SOCIAL IMPACT BUSINESS CHALLENGE BUSINESS PLAN GUIDELINES What’s the Social Impact Business Challenge? The challenge invites students to use social media to create social impact. Specifically, students are asked to design an ethics quiz that can be distributed through social networking platforms. The quiz should promote the ongoing discussion of basic human values, and it should be supported by a sustainable business concept. Using provocative topics from the news or popular television programs, the quiz should engage the audience in entertaining ways and keep them coming back week after week. Business Plan Guidelines The following guidelines are intended to provide a basic template from which to develop a compelling plan. Each section below contains questions that your business plan should answer; you may avoid questions that seem less than directly relevant to your concept, or address other issues relevant to your concept. In any case, your submissions should not exceed 10 single-spaced pages, with one-inch margins and 12-point Times New Roman font. An additional 5 pages can be devoted to supporting appendices. Submissions are DUE April 15th, 11:59p to Dr. Matt Statler ( Submissions that do not make this deadline will NOT be considered for the competition. Section I: Executive Summary (~1 page) Briefly describe your concept, its market potential, social value and impact, and sustainability. A recommendation is to write this section last, after you have completed the following four other sections (below). Section II: Your Concept (~2-pages) Describe your concept for how to use social media to create social impact. Specifically, how will the ethics quiz be designed? How will it function, and on what social media platform(s)? What topics will it address? How will the results of the quiz be analyzed or interpreted? How will the quiz be renewed from week to week, or over time? How will people who take the quiz once be encouraged to return? How will the quiz promote discussion of basic human values? Section III: Market Potential (~2-pages) What kinds of people will be compelled by your concept to participate? Who will be your ‘customers’? What social media offerings currently appeal to those customer segments? What organizations have developed those offerings, and through what process have they been brought to market? Are there any new entrants currently developing similar offerings? What are the critical success factors for such offerings? What is the competitive advantage that will distinguish your offering? How will you develop and exploit that advantage? What are the critical risks that might impede your success, and how will you manage them? What various approaches will you leverage to develop and expand the market for your offering, ensuring that it has broad and sustainable appeal? Section IV: Social Value and Impact (~2 pages) How will your proposed offering create social impact? What metrics will you use to assess the social impact created by your venture, both in the short term as people engage for the first time, and over time as the venture develops and achieve greater market penetration? What best practices or existing ventures that create social impact will guide your decision-making as you develop and refine your concept? As your offering allows people to engage in discussions about basic human ethical values, what potential implications does that have for society more broadly? Section V: Sustainability (~2 pages) What organizational capabilities are required in order for your concept to function? Specifically, what technological, logistical & operational, human capital, and leadership resources will be necessary in order to develop and implement the concept? Either in the plan or in the appendices, you should provide a summary of the technological specifications for the social media platform, potentially including screen shots to indicate the look and feel of the concept. What financial resources will be necessary during the alpha- and beta- phases of development? What financial resources will foreseeably be necessary for the first year of operations? What sources of funding and revenue will be developed? Whether in the plan or in the appendices, you should provide a detailed monthly cash flow analysis as well as a set of financial projections, including a simple income statement, cost of goods sold, other expenses and projected margins. What milestones and longer-term goals will guide your efforts? How do you plan to scale and grow the venture?