Bachelor of Science Degree in New Media

Bachelor of Science Degree in New Media
Courses Transferrable from Other UMS Campuses to the University of Maine
The following chart provides general guidance as to which courses offered at other University of Maine System
campuses will be accepted as transferable into the Bachelor of Science in New Media undergraduate degree
program at the University of Maine.
As shown, links to course descriptions for all courses are provided. Additional courses beyond those listed may
be acceptable for transfer as assessed by the appropriate course faculty on the campus to which the student is
Courses qualifying to fulfill General Education course requirements are handled on a campuswide basis and are available through a separate information sheet.
University of Maine
Bachelor of Science: New Media
(Curriculum drawn from
Typical Program showing Acceptable Transfer Courses
(Course transfer information is drawn from and confirmed by involved faculty members.)
Course Title
ENG 317
Business and Technical
Writing, Credits: 3
NMD 100
NMD 102
NMD 104
NMD 200
NMD 206
NMD 306
NMD 498
NMD 499
NMD 341
ENG 117
ENG 117W
ENGB 230
ENGI 315
ENGK 380
ENG 209
ENG 380
ENGA 117
BUS 212
ENGA 117
ENGM 208
ENGO 317
PCJ 315
Introduction to New Media
Credits: 3
Introduction to New Media
Technologies, Interaction
Design and Prototyping
Credits: 3
Design Basics for New
Media Credits: 3
New Media Strategies
Credits: 3
Project Design Workshop I
Credits: 3
Project Design Workshop
II Credits: 3
Practicum in New Media I
Credits: 3
Practicum in New Media II
Credits: 3
Photographic Reporting
and Storytelling Credits: 3
NMDO 102
NMD 342
NMD 343
NMD 344
NMD 345
NMD 441
NMD 443
NMD 444
NMD 445
NMD 250
NMD 295
NMD 324
NMD 398
NMD 403
NMD 404
NMD 424
NMD 430
NMD 490
Interaction Design in New
Media Credits: 3
Digital Narrative
Workshop I Credits: 3
Time-Based Art and
Design I Credits: 3
Networks and Creativity I
Credits: 3
Documentary Photography
and Audio Credits: 3
Digital Narrative
Workshop II Credits: 3
Time-Based Art and
Design II Credits:
Networks and Creativity II
Credits: 3
Electronic Music
Composition I: Item and
Arrangement Credits: 3
MUS 334
MUS 334
MUS 334F
Topics in New Media
Credits: 1-3
Year in Film I Credits: 3
Topics in New Media
Credits: 1-3
Advanced Digital
Narrative Credits: 3
Advanced Time Art Studio
Credits: 3
Year in Film II Credits: 3
Topics in New Media
Credits: 1-3
Independent Study in New
Media Credits: 3
NMDO 430
University of Maine New Media Course Descriptions
ENG 317 – Business and Technical Writing
Supervised practice in the writing of business and technical reports, professional correspondence, and related materials.
Satisfies the General Education Writing Intensive Requirement.
Prerequisites: ENG 101 or equivalent and junior standing.
Credits: 3
NMD 100 - Introduction to New Media
This introductory course explores what new media are, how they are produced, who produces them, and why they challenge how we
think, act, create, and relate to other people. While revolutions in communication technologies have transformed individuals and
societies over thousands of years, this course draws on historical context to clarify the current transformation from hierarchic and
authoritative modes of cultural organization to network and distributed models. Lecture and discussion format with hands-on
Prerequisites: New Media Majors
Credits: 3
NMD 102 - Introduction to New Media Technologies, Interaction Design and Prototyping
Students are provided an introduction to and overview of new media and emerging technologies, interaction design, and software
development. Topics covered include social networking, mobile computing, and physical computing. Students develop skills in
research, group collaboration, brainstorming practices, concept development, and rapid project prototyping. Course is taught via a
lecture/lab format.
Prerequisites: New Media Majors
Credits: 3
NMD 104 - Design Basics for New Media
Introduction to principles and theories of visual design, in traditional and electronic media; processes, methods and technologies
relative to the creative production of two-dimensional visual imagery; use of the computer as a creative tool for the development of
expressive and professional images. Focus on the creative process in visual design. Studio 3.
Satisfies the General Education Artistic and Creative Expression Requirement.
Credits: 3
NMD 200 - New Media Strategies
This course covers new media culture and theory of the present, bringing students up to speed on a range of contemporary artistic,
political, and ethical issues in the field. Students in this course also extend the technical skills acquired in previous courses by
applying them to a creative application of their own individual or collaborative design, such as an advanced portfolio. Course is taught
via lecture with labs.
Prerequisites: NMD 100 and NMD 102 and NMD 104 and COS 125
Credits: 3
NMD 206 - Project Design Workshop I
Explores creativity and problem solving using tools, techniques and tactics of new media. Identifies critical social, economic, cultural
and ecological problems in neighborhoods and communities. Draws on creative skills and playful impulses to design and build
solutions using new media strategies. An ecologically mindful, whole systems approach is adopted, seeking out interdisciplinary
partners across campus and community to achieve solutions. Individual, peer, and team generated projects are emphasized.
Prerequisites: NMD 200
Credits: 3
NMD 306 - Project Design Workshop II
New Media project design, with emphasis on team-based research and development. Requires students to think across a variety of
platforms, from analog tools to stand alone devices to online applications. Students will be challenged to think creatively and
rigorously about the objective, structure, and form of their projects; the work of each team will culminate in a new media proposal
and/or prototype, preparing them for the New media capstone sequence.
Prerequisites: NMD 206 and either NME 301 or NMD 302 or NMD 303 or NMD 304 or NMD 305
Credits: 3
NMD 498 - Practicum in New Media I
Part one of a two-part capstone experience on campus or in a commercial or other institutional environment with faculty supervision.
Students meet in a weekly seminar to discuss progress. Each defines and researches his or her own individual project and prepares to
bring it to fruition as a new media publication, such as a Web site; animated, feature or documentary video; or other digital
production. Satisfies the General Education Writing Intensive requirement.
Together with NMD 499, this course also satisfies the General Education Capstone Experience Requirements.
Prerequisites: Senior Standing and a grade of C or better in NMD 306.
Credits: 3
NMD 499 - Practicum in New Media II
Part two of a two-part capstone experience on campus or in a commercial or other institutional environment with faculty supervision.
Students meet in a weekly seminar to discuss progress. Each defines and researches his or her own individual project, presents it
within the format of the seminar and brings it to fruition as a new media publication, such as a Web site; animated, feature or
documentary video; or other digital projection.
Together with NMD 498, this course satisfies the General Education Capstone Experience requirement.
Prerequisites: NMD 498.
Credits: 3
NMD 341 - Photographic Reporting and Storytelling
An overview of photojournalism history, theory and ethics. Exercises teach skills and strategies used by newspaper, magazine and online photographers and editors and challenge students to deal responsibly with issues of invasion of privacy, subject representation,
copyright and fair use and image manipulation. (This course is identical to CMJ 261.)
Satisfies the General Education Artistic and Creative Expression Requirement.
Credits: 3
NMD 342 - Interaction Design in New Media
Students use principles of Interaction Design along with the emerging technologies of new media to define projects in terms of
purpose, scope, audience, information, core elements, task flows, layout, and affordance. Theoretical and practical perspectives are
blended to incorporate basic knowledge of information and new media technology. A hands-on and guided practice, the course will
focus on technology systems, including the software, hardware, mobile devices, sensors and other interfaces by which the system
defines or responds to user behavior. Satisfies Year Three Sequence credit for New Media majors.
Prerequisites: NMD 206 or permission
Credits: 3
NMD 343 - Digital Narrative Workshop I
Explores emerging forms of digital and networked storytelling and how these new forms transform authorship, audience, interaction
and publishing. Students produce their own digital narratives using web based, animation, or networked formats. Strong narrative
skills and/or digital skills required. Teams’ projects and skill sharing encouraged. Satisfies Year Three Sequence credit for New Media
Prerequisites: NMD 206 or ENG 205 or both THE 112 & THE 117.
Credits: 3
NMD 344 - Time-Based Art and Design I
An introduction in the concepts, process, methods, principles and theories posed by digital video, anunatun, and audio. Students
investigate unique problems in design and production presented by time-based media as well as apply the aesthetic and design
principles in the creation of artistic, expressive and/or conceptual structures in time-based media. Satisfies Year Three Sequence credit
for New Media majors
Prerequisites: NMD 206
Credits: 3
NMD 345 - Networks and Creativity I
Explores the translation of works across media and between individuals, and the impact of copyright and open-source licensing on
sharing the scores, scripts, and sources necessary for such translations. In class projects, students apply techniques such as migration,
emulation, and reinterpretation to preserve obsolescent media such as vintage games as well as to remix contemporary media such as
digital images and audio. Satisfies Year Three Sequence credit for New Media Majors.
Prerequisites: NMD 206.
Credits: 3
NMD 441 - Documentary Photography and Audio
Provides the essential skills, concepts and processes used by documentary still photographers and audio producers to create
professional quality digital mixed media products for the Internet and other interactive media. (This course is identical to CMJ 361.)
Prerequisites: C- or better in CMJ 261 or C- or better in NMD 341.
Credits: 3
NMD 443 - Digital Narrative Workshop II
Students explore and produce participatory narratives which require user input such as role-playing games, video games, alt reality
games, mobile apps and place-based storytelling. Students examine the use of interactive and social play to address real world issues
in a participatory narrative format. Focus on alternative gaming paradigms as well as games and narratives with culturally and
ideologically complex worlds and goals. Satisfies Year Four Sequence credit for New Media majors.
Prerequisites: NMD 343 or ENG 307 or ENG 308 or ENG 309 or THE 216
Credits: 3
NMD 444 - Time-Based Art and Design II
Advanced level exploration of the principles of design and the creative process relative to time-based media. Focus is on the design of
imaginative, and/or metaphorical structures combining text, image and sound into self-contained digital works. Students experiment
with the transmission of creative and expressive information through sequential and time-based formats, including fixed-image
sequence, digital video, and animations. Satisfies Year Four Sequence credit for New Media majors.
Prerequisites: .NMD 344
NMD 445 - Networks and Creativity II
This course teaches how to conceive and build new media applications that explore the sharing of information. Students learn how to
design cutting-edge new applications using web pages, mobile applications, widgets, image manipulation and more. Legal and
cultural contexts for sharing are also explored, e.g., filesharing lawsuits and music remixes. Students design and prototype a creative
application of their own choosing. Satisfies Year Four Sequence credit for New Media majors.
Prerequisites: NMD 345. Non-majors should have some experience with programming and/or Web design.
Credits: 3
NMD 250 - Electronic Music Composition I: Item and Arrangement
Designed to provide students with an opportunity to explore the ideas and techniques of audio composition with recorded media. Item
and Arrangement refers to the style of composition that creatively places recorded sounds in a fixed timeline. Starting with Musique
Concrete in the late 1940’s, this technique continues today as a foundation for many contemporary and popular forms, including
acoustic ecology and hip-hop. Students can expect to learn how to work with sound in the digital environment including fundamentals
in field recording technique, waveform editing, filtering and digital processing. Students will be expected to regularly produce and
discuss work in relation to the theoretical history of Electronic Music.
Satisfies the General Education Artistic and Creative Expression Requirement.
Credits: 3
NMD 295 - Topics in New Media
Topics not regularly covered in other new media courses. Content varies to suit current needs. May be repeated for credit.
Prerequisites: New Media Majors or permission.
Credits: 1-3
NMD 324 - Year in Film I
The first part in a two-semester course in the process, theory, practice and problems of digital filmmaking. Through the examination
of films, narrative fiction and the completion of out-of-class assignments, students will gain insight into the realm of digital
filmmaking. Structured as both an academic and “hands-on” approach to the language, method and theory of digital filmmaking
through applied concepts and process. May be repeated for credit.
Prerequisites: Sophomore standing and permission of instructor.
Credits: 3
NMD 398 - Topics in New Media
Topics not regularly covered in other new media courses. Content varies to suit current needs. May be repeated for credit.
Prerequisites: Department consent.
Credits: 1-3
NMD 403 - Advanced Digital Narrative
Critical analysis of digital narrative and literary, cinematic, gaming, or graphic predecessors. Explores theoretical discourses relevant
to studied genres, such as narratology, semiotics, cultural theory, game theory, gender theory, or post-colonial theory. Emphasis on
understanding the function(s) of digital narrative and on developing skills to increase the sophistication of creative production.
Prerequisites: NMD 303 and NMD 306 or permission of instructor.
Credits: 3
NMD 404 - Advanced Time Art Studio
The final course in the Time-Based Art sequence and represents the most advanced level of investigation in time-based media.
Students will conceptualize and create a series of individual projects working with time-based media. These projects may include but
are not limited to, video, animation audio, interactivity and live digital performance. Additionally, students will research and discuss
the work of existing Time-Based artists.
Prerequisites: NMD 304 and NMD 306 or permission.
Credits: 3
NMD 424 - Year in Film II
The second part in a two-semester course in the process, theory, practice and problems of digital filmmaking. Concentrates on
practical experience. Students will learn the cinematic process through direct development and production of short subject digital
films. Structured as both an academic and “hands-on” approach to the language, method and theory of digital filmmaking. May be
repeated for credit.
Prerequisites: Sophomore standing and permission.
Credits: 3
NMD 430 - Topics in New Media
An exploration of intermediate and advanced topics in multimedia production and design, including, among others, digital video
production, software and hardware design or, electronic publishing. Designed to provide students with a deeper and more
sophisticated experience with a multimedia issue, tool, or skill–or combination of all three.
Prerequisites: Department consent.
Credits: 1-3
NMD 490 - Independent Study in New Media
Topics not regularly covered in other courses. Content varies to suit current needs. May be repeated for credit.
Prerequisites: permission of instructor.
Credits: 3