiction! Data Structures for Kruskal’s Algorithm Once: |E| times: Pick the lowest cost edge… Initialize heap of edges… buildHeap findMin/deleteMin |E| times: If u and v are not already connected… …connect u and v. union runtime: |E| + |E| log |E| + |E| ack(|E|,|V|) Data Structures for Kruskal’s Algorithm Once: |E| times: Pick the lowest cost edge… Initialize heap of edges… buildHeap findMin/deleteMin |E| times: If u and v are not already connected… …connect u and v. union runtime: |E| + |E| log |E| + |E| ack(|E|,|V|) = O(|E|log|E|) Prim’s Algorithm • Can also find Minimum Spanning Trees using a variation of Dijkstra’s algorithm: Pick a initial node Until graph is connected: Choose edge (u,v) which is of minimum cost among edges where u is in tree but v is not Add (u,v) to the tree • Same “greedy” proof, same asymptotic complexity Coming Up • • • • Application: Sentence Disambiguation All-pairs Shortest Paths NP-Complete Problems Advanced topics – Quad trees – Randomized algorithms Sentence Disambiguation • A person types a message on their cell phone keypad. Each button can stand for three different letter (e.g. “1” is a, b, or c), but the person does not explicitly indicate which letter is meant. (Words are separated by blanks – the “0” key.) • Problem: How can the system determine what sentence was typed? – My Nokia cell phone does this! • How can this problem be cast as a shortest-path problem? Sentence Disambiguation as Shortest Path Idea: • Possible words are vertices • Directed edge between adjacent possible words • Weight on edge from W1 to W2 is probability that W2 appears adjacent to W1 – Probabilities over what?! Some large archive (corpus) of text – “Word bi-gram” model • Find the most probable path through the graph W11 W 12 W 21 W 13 W 23 W 22 W W3111 W 33 W 41 W 43 Technical Concerns • Isn’t “most probable” actually longest (most heavily weighted) path?! • Shouldn’t we be multiplying probabilities, not adding them?! P(# w1w2 w3 #) P(w1 | #) P(w2 | w1 ) P(w3 | w2 ) P(# | w3 ) Logs to the Rescue • Make weight on edge fromW1 to W2 be - log P(W2 | W1) • Logs of probabilities are always negative numbers, so take negative logs • The lower the probability, the larger the negative log! So this is shortest path • Adding logs is the same as multiplying the underlying quantities To Think About • This really works in practice – 99% accuracy! • Cell phone memory is limited – how can we use as little storage as possible? • How can the system customize itself to a user? Question Which graph algorithm is asymptotically better: • (|V||E|log|V|) • (|V|3) All Pairs Shortest Path • Suppose you want to compute the length of the shortest paths between all pairs of vertices in a graph… – Run Dijkstra’s algorithm (with priority queue) repeatedly, starting with each node in the graph: – Complexity in terms of V when graph is dense: Dynamic Programming Approach Dk ,i , j distance from vi to v j that uses only v1, v2 ,..., vk as intermediates Note that path for Dk ,i , j either does not use vk , or merges the paths vi vk and vk v j Dk ,i , j min{Dk 1,i , j , Dk 1,i ,k Dk 1,k , j } Floyd-Warshall Algorithm // C – adjacency matrix representation of graph // C[i][j] = weighted edge i->j or if none // D – computed distances FW(int n, int C [][], int D [][]){ for (i = 0; i < N; i++){ Run time = for (j = 0; j < N; j++) D[i][j] = C[i][j]; D[i][i] = 0.0; } How could we for (k = 0; k < N; k++) compute the paths? for (i = 0; i < N; i++) for (j = 0; j < N; j++) if (D[i][k] + D[k][j] < D[i][j]) D[i][j] = D[i][k] + D[k][j]; }