Programming and Web Design - Colorado Springs School District 11


The following is a list of Programming and Web Design classes offered at District 11 High schools

Programming and Web Design classes offered at

Coronado High School


Course Length: 1 Semester Grade: 9, 10, 11, 12

Credit per Semester: 1 Prerequisite: None

(Computer, Practical Arts or Elective)

Students will create multimedia applications that integrate game theory, programming, digital graphics and sound. Students will learn new programming languages, development environments and applications, and theories in computer programming.


Course Length: 1 Semester Grade: 9, 10, 11, 12

Credit per Semester: 1 Prerequisite: None

(Computer, Practical Arts or Elective)

The Internet is an extensive network of information resources and is quickly being identified as an invaluable tool for business. This course emphasizes the development of technical writing skills and examines the opportunities and applications of multimedia for the Internet. Web site design, software, services, production, current issues, and online distribution are covered as students produce their own web sites.

Programming and Web Design classes offered at

Doherty High School

ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY First Semester or Second Semester

Course Length: 1 Semester Grade: 10, 11, 12

Credit per Semester: 1.0 Prerequisite: Computer Applications or

(Computer Education, Practical Arts or Elective) Teacher approval

Fee: $5.00 for supplies

This course is designed to enhance the students' abilities to use new technology beyond the basic computer literacy/application levels. Emphasis will be placed on advanced technology uses to include multimedia development and design of presentation methods using a variety of media, knowledge and use of research databases, and simulations developed to maximize the integration of technology resources. Students will be using a Voice Recognition program called Dragon Naturally speaking as part of the curriculum. Students are encouraged to participate in Future Business

Leaders of America (FBLA) a national co-curricular organization.

GAME PROGRAMMING 1 First Semester or Second Semester

Course Length: 1 Semester Grade: 10, 11, 12

Credit per Semester: 1.0 Prerequisite: None

(Computer Education or Elective) Fee: $5.00 for supplies and curriculum

This course is designed to give students classroom experience in creating multimedia applications that integrate game theory, programming, digital graphics and sound. Students will learn new programming languages, development environments and applications, and theories in computer programming. 33

WEBSITE DESIGN First Semester or Second Semester

Course Length: 1 Semester Grade: 10, 11, 12

Credit per Semester: 1.0 Prerequisite: Computer Applications or

(Computer Education, Practical Arts or Elective) Teacher approval

Fee: $5.00 for supplies and curriculum

The Internet is an extensive network of information resources and is quickly being identified as an invaluable tool for business. This course emphasizes the development of technical writing skills and examines the opportunities and applications of multimedia for the Internet. Web site design, software, services, production, current issues, and online distribution are covered as students produce their own web site. College credit is available upon completion of course, with an A or B grade, and exam. Students are encouraged to participate in Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA).

WEBSITE DESIGN INTERNSHIP First Semester or Second Semester

Course Length: 1 Semester Grade: 10, 11, 12

Credit per Semester: 1.0 Prerequisite: Website Design

(Computer Education, Practical Arts or Elective) Fee: $5.00 for supplies and curriculum

This course is designed to give classroom experience and/or on the job experience in website design. Students apply their acquired skills from Website Design by designing and maintaining a website. Students are encouraged to participate in

Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA).

Programming and Web Design classes offered at

Mitchell High School

Course Number: BU.CMPTADV

Course Name: Advanced Technology

Prerequisite: Computer Applications or instructor approval

Course Description: This course is designed to enhance the students' abilities to use new technology beyond the basic computer literacy/application levels. Emphasis will be placed on advanced technology uses to include multimedia development and design of presentation methods using a variety of media, knowledge and use of research databases, and simulations developed to maximize the integration of technology resources. (12/95)

Course Length: 2 semesters

Period Length: 1

Grade Level: 9-12 grade(s)

Credit Per Semester: 1.0 (Computer Education, Practical Arts or Elective)

Course Number: BU.WEBDSN

Course Name: Website Design

Prerequisite: Computer Applications or teacher approval

Course Description: Course to start August of 2009. Students will learn the basics of web page design using

Dreamweaver. This entry-level course emphasizes the use of applications used in Web development. Along with

Dreamweaver, students will use Fireworks and Photoshop to create 3-D buttons, animations, image editing, and image optimization. Graphic Design techniques and how they apply to web page construction will be taught and demonstrated by the students. Students will also be introduced to Web site services, production, ethics, current issues, and online distribution as they produce their own web sites.

Course Length: 2 semesters

Period Length: 1

Grade Level: 10-12 grade(s)

Credit Per Semester:One (1) – Practical Art Elective

Course Number: BU.WBDSIN1

Course Name: Website Design Internship 1

Prerequisite: Website Design (BU.WEBDSN)

Course Description: Course to start August of 2009. This course builds on the skills learned in Web Design, and introduces students to some of the advanced tools used in Web development. One such tool is Flash; a popular method for adding animation and interactivity to web pages. Flash is commonly used to create animation, advertisements, web page components, integrate video into web pages, and more recently, to develop rich Internet applications. Other advanced tools include: layout tables, elastic pages, CSS, Spry’s, embedding music and video, and converting files to

Flash video. Students will gain job experience by applying their acquired skills to the school’s existing web site. By successfully completing this course, students will be qualified to receive a vocational certificate of completion in Web


Course Length: 2 semesters

Period Length: 1

Grade Level: 10-12 grade(s)

Credit Per Semester:One (1) – Practical Art Elective

Course Number: BU.WBDSIN2

Course Name: Website Design Internship 2

Prerequisite: Website Design (BU.WEBDSN)

Course Description: Course to start August of 2009. This course builds on the skills learned in Web Design, and introduces students to some of the advanced tools used in Web development. One such tool is Flash; a popular method for adding animation and interactivity to web pages. Flash is commonly used to create animation, advertisements, web page components, integrate video into web pages, and more recently, to develop rich Internet applications. Other advanced tools include: layout tables, elastic pages, CSS, Spry’s, embedding music and video, and converting files to

Flash video. Students will gain job experience by applying their acquired skills to the school’s existing web site. By successfully completing this course, students will be qualified to receive a vocational certificate of completion in Web


Course Length: 2 semesters

Period Length: 1

Grade Level: 10-12 grade(s)

Credit Per Semester:One (1) – Practical Art Elective

Course Number: BU.CISCO1H

Course Name: CISCO 1H

Prerequisite: Computer Applications

Course Description: The CISCO Networking Academy program is designed to teach students the skills needed to design, build, and maintain small to medium size networks. This provides students an opportunity to enter the work force and/or continue their education in the computer-networking field. After four semesters, students will be eligible to take the certification examination to become a CISCO networking associate. Four consecutive semesters are required to complete the prescribed program. If courses are not completed before graduation, the program may be completed at

Pikes Peak Community College.

Course Length: 2 semesters

Period Length: 1

Grade Level: 9-12 grade(s)

Credit Per Semester:1.0 Elective

Course Number: BU.CISCO2H

Course Name: CISCO 2H

Prerequisite: CISCO1

Course Description: The CISCO Networking Academy program is designed to teach students the skills needed to design,

build, and maintain small to medium size networks. This provides students an opportunity to enter the work force and/or continue their education in the computer-networking field. After four semesters, students will be eligible to take the certification examination to become a CISCO networking associate. Four consecutive semesters are required to complete the prescribed program. If courses are not completed before graduation, the program may be completed at

Pikes Peak Community College.

Course Length: 2 semesters

Period Length: 1

Grade Level: 9-12 grade(s)

Credit Per Semeste Course Number: BU.CISCO3H

Course Name: CISCO 3H

Prerequisite: None

Course Description: The CISCO Networking Academy program is designed to teach students the skills needed to design, build, and maintain small to medium size networks. This provides students an opportunity to enter the work force and/or continue their education in the computer-networking field. After four semesters, students will be eligible to take the certification examination to become a CISCO networking associate. Four consecutive semesters are required to complete the prescribed program. If courses are not completed before graduation, the program may be completed at

Pikes Peak Community College.

Course Length: 2 semesters

Period Length: 1

Grade Level: 9-12 grade(s)

Credit Per Semester: 1.0 (Computer, Practical Arts, or Elective) r:1.0 Elective

Course Number: BU.CISCO4H

Course Name: CISCO 4H

Prerequisite: None

Course Description: The CISCO Networking Academy program is designed to teach students the skills needed to design, build, and maintain small to medium size networks. This provides students an opportunity to enter the work force and/or continue their education in the computer-networking field. After four semesters, students will be eligible to take the certification examination to become a CISCO networking associate. Four consecutive semesters are required to complete the prescribed program. If courses are not completed before graduation, the program may be completed at

Pikes Peak Community College.

Course Length: 2 semesters

Period Length: 1

Grade Level: 9-12 grade(s)

Credit Per Semester: 1.0 (Computer, Practical Arts, or Elective)

Programming and Web Design classes offered at

Palmer High School


Course Length: 1 Semester Grade Level: 10

Credit per semester: 1.0 (Comp. Ed., Practical Arts, Elect.)

Prerequisite: Students must be enrolled in the MYP program

This course delivers hands-on, experiential, process-oriented instruction in computer applications, computer design, and design technology. Using the “Design Cycle,” project work focuses on investigation, planning, creation, and evaluation. The course also

provides proficiency in computer applications including multimedia applications such as Photoshop and iMovie, as well as support for the MYP-required Personal Project.


Course Length: 1 Semester Grade Level: 9 -12 Credit per Semester: 1.0 (Practical Arts or Elective) Prerequisite: None

Students will use popular and powerful multimedia programs including GarageBand, iMovie and Photoshop to create music, videos and images of their own design. They will design and create a web site with those artifacts using iWeb. The course provides a foundation for subsequent courses including Video Production, Digital Photography, Digital Music and Web Design


Course Length: 1 Semester Grade Level: 9 -12 Credit per Semester: 1.0 (Practical Arts or Elective) Prerequisite: Multimedia I

Students will expand the skills learned in Multimedia I. They will work independently and collaboratively to produce advanced projects. Students will use the software to develop real-world products that will encompass all of the applications learned. The course provides a foundation for subsequent courses including Video Production, Digital Photography, Digital Music and Web Design.


Course Length: 1 Semester Grade Level: 10-12

Credit per Semester: 1.0 (Practical Arts or Elective)

Prerequisite: Computer Applications or Instructor Approval

Students will learn the basics of professional web design using Adobe Dreamweaver to create web sites with their own design and content. Along with Dreamweaver, students will also learn the basic concepts of HTML5, and graphic design for the web using Fireworks and Photoshop to create navigation buttons, background graphics, and animations that are optimized for fast loading on the Internet. Graphic Design techniques, and how they apply to web page construction, will be taught and demonstrated by the students. Students will discuss issues, ethics, and design as they apply to current web practices and popular trends on the Internet. Students will create their own website at the end of the course that will be published live on the Internet.

VIDEO GAME DESIGN I Course Length: 1 Semester Grade Level: 10-12 Credit per Semester: 1.0 (Practical Arts or Elective)

Prerequisite: Computer Applications or Instructor Approval

Students will use non-programming problem-solving techniques to design, create, and test computer games using Game Maker. The semester begins by learning how to use algorithms and heuristics to solve problems, these techniques will be essential to solving gaming problems. Students will also be introduced to the basics of binary notation, and will learn how to use Fireworks to create custom gaming backgrounds, sprites, and animations. Each student will also have the opportunity to use Garageband to create custom sounds and music for games.

VIDEO GAME DESIGN II Course Length: 1 Semester Grade Level: 10-12 Credit per Semester: 1.0 (Practical Arts or Elective)

Prerequisite: Video Game Design I, Computer Applications or Instructor Approval

Game Design II includes the design and creation of original games. Students will also learn how to create platform games with Fishpod, nature’s first platform game character, and recreate the classic game Zool (Ninja of the Nth Dimension). Basic programming with Game Maker Language scripts will extend and improve the drag-and-drop functionality of Game Maker. The course introduces

Programming and Web Design classes offered at

Wasson High School


Course Length: 1 Semester

Grade: 9, 10, 11, 12

Credit per semester: 1.0 (Computer Education, Practical Arts, or Elective)

Prerequisite: None

Students will create multimedia applications that integrate game theory, programming, digital graphics and sound.

Students will learn new programming languages, develop environments and applications, and implement theories in game programming.


Course Length: 1 Semester

Grade: 9, 10, 11, 12

Credit per semester: 1.0 (Computer Education, Practical Arts or Elective)

Prerequisite: Computer Applications or instructor approval

This class covers the history of the Internet, types of web domains, and types of websites. It also focuses on the Internet as an extensive network of information resources and identifies it as an invaluable tool for businesses. HTML (Hypertext

Markup Language) coding, web site design software, services, production, current issues, and online distribution are covered as students produce their own web sites. This course emphasizes the development of technical writing skills and examines the opportunities and applications of multimedia for the Internet.
