HRM Chapter 5 Exam: Recruiting & Labor Markets

Human Resource Management Chapter 5 Exam
Name: __________________________ Date: _____________
1. The available labor market, and the social/legal environment, are _______ forces that
affect recruiting.
A) internal
B) external
C) weak
D) strong
2. State employment agencies:
A) are expensive
B) only provide referrals for people who don't really want to work
C) are a good source for employees, especially in bad economic times
D) allow employers to try out unemployed workers for a short period of time
E) generally only work with non-exempt workers
3. External factors that influence recruiting usually fall into what two categories?
A) The political environment and the social and legal environment
B) The social and legal environment, and the labor market
C) The labor market and the political environment
D) Competitors and the labor market
E) Supply and demand, and competitors
4. Two common types of __________ recruiting includes: promotions from within, and
employee referrals.
A) external
B) internal
C) equitable
D) social media
5. Especially when recruiting within the United States, the first and most important laws
that recruiters must abide by are what?
A) Union
B) State
C) Equal Employment Opportunity
D) Non-compete agreements
E) FERPA regulations
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6. _____________ applicants gives you a reasonable pool of applicants from whom you
can choose one who will be a good fit for the job and the organization.
A) 7 - 10
B) 15 - 25
C) 50
D) 100
7. Colleges and universities are good places to recruit individuals with:
A) lots of previous experience in their field
B) low skill-levels
C) good personal dress and grooming habits
D) basic skill sets in a specialized field
E) broad knowledge of all functional areas of business
8. When recruiting in an identifiable geographic area, recruiters need to consider the
_______________ in that area.
A) political views of the area
B) quality of the workforce
C) unemployment rate
D) government workforce
E) population size of the area
9. Last year, Acme Global hired 25 petroleum engineers. At the end of the year, only 20
were still working for the organization. The organization's __________ was 20 percent.
A) new hire performance
B) time required to hire
C) yield ratio
D) new hire turnover
10. Kara has identified the recruiting area for Acme Global's new plant. Acme will need
many carpenters at its new facility but there is another plant in the area hiring
carpenters and offering them good wages. Kara believes that will make his job
recruiting qualified applicants difficult. Which external force acting on recruiting efforts
is Kara examining?
A) Competitors
B) Supply and demand
C) Legal environment
D) Time required to hire
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11. The HR department relies on the _______________ to determine how successful a
recruiting advertisement was in finding qualified applicants.
A) new hire performance ratio
B) new hire satisfaction score
C) cost per hire
D) yield ratio
E) recruitment success ratio
12. When the HR department engages individuals from outside of the firm in the labor
market to apply for positions, _______________ recruiting is occurring.
A) internal
B) targeted
C) active
D) external
E) open
13. Why would a company want to create an RJP?
A) To show recruits the good and bad of the job so they are not surprised as new
B) To force external recruiters to comply with job requirements
C) To lead current employees to apply for jobs through internal recruiting
D) To house the recruiting efforts of the company
E) To help external recruiters “sell” the company's lousy jobs
14. The __________ must be well-versed in the various laws, agreements, and regulations
that limit an organization's ability to recruit.
A) union steward
B) HR Manager
C) County Commissioner
D) retirement board
15. Acme Global hired 20 new auditors last year. The average performance appraisal of
the new auditors was 4.4 (on a 5-point scale). The average for other auditors in the
organization was 4.0. The new recruits' performance is ____ percent above average.
A) 5
B) 10
C) 15
D) 20
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16. Acme Corporation is hiring a translator. The job advertisement reads, in part, “In
meetings, translate messages simultaneously into specified languages with a high
degree of accuracy while dealing with difficult people who are frustrated by their lack of
ability to communicate directly with others in the meeting.” This type of job
advertisement would be considered a ___________.
A) high yield advertisement
B) dispatch preview
C) realistic job preview
D) precise advertisement
17. If we ask managers to privately nominate workers who they feel would be able to do
the job that needs to be filled, we are practicing ________ recruitment.
A) closed
B) open
C) targeted
D) selective
18. What is the time to hire if the job opening was posted on October 1, the interview took
place on October 10, the position was filled on October 15, and the new hire started
work on October 20?
A) 15
B) 10
C) 5
D) 20
E) 25
19. During the recession, Company A laid off 45 employees. During the recovery,
Company A hired those 45 back along with 5 new recruits. Within six months, only 25
of those employees still worked for Company A, 3 of which are from the 5 new recruits.
What is the new hire turnover ratio?
A) 50%
B) 40%
C) 60%
D) 20%
E) 10%
20. What is a disadvantage of external recruiting?
A) An internal candidate may have better qualifications for the job opening
B) The pool of applicants will vary based on the size of the labor market
C) The pool of applicants is significantly smaller than in internal recruiting
D) The candidate may look good on paper but have no organizational experience
E) Success at one company doesn't necessarily mean success at another company
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21. Which of the following is an advantage of internal recruiting?
A) The pool of applicants is significantly smaller
B) We can lower training costs for skilled positions by hiring someone with the
requisite skills
C) The pool of applicants is significantly larger
D) We are more likely to find workers with specific technical skill sets
E) The recruit will be able to learn more about the “big picture” of the company and
become more valuable
22. If we advertise the available position within our organization, allowing anyone to apply
for the job, we are practicing ___________ recruitment.
A) closed
B) open
C) targeted
D) selective
23. If it cost a company $50,000 to recruit and hire 5 applicants, what was the cost per
A) $5,000
B) $50,000
C) $20,000
D) $250,000
E) $10,000
24. The _____________ in the area ties into the concept of supply and demand.
A) unemployment rate
B) graduation rate
C) production rate
D) longevity rate
25. Which of the following is true of the use of internal recruitment sources?
A) Research indicates that most organizational positions are filled internally.
B) Internal recruitment has a demoralizing effect on employees.
C) Internal recruiting may increase job satisfaction and organizational commitment.
D) Temporary employees are the most common source for internal recruitment.
E) Internal sources are most appropriate for specialized upper-level positions.
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