NATIONAL CONNECTED VEHICLE FIELD INFRASTRUCTURE FOOTPRINT ANALYSIS Design Gaps Analysis Contract No. DTFH61-11-D-00008 Submitted to: U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration By the: American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Version 1 Draft June 28, 2012 National Connected Vehicle Field Infrastructure Footprint Analysis Design Gaps Analysis Document Versions Version 1 Description Draft submitted for review, June 28, 2013 1 National Connected Vehicle Field Infrastructure Footprint Analysis Design Gaps Analysis Table of Contents 1. Introduction ..............................................................................................................................1 1.1. Background .......................................................................................................................1 1.2. Document Purpose ............................................................................................................1 1.3. Document Overview .........................................................................................................2 2. Design Gaps ..............................................................................................................................3 2.1. Connected Vehicle System Architecture ..........................................................................3 2.1.1. System Architecture Description and Requirements...........................................3 2.1.2. System Boundary ................................................................................................4 2.1.3. Non Extensible Architecture ...............................................................................5 2.1.4. Relationship between RSE and Applications ......................................................6 2.1.5. Relationship between RSE Location, Applications and Latency ........................7 2.2. Equipment Installation ......................................................................................................8 2.3. Connected Vehicle Data Needs and Standards .................................................................8 2.3.1. Infrastructure Data Message Standards: the BSM ..............................................8 2.3.2. Infrastructure Data Message Standards: Extensibility ........................................9 2.3.3. Location-based Warning in the Map Linkage Structure. ..................................10 2.3.4. Map Database Assumptions ..............................................................................10 2.4. Security ...........................................................................................................................11 2.4.1. WWAN Messaging and Security ......................................................................11 2.4.2. Field Equipment/Application Certification/Tamper Resistance .......................12 2.4.3. Vehicle/Application Certification .....................................................................12 2.4.4. Retirement/End of Life ......................................................................................13 2.4.5. Revoked Device Management...........................................................................13 2.4.6. Bootstrap and Device Certification ...................................................................14 2.5. Backhaul Network ..........................................................................................................16 2.6. Mapping Support ............................................................................................................17 2.6.1. Road Geometry Data Standards ........................................................................18 2.6.2. Map Message Content .......................................................................................18 2.6.3. Road Geometry Data Maintenance ...................................................................19 2.7. International Land Border Crossings ..............................................................................19 2.7.1. Organizational and Technical Capabilities........................................................19 2.7.2. Border Information Flow Architecture..............................................................20 2.7.3. Physical and Communication Security..............................................................20 2.7.4. Bi-National Data Exchange Protocols and Standards .......................................21 2.8. Policy/Governance Gaps .................................................................................................22 ii National Connected Vehicle Field Infrastructure Footprint Analysis Design Gaps Analysis 2.8.1. 2.8.2. 2.8.3. 2.8.4. Appendix A. Infrastructure Data Business Models ................................................................22 RSU Management and Access Requirements ...................................................23 Cross Border Identified Certificate Administration ..........................................23 Deployment Goals and Strategy ........................................................................24 Acronyms .........................................................................................................26 iii National Connected Vehicle Field Infrastructure Footprint Analysis Design Gaps Analysis List of Identified Gaps Gap 1: Lack of Consistent Systems Engineering Documentation 3 Gap 2: System Boundary and Associated Interfaces Not Well Defined 4 Gap 3: Architecture and Supporting Messaging Standards Are Inflexible and May Suffer From Early Obsolescence 5 Gap 4: Inconsistent Understanding of Range of Applications for a Single RSE 6 Gap 5: Lack of Consensus on Relationship between RSE Location, RSE Applications and Latency Requirements 7 Gap 6: Lack of Installation Guidelines for DSRC Field Equipment 8 Gap 7: Basic Safety Messages Are Inadequate As a General Means for Collecting Road Data 8 Gap 8: Current Messaging Standards and Data Dictionaries May Not Support Current or Future Needs of Infrastructure Implementers 9 Gap 9: No Explicit Linkage between Warning Messages and the Underlying Map 10 Gap 10: Inconsistency in Assumptions about Map Data Sources 10 Gap 11: Security Standards for Local and Wide Area Networks Are Not Aligned 11 Gap 12: Security Requirements for Field Equipment Are Not Defined 12 Gap 13: Vehicle Certification Does Not Adequately Constrain Terminal Elements 12 Gap 14: No Method for Destruction of Vehicle Equipment 13 Gap 15: Requirements for Revoked Device Behavior 13 Gap 16: Security Credential Management System Design Is Not Deployment Ready 14 Gap 17: Misbehavior Reporting and Detection Processes Are Not Sufficiently Defined, and May Not Be Effective 16 Gap 18: IPv6 for Backhaul Not Yet Widely Accepted or Demonstrated 16 Gap 19: No Requirements for Road Geometry Content and no Standards for Accuracy 18 Gap 20: Current SAE J2735 MAP Message Standard is Incomplete and Inflexible 18 Gap 21: Dynamic Updating of Road Geometry Data 19 Gap 22: International Coordination 19 Gap 23: Unbalanced Cross-Border Capabilities 20 Gap 24: Border Information Flow Architecture (BIFA) is Inconsistent with ITS National Architecture 20 Gap 25: No Established Standards for Cross-Border Information Exchange and Information Security 20 Gap 26: No Established Standards for Cross-Border Real-time Information Exchange 21 Gap 27: Business Models for Connected Vehicle Data Have Not Been Developed or Validated 22 iv National Connected Vehicle Field Infrastructure Footprint Analysis Design Gaps Analysis Gap 28: No Obvious Incentive for Data Providers to Provide Data beyond Any Mandate 22 Gap 29: RSU Management Access and Security Requirements Not Defined 23 Gap 30: No Established International Passenger Vehicle Certificate Information Exchange Platform 24 Gap 31: No Consensus on Public and Private Sector Roles in Deployment 24 v National Connected Vehicle Field Infrastructure Footprint Analysis Design Gaps Analysis 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. BACKGROUND This technical memo is part of a study sponsored by the US Department of Transportation (USDOT) and performed by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). The purpose of this project is to conduct analyses leading to a preliminary, general concept of a national connected vehicle field infrastructure footprint. Describing such a footprint satisfies many requirements in developing a policy foundation for the connected vehicle environment, including development of a set of desired outcomes which include: A description, for State and local investment and decision makers, of the justification for and value of deployment of connected vehicle infrastructure. A compilation of the data, communications, and infrastructure needs of the priority applications. A set of generic, design concepts (at a high-level of engineering detail) that relate the infrastructure to the applications (or bundles of applications) and their needs under different operational conditions. A set of State- and local-based scenarios identifying how and where agencies might implement secure, connected vehicle infrastructure and what funding strategies might use to support such deployment, and a synthesis of these scenarios into a preliminary national footprint of connected vehicle field infrastructure. A phased deployment plan which identifies the actions and funding strategies needed over a period of time for coordinated implementation of a national connected vehicle field infrastructure. Cost estimates for deployment, operations, and maintenance. Estimates of workforce and training requirements; and identification of policy and guidance needs. Identification of implementation challenges and institutional issues and identification of the timing by which those issues need to be resolved to achieve deployment. This technical memo specifically relates to the identification and analysis of design gaps. 1.2. DOCUMENT PURPOSE The purpose of this document is to identify, describe, and make recommendations to address apparent gaps between the National Connected Vehicle Field Infrastructure 1 National Connected Vehicle Field Infrastructure Footprint Analysis Design Gaps Analysis Footprint Analysis Design Concepts developed in Task 5 of the study and the ongoing technology development, design, implementation, policy development and governance of connected vehicle applications. 1.3. DOCUMENT OVERVIEW Following this introductory section, the document consists of a series of design gap discussions, structured loosely around topical areas of concern. The discussion of each gap consists of a one-sentence description or label, a summary of the key issues from which the gap arises, and recommendations for addressing the perceived gap. 2 National Connected Vehicle Field Infrastructure Footprint Analysis Design Gaps Analysis 2. DESIGN GAPS 2.1. CONNECTED VEHICLE SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE The Systems Engineering Guidebook for ITS sets forth a detailed process for describing ITS systems and developing requirements for the various system elements. This process includes the identification of the elements inside the system, and those specifically outside the system (the system boundary), the development of concepts of operations for known applications and system functions, and specific high-level requirements for each of the identified elements. Using these documents, a practitioner can then develop procurement specifications and design details for their particular implementation. This unified design is especially important for the connected vehicle system since it is a nationwide system that will likely be deployed incrementally region by region through the work of state and local agencies and private industry. Providing a unified design will assure regional compatibility and continuous interoperability for vehicles as they cross jurisdictional boundaries. 2.1.1. System Architecture Description and Requirements Gap 1: Lack of Consistent Systems Engineering Documentation While a variety of system descriptions have been developed, there is currently no fully-consistent set of documents describing the entire connected vehicle system architecture, and there are no corresponding requirements for all elements of the system as it might be deployed. As a result, a practitioner seeking to implement the system would not have a complete and consistent set of specifications and functional descriptions upon which to implement the system. For example, the core system architecture documentation identifies a variety of functional elements that are part of the connected vehicle system, but are not within the system boundary of the core system. As such these are not treated in the Core System Concept of Operations, and are not addressed from a requirements perspective in the Core System requirements documentation or architectural description. The Core System documentation thus is not by itself sufficient to implement the connected vehicle system. The Connected Vehicle Reference Implementation Architecture (CVRIA) project appears to be developing a broader architectural description (encompassing elements outside the Core System), but it is not clear that this effort is aimed at generating a complete suite of system requirements and operational concept descriptions, but rather is aimed at identifying interfaces and required standards for interfaces. 3 National Connected Vehicle Field Infrastructure Footprint Analysis Design Gaps Analysis The National ITS Architecture appears to be a very high level description into which the connected vehicle system may fit, but it does not appear to address the level of detail required to, for example, assure application interoperability across different implementations. There have also been a variety of efforts aimed at developing applications-related concepts of operations, but these are not part of any overall systems engineering process, and it is unclear how they relate to the overall unified system. For example, they may or may not include the same functional components and interfaces as the other systems documents. In general, all of these documents have been developed at different times by different organizations for different purposes, and thus they do not necessarily provide a complete resource for system implementation Recommendation: Compile a complete set of end-to-end system design documents with concepts of operations for all safety and mobility applications and security management, together with component requirements. These may draw from existing documentation and work done to date, and they may require additional systems engineering work to develop. The result should be a unified system description that clearly sets forth the operations of the system for the primary functional tasks they are to perform, and lays out requirements that will assure interoperability across all implementations of hardware and software. 2.1.2. System Boundary Gap 2: System Boundary and Associated Interfaces Not Well Defined Many of the existing system descriptions include the concepts of mobile, field and center elements. However, the distinction between which parts of these elements are within the system boundary (and thus subject to system requirements), and which elements are outside this boundary (and thus not addressed by system requirements) is not explicitly clear. For example the “field” elements may include roadside DSRC units and associated application processors, but there are also field elements (such as signal controllers, access gates, etc.) that are clearly not subject to connected vehicle requirements. The currently available documentation for the Core System and the CVRIA do not clearly specify these boundaries, and thus there is significant confusion about the interfaces between the connected vehicle system and the existing infrastructure. Recommendation: Draw system boundary to leave existing field, center and vehicle equipment outside the system, and to require the definition of interfaces between these elements and the connected vehicle system. 4 National Connected Vehicle Field Infrastructure Footprint Analysis Design Gaps Analysis 2.1.3. Non Extensible Architecture Gap 3: Architecture and Supporting Messaging Standards Are Inflexible and May Suffer From Early Obsolescence Many aspects of the connected vehicle architecture are based on application-specific designs. For example, most of the SAE J2735 messages are oriented toward supporting specific applications. This means that as new applications are conceived these standards will need to be revised to provide new messages to support them. This issue is also exhibited in the IEEE 1609 WAVE standards, which are intended to support delivery of messages to applications based on fixed identifiers that are generally specific to particular applications and in some cases particular organizations. To support possible future growth, the standard has set aside a space of 4 billion possible “provider service identifiers.” In addition, most connected vehicle development activities are organized around applications to such an extent that in many cases the architecture is refined specifically for these applications. As an example, the current anonymous security design is set up to support certificates for anonymous Basic Safety Messages. As it is currently conceived, the addition of any other applications requiring anonymous certificates will require extending the number of certificates and the supporting management and delivery operations, and these operations are already seen as barely able to handle the currently imagined system scale. If, for example ten applications require anonymous certificates, then the security apparatus and corresponding communications will need to be an order of magnitude larger. Essentially, as currently designed, the system can only support the anonymous BSM and various other V2I applications. In contrast, the Internet, to which the Connected Vehicle system is often likened, is very generalized, and architected in a way that insulates it from changes in technology and changes in applications. It has withstood massive changes in both and has simply grown to support them. It is likely that under the current application specific and non-generalized architecture and approach, the Connected Vehicle system will be in a perpetual state of technical obsolescence, and many potential applications that might otherwise add enough incremental value to make the equipment and operational costs worthwhile may move to other more easily adaptable media such as the internet and the cellular data system. Recommendation: Examine the connected vehicle architecture (as much as it is defined - See Gap 1), and identify ways in which it can be made more technology neutral and more application independent. Perform trade studies and analyses to determine if, for example, conventional flexible internet related protocols (e.g., XML) can be supported given the available bandwidth. Seek ways to minimize system dependencies on specific technologies and applications/uses. 5 National Connected Vehicle Field Infrastructure Footprint Analysis Design Gaps Analysis 2.1.4. Relationship between RSE and Applications Gap 4: Inconsistent Understanding of Range of Applications for a Single RSE Because of the lack of any unified architectural description, there is a significant diversity of opinion about the relationship between an RSE and the application(s) it may support. At one extreme is the view that each RSE must support only a single application. If this is the case, then the RSE will only broadcast the messages associated with that specific application. At the other extreme, an RSE is seen as a terminal that may host a variety of local applications, and may be connected to a variety of remote center elements (e.g., traffic management centers) for which it forwards messages. In this case, the range of applications that the RSE may serve is unbounded. There is no fundamental architectural reason that the unbounded case cannot be supported, but there are practical limitations on the scope of applications on any given RSE. The deployment impact of this divergence of views is significant. If each RSE is expected to support only one application, then the number of RSEs that must be deployed may be enormous, and the problem of RSE-to-RSE interference will need to be addressed. On the other hand, if each RSE can serve an unbounded set of applications, then managing the RSE processing and radio resources will become increasingly important, and choosing geographic locations that are compatible with all of the RSE applications may be problematic. Recommendation: Develop a description of the various operational configurations for RSEs that are allowed under the standards. For example: RSE broadcasting messages for a single stand-alone local application RSE broadcasting messages for a multiple local applications RSE broadcasting messages for a single locally-connected field system such as a traffic signal controller RSE receiving and immediately forwarding/broadcasting messages from a single center facility RSE receiving and immediately forwarding/broadcasting messages from multiple center facilities RSE receiving and storing messages from one or more center facilities and then broadcasting them according to a provided schedule RSE aggregating data received from passing vehicles and periodically forwarding aggregated or bundled data to one or more repository or distribution facilities (e.g., a Core System distribution function) 6 National Connected Vehicle Field Infrastructure Footprint Analysis Design Gaps Analysis RSE Providing IP backhaul/routing services to OBEs in the radio footprint (e.g., for remote services or for security management operations) This description should include a discussion of the policies and technical considerations associated with supporting these various uses of RSEs. See Related RSE Siting and RSE Location/Latency gaps. 2.1.5. Relationship between RSE Location, Applications and Latency Gap 5: Lack of Consensus on Relationship between RSE Location, RSE Applications and Latency Requirements There is a significant diversity of opinion about the relationship between the RSE location, the applications the RSE may support, and the latency that the applications can tolerate. One view is that the RSE should always be physically associated with the location that the application relates to. For example, a curve speed warning application must be located proximate to the curve. In some applications this view is further supported by concerns about message latency. For example, an RSE supporting SPaT messages must be located at the intersection and the messages must be sent with low latency to vehicles about to encounter the signalized intersection. In general, these views and concerns are a result of not having a unified system definition where the system architecture is related directly to the applications through a ConOps document that clearly illustrates the steps each architectural element takes to carry out a specific application (See Gap1). An alternative view is that messages can be sent from any RSE that the host vehicle passes prior to encountering the area to which the hazard applies. In that approach the message would include an activation zone and it would lie dormant in the OBE until the OBE entered the geographic activation zone or the message expired (this is how roadway alerts were implemented in the Michigan Proof of Concept system). In the first approach all messages are acted upon as soon as they are received. This is a valid approach, and it is attractive because it requires no coordination between the message provider and the OBE application developer (i.e., nothing other than a message format standard), but it is nearly impossible to implement since it requires that an RSE be placed at every hazard. Since the hazards are not known in advance it limits the scope of the connected vehicle system to only cover hazards at locations where an RSE is or can be located. In the second approach, the RSEs may be located at strategic points where they can seed the passing vehicles with messages that may or may not be activated down the road. This is attractive because it substantially limits the number of RSEs, but it 7 National Connected Vehicle Field Infrastructure Footprint Analysis Design Gaps Analysis assumes coordination and standardization of the operational aspects of the messages and the user applications beyond simple message formatting rules. Recommendation: See Gaps 1 and 3. 2.2. EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION Gap 6: Lack of Installation Guidelines for DSRC Field Equipment The installation of DSRC equipment includes the installation of radio antennas to provide communications coverage for a given area. There have been several efforts to develop site survey and siting guidelines, but none of these has been published as a definitive source. Recommendation: Develop and publish comprehensive RSU siting and installation guidebook, or update the MUTCD with this information. The guidelines may be extensions to existing field equipment standards, or they may be application-specific and unique to connected vehicle installations. However this is done, practitioners will need some form of technical support to assure that the site and installation are appropriate for the intended applications Some of this work may be being addressed by other FHWA activities, but a bestpractices document specific to this topic would be very useful 2.3. CONNECTED VEHICLE DATA NEEDS AND STANDARDS Standards for vehicle-to-vehicle communications are very well developed. However, there are significant gaps in defining messages for use in vehicle–to-infrastructure communications. In particular, communicating data from vehicles to the infrastructure and in providing location specific information to vehicles that is accurate to lane level, or can provide more than driver advisories, has been languishing due to lack of commercial development or clear definition of infrastructure interests. 2.3.1. Infrastructure Data Message Standards: the BSM Gap 7: Basic Safety Messages Are Inadequate As a General Means for Collecting Road Data The SAE J2735 message standard describes a variety of messages generally associated with connected vehicle applications. However, while the standard does include roadway alert and probe data message types, most of the recent development effort in the standard has been devoted to the Basic Safety Message Part One (BSM-1). Recently the BSM has assumed the role of providing “probe data” as well as fulfilling its vehicle-to-vehicle safety role. This message provides reasonable knowledge of a vehicle’s kinematic state to other vehicles within range of 8 National Connected Vehicle Field Infrastructure Footprint Analysis Design Gaps Analysis that vehicle’s DSRC radio. Other than providing a small amount of data about the recent past path of the vehicle (i.e., the path of the prior few seconds), the message content is specific to the current location of the vehicle at the time of transmission and it is oriented specifically toward safety. As such, it does not provide any insight into road conditions or vehicle behaviors at other prior locations. It is specific to the transmission and collection point. Additional messages, specifically the BSM Part Two and the probe vehicle data message have been proposed, but details of the content of these messages is still not well defined, and the conditions under which this data will be delivered, if at all, are unknown. This issue is discussed at some length in the report “Vehicle Information Exchange Needs for Mobility Applications Exchange” which identifies the significant limitations of using the BSM message for infrastructure applications. Recommendation: Revise the system operational concept to explicitly include the collection and delivery of probe data, and develop next generation probe data messages and collection protocols with heavy involvement of AASHTO stakeholders to assure the collected data is useful and relevant. This effort needs to also consider Gaps 27 and 28 which deal with the motivations and value chains so that there is a clear motivation for car makers to include this functionality. In effect, the rationale should be that the AASHTO stakeholders will install and maintain the infrastructure elements of the system, which benefits the vehicle users and facilitates V2V safety in exchange for providing probe data. 2.3.2. Infrastructure Data Message Standards: Extensibility Gap 8: Current Messaging Standards and Data Dictionaries May Not Support Current or Future Needs of Infrastructure Implementers In addition to the general uncertainty about whether specific data will be available or not, the J2735 standard is somewhat rigid about data structures and tends to package the data into fairly large and somewhat application-specific elements. For example, the BSM Part Two may contain many data elements whereas the receiver may only be interested in one or two of those elements. This is both inefficient from a communications perspective and is inflexible for implementers who may or may not be motivated to provide all assumed data elements. While suppliers may provide data when they understand where the data is going and how it will be used, they are unlikely to supply data elements if it is not clearly useful to somebody. In addition, these messages are not easily adapted to support data elements that are not yet identified but may become interesting in the future. One of the great strengths of the Internet is that the underlying protocol assumes nothing about the types of data that are being transmitted. This protocol, initially envisioned to 9 National Connected Vehicle Field Infrastructure Footprint Analysis Design Gaps Analysis support email and small file exchanges, has enabled developers to support voice, video, gaming, and a virtually unlimited array of other applications. While there has been no effort specifically to curtail future expansion, the current approach has been to define message sets that support all projected future needs, even though there is relatively little certainty that these needs can be anticipated accurately Recommendation: In addition to known application-specific messages, such as the BSM, extend and/or revise the messaging standards to support data objects rather than application specific sets of data. For example, SPaT is effectively a time-based statement of the pass-ability of specific pathways through an intersection, and as such is only marginally different from a closed lane or other lane-specific alert. This more abstract and general approach would separate the message definitions from the user applications and would provide for a much wider and more diverse set of applications. 2.3.3. Location-based Warning in the Map Linkage Structure Gap 9: No Explicit Linkage between Warning Messages and the Underlying Map The current messaging scheme treats warnings and advisories as independent from maps that may provide context for those warnings (e.g., curve speed advisories, intersection warnings, etc.). Typically the map data necessary to understand the warning includes localized geometric data for a particular localized section of roadway. Since, in this scheme, the warning is delivered separately from the map there is a finite possibility that the vehicle may not have the required map when it receives the message. Assuring that the vehicle does have every map for every message thus adds complexity to the deployment of an application, because the system has two messages instead of one, and the deployer must consider how to efficiently deliver the map, and how to assure that the map version is up-to-date, while the user developer must guess as to how long to retain such map data. Recommendation: Review warning applications and messages to determine if the map data needed to make use of the warning message can be included in the warning message itself. If so, consider revising the message standards to support this. 2.3.4. Map Database Assumptions Gap 10: Inconsistency in Assumptions about Map Data Sources There are various approaches to referencing road hazard information to the actual as built road. All of these generally rely on some sort of road description or map. However, the source of the map data is subject to a wide range of opinions. Some 10 National Connected Vehicle Field Infrastructure Footprint Analysis Design Gaps Analysis implementers assume that commercial maps will be available, while others assume that if the data is necessary in order to use the data, then it should be provided by the same jurisdiction providing the road hazard information. The first approach is simple, but it risks issues from both map availability and inconsistency between the location reference of the hazard and the location reference and accuracy of the map. This inconsistency is especially likely since there are many map makers, and there are few standards for map accuracy and content. The second approach requires that the map data associated with the messages be provided in a timely manner, and it means that practitioners must be concerned with generating this data. Either way works, but since the vehicle will travel through multiple jurisdictions, whichever is used must be consistent. If one jurisdiction provides map data while another assumes that it is commercially available, then implementation of the system must include the complexity of both approaches. The lack of consistency about which source to use introduces a great deal of uncertainty and interdependency across the implemented community, a substantial portion of which is based on speculation about what the commercial map makers may or may not do. Recommendation: Settle on one approach for map data sources, and develop appropriate standards to support the approach. 2.4. SECURITY 2.4.1. WWAN Messaging and Security Gap 11: Security Standards for Local and Wide Area Networks Are Not Aligned The system architecture as described for purposes of this project includes local area (e.g., DSRC) and wide area (e.g., cellular) communications channels. In general the SAE J2735 standard defines messages independently from the communications media, so it appears that these messages could be used for either medium. However, the IEEE 1609.2 standard specifically defines the mechanisms used to secure the WAVE/DSRC communications link and to ensure anonymity. This standard includes, among other things, mechanisms for validating the integrity of messages and for encrypting messages. There are currently no standards identified for securing messages sent across wide area networks such as cellular, and these links are inherently non-anonymous. It appears that the 1609.2 approach could be applied to messages sent over a cellular channel, but the standard is not currently oriented toward this application, and it has not been analyzed to determine if it is compatible or appropriate. For example, if a vehicle system signs probe data using anonymous certificates and then sends this data over a non-anonymous link (e.g., cellular) the user’s identity is then bound to the 1609.2 certificate, and anonymity is lost. 11 National Connected Vehicle Field Infrastructure Footprint Analysis Design Gaps Analysis Recommendation: Determine what security and assurance standards should be applied to data provided over WWAN. 2.4.2. Field Equipment/Application Certification/Tamper Resistance Gap 12: Security Requirements for Field Equipment Are Not Defined It appears that the requirements for the DSRC terminal elements of field equipment (e.g., RSUs) are limited to FCC licensing, and conformance to the WAVE/DSRC standards. The WAVE DSRC standards simply require that messages sent from an RSU must be signed, either by the RSU or by the message originator. However, since there are no security requirements that apply to the generating application, it is unclear what is actually being certified. Stated differently, lacking any security requirements or performance standards for applications, the certification authority, the certificate simply attests to the fact that the RSU requested and received certificates. It currently says nothing about the integrity of the RSU or the application that generated the message. These requirements may emerge as a result of the certification process, and if applications are developed prior to the development of these requirements, the applications may need to be modified. Similarly, there are no requirements or specified standards for tamper resistance or tamper detection. Without such requirements it may be possible to tamper with an RSU so that it sends improper messages that are signed using the RSU certificates. Recommendation: Develop physical and application security standards for field equipment. 2.4.3. Vehicle/Application Certification Gap 13: Vehicle Certification Does Not Adequately Constrain Terminal Elements It appears that the requirements for the DSRC terminal elements of field equipment (e.g., RSUs) are limited to FCC licensing, and conformance to the WAVE/DSRC standards. The WAVE DSRC standards simply require that messages sent from an OBU must be signed. However, since there are no security requirements that apply to the generating application, it is unclear what is actually being certified. Stated differently, lacking any security requirements or performance standards for applications, the certification authority, the certificate simply attests to the fact that the OBU requested and received certificates. It currently says nothing about the integrity of the OBU or the application that generated the message. These requirements may emerge as a result of the certification process, and if applications are developed prior to the development of these requirements, the applications may need to be modified. Similarly, there are no requirements or specified standards for tamper resistance or tamper detection. Without such requirements it may be possible to tamper with an OBU so that it sends improper messages that are signed 12 National Connected Vehicle Field Infrastructure Footprint Analysis Design Gaps Analysis using the OBU certificates. This issue is especially concerning since vehicles engage in peer-to-peer message exchanges (V2V communications), which means it is possible to use the connected vehicle system to deliver malware to the entire national vehicle population in a matter of days. This represents a serious risk with substantial potential negative consequences. Recommendation: Determine how to link a DSRC terminal element to a vehicle so it will not work outside of the car or in another vehicle without re-certification, and so that the certificates are linked logically to the applications that use the certificates. Include association with vehicle ECUs and positioning technology. Include/develop requirements for tamper resistance that extend to application software. 2.4.4. Retirement/End of Life Gap 14: No Method for Destruction of Vehicle Equipment Currently there is no provision for and no requirements associated with how connected vehicle terminal equipment is to be handled when it is retired. For field equipment this may be handled by the licensing processes or by voluntary revocation of certificates (assuming some administrative mechanism is in place to support this). For vehicles this represents a substantially larger problem. First there are many more vehicles retired every year than RSUs (about 10 M to 15 M vehicles go out of service each year). Second, unlike RSUs, vehicles are not site licensed, so implementing and enforcing any sort of administrative control and retirement processes is problematic. Not only does this make it difficult to revoke every retired unit, but such a revocation level would swamp the certificate revocation list and would overwhelm the OBU (which needs to download, maintain and use the revocation list). Ideally the OBU should be coded to the vehicle at certification, and some provision should be made such that if the OBU is activated in the absence of its host vehicle it erases its certificates and must be re-certified. This type of approach or something of a similar nature will allow for a second-hand parts market, but will avoid the need for keeping track of which units are in service and also will avoid a huge revocation list. Recommendation: See Gap 13 above. 2.4.5. Revoked Device Management Gap 15: Requirements for Revoked Device Behavior Currently there is no provision for and no requirements associated with how connected vehicle terminal equipment is to behave when its certificates are revoked. If nothing is done the unit will continue to transmit messages that will then be ignored by a receiver that finds that unit’s credentials on the CRL. A more efficient approach would be to have units that determine they are on the CRL or are 13 National Connected Vehicle Field Infrastructure Footprint Analysis Design Gaps Analysis otherwise misbehaving to remove themselves from service by transitioning to quiet mode where no messages are transmitted. This is not a critical issue, but it would make for a more orderly system and would potentially provide a mechanism for identifying true bad actors, since only bad actors would fail to remove themselves from the system. Recommendation: Develop a requirement for devices to turn themselves off after certificate revocation. 2.4.6. Bootstrap and Device Certification Gap 16: Security Credential Management System Design Is Not Deployment Ready The current Security Credential Management System (SCMS) includes a variety of inconsistencies and known issues. For example: A. There is uncertainty about the scope of pseudonym certificates. One interpretation of the security standard is that certificates are associated with only a single application. However, if this is the case, then each vehicle will be required to support a full set of certificates for each application that requires pseudonym certificates (there are currently five such applications identified in the SAE Message sets). This approach will result in much larger revocation lists and substantially more SCMS activity that currently envisioned. The alternate interpretation is that each pseudonym certificate will include permissions for all applications installed in the vehicle that require anonymity. While this is a simple approach in concept, and it substantially reduces the number of certificates and the size of the revocation list, it carries the added burden that the vehicle system must be re-certified when new software is installed. While this is useful from a platform assurance perspective (See Gap 15), the details of such application related certification have not been worked out. B. Related to the above issue, the Safety Pilot SCMS bootstrap process did not include methods to limit the capabilities for certificates requested from devices authorized using a specific bootstrap ID. For the Safety Pilot, a valid bootstrap ID authorized a device to request any certificates that the SCMS was configured to produce. C. The Safety Pilot bootstrap ID process was an ad hoc approach meant to overcome a security weakness exposed by the fact that the bootstrap process would not occur via a secure connection to the SCMS. The implications of requiring a secure hardwired interface for bootstrap processing have not been addressed. 14 National Connected Vehicle Field Infrastructure Footprint Analysis Design Gaps Analysis D. The standards that define connected vehicle messages use PSIDs to restrict the messages that can be authorized with a certificate. However, there is no specific process for associating PSIDs with operations and connected vehicle messages – this is a gap related to connected vehicle security management rather than the certificate management system in particular. There are similar gaps that are related directly to the certificate management system. E. The SCMS does not include any specific features for managing information about PSIDs. For example, the SCMS does not include a list of valid PSIDs, so cannot verify that the PSIDs in a bootstrap or certificate request are valid. The SCMS does not include features for implementing device-specific restrictions based on PSIDs (as suggested previously). F. The number of certificates installed each vehicle and the period of update for these certificates as defined in the current (and rapidly evolving) security design is such that moderate levels of revocation (resulting from moderate levels of misbehavior, faults, and attacks) will produce a significantly large revocation list (50MB to 150 MB). This large list may require excessive data storage, and processing in the vehicles, and itself may present a viable denial of service attack surface (create enough revocations that the system collapses because the CRL is too large). Counter arguments to these issues include a variety of inconsistencies. For example, one argument is that the level of revocation is likely to be so low that the CRL will never become significantly large. But, if such a low level of revocation were to occur, then there would hardly be any need to revoke any vehicles. In addition if the system has a known limitation like this, then a simple attack is to cause enough revocations that the system is overwhelmed. Others include the extension of the certificate update period to avoid the need for frequent contact with the SCMS (requiring numerous roadside units). However, the system already includes an assumption that the CRL is updated daily, so there is already a requirement for frequent SCMS contact. In addition, extending the update period means that revoked units remain on the CRL for a longer time, causing the CRL to grow, thereby requiring more memory, more processing and longer CRL download times. There appear to be multiple parties involved in the security system design and the design appears to be in flux as the system is changed to address newly identified issues. It is unclear if this approach is convergent. As noted above, some changes are taken to address issues and these changes invalidate basic system assumptions, or create additional vulnerabilities. Recommendation: The entire security system should be described in a single definitive document and “frozen” for some period during which problems 15 National Connected Vehicle Field Infrastructure Footprint Analysis Design Gaps Analysis associated with deployment feasibility, management feasibility, vulnerabilities, etc. are identified by parties other than the designers of the system (so called “white hat” attackers, for example). These vulnerabilities should then be addressed by a second round of design, and the process repeated. Gap 17: Misbehavior Reporting and Detection Processes Are Not Sufficiently Defined, and May Not Be Effective The current implementation of the certificate management system does not include any capabilities related to misbehavior identification other than support methods that allow devices to submit messages to the SCMS for misbehavior report processing. These methods support submission of casual reports (i.e., samples of messages) and suspicious messages. However, the SCMS does not include specific processes for acting on these reports, such as: Processes for reviewing casual reports to identify suspicious behavior. Processes for reviewing reports of suspicious behavior and determining whether the suspicious behavior (identified by the SCMS from casual reports or from device reports of suspicious messages) warrants revocation of certificates. In fact, the entire process of misbehavior detection with connected vehicle messages is not well understood. Recommendation: Research is needed on how to identify misbehaving devices before those methods can be implemented in both connected vehicle devices and the certificate management system. 2.5. BACKHAUL NETWORK Gap 18: IPv6 for Backhaul Not Yet Widely Accepted or Demonstrated The current DSRC standards identify IPv6 as the mechanism for OBUs to generate IP addresses on the fly and to exchange IP packets with an RSU. While there are no complete system specifications (see Gap 1) the Safety Pilot system has required an IPv6 backhaul as well. The VII Proof of Concept also used an IPv6 backhaul. This approach has proven to be problematic for both of these systems since not all backhaul networks support IPv6. Mechanisms to allow IPv6 tunneling through IPv4 networks are partially effective, but are complex to set up and have been observed to suffer from a variety of performance and stability issues. Left unaddressed each implementer will need to solve these problems themselves on a case-by-case basis, with presumably inconsistent results. Recommendation: It is unclear how to best address this issue. One approach might be to define a specific mechanism to implement such tunnels and interfaces. Another 16 National Connected Vehicle Field Infrastructure Footprint Analysis Design Gaps Analysis might be to define the architecture in such a way that the RSU maintains two related IP sessions: An IPv6 session over-the-air with the OBU and an IPv4 session with the remote server. Currently no standards or reference implementations that address this issue exist. Regardless of the solution, there is no advantage to the current approach that requires an end-to-end IPv6 link between the OBU and remote service providers. This requirement should be revisited and modified to only require IPv6 where the capabilities of the standard add value. 2.6. MAPPING SUPPORT Maps provide contextual information for many connected vehicle applications, and for several applications lane geometry, stop bar locations, or speed limits are critically important. Map content has always been a component of the connected vehicle data stream, although there are several proposals for implementation. When it is necessary for understanding or using hazard information, road geometry data associated with point specific hazards could be included in the hazard messages themselves since that way the hazard message is self-contained and usable without external information (See Gap 10). Road geometry data that are not necessarily point specific, for example wider area information or information about hazards well ahead in the road network (See Gap 5) may be supported by larger scale conventional road network maps, and this data may or may not be essential to understanding and using the hazard information. Examples of this might include receiving traffic information for a wide area, and then only presenting incidents to the driver that actually lie on the intended route. It is important to draw a distinction between map data, which typically represents the road network, and the relationships between road segments (i.e., which road segments are connected to which other road segments to form the road network) and road geometry data, which represents accurate dimensional information about a particular section of road or a particular feature on a road. Examples of this include the locations of stop bars for intersection lane approaches, the curvature and superelevation of specific curved road segments, widths and heights of tunnels and other partial barriers, etc. These features lie on road segments, and therefore are associated with the road and possibly with a larger road network map, but they are more or less independent of each other. They represent data about specific locations that may also be included on the larger road network map. These two types of data are often confused with one another, a situation made worse by the fact that the SAE J2735 message set uses the term MAP for the geometric road data message. For purposes of this discussion we will use the term map when referring to road network databases and information that relates to the larger scale road network and road geometry when referring to roadway dimensional and feature data. 17 National Connected Vehicle Field Infrastructure Footprint Analysis Design Gaps Analysis 2.6.1. Road Geometry Data Standards Gap 19: No Requirements for Road Geometry Content and no Standards for Accuracy Roadway geometry data for locations related to safety messages will be location specific, and thus must be produced for each situation. The data content and accuracy must be consistent between providers if the data is being provided from multiple sources (e.g. commercial map companies). If the data is provided individually by each jurisdiction responsible for each road area, for example as part of a warning message, the data content and accuracy must be consistent across jurisdictions, regardless of how the data was generated (i.e., locally, commercially, etc.). Recommendation: Specify and implement standards for road geometry data content and accuracy for specific types of roadway features. Consider establishing some form of validation process to assure that road geometry data meet these standards. 2.6.2. Map Message Content Gap 20: Current SAE J2735 MAP Message Standard is Incomplete and Inflexible The J2735 MAP message specification is limited generally to intersection approach data. It provides some support for 3D geometry (i.e., overpasses), but does not support bank angles, surface conditions, and many other road geometry or dimensional attributes that one may need to support a connected vehicle application. The standard alludes to future content, but this content is not yet developed, and it appears that the plan is to develop a variety of different message types to address specific road situations. This will limit the opportunities for many applications requiring road geometry data, such as Curve Speed Warning, toll/lane payment zone definition, border crossing and freight management lane directions, etc. Furthermore, specifications for accuracy and integrity do not exist, so receiving such data, even in the existing MAP message gives no assurance that data received from one location will be of the same accuracy or integrity as that received at another location. Recommendation. Consider revising existing message standards to provide an extensible format that allows efficient provision of identified road elements and the dimensional/geometric parameters associated with them. Without specifying the solution in too much detail, it may be much more efficient and flexible to convert from the current fixed structured format for each type of roadway element (e.g. intersection geometry message, road curve message, etc.) to defining a road geometry data object that has a variety of attributes that can be dynamically identified (for example, using an XML tag approach). If a suitable schema of possible 18 National Connected Vehicle Field Infrastructure Footprint Analysis Design Gaps Analysis road attributes is defined, then one can convey the appropriate road geometry elements and their values in a single message type, but that message type can support an unbounded array of different roadway situations and structures. It can also be easily extended as new structures are created (for example, dedicated lanes and entry points for automated vehicles). 2.6.3. Road Geometry Data Maintenance Gap 21: Dynamic Updating of Road Geometry Data In many cases the degree of accuracy of road geometry data required for a particular application may not be high. This is especially true for situations where the geometric feature is not defined by construction, such that the feature may change relatively quickly. For example if a specific lane is closed, then it may be desirable to alert approaching motorists that the “right lane is closed, merge left.” However to determine this requires considerable human resources to identify locations where such transient hazards may exist, and to then determine the geometric changes required. It appears that it may be feasible to capture such information from vehicle probe data instead. This allows the simultaneous detection of road geometry changes and the quantification of those changes with minimal human staff involvement. Ideally such an approach would simply require human validation and approval of automatically generated road geometry data (particularly for road data that does not require survey grade accuracy and that may change rapidly). Recommendation: Determine how quickly road geometry features may change, and how many changes are likely to occur (to assess the approximate cost of human detection and updates). Determine the required dimensional accuracy and required integrity for these measurements, and assess the feasibility of using probe data to automatically detect and generate such updates. Identify requirements for validation and authentication of the data and the updates. 2.7. INTERNATIONAL LAND BORDER CROSSINGS 2.7.1. Organizational and Technical Capabilities Gap 22: International Coordination Adoption and deployment of Connected Vehicle technology at international border crossings (IBC) will rely on collaboration and coordination between agencies in the U.S., Canada and Mexico. To meet the needs of stakeholders at IBCs, fullycoordinated inter-jurisdictional systems are required. While technology may not be the barrier, institutional issues certainly may. In addition, agencies within a country (e.g., federal and state agencies) will have to coordinate and collaborate to share data 19 National Connected Vehicle Field Infrastructure Footprint Analysis Design Gaps Analysis on agreeable terms and conditions. Working groups such as the US-Canada Transportation Border Working Group (TBWG) and the US-Mexico Joint Working Committees (JWC) will have to play a pivotal role to ensure coordination at all levels of government, as well as to frame policies and funding mechanisms to plan and deploy Connected Vehicle technology at IBCs. Recommendation: Ensure groups such as the US-Mexico JWC and TBWG start formally discussing policies, collaborative opportunities, and applications related to Connected Vehicle technology at IBCs. Gap 23: Unbalanced Cross-Border Capabilities When it comes to implementing technology systems at the borders, Canada and the United States are ahead of Mexico. US and Canadian agencies have experience in planning, developing, and maintaining ITS at IBCs; specifically wait time measurement systems. It may be assumed that Mexico will require significant assistance in identifying funding, as well as developing technical capabilities to operate and maintain the necessary systems at IBCs. Recommendation: Explore mechanisms for assessing cross-border capabilities and for facilitating development of IBC systems. 2.7.2. Border Information Flow Architecture Gap 24: Border Information Flow Architecture (BIFA) is Inconsistent with ITS National Architecture In 2005, the FHWA in cooperation with Transport Canada developed the Border Information Flow Architecture (BIFA) to assist agencies in planning deployment of ITS applications at IBCs. BIFA identifies the needs of stakeholders on both sides of the US-Canada border regarding wait time measurement, approach management etc. However, the architecture has not kept up to date with both countries’ National ITS architectures. An architecture similar to BIFA does not exist for the US and Mexico. There are however plans to develop one. There are also plans to revise/update Mexico’s National ITS architecture, which will consider stakeholder needs at IBCs. Recommendation: Add a Vehicle Short Range Traveler Information equipment package to BIFA to allow in-vehicle signage (e.g., to display roadway signs specific to border crossings on on-board equipment using DSRC). 2.7.3. Physical and Communication Security Gap 25: No Established Standards for Cross-Border Information Exchange and Information Security 20 National Connected Vehicle Field Infrastructure Footprint Analysis Design Gaps Analysis Sharing data between agencies in different countries requires the agencies to agree on data exchange protocols, standards, and data transmission security. While countries may adopt existing Center to Center (C2C) standards and protocols as provided in BIFA and/or their respective ITS architectures, it is not clear what kind of data transmission security will be agreeable to these agencies. Because the proposed application is not safety related, it is anticipated that the security requirements for transmission of wait times and related data may not be stringent. Therefore, some level of data encryption and server firewalls should be expected. The IBC applications are not related to a vehicle’s or occupant’s safety; hackers and intruders posting false wait time messages may not be a direct safety risk. However, such incidents are undesirable since they might disrupt the flow of traffic through IBCs. In the absence of proper security apparatus, hackers may use RSEs and/or wireless communication links to gain access to other RSEs that are part of safety applications. Physical security of RSEs at border crossings, especially in Mexico is a concern, if they are to be located at locations where there are no commercial activities. Batteries, solar panels, and communication equipment inside the cabinets are targets for thefts. Given the geographic scope requirements to enable a seamless data exchange, and the mobility of vehicles across the international border, it is anticipated that security of data communication between bi-national agencies should be designed and implemented as a single multi-national North American system. As a result, individual states and provinces will not be required to setup independent security systems/models and responsibility for design and implementation of the security standards will be incumbent upon federal agencies. The role of state and local agencies in system security can be primarily centered on providing connectivity from roadside devices to the network, and security of data collected locally. Recommendation: Establish North American data exchange policies and security framework. 2.7.4. Bi-National Data Exchange Protocols and Standards Gap 26: No Established Standards for Cross-Border Real-time Information Exchange A recent study performed by Texas A&M Transportation Institute with funding from United States Department of Transportation showed that there are no binational real-time data exchange standards/protocols between Mexico, Canada, and the US systems. Connected Vehicle technology deployments at border-crossings will require systems in US communicating to their counterparts in Mexico and Canada. 21 National Connected Vehicle Field Infrastructure Footprint Analysis Design Gaps Analysis The majority of large IBCs on both the US-Canada and US-Mexico borders have sophisticated communication technology, including fiber optics, that connect toll systems, dynamic message signs, etc. to traffic management centers. These centers should be one of the key components of deploying the proposed connected vehicle applications at IBCs. Data exchange protocols (e.g., frequency of data transmission, refresh rates, exceptions handling) between TMCs in each country will have to be agreed upon. Fortunately, both Canada and Mexico use or are committed to use the same C2C and Center to Field (C2F) standards as adopted by US. Recommendation: To facilitate real-time data sharing between two countries, establish C2C standards with support for translation of attributes into different languages. 2.8. POLICY/GOVERNANCE GAPS Policy/Governance gasp relate to areas that are not necessarily subject to technology or implementation shortcomings, but instead arise from issues associated with organizational structure and rules, or represent complex organizational or legal interdependencies. Policy and governance gaps may be filled by identifying and describing organizational roles, responsibilities and processes by creating the needed organizations (if they do not already exist), and by developing the legal and management structures to address these non-technical issues. 2.8.1. Infrastructure Data Business Models Gap 27: Business Models for Connected Vehicle Data Have Not Been Developed or Validated Gap 28: No Obvious Incentive for Data Providers to Provide Data beyond Any Mandate There are a variety of existing businesses established around traffic data over the past 20 years. Some of these have been more successful than others. Currently these businesses focus almost exclusively on traffic travel time and incident data, together with a few other commercial data elements such as location-based fuel prices. These businesses exist today with no connected vehicle system. It is unclear if these businesses can or will collect the types of data that would be of most benefit to AASHTO members. Assuming that the connected vehicle system can produce other useful data and provide useful applications for AASHTO members, there is a need to a) identify that data, b) understand how the connected vehicle system business models fit into the existing road data market, and c) identify, at least conceptually, what sort of value chains and business arrangements are most likely to work, given the value chain participants (vehicle makers, vehicle users, wireless carriers or DSRC deployers, data collectors and aggregators and data users). These value chains are 22 National Connected Vehicle Field Infrastructure Footprint Analysis Design Gaps Analysis likely to be indirect, since those paying for collection hardware and/or communications may not be the same parties that directly benefit from the collection of this data. Understanding the benefit relationships, and being able to articulate the value proposition is a critical element of justifying deployment expenditures and assuring that the overall market can support the system. Currently these motivations and relationships are assumed, but have not been sufficiently defined to test if these assumptions are valid. Recommendation: Develop a conceptual business model that illustrates the end-toend value chain (who provides what and what they get back in return) for vehicle data. This model would then illustrate the motivations for each party to participate in the value chain. This model would include models for the manufacture and deployment of connected vehicle equipment, and models for the ongoing operations and maintenance of that equipment. These models should clearly identify both explicit exchanges of tangible value elements (e.g., money for goods and services) as well as monetized implicit exchanges of intangible value elements (e.g., “soft factors” such as reduced risk, avoided losses or costs, etc.) to provide a comprehensive description of which parties are expected to do what in the connected vehicle economic ecosystem, and what each of those parties can expect to receive from the system. Using this framework together with existing cost-benefit analyses it will then be possible to identify areas where the costs and benefits are unbalanced (in value or in time) for any given party, and the model or the system can be adjusted to compensate for this. 2.8.2. RSU Management and Access Requirements Gap 29: RSU Management Access and Security Requirements Not Defined Currently the requirements for physical and logical access control for RSUs (and OBUs) are not defined. This may be a policy issue that is at the discretion of the implementing jurisdiction. However, since vehicle users are likely to encounter RSUs deployed by a wide variety of jurisdictions, such policies should include provisions for authenticating the sources of information, and securing the channels over which this information is provided. Lacking this, each implementing organization would need to define and implement these aspects independently. Recommendation: Study and develop policy recommendation to determine if a uniform policy is necessary. If so, develop policy and requirements and identify where this policy should reside (e.g. MUTCD, AASHTO Green Book, or other equivalent). 2.8.3. Cross Border Identified Certificate Administration 23 National Connected Vehicle Field Infrastructure Footprint Analysis Design Gaps Analysis Gap 30: No Established International Passenger Vehicle Certificate Information Exchange Platform OBEs are issued certificates on a periodic basis over the air and from the back-office systems responsible for distribution of such certificates. These certificates are used to validate their presence on the network and enable V2V as well as V2I communications between other authorized devices and users. RSEs also require security certificates in order to validate communications from authorized vehicle equipment and maintain valid secure connection with back-office systems. For the proposed IBC applications, agencies responsible for operations will need to identify the OBEs registered in another country when those vehicles cross the border. For example, when Canadian registered vehicles are waiting to cross back into Canada from the US, RSEs installed on the US side will have to identify OBEs registered in Canada. This will require Canadian provinces to share certificate information with the US. This will require a policy decision and agencies may face public concerns regarding privacy issues. Registration information for commercial vehicles is already shared between the US and Mexico and the US and Canada at the federal level. Prior to a commercial vehicle’s entry at a border they submit an electronic manifest to customs agencies. These manifests contain detailed information on drivers and owners of those vehicles, including their operating authority. In the US, CBP would have to share a portion of these electronic manifests with state agencies operating the proposed application. Similarly, in Canada, CBSA will have to do the same with provincial agencies operating the proposed application. In Mexico, the situation is slightly different since the federal government operates and maintains all aspects of IBCs that may include federal roadways connecting with IBCs. On the other hand, privately operated vehicles are not required to submit electronic manifests to customs agencies prior to their arrival at the border. In addition, registration information of personal vehicles is not shared with agencies from neighboring countries. However, individuals participating in trusted traveler programs such as SENTRI and NEXUS do register their vehicles with customs agencies. However, such vehicles constitute a very small portion of the overall population of vehicles crossing the border. Recommendation: Establish bi-national vehicle certificate information exchanges. 2.8.4. Deployment Goals and Strategy Gap 31: No Consensus on Public and Private Sector Roles in Deployment 24 National Connected Vehicle Field Infrastructure Footprint Analysis Design Gaps Analysis There appear to be multiple competing visions of how the Connected Vehicle system may be deployed. At one extreme some stakeholders argue for and promote a hybrid organic approach involving an undefined mix of public and private activities. At the other extreme, a few stakeholders argue that the system should be entirely publicly funded and defined through a top down process. Neither of these visions is supported by concrete strategies that include the concurrence of those who would be required to deploy the system or provide the funds. For example, it is suggested that the connected vehicle system represents a commercial opportunity, yet few commercial entities have articulated their interest in this opportunity. Analysis of a commercial implementation raises questions about the feasibility of a commercial entity providing applications to serve the public good unless the government pays for these services. The long running discussion of this issue has slowed progress toward deployment, and may continue to do so. Recommendation: Develop a set of basic governance principles for the connected vehicle system(s), and focus industry and government efforts on those approaches that are consistent with the principles. 25 National Connected Vehicle Field Infrastructure Footprint Analysis Design Gaps Analysis APPENDIX A. ACRONYMS ABS Antilock Braking System AACN Advanced Automatic Crash Notification AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials AERIS Applications for the Environment: Real-Time Information Synthesis ASC Adaptive signal control ATIS Advanced Traveler Information Systems AVI Automatic Vehicle Identification BIFA Border Information Flow Architecture BMM Basic Mobility Message BSM Basic Safety Message BWT Border wait time C2C Center-to-center C2F Center-to-field CACC Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control CBP Customs and Border Protection CBSA Canadian Border Safety Administration CCTV Closed caption television CDMA Code Division Multiple Access CE Consumer electronic CICAS Cooperative Intersection Collision Avoidance System 26 National Connected Vehicle Field Infrastructure Footprint Analysis Design Gaps Analysis COV Commercially-operated vehicle CSMA Carrier sense multiple access CVISN Commercial Vehicle Information Systems and Networks CVRIA Connected Vehicle Reference Implementation Architecture DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol DMA Dynamic Mobility Applications DMS Dynamic message sign DOT Department of Transportation DRG Dynamic Route Guidance D-RIDE Dynamic Ridesharing DR-OPT Drayage Optimization DSL Digital subscriber line DSRC Dedicated Short Range Communications ESS Environmental sensor station ETC Electronic toll collection [EV] DRG Dynamic Routing of Emergency Vehicles EVAC Emergency Communications and Evacuation F-ATIS Freight Real-time Traveler Information with Performance Monitoring FCC Federal Communications Commission F-DRG Freight Dynamic Route Guidance FHWA Federal Highway Administration FMCSA Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration 27 National Connected Vehicle Field Infrastructure Footprint Analysis Design Gaps Analysis FRATIS Freight Advanced Traveler Information Systems FSP Freight Signal Priority GID Geometric intersection description GIS Geographic Information System GNSS Global Navigation Satellite Systems GPS Global Positioning System GSM Global System for Mobile Communications HAR Highway advisory radio HAZMAT Hazardous material. HOT High Occupancy Tolling I2V Infrastructure-to-vehicle IBC International Border Crossing IDTO Integrated Dynamic Transit Operations INC-ZONE Incident Scene Workzone Alerts for Drivers and Workers INFLO Integrated Network Flow Optimization IP Internet Protocol I-SIG Intelligent Traffic Signal System ITIS International Traveler Information Systems ITS Intelligent Transportation Systems ITS JPO Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office LAN Local area network LPR License Plate Reader 28 National Connected Vehicle Field Infrastructure Footprint Analysis Design Gaps Analysis LTE Long-term Evolution; a type of 4G cellular network M-ISIG Multi-Modal Intelligent Traffic Signal System MDSS Maintenance Decision Support System MHz Megahertz MMITSS Multi-Modal Intelligent Traffic Signal System MS Mobile station MTBF Mean time between failures MTU Maximum Transmission Unit MUTCD Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices NCFRP National Cooperative Freight Research Program NHS National Highway System NHTSA National Highway Traffic Safety Administration NTCIP National Transportation Communications for ITS Protocol OBD On-board diagnostics OBU On-board Unit PED-SIG Mobile Accessible Pedestrian Signal System PKI Public key infrastructure POE Point/Port of Entry PoE Power over Ethernet POV Privately-operated vehicle PREEMPT Emergency Vehicle Preemption with Proximity Warning Q-WARN Queue Warning 29 National Connected Vehicle Field Infrastructure Footprint Analysis Design Gaps Analysis RAMP Next Generation Ramp Metering System RAP Roadside access point RDE Research Data Exchange RESP-STG Incident Scene Pre-Arrival Staging and Guidance for Emergency Responders RF Radio frequency RFID Radio frequency identification RITA Research and Innovative Technology Administration RSU Roadside Unit RTCM Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services RWIS Road Weather Information System SDARS Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service S-PARK Smart Park and Ride SPAT Signal phase and timing SPD-HARM Dynamic Speed Harmonization TCONNECT Connection Protection T-DISP Dynamic Transit Operations TFE Transportation field equipment TIS Transportation information system T-MAP Universal Map Application TBD To Be Determined TMC Traffic Management Center 30 National Connected Vehicle Field Infrastructure Footprint Analysis Design Gaps Analysis TSA Transportation Security Administration TSP Transit Signal Priority USDOT United States Department of Transportation V2I Vehicle-to-infrastructure V2V Vehicle-to-vehicle VII Vehicle Infrastructure Integration VIN Vehicle Identification Number WIM Weigh-in-Motion WAN Wide area network WAVE Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments WLAN Wireless local area network WSM WAVE Short Message WSMP WAVE Short Message Protocol WWAN Wireless wide area network WX Weather WX-INFO Real-Time Route Specific Weather Information for Motorized and Non-Motorized Vehicles WX-MDSS Enhanced MDSS Communication 31