Notes on Early History of Psychology I. II. Pre-scientific Psychology a. _____________and ____________ (5th and 4th c. BCE) – Principles through logic b. _________ – sense perceptions are the essential raw material of knowledge i. Father was a physician ii. A monist: mind and body exist as one iii. Mind is a __________: “tabula rasa” iv. Sometimes, he went wrong: 1. mice die if they drink in summertime 2. eels are generated spontaneously 3. humans have only eight ribs 4. men have more teeth than women 5. mind is in the heart b/c heart wounds are fatal, while head wounds are recoverable from c. Rene ____________ (1596-1650) i. _____________: Mind and body are interactive, but separate machines ii. Agreed with S and P about innate ideas in the mind, but also allowed for derived ideas (acquired knowledge) d. Locke (1632-1920) i. ___________ – knowledge through careful observation ii. Mind is a ___________ ; like Aristotle’s “tabula rasa” Wave 1 – ___________ a. Wilhelm ___________ (1832-1920) i. First research ___________in psychology (Leipzig, Germany, 1879) ii. Trained participants in ___________– asked participants to record cognitive reactions to various stimuli b. Edward ___________ (1898) i. Student of Wundt ii. ___________– the mind operates by combining subjective emotions and objective sensations 1 iii. Introduced experimental psychology to the U.S. c. William ___________ (1842-1910) i. Authored 1st Psych textbook, _____________________________ (1890) ii. ___________ – how the structures of Wundt functioned in our lives III. Wave 2 – ___________ a. Max Wertheimer (1880-1943) i. Gestalt = German for “___________” ii. The whole of the mind is different than the sum of its parts iii. Antecedent to modern cognitive psychology IV. Wave 3 – ___________ a. Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) – the ___________ mind determines how we think and behave V. Wave 4 – ___________ a. Ivan ___________ (1849-1936) – Unexpectedly discovered the process of conditioning by studying salivation in ___________ b. John B. ___________ (1878-1958) (1913) – psychology is a science; first to receive a doctorate in psychology; behaviorism; i. ___________; Watson trained little Albert to be afraid of a white mouse by pairing the appearance of the mouse with the sound of a hammer hitting a steel bar c. ___________ (1904-1990) – focus on observable behavior; operant conditioning; ___________; B = Burrhus VI. Wave 5 – Multiple Perspectives a. The ___________ approach – draws from multiple perspectives b. ___________ psychology is cited as the most used, though 2