G Dragon Paper - WordPress.com

Rachael Dick
February 20, 2012
Music 1010 – Semester Paper
Kwon Ji Yong, better known by his stage name G Dragon, was born August 18, 1988 in Seoul South
Korea. His stage name is derived from his birth name, Yong meaning dragon in Korean and ‘G’ is just the
pronunciation of Ji. (“G-Dragon,” par.1)
He started his entertainment career at the young age of 8. While dancing on a show called ‘Bbo Bbo
Bbo’ he was discovered by the management team of Roo’ra, a Korean Hip Hop Dance group, and recruited to
be a part of the group Little Roo’ra. Little Roo’ra was a group made up of young kids who went on tour with
Roo’ra and were even dressed in the same costumes as the main band. Though they put out a Christmas
Album together, Little Roo’ra was eventually broken up. Devastated by his group’s disbandment which, he had
thought would be together forever, Ji Yong proclaimed to his mother that he would was leaving the
entertainment industry for good and would instead just focus on living life as a normal kid.
It seems a normal life was not in store for Ji Yong, however. On a ski trip with his family he won first
place in a dance competition, catching the interest of the evening’s Emcee, Lee Soo Man, who also happened
to be the head of management for one of South Korea’s largest talent agencies, SM Entertainment.
Considering SM Entertainment was not then the mogul it is today, Ji Yong’s training routine wasn’t well
organized. Instead he would only come in once every 1-3 months. While with SM Entertainment he was
unclear on what he wanted to do, so he focused his time on learning to dance.
Around the third grade he went to a friend’s house where he heard the music of the Wu-Tang Clan for
the first time and decided he wanted to learn freestyle rap. With this goal in mind he joined the People Crew,
learning how to rap and appearing on their cable TV program. In 2001 he was part of the Korea Hip-Hop Flex
album, writing his own lyrics and recording his own solo song. His participation in the album brought him to
the attention of YG Entertainment’s President and founder Yang Hyun Suk, who convinced him to sign as a
trainee with YG.
His first year as a trainee with YG Entertainment, has it’s share of hardships. He cleaned practice
rooms, ran errands for the senior entertainers, and served as the back up to the back up’s. A normal day
consisted of an hour of cleaning, two hours of practicing, and then another hour of cleaning. Luckily he had a
companion to share the burden with. Serving as an extra in the filming of a music video for one of the agency’s
other groups, he met his current band mate Taeyang (real name Dong Young Bae) who was also participating.
Taeyang was also recruited to YG. Since, he and Ji Yong are about the same age and both were new trainee’s
they were put together. They became good friends as they worked and trained and performed as back-ups
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together. (Heartface, “Cleaned”; Heartface, “SM Trainee”; Heartface, “Decade-Old”; “INTERVIEW: G-Dragon,”
Parts 2-5)
Originally, he and Taeyang had dreamed of forming a duo act together. In fact they were slated to
debut in 2004, when they were informed by their President that they were instead going to be saved to be
part of a projected idol group. (“Kwon Ji-Yong,” par. 3) To gain popularity for the as yet unformed group YG
decided they would film a competition style documentary, which had two main objectives: first, to showcase
the candidates and second, to garner support for the group.
The show turned out to be a huge success. The competitors were whittled down to four survivors, who
were then added to G Dragon and Taeyang as the official line up for the show. Though, they started with six
members Jang Hyunseung (now a member of the successful boy band Beast/B2ST) was cut before the end of
the show because, YG’s founder thought he lacked stage presence. The remaining five members consisted of
G Dragon (real name Ji Yong), who became the leader, Taeyang (real name Young Bae), T.O.P. (real name Choi
Seunghyun), Daesung (real name Kang Daesung), and Seungri (real name Lee Seunghyun). Seungri had also
faced the possibility of elimination along with Hyunseung, but, was given a second chance to show YG’s CEO
his talent in singing and dancing and so was able to save himself.
With Ji Yong named the leader, the group debuted on August 19, 2006 during the YG Family concert
held in the Gymnastics Arena of Seoul Olympic Park. Prior to their concert the group released 3 EP Singles.
Their first single “This Love” was a remake of Maroon 5’s song, and went on to sell nearly 40,000 copies. Their
second single was ‘Big Bang is V.I.P.’ which reached nearly 32,000 copies sold. The third single was ‘Big Bang
03’, peaking at nearly 30,000 copies sold. (“Big Bang,” par. 3 & 5)
Even though they were successful, it wasn’t until the release of their title track ‘Lies’ from their mini
album ‘Always’ in 2007 that they really started to become the sensation they are today. ‘Lies’, became their
first No.1 hit song. Their fame continued to grow with the release of their second mini album ‘Hot Issue’, also
released in 2007, which contained their second No. 1 hit ‘Last Farewell’.
In 2008 they started promoting in Japan with the release of their Japanese album “Number 1”. The title
song from that album peaked at No. 3 on the Japanese music charts. They also released two more minialbums in Korea. The first mini album ‘Stand Up’ had 5 songs in the top 20:
‘Day by Day’ at #1
‘Heaven’ at #2
‘Oh My Friend’ at #9
‘A Good Man’ at #12 and
‘Lady’ at #16
Their second Korean mini-album titled ‘Remember’ contained the No. 1 single ‘Sunset Glow’. (Kim, par. 1)
Except for the song ‘A Good Man’, G Dragon wrote the lyrics and co-wrote the music for all of these songs.
2008 also saw the beginning of the member’s individual activities, such as acting in TV series, movies,
and musicals. G Dragon even began working on his solo album. He involved himself in all aspects of the
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album’s creation, including performance costumes, album covers and designs, as well as the writing and
producing of the songs themselves. He was so obsessed with his album in fact, that during the group’s
promotions in Japan, if they had even a day free G Dragon would fly to Korea to work on the album during the
day and then fly back to Japan at night. According to him he, “…wanted people to think not just that it’s been
‘made’, but ‘Kwon Jiyong made this’. I even went a little over the top by concerning over things like font, color
and decoration. I wanted to release an album that seemed more like a wrapped up gift than a normal,
standard CD.” (“INTERVIEW: G-Dragon,” Part 12)
The company took a unique approach to the pre-release advertising. Minimal TV and newspaper
promotion was done, instead they instructed G Dragon to utilize the communal site ‘Me2day’, which allowed
him the ability to give little previews and snippets as he saw fit. Though the album was originally set to release
in April, G Dragon had it delayed, finally, releasing it on August 18 which, happened to be his 21st birthday.
(“INTERVIEW: G-Dragon,” Part 12)
Unfortunately for G Dragon, however, it seems trouble was right around the corner. A day before the
release it was implicated that his title song ‘Heartbreaker’ was a plagiarized version of Flo Rida’s ‘Right Round’,
as well his track ‘Butterfly’ which was accused of being a copy of ‘She’s Electric’ by Oasis. On September 17
Sony BMG sent an official warning letter to YG Entertainment, not only for G Dragon’s work but some of their
other artists as well. Luckily, though the warning letter was sent no actual charges were ever brought against
GD. (Lee, par. 5 & 6) In fact, after being contacted by YG about the incident Flo Rida ended up collaborating
with G Dragon on Heartbreaker 2, which was released as a bonus track on G Dragon’s ‘Shine A Light’ live
album. (Jeshicaa, par. 5) He also performed with Flo Rida on the second day of his performances in Korea. (“GDragon Confirmed,” par. 2 & 5)
Having successfully survived the plagiarism controversies, scandals from his solo album continued to
compile as the year went on. In November both ‘Korean Dream’ & ‘She’s Gone’ were ruled inappropriate for
children under the age of 19 by the Commission for Youth Protection, consequently prohibiting them from
being aired on the radio or TV before 10 PM. (J. Kim, par. 1-3) Despite the governments restrictive ratings
placed on his songs and the fact that he had advertised his concert as 12 and up, G Dragon brazenly
performed ‘She’s Gone’ while a video of him chasing down and stabbing a girl played in the background at his
first solo concert ‘Shine A Light” which was held December 5th & 6th of 2009. (Cho, par. 4-6) But, it was the
sexually suggestive acts he performed with a female dancer while singing his song ‘Breathe’ that finally
brought him under investigation by the Ministry for Health, Welfare and Family Affairs. (“Singer,” par. 1-3)
Ultimately his managing agency YG Entertainment was fined 3 million won for allowing the inclusion of songs
that had been deemed inappropriate for minors. G Dragon, however, was personally cleared of all
accusations. (Breen, par. 5)
Despite the many scandals generated by ‘Heartbreaker’ and its subsequent concert, the album went on
to sell over 200,000 copies and win the 2009 Album of the Year award from the Mnet Asian Music Awards.
(Sookyeong, par. 2)
In 2010 G Dragon returned to the music scene as one half of the duo GD & T.O.P. Since Big Bang hadn’t
released anything as a group for nearly two years, G Dragon had been working on stuff for their next album.
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T.O.P. had also finished filming a movie and was left with some free time, which led to them working together.
Originally the company had been playing around with the idea of splitting the group up into different
combinations and releasing some music that way, but, since GD & T.O.P.’s collaboration got the best
responses, their CEO suggested they make an album together, which they agreed to. Their duo CD labeled ‘GD
& T.O.P.’ was released on December 24, 2010.
3 singles were issued prior to the completed album. “High High”, “Oh Yeah”, and “Knock Out” topped
the charts at #1, #2, and #3 respectively, and were included as part of the final track list. 10 days before the
release, GD & T.O.P. held a live webcast on YouTube™, performing brief sections of their songs and giving the
backgrounds to them. (Yoon, “G-Dragon & T.O.P; Kang, “[INTERVIEW] Big Bang’s” Parts 1 & 2) Unfortunately, it
seems that scandal and controversy like to follow G Dragon around. In January of 2011 Korea’s 3 major
broadcasting stations banned ‘Knock Out’, claiming that “…the title and lyrics used slang, which they believed
would damage the national psyche.” (Vitalsign, par. 2 & 4) Considering the song had already been released YG
Entertainment refused to alter it. (Vitalsign, par. 2 & 4)
2011 continued to be a busy year for G Dragon and the members of Big Bang. Unfortunately only a
minor portion of their activity was due to their music. On February 24th they released ‘Tonight’, Big Bang’s 4th
mini album together. Then on February 25th – 27th, they held their ‘2011 Big Show’ in Seoul’s Olympic
Gymnastics Arena in front of an audience of 40,000 fans. (“Rappers Acknowledge,” par. 4)
They were only able to enjoy their success as a group for a short while as, true to form, they were
again plagued by scandals. Surprisingly, this time it didn’t start with G-Dragon. On March 29th, fellow member
Daesung was involved in a deadly car accident with a fallen motorcyclist. (H. Lee, par. 1) This resulted in a halt
of musical activities for the group as a whole and the individual suspension of Daesung.
On June 29th YG Entertainment officially announced that GD & T.O.P.’s album would be re-released
with a new design. Their original logo had been based off the Playboy bunny. Since YG Entertainment
conceded they had not obtained permission beforehand, they therefore agreed to change the design after
receiving an official request from Playboy to do so. (CWK, par. 6 - 8’)
G-Dragon’s marijuana scandal came next. In July samples of his hair tested positive for marijuana
usage. Marijuana is an outlawed substance in Korea and can result in the user getting 5 years in prison or a
fine of up to 50 million won, if found guilty. G-Dragon was questioned by the authorities and admitted to
having smoked it. He claims that he was offered a strange cigarette while in a club in Japan. Even though he
knew it was odd, he smoked some of it anyway, quickly throwing it away once he realized what it was.
(“Avoids Marijuana Smoking,” par. 5) In the end the prosecution did not indict him on the basis that he was a
first time offender and displayed remorse for what he did. (Dkrogers, par. 5)
Besides the indefinite suspension of G-Dragon, the negative repercussions were felt in other areas.
Japanese fans were insulted that he would blame a Japanese person for his misconduct. In their opinion his
explanation that he ‘didn’t know’ was an implausible and weak excuse. They were also suspicious that only a
few puffs of the drug would be enough to show-up in a drug test conducted two months later. (Jbarky, par. 1,
4 & 5) The reaction from the public was so strong in fact that his Japanese agency, AVEX, decided to cancel the
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Japanese release of his and T.O.P.’s duo album. (Hong, par. 2 & 6) The combination of these two scandals by
members of the company’s most valuable, especially in a lucrative sense, group was enough to postpone the
ability of YG Entertainment to become a publicly traded firm, even going to so far as to reduce the value of the
company by 10%. (Kwaak, par. 13 & 14)
Despite the many controversies back home, Big Bang’s music was still enough to win them the title of
Best Worldwide Act at the MTV Europe Music Awards in November. All the members attended the ceremony,
making it the first time they appeared in public together since Daesung’s accident in May. Then, in December
both G-Dragon and Daesung rejoined the group as they performed at YG Family’s 15 th anniversary concert,
which took place on the 3rd and 4th. G-Dragon took the opportunity to apologize for his conduct and promised
to do better. (Hicap, par. 2 & 12)
Expectations and plans for the group are set to increase in 2012. Since then Big Bang has been working
on their next album ‘Alive’, was released February 29th, 2012 with the first title track ‘Blue’ being released on
the 22nd. Prior to it’s release the album received over 260,000 pre-order requests. (Leesa86, par.2) A week
after it’s release, the album and songs from it, were on the radar of 5 Billboard Charts. They took 5 of the top
10 spots on Billboard’s ‘K-Pop Hot 100’ Chart. Their album also scored #150 on the normal Billboard chart,
placing directly above Justin Bieber. They were also featured on Billboard’s ‘Heatseekers Albums’ at #4,
Billboard’s ‘Independent Albums’ at #22, and Billboard’s ‘World Albums’ at #4. (“Big Bang Takes Over,” par’s 2
& 3)
Big Bang has also released the news that they will be holding their first world tour this year, through
the help of Live Nation, making them the first Asian group supported by that organization. The official kick off
for their tour will be March 2nd through 4th at the Seoul Olympic Park Gymnastic Stadium in Korea. When they
are finished they will have visited 25 cities in over 16 countries including North America. (“Alive Tour 2012,”
par. 2 – 4) We can only hope that G-Dragon and other members of his group will be able to make this the year
they avoid controversy.
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"G-Dragon (Big Bang)'s Bio." G-Dragon (Big Bang). Web. 21 Feb. 2012.
"Re: Kwon Ji Yong or G-Dragon." Web log comment. Multiply. 23 Mar. 2009. Web. 21 Feb. 2012.
"Big Bang." Big Bang. 08 Oct. 2010. Web. 21 Feb. 2012. <http://bigbang.musicasia.net/big-bang/>.
Lee, Sung Moo. "Is Plagiarism a New Genre?" Www.koreatimes.co.kr. The Korea Times, 28 Oct. 2009. Web. 21
Feb. 2012. <http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/opinon/2009/10/137_54413.html>.
Kim, Jessica. "G-Dragon Album Designated as Harmful Media Content." 10.asiae.co.kr. 10Asia, 03 Nov. 2009.
Web. 21 Feb. 2012. <http://10.asiae.co.kr/Articles/new_view.htm?sec=ent4>.
Cho, Jae-hyon. "G-Dragon's Suggestive Concert Creates Stir." Www.koreatimes.co.kr. The Korea Times, 08 Dec.
2009. Web. 21 Feb. 2012. <http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/art/2010/01/135_56865.html>.
"Singer G-Dragon Faces Obscenity Probe." English.chosun.com. The Chosunilbo, 11 Dec. 2009. Web. 21 Feb.
2012. <http://english.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2009/12/11/2009121100740.html>.
Breen, Michael. "Is Korea Interfering With Art?" Www.koreatimes.co.kr. The Korea Times, 08 Apr. 2010. Web.
21 Feb. 2012. <http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/opinon/2010/04/137_63874.html>.
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"G-Dragon and Top: ‘Rappers Acknowledge Our Instinctive Hip Hop’." English.kbs.co.kr. KBS GLOBAL, 07 Feb.
2011. Web. 21 Feb. 2012.
Lee, Hyo-sik. "Singer Dae-sung under Probe for Death of Motorcyclist." Www.koreatimes.co.kr. The Korea
Times, 31 Mar. 2011. Web. 21 Feb. 2012.
Sookyeong. "2009 Mnet Asian Music Award (MAMA) – Winner List." Web log post. K Bites. 21 Nov. 2009. Web.
21 Feb. 2012. <http://sookyeong.wordpress.com/2009/11/21/2009-mama-winner-list/>.
"GDragon Confirmed as Guest for Flo Rida’s Korea Concert Performance." Asianfanatics.net. AsianFanatics
Forum, 09 Apr. 2010. Web. 21 Feb. 2012. <http://asianfanatics.net/forum/topic/718148-gdragonconfirmed-as-guest-for-flo-ridas-korea-concert-performance/>.
Yoon, Hee-Seong. "G-Dragon and T.O.P Hold World Premiere Showcase for Duo Unit." 10.asiae.co.kr. 10Asia,
15 Dec. 2010. Web. 21 Feb. 2012. <http://10.asiae.co.kr/Articles/new_view.htm?sec=ent0>.
Kang, Myoung-Suk. "[INTERVIEW] Big Bang's G-Dragon & T.O.P Unit - Part 1." 10.asiae.co.kr. 10Asia, 04 Jan.
2011. Web. 21 Feb. 2012. <http://10.asiae.co.kr/Articles/new_view.htm?sec=ent0>.
Kang, Myoung-Suk. "[INTERVIEW] Big Bang's G-Dragon & T.O.P Unit - Part 2." 10.asiae.co.kr. 10Asia, 04 Jan.
2011. Web. 21 Feb. 2012. <http://10.asiae.co.kr/Articles/new_view.htm?sec=ent0>.
"G-Dragon Member Avoids Marijuana Smoking Charges." Www.koreatimes.co.kr. The Korea Times, 05 Oct.
2011. Web. 21 Feb. 2012. <http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/art/2012/02/135_96080.html>.
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Dkrogers. "Big Bang’s G-Dragon Marijuana Indictment Suspended." Weblog post. En.korea.com. 05 Oct. 2011.
Web. 21 Feb. 2012. <http://en.korea.com/blog/enter/k-pop/big-bangs-g-dragon-marijuanaindictment-suspended/>.
Jbarky. "Japanese Public Opinion Criticizes G-Dragon." Www.soompi.com. 13 Oct. 2011. Web. 21 Feb. 2012.
Hong, Lucia. "Big Bang's G-Dragon, T.O.P Unit Album Release in Japan Cancelled." 10.asiae.co.kr. 10Asia, 07
Oct. 2011. Web. 21 Feb. 2012. <http://10.asiae.co.kr/Articles/new_view.htm?sec=daily4>.
Kwaak, Je-yup. "Are Korean Entertainment Agencies Bankable Assets?" Www.koreatimes.co.kr. The Korea
Times, 08 Nov. 2011. Web. 21 Feb. 2012.
Hicap, Jonathan M. "Big Bang's G-Dragon Apologizes for Marijuana Scandal | The Manila Bulletin Newspaper
Online." Www.mb.com.ph. Manila Bulletin, 05 Dec. 2011. Web. 21 Feb. 2012.
Heartface. "G-Dragon Was an SM Trainee for 5 Years." Www.allkpop.com. Allkpop, 26 Jan. 2010. Web. 21 Feb.
2012. <http://www.allkpop.com/2010/01/g-dragon-was-an-sm-trainee-for-5-years>.
Heartface. "G-Dragon Talks about His Decade-old Friendship with Taeyang." Www.allkpop.com. Allkpop, 31
Jan. 2010. Web. 21 Feb. 2012. <http://www.allkpop.com/2010/01/g-dragon-talks-about-his-decadeold-friendship-with-taeyang>.
CWK. "Playboy Requests GD&TOP to Change Logo New Logo Revealed!" Www.allkpop.com. Allkpop, 29 Jan.
2011. Web. 21 Feb. 2012. <http://www.allkpop.com/2011/06/playboy-requests-gdtop-to-change-logonew-logo-revealed>.
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Vitalsign. "GD&TOP’s “Knock Out” Banned on KBS, MBC, & SBS." Www.allkpop.com. Allkpop, 04 Jan. 2011.
Web. 21 Feb. 2012. <http://www.allkpop.com/2011/01/gdtops-knock-out-banned-on-kbs-mbc-sbs>.
Jeshicaa. "More Information on Flo-Rida’s Collab with G-Dragon." Www.allkpop.com. Allkpop, 10 Mar. 2010.
Web. 21 Feb. 2012. <http://www.allkpop.com/2010/03/more-information-on-flo-ridas-featuring-in-gdragons-heartbreaker>.
"INTERVIEW: ‘Big Bang’ G-Dragon Exposes His Feelings on the Concert Issue (Parts 1 - 15)." 21BANGS.COM. 16
Feb. 2010. Web. 21 Feb. 2012. <http://www.21bangs.com/interview-big-bang-g-dragon-exposes-hisfeelings-on-the-concert-issue/>.
Heartface. "G-Dragon Just Cleaned for the First Year as a YG Trainee." Www.allkpop.com. Allkpop, 29 Jan.
2010. Web. 21 Feb. 2012. <http://www.allkpop.com/2010/01/g-dragon-just-cleaned-for-the-first-yearas-a-yg-trainee>.
Allkpop. "Big Bang to Hold ‘ALIVE TOUR 2012′ around the World through Live Nation!" Www.allkpop.com.
Allkpop, 06 Feb. 2012. Web. 21 Feb. 2012. <http://www.allkpop.com/2012/02/big-bang-to-hold-worldtour-through-live-nation>.
Kim, Hyung Woo. "Big Bang #1 Jyukeon Chart for Eight Weeks." Www.newsen.com. Newsen, 21 Jan. 2008.
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GhostWriter. "Big Bang Takes over Billboard Charts." Www.allkpop.com. Allkpop, 08 Mar. 2012. Web. 25 Mar.
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Leesa86. "Big Bang’s Album ‘ALIVE’ Receives 260,000 Pre-orderseceives 260,000 Pre-orders."
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Weissmann, Jordan. "South Korea's Hottest IPO: Boy Band, Inc." Www.theatlantic.com. The Atlantic, 28 Nov.
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Zafar, Aylin. "Watch Your Back, Bieber: The Boy Band Is Making a Comeback." TIME.com. TIME, 09 Mar. 2012.
Web. 25 Mar. 2012. <http://newsfeed.time.com/2012/03/09/watch-your-back-bieber-the-boy-bandis-making-a-comeback/>.
Part of the reason I chose G-Dragon was because I wanted to do something different. I don’t think I
really understood what I was getting myself into. I’ve come to have a new appreciation for G-Dragon, his
group Big Bang and their music. One aspect of theirs I have come to admire is their ability to the augment the
intensity of a piece by adding or subtracting the amount of accompaniment and vocals that are involved. It’s a
refreshing difference from the normal method of an increase in the tempo, volume, or both. Though, they
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employ that method as well, it is not as prevalent as in other music I have heard. It adds a layer of interest to
the song, and keeps the listener actively engaged all the way to the end.
As for the songs I chose, I decided to present them in chronological order. Hopefully, thereby,
highlighting the growth the music has acquired through the years, both in the musical complexity, or rather a
better understanding and mastery of music and lyrical maturity. I hope it comes across well.
Though I would have liked to have done more, I wasn’t able to get much of a history besides the album
& year for some of the songs. Again, I didn’t realize what I was getting myself into and how hard doing
research for a foreign artist could be.
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From Big Bang’s mini album ‘Always’, ‘Lies’ was originally written by G-Dragon as a piece meant to be
used on his potential future solo album. However, his CEO had other ideas. According to G-Dragon, “I
practised really hard, and wrote songs furiously. I actually wrote ‘Lies’ to use as my solo piece. ‘Cos we were
really into house music [techno/electronica] at the time. President Yang had gone to Japan or Hong Kong then
so I emailed the song to him. I was embarrassed because I’d just written it and I thought he’d criticise it but he
called not even 5 minutes after I’d sent it. He said ‘This is it! This is the one. I’m really sorry but forget your
solo and let’s use it as a Big Bang song. It’s going to be the title track.’” (“INTERVIEW: G-Dragon,” Part 8)
Even though G-Dragon was nervous about having to re-write the piece to suit a group he did it and
attributes the success the song garnered to having listened to his CEO, “The music we want to do, the clothes
we want to wear, the performances we want to do…he lets us do it all. In the end, ‘Lies’ turned out to be a
huge hit because I did what he said.” (“INTERVIEW: G-Dragon,” Part 9) The Album was recorded under YG
Entertainment’s label (“Always,” par. 3) and released August 16, 2007. ‘Lies’ ended up being the group’s first
#1 hit and their vehicle to mainstream success. (“Big Bang,” par. 1)
Love is pain
To all my brokenhearted people
One’s old a flame
Scream my name
And I’m so sick of love songs
Yeah I hate damn love song
Memento of ours
늦은 밤 비가 내려와
널 데려와
젖은 기억 끝에 뒤척여 나
너 없이 잘 살 수 있다고
다짐 해봐도 어쩔 수 없다고
못하는 술도 마시고
속타는 맘 밤새 채워봐도
싫어 너 없는 하루는 길어 빌어
제발 잊게 해달라고
너 없는 내겐 웃음이 보이지 않아
눈물조차 고이지 않아
더는 살고 싶지 않아
엿같애 열받게
니 생각에 돌아버릴것 같애
보고 싶은데 볼 수가 없데
모두 끝났데
I’ll be right there
Love is pain
To all my brokenhearted people
One’s old a flame
Scream my name
And i’m so sick of love songs
Yeah I hate damn love song
Memento of ours
Nujun bam biga neryowa
Nol deryowa
Jojun giog kuthe dwichogyo na
No obshi jal sal su itdago
Dajim hebwado ochol su obdago
Mothanun suldo mashigo
Sogtanun mam bamse chewobwado
Shirho no obnun harunun giro biro
Jebal idge hedallago
No obnun negen usumi boiji anha
Nunmuljocha goiji anha
Donun salgo shiphji anha
Yodgathe yolbadge
Ni senggage doraborilgod gathe
Bogoshiphunde bol suga obde
Modu kuthnatde
I’ll be right there
Love is pain
To all my broken-hearted people
One’s old a flame
Scream my name
And I’m so sick of love songs
Yeah I hate damn love song
Memento of ours
On a late rainy night, I bring you home
Rummaging through the ends of my soaked memories
I tell myself I can live just as well without you,
But even if I pledge to do so, I can’t help it
I even drink the alcohol that I can’t tolerate
Even if I try to chill my troubled heart throughout the night,
I don’t want to
A day without you is so long
I beg, please, let me forget
Without you, happiness cannot be found in me
I can’t even shed any tears
I don’t want to go on living
It’s nonsense, an outrage
It’s like I’m walking around amidst thoughts of you
I want to see you, but I can’t
So I guess it’s all over
I’ll be right there
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*I’m so sorry but I love you
다 거짓말 이야 몰랐어
이제야 알았어
네가 필요해
I’m so sorry but I love you
날카로운 말
홧김에 나도 모르게
널 떠나보냈지만
I’m so sorry but I love you
다 거짓말
I’m so sorry but I love you
I’m so sorry but I love you
나를 떠나
천천히 잊어줄래
내가 아파할 수 있게
*I’m so sorry but I love you
Da gojidmariya mollasso
Ijeya arasso
Nega piryohe
I’m so sorry but I love you
Nalkaroun mal
Hwadgime nado moruge
Nol ttonabonetjiman
I’m so sorry but I love you
Da gojidmal
I’m so sorry but I love you
I’m so sorry but I love you
Narul ttona
Chonchongi ijojulle
Nega aphahal su ikge
*I’m so sorry but I love you
It was all a lie, I didn’t know
I’ve only come to realize now
that I need you
I’m so sorry but I love you
Sharp and hurtful words,
Said in the heat of the moment without realizing it myself,
I’ve sent you away
I’m so sorry but I love you
It was all lies
I’m so sorry but I love you
I’m so sorry but I love you
You’ve left me
I’ll forget it slowly,
to make it painful for myself
그댈 위해서 불러왔던
Gudel wiheso bullowatdon
내 모든 걸 다 바친 노래
Ne modungol da bachin nore
사람들은 모르겠죠
Saramdurun morugetjyo
난 혼자 그 아무도 아무도 몰래 Nan honja gu amudo amudo molle
그래 내가 했던 말은 거짓말
Gure nega hetdon marun gojidmal
홀로 남겨진 외톨이
Hollo namgyojin wetori
그 속에 헤메는 내 꼴이
Gu soge hemenun ne kori
주머니 속에 꼬깃꼬깃
Jumoni soge kogidkogid
접어둔 이별을 향한 쪽지
Jobodun ibyorul hyanghan chogji
넌 어딧나요 널 부르는 습관도 Non odidnayo nol burunun subgwando
난 달라질래
Nan dallajille
이젠 다 웃어넘길게
Ijen da usonomgilge
Everything I own,
all the songs I sing, were devoted to you
No one would ever know that
Just myself, secretly, without nobody, anybody knowing
That’s right; the things I said were lies
I’m loner left behind all alone
In that feeble state, with the crumpled farewell note
still folded in my pocket,
I wonder where you are now
Is it time to even change my habit of calling out to you?
Is it time to just have a good laugh about it all?
*I’m so sorry but I love you
다 거짓말 이야 몰랐어
이제야 알았어
네가 필요해
I’m so sorry but I love you
날카로운 말
홧김에 나도 모르게
널 떠나보냈지만
I’m so sorry but I love you
다 거짓말
I’m so sorry but I love you
I’m so sorry but I love you
나를 떠나
천천히 잊어줄래
내가 아파할 수 있게
*I’m so sorry but I love you
Da gojidmariya mollasso
Ijeya arasso
Nega piryohe
I’m so sorry but I love you
Nalkaroun mal
Hwadgime nado moruge
Nol ttonabonetjiman
I’m so sorry but I love you
Da gojidmal
I’m so sorry but I love you
I’m so sorry but I love you
Narul ttona
Chonchongi ijojulle
Nega aphahal su ikge
*I’m so sorry but I love you
It was all a lie, I didn’t know
I’ve only come to realize now
that I need you
I’m so sorry but I love you
Sharp and hurtful words,
Said in the heat of the moment without realizing it myself,
I’ve sent you away
I’m so sorry but I love you
It was all lies
I’m so sorry but I love you
I’m so sorry but I love you
You’ve left me
I’ll forget it slowly,
to make it painful for myself
모든게 꿈이길
이것밖에 안되는 나라서
아직도 너를 못 잊어
Igodbakke andoenun naraso
Modunge kkumigil
Ajigdo norul moth ijo
Maybe it can all just be a dream,
Because there’s nothing else I’m capable of doing
I still can’t forget you,
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아니 평생을 가도 죽어서까지도
내가 준 상처 아물었는지
아무것도 해준게 없는 나라서
Ani pyongsengul gado judosokkajido
Nega jun sangcho amuronnunji
Amugotdo hejunge obnun naraso
No, even after a lifetime, even until I die,
I’ll wonder if the pain I caused you has healed
I’m sorry,
Because I wasn’t able to do anything for you
*I’m so sorry but I love you
다 거짓말 이야 몰랐어
이제야 알았어
네가 필요해
I’m so sorry but I love you
날카로운 말
홧김에 나도 모르게
널 떠나보냈지만
I’m so sorry but I love you
다 거짓말
I’m so sorry but I love you
I’m so sorry but I love you
나를 떠나
천천히 잊어줄래
내가 아파할 수 있게
*I’m so sorry but I love you
Da gojidmariya mollasso
Ijeya arasso
Nega piryohe
I’m so sorry but I love you
Nalkaroun mal
Hwadgime nado moruge
Nol ttonabonetjiman
I’m so sorry but I love you
Da gojidmal
I’m so sorry but I love you
I’m so sorry but I love you
Narul ttona
Chonchongi ijojulle
Nega aphahal su ikge
*I’m so sorry but I love you
It was all a lie, I didn’t know
I’ve only come to realize now
that I need you
I’m so sorry but I love you
Sharp and hurtful words,
Said in the heat of the moment without realizing it myself,
I’ve sent you away
I’m so sorry but I love you
It was all lies
I’m so sorry but I love you
I’m so sorry but I love you
You’ve left me
I’ll forget it slowly,
to make it painful for myself
Romanization credit: sabby ~nbk~@aheeyah.com
Translation credit: frostedsnow@aheeyah.com
"Always." Big Bang. 20 Apr. 2011. Web. 21 Feb. 2012. <http://bigbang.musicasia.net/always/>.
"INTERVIEW: ‘Big Bang’ G-Dragon Exposes His Feelings on the Concert Issue (Parts 1 - 15)." 21BANGS.COM. 16
Feb. 2010. Web. 21 Feb. 2012. <http://www.21bangs.com/interview-big-bang-g-dragon-exposes-hisfeelings-on-the-concert-issue/>.
"Big Bang." Big Bang. 08 Oct. 2010. Web. 21 Feb. 2012. <http://bigbang.musicasia.net/big-bang/>.
"Lies." 21BANGS.COM. LALALALA. Web. 21 Feb. 2012. <http://21bangs.com/lalalala/42/>.
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Starts out with a single piano playing the main melody and a synthesizer playing chords every
few beats at a walking or andante pace. Having just these two instruments alone highlights the
silences during their pauses and the lack of other accompaniment, giving the song a melancholy
feel from the beginning.
Voices enter next, mimicking the melody provided by the instruments. Solo rapper takes the
foreground while a group of harmonizing singers is in the background repeating back the end of
the phrases of the rapper. Meanwhile the piano and synthesizer have continued their parts.
The drum makes an entrance, signaling the beginning of the first verse, adding depth the
overall sound and keeping the pace thumping alone while the piano & synthesizer continue in
the same melodic rhythm. The first verse starts out as a rap. The rapper keeps pace with the
drum placing the emphasis on the last beat of every line. In the middle of the verse singing is
brought in for two lines, going straight back to a rap for the last four lines, only this time the rap
is harder and more stressed. The drum ramps up the tempo, beating a snare as the chorus
comes in.
First time for the chorus, which is sung by several people in harmony adding body and rounding
out the sound. The singers have placed the stress on every other beat, making it duple meter.
Meanwhile a vocal bass line keeps interspersing parts to the main melody. Another synthesizer
line has also been added keying double time, increasing the urgency of the song and enriching
the feel to the music. Finally the bass guitar playing on the beat of the song adds another level
of depth. At [01:24] yet another synthesizer line has been added to the mix.
Time for Rapper #2’s entrance, whose deep bass voice makes a nice contrast to higher tenor
voices of the chorus. Rapper #2 is accompanied by a soloist singing harmony quietly in the
background, which is how the first few lines of the verse are accomplished. Most of the
accompaniment has been cut, leaving just the vocal, piano, and beat of the drum. Extenuating
the last word of the second sentence Rapper #2 is succeeded by a soloist for a line, which ends
by going back to the rap and the pattern repeated, only instead of a soloist the second time
around it is a group of singers singing in harmony who take the answering line. With the singers
still in the mix the rap re-enters quickly followed by the snaring up of the drums again. Rapper
and singer crescendo with the singer quickly cutting off at the peak.
The end of the 2nd verse gets really busy. Rapper #2 continues on with the main story, with
singers interspersed every other line. Clap on every other beat has also been added to the
accompaniment, as well as a commentator in the back adding “oh’s” every other beat. Rapper
#2 drops out and a solo singer takes over. After only a few words he is joined by another singer
adding the harmony. The two rapidly crescendo in an arch, finishing their part and the main
goes back to the rapper. The rap is back to stressing the last word of the phrase. All of this has
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resulted in the volume, depth and intensity of the song being increased. The rap finishes as the
drum snares up again.
Second time through the chorus. All the many lines of synthesizers have been added back in,
making the chorus stand out from the verses. Otherwise, the second time through is pretty
much the same as the first.
Reaching the bridge, there is a swift cut off of everything but a synthesizer playing double time
and voices singing “Oh” quietly in the background. While the synthesizer is going quickly
everyone else has slowed down to an adagio pace. They start by singing only on the 1 st beat the
first time through, then ramp up to “oh”-ing on the 1st and 3rd beats the second time through.
After the 3rd “oh” another synthesizer part is added. It plays a fluttering little measure which
fades off along with the voices. The sudden silence makes it feel very much like the end is
coming, if not already here. It doesn’t last long however, and another section of “oh”s is
started, only this time a narrator has been added. During the second round of “oh”s the
narrator interrupts the second “oh” with a whisper, which he works into quiet singing
ascending the scale while the “oh” chorus continues in the background. Rapper #1 throws in a
few comments after which Singer #1 takes over singing the first line of the bridge along with
the return of the piano and the cymbals from the drums. All the while the “oh”s are continuing
in the background. Singer #2 takes over the second line from the bridge crescendo-ing at the
end as Singer #1 cuts back in singing the last line. As Singer #1 finishes with a “hey” the drum
beat rejoins picking the tempo back up to the original pace.
The bass guitar is the last instrument to get back in the game as everyone gets back together to
sing the chorus for the 3rd time. It is changed up a little bit this time as a solo singer who is
repeating back the last words of the phrases the main chorus group is singing. Rapper #2 is also
randomly inserting bass vocalizations. It gives the impression of a bit of an organized free for
At last note of the chorus the vocal group abruptly finishes, leaving the synthesizers to fade off,
ending the song.
The form of this song is:
-Introduction, -Verse One, -Chorus, -Verse Two, -Chorus, -Bridge, -Chorus, -FadeOut.
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‘Sunset Glow’ is from Big Bang’s second full length Korean album ‘Remember’. ‘Remember’, was
released November 5, 2008 by YG Entertainment, and achieved pre-release orders of over 200,000. They
teamed up for the title track, ‘Sunset Glow’, with Lee Mun Sae who had originally released the song.
(“Remember,” par. 1)
Let`s go Yezzir
We`re back again with lee mun sae
That`s right
Fresh collaboration
It`s bigbang (YEAH YEAH whassup)
[TOP] let's go
[GD] yezzir (haha)
[TOP] we're back again with lee mun sae
[GD] that's right, fresh collaboration
[TOP] 2008
[GD] it's BIG BANG (yea, yea, whassup)
Geudaen ashinayo itjanhayo
Jigeum geudaega neomu geuriweoyo
Gogae sugyeo nunmul humchyeoyo
Dangshineui ireumeul bulleoyo
dear do you know,
i really miss you right now
i wipe off tears with my head down,
i call your name
Kkok ireohke nal namgyeodugo
Tteonaga yaman haenneunji
did you really have
to leave me like this
Neoman saenggakhamyeon meori apeo
Dokhadi dokhan sul gateo
my head hurts when i think about you,
(you're) like really strong alcohol
Sulppuni gesseo byeongiji maeil
Alha nuweo myeot beoninji naeil
Imyeon tto jamkkan ijeottaga tto
Morejjeumimyeon saenggakna getjiman
Geuraedo eotteokhae
Ajik nae sarang yuhyohande
Doraol georago midneunde
Nan neoman kidarineunde
would it be just alcohol?
you are a sickness.
i lie down everyday, how many times has it been?
i will forget for a bit tomorrow
then i will think (of you) again day after tomorrow
what can i do, my love is still valid
i believe that you will come back,
i wait for you only
Nan neoreul saranghae
(OH I love you girl)
i love you
(i love you girl),
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I sesangeun neo ppuniya
Sorichyeo bureujiman
Jeo daedap eopneun noeulman bulge taneunde
you are the world to me
i scream out loud
but only the answerless sunset continues to burn
Hokshi geudaega mianhae handamyeon
Nae eolgul bogi duryeoptamyeon Girl
Geureon geokjeong hadeoldeoldeol ma
Neoramyeon himi peolpeolpeol na
if you are feeling sorry
(or) afraid of seeing my face girl
don't worry, if it's you,
i feel strong
Bogo shipeun geudae eolgul
Jeo bulgeun noeureul dalma
Deo seulpeojineun geol
your face that i miss
looks like that sunset glow
thus i feel sadder
OH baby baby
Da jinagan shigan
Uriga hamkkehan chueok
Itjin marajweoyo
oh baby baby
please don't forget
about all of past times,
memories we shared
Nuneul gama
Sori eopshi nal bulleo jundamyeon
Eonjerado dallyeo galkkeyo
i will run to you anytime
if you call me silently
with your eyes closed
Every night
I need you
every day,
every night
i need you
Nan neoreul saranghae
(OH I love you girl)
I sesangeun neo ppuniya
Sorichyeo bureujiman
Jeo daedap eopneun noeulman bulge taneunde
i love you
(i love you girl),
you are the world to me
i scream out loud
but only the answerless sunset continues to burn
(Ta- take it to the bridge)
(Ta- take it to the bridge)
Areumdaweotteon geudae moseueul
Ijen bol sun eopgetjiman
i won't be able to see
your beautiful visage anymore
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Huhwen eopseo
Geujeo barabol su utge
Bulge tajuo
but i have no regret,
just burn bright
so i can just gaze (at you)
Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah
(Bulgeun noeul) Let`s go
Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah
(Singing together)
ah- ah- ah- ah- ah- ah- ah- ah
(let's go,)
ah- ah- ah- ah- ah- ah- ah- ah
yea yea, sing it together, come on)
Haega tteugo haega jine {Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah}
the sun rises, the sun sets, {ah- ah- ah- ah- ah- ah- ah- ah}
i become saddened by the sunset glow {ah- ah- ah- ahah- ah- ah- ah}
the moon rises, the moon sets, {ah- ah- ah- ah- ah- ah- ahah}
i become dull too, as time passes by {ah- ah- ah- ah- ahah- ah- ah}
Noeul biche seulpeo jine {Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah}
Dari tteugo dari jine {Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah}
Seweol soge na ttohan mudyeo jine {Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah
Ah Ah}
Haega tteugo haega jine {Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah}
Dari tteugo dari jine {Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah}
Geudae gieok ttohan mudyeo jine (OH No!) {Ah Ah Ah Ah
Ah Ah Ah Ah}
the sun rises, the sun sets, {ah- ah- ah- ah- ah- ah- ah- ah}
i become saddened by the sunset glow {ah- ah- ah- ahah- ah- ah- ah}
the moon rises, the moon sets, {ah- ah- ah- ah- ah- ahah- ah}
memories of you become dull too {ah- ah- ah- ah- ah- ahah- ah}
Nan neoreul saranghae
(OH I love you girl)
I sesangeun neo ppuniya
Sorichyeo bureujiman
Jeo daedap eopneun noeulman bulge taneunde
Repeat Chorus x2
i love you
(i love you girl),
you are the world to me
i scream out loud
but only the answerless sunset continues to burn
Nan neoreul saranghae
(OH I love you girl)
I sesangeun neo ppuniya
Sorichyeo bureujiman
Jeo daedap eopneun noeulman bulge taneunde
i love you
(i love you girl),
you are the world to me
i scream out loud
but only the answerless sunset continues to burn
(Once again)
Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah
(Let`s go YEAH YEAH)
Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah
(Know who? BING BANG)
(once again,
Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah
let's go, yea yea
Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah
know who? BIG BANG)
Noeul biche seulpeo jine {Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah}
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Romanization by:
B o o Y i . r A g A m U f F i N ™ * please give credit if you wanna share this lyric 고마워요.. ~BooYi *
Translation by:
[edit]Last edit by 1think1pink1 on Thursday 30 Jul, 2009 at 16:33 +5.6%[/edit]
[edit]Last edit by 1think1pink1 on Thursday 30 Jul, 2009 at 15:41 +6.1%[/edit]
[edit]Last edit by Zwill on Wednesday 07 Jan, 2009 at 01:34 +9.3%[/edit]
1. BooYi. "Big Bang (Bulgeun Noeul / Sunset Glow) [REQUESTED: Veven] | K P O P . L Y R I C S." Weblog post.
Ragamuffinlyrics.blogspot.com. Web. 21 Feb. 2012. <http://ragamuffinlyrics.blogspot.com/2011/04/bigbang-bulgeun-noeul-sunset-glow.html>.
2. "Lyrics Sunset Glow - BIG BANG." Www.jpopasia.com. JpopAsia, 07 Jan. 2009. Web. 21 Feb. 2012.
"Remember." Big Bang. 20 Apr. 2011. Web. 21 Feb. 2012. <http://bigbang.musicasia.net/remember/>.
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Starts out with synthesizers and electro voice. With the exclamation, “let’s go!” by the Bass
rapper, the music explosively starts up. There are several things going on here. Bass tone on the
beat with a clap accompaniment accentuating the 1st and 3rd beats and at least two
synthesizers, one in the higher register with a very rhythmic melody and the other weaving
around in the middle registers. This song is a lively allegro temp with a light bouncing melody
and strong beat that makes you want to get up and dance.
The electronic melody keeps doing it’s thing while the bass rapper comes in with verse one. On
the third line of the verse the rap switches to one of our singers (Singer #1), who has a much
smoother melodious voice. This serves as a great counterpoint to the husky bass rapper
preceding. It doesn’t last long however, and line 4 goes right back the bass rapper.
The rappers switch for the second section of the first verse. The second rapper has a higher,
sharper, more hard hitting style, than the previous rapper. Another line of synthesizers has also
been added, expanding the depth of the melody.
Chorus, round one begins here. The chorus is sung by our trio singers. The bass rapper takes
advantage of the singers’ breaks by inserting little comments along the melody line. The
synthesizer in the high registers has also moved from it’s rhythmic staccato notes to take up the
main melody in a much more conjunct fashion, flowing the notes together. The switch to the
singers along with the top synthesizer changing it’s flow, serve to make the chorus much more
fluid and smooth than the verses have been.
The bass rapper takes over again for the beginning of the second verse and at the same time
the top synthesizer drops out, leaving us with a much lower more grounded sound. The pattern
from the first verse is repeated, where the bass rapper gets the first two lines before switching
to one of a different one of our singers (Singer #2) than in verse 1, taking us from husky to
smooth again. Instead of going back to the bass rapper for the 4 th line it is instead switched to
yet another singer (Singer #3). Singer #3 has a stronger and lower voice, closer to the baritone
range, than Singer #2. The next line is given over to Singer #1, who has the highest voice out of
our trio of vocalists; giving the listener a constant up and down movement, keeping the interest
and excitement high. Finally Rapper #2 takes the last line and finishes up the verse.
It is now time for Chorus round two, which is pretty much an exact replica of the first round.
Rapper #2 heralds in the next section with this pronunciation, “Take it to the bridge”, which is
exactly what happens. The tempo is slowed way down and all the instruments are dropped
except for the one synthesizer playing in the lower registers and Singer #2. With the slower
pace, lower volume and lack of accompaniment and vocals, this feels like the reflective part of
the song. It doesn’t stay that way for long however. Slowly the melody and tempo start to build
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themselves back up again. Singer #1 takes over from Singer #2 and a synthesizer is added back
The “Ah” section is begun as the melody continues to build as the beat line rejoins the party.
Keeping with the previous structure, verse #3 is begun by the bass rapper, while the singers
keep up their chorus of ‘ah’s in the background. By this time all the accompaniment has been
added back in. Verse #3 differs from the preceding two. Instead of switching to a singer for the
third line, it has the bass rapper do an entire phrase and then rapper #2 repeats the exact same
phrase back to us.
The tempo and volume are now completely back up to the original dancing feel and the Singers
are back to the chorus. The chorus is repeated twice, with Singer #1 free-styling in the falsetto
during the second repetition, adding a counterpoint to the lower main melody of the chorus.
Rapper #2 interrupts with “Once again!” as the singers go back to ‘ah’-ing on the beat and the
accompaniment is dropped to just the lower synthesizer and the bass beat. The tempo is also
slightly slowed down.
The higher synthesizer doing double time, is added back in for the last few lines of the song.
Rapper #2 finishes out the last phrase while the singers complete their last round of “ah”s and
everyone simultaneously drops out.
Song Over
The form of this song is:
-Introduction, -Verse One, -Chorus, -Verse Two, -Chorus, -Verse Three, -Chorus, -Chorus Repeat, -Coda
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‘A Boy’ (Korean ‘Soneoniya’) is from G-Dragon’s solo album ‘Heartbreaker’, which was released August
18, 2009. (“INTERVIEW: G-Dragon,” Part 12) The title for his concert ‘Shine A Light’ was taken from the lyrics of
this song. G-Dragon wrote this song about his experiences as a trainee in the entertainment industry from the
age of 13. (Han, par.6)
GD your choice drop it on me yo
Bameun giputneundae jameun anogo
At night, sleep doesn’t come
Neuluhnan dutonggwa ssaoogo
I kept fight the headache that is getting worse
Twisting and turning, I grip my pen tighter and I get lost in
my thoughts
Irijuri dwichukida saenggakeh jamgyo ddo peneul bootjabgo
Bbaegokhe ssu naeryuganeun gasa ee anae nae chulhaki
Bbooyeon dambae yeongi ggwakchan naebang home sweet
home aneukhada
I write the music that is intwined with my philosophy
My room is full of smoke Home Sweet Home it’s so cozy
Yeolsaesal naeeae wasuh shil teum upsi dalleawatsuh
At the age of 13, I moved without rest
Mutmoreuneun jashingami naegaen gajang keun mugiyeotsuh
Confidence of not knowing style was my biggest weapon
Oreumakgil eeramyeon naerimakgildo itneun bub
If there’s an uphill, there has to be a downhill
Dolagagiaen numu neujuhburyeotsuh I can’t let go
It’s way too late to go back I can’t let go
Remember back in the day
Remember back in the day
Bitnadeun ggoomeul nan juldae itji mothae geuddae geu ggomeul
I couldn’t trust others due to my dream
Don’t forget back in the day sonyeoneeyeo
Don’t forget back in the day I was once a boy
Ni mutjin moksoriro saesangeh sorichu shine a light
With a beautiful voice, I shout to the world shine a light
G-dragon namdeulee mwo rageum jakdago uhridago
Nan G-dragon namdeulee mwo rageumnwhao~
I’m G-Dragon not matter what others think
I’m G-Dragon despite being small and young no matter
Saramdeuleun malhae naega buruwuh gajingae numu manah
People say the envy me for what I have
Yeonaeindeuleun da pyeonhagaeman salah
Entertainers have a convenient life
Ddak haruman geu ipjangee dwehbara
One day, try to be in that position
Boeeneun gae daga ahniran gul alah
Not everything is as you see it
Shiganee heullu gamyunsuh whelooomman kujugatsuh
Mutmoreuneun euimugam naegaem gajang keun
As the time passes, I grow lonelier
Oreumakgileeramyeon naerimakgildo itneun bub
If there’s an uphill, there has to be a downhill
Domangchigiaen numu neujuhburyeotsuh I wanna go
It’s too late to escape now I wanna go
Remember back in the day
Remember back in the day
Bitnadeun ggoomeul nan juldae itji mothae geuddae geu ggomeul
I couldn’t trust others due to my dream
Not knowing style was my biggest problem
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Don’t forget back in the day sonyeoneeyeo
Don’t forget back in the day I was once a boy
Ni mutjin moksoriro saesangeh sorichu shine a light
With a beautiful voice, I shout to the world shine a light
Shibnyun dongan sumaneun ooleumdeulgwa
During ten years and many questions, the beads of sweat
naega heullin sumaneun ddambangooldeulgwa
The cold tears I held back,
Naega chamahon chagaoon noonmooldeul ah ah ah ah
the amount of time I endured Ah ah Ah ah
dashi shijakhae boneun guya
It’s time to start now
Remember back in the day
Remember back in the day
Bitnadeun ggoomeul nan juldae itji mothae geuddae geu ggomeul
I couldn’t trust others due to my dream
Don’t forget back in the day sonyeoneeyeo
Don’t forget back in the day I was once a boy
Ni mutjin moksoriro saesangeh sorichu shine a light
With a beautiful voice, I shout to the world shine a light
(Just once) Remember back in the day (Go back) Bitnadun
ggomee (Huh)
(Just once) Remember back in the day (Go back)
Nan juldae itji mothae (forget) geuddae geu ggomeul (huh)
I couldn’t (Huh) trust others (Forget) due to my dream(Huh)
Don’t forget back in the day (way back) sonyeoneeyeo
Don’t forget back in the day (way back) I was once a boy
Ni mutjin moksoriro saesangeh sorichu shine a light
With a beautiful voice, I shout to the world shine a light
Come back to me now(shibnyeonee jinado)
Come back to me now (Even if 10 years pass)
Come back to me now(shibnyeonee jinado)
Come back to me now (Even if 10 years pass)
Come back to me now
Come back to me now
Come back to me now (Jinagan saewul, nae chungchooneul)
Come back to me now (The days that passed, my youth)
Remember back in the day(It’s time to shine)
Remember back in the day (It’s time to shine)
Nan jeuldda itji mothae (thanks choice)
I couldn’t trust others due to my dream (That’s choice)
Don’t forget back in the day (brought to you by GD)
Don’t forget back in the day (dropped to you by GD)
Ni mutjin moksoriro saesangeh sorichu shine a light
With a beautiful voice, I shout to the world shine
Korean – jpopasia.com
Translation credit – mikilove13
"A Boy." Www.21bangs.com. LALALALA. Web. 21 Feb. 2012. <http://21bangs.com/lalalala/a-boy/>.
"INTERVIEW: ‘Big Bang’ G-Dragon Exposes His Feelings on the Concert Issue (Parts 1 - 15)." 21BANGS.COM. 16
Feb. 2010. Web. 21 Feb. 2012. <http://www.21bangs.com/interview-big-bang-g-dragon-exposes-hisfeelings-on-the-concert-issue/>.
Han, Sang-hee. "G-Dragon to Hold 1st Solo Concert." Www.koreatimes.co.kr. The Korea Times, 13 Oct. 2009.
Web. 21 Feb. 2012. <http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/special/2009/10/178_53467.html>.
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starts out with a bass guitar keeping the beat and a synthesizer playing the melody. A few rap
phrases are inserted here and there.
Verse 1 officially starts with the rapper taking up the rhythm the synthesizer had been playing.
The synthesizer then changes from the melody to playing a chord every four counts. Added to
the percussion is a clap helping to keep time.
Rapping is replaced by a two part harmony singing the second verse. A steady beat is kept for
the first two lines then changed on the third. The third line is split into two sections with the
emphasis being placed on the last word of each phrase. Fourth line goes back to solo rapper
until the last few words when the two part harmony is employed again and the language
changes to English for the phrase, “I can’t let go”.
First time for the chorus, which also begins in English. The performer is back to singing, but, in a
nearly falsetto voice, while the synthesizer is back to playing the melody and the emphasis note
as well as adding in a third musical line that plays ascending scales right after the emphasis note
in counterpoint to the melody line. The first 3 lines of the chorus are sung in a very smooth and
fluid calm. The fourth line becomes louder and more staccato with emphasis evenly placed on
every beat until the last three which are exclaimed and run together.
The rap is back with the 3rd verse. Since the rap is pretty steady and one leveled, the interest
comes from what the synthesizer is doing. The melody line’s beat has been doubled while the
3rd ascending synthesizer line has disappeared, but, the emphasis note synthesizer has
remained the same. A brief reiteration of the original melody on the synthesizer ends the 3 rd
With the beginning of the 4th verse the tempo has been slowed back down to half speed, and
the performer is back to singing. The rhythm stays very level, with the emphasis being placed
on the 1st and 3rd beats, mimicking exactly the pattern of the 2nd verse.
Second time through the chorus, which is entirely the same as the first time.
The song has now come to the bridge. A change from the main melody starts with a thump
from the drum leaving us with just the ascending synthesizer line and falsetto singing voice. The
drum continues to make an appearance thumping every 8 beats for the first line, speeding up
to every four beats on the second line and finally up to every beat for the final line while the
voice crescendos leading into the 3rd repetition of the chorus.
The same chorus is repeated again, only this time it is overlaid by a higher voice interspersing
random singing phrases.
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The chorus is repeated again, only the falsetto singing voice has been replaced by the rapper
inserting comments during the breaks in the singing.
This section is the chorus add-on. The synthesizer playing the ascending line drops out and we
are left with the singers while the rapper continues to fill in the pauses. The tempo has also
been slowed down to half the previous pace.
Final repetition of the chorus with rapping insertions though the words of the rap have
changed. It’s pretty much the same chorus as the rest of the song. After the final words the
song abruptly comes to an end. All sound stops for a brief moment. A single synthesizer comes
back with a four note arch. The last note is echoes and fades out, finished the song.
Song Over
The form of this song is:
-Intro, -Verse One, -Verse Two, -Chorus, -Verse Three, -Verse Four, -Chorus, -Bridge, -Chorus, -Chorus,
Chorus Add-on, -Chorus, -Coda
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‘Café’ is from the album ‘Tonight’ released February 23, 2011 under YG Entertainment’s label. As the
group’s first album together after two years, it became the first K-Pop album to make it into iTunes US Chart’s
top 10, as well as the first non-English language album to make it into the top 100. (“Tonight,” par. 1) ‘Café’
was based on G-Dragon’s personal experience, “I have received news of a break-up at a café. I wrote ‘Café’
with that experience in mind.” (Hoo, par. 3)
I remember
when you walked through that door
sat down on that chair
The times we share
I remember
when you walked through that door
Sat down on that chair
The times we share
Nega anjaitdeon geu hayan uijamani
Ne hyanggiruel gieokhago
Nega ddeonan horo chagawon jeongjeokmani
Neol godailgo itneun jakeun kape
Only the white chair that you sat in
Has your scent on it
You left, leaving only a heartless silence
Waiting for you, this little cafe
Seubgwanidwin Ice Coffee
Espresso double shot
Nuneul gama joshimseule
Han mogeumman heulleooneun jeulgyeo deuddeon eomak
Shimjagi jeomjeom bbareuge ddwieo wonda
Cheoum neol mannan seolleideon
Ddeollimeul hwisanghae kapein himeul billyeo
Kkok chaenggidoen geunyeoui seultang Syrup
Eejen ee kkeunjeokhami nan shireo
The usual Ice Coffee
Espresso double shot
Close your eyes, let it slide smoothly down your throat
Music we used to love
My heart beats faster
The tremors when I first met you
The cafe helps me remember that attraction
I always helped her get the syrup
Now I hate that sticky sweetness
Please dont leave me alone
Na eoddeokharago
Moduga jamdeun bam
Wae nal honja duryeogo
Please don’t leave me alone
What have you made me do?
In a night when everyone is asleep
why am I left alone?
Tell me the Truth eojewa
Dareun oneul neujeotdago
Yaksokhaetdeon seoro nanudeon maldeul
Da geojit eerago dont make me fool
Tell me the truth
Unlike yesterday, I’m a little late today
All that we promised, all that we talked about
It’s all lies, don’t make me fool
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Nega anjaitdeon geu hayan uijimani
Ne hyanggireul gioekhago
Nega ddeonan hooro chajawon jeongjeokmani
Neol gidarigo itneun jakeun kape
Only the white chair that you sat in
Has your scent on it
You left, leaving only a heartless silence
Waiting for you, this little cafe
You don’t need me anymore
Geu mareun marajweo
Geudaen jigeum naega silhdaneun deut
Jashineul sokigo
Nalgeun jeo chaeksang wie saegyeonoheun
Oori dul eereumkkajido
Gieoksoke chueooksoke
Geunyang mudeodunchaero
You don’t need me anymore
Please don’t say that,
do you mean that you hate me now?
Lying to yourself
Etched on that old table are our names
But now let it be buried in memories and the past~
Oh my god muduneodundae do
Geuge jal andwe na chaja
Oneul geon gonghwangsangtae
Bulanjeonhan shimri soke hanghwanghae
Sseulsseulhi honja bul kkeojin bangane
Neol geurimyeo chueokhanun bulhaenghan hwaga
Yuilhan myongjaki dwin
Bigeukjeokin oorisarang
Ajikdo nae maeumeun neoro gadeuk han
Hwarang neo ddeonan seouleun hwangranghan samak
Oh my god, Even if I bury it away
It’s just comes back to me again
Facing my fear
my wandering heart is frightened
Alone and lonely, lying in a lightless room
Thinking of you, remembering you, this pathetic painter
My only masterpiece is our love tragedy
My heart is an art gallery filled with you
Without you, Seoul is but a desolate desert
Nega anjaitdeon geu hayan uijamani
Ne hyanggirul gieokhago
Nega ddeonan horo chagawon jeongjeokmani
Neol gidarigo itneun jakeun kape
Only the white chair that you sat in
Has your scent on it
You left, leaving only a heartless silence
Waiting for you, this little cafe
Neo wiroweo hal ddaemyeon
Eonjedeul neol gidarigo itneun
Neo geuriwo bogo shipeun narimyeon
Neol bureugo itneun
Naega tajudeon keopiwa jeobeo dun chaekgalpiwa
Geudaemanui hayan jib wiro heureuneun bi baby
Whenever you feel alone
I will always be waiting for you
When I think of you
I call your name
The coffee I made for you, and the folded bookmark
And the rain that falls
on the white house that belongs to only you, baby
Nega anjaitdeon geu hayan uijamani
Ne hwangireul gioekhago
Nega ddeonan hooro chajawon jeongjeokmani
Neol gidarigo itneun jakeun kape
Only the white chair that you sat in
Has your scent on it
You left, leaving only a heartless silence
Waiting for you, this little cafe
Nega anjaitdeon geu hayan uijamani
Ne hwangireul gioekhago
Nega ddeonan hooro chajawon jeongjeokmani
Only the white chair that you sat in
Has your scent on it
You left, leaving only a heartless silence
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Geudaemanui hayanjib wiro heureuneun bi baby
And the rain that falls
on the white house that belongs to only you, baby
Romanized by: Aggie @ bbvipz + cnly @soompi
Translator: phoebe@BBHK
"Cafe." Www.21bangs.com. LALALALA. Web. 21 Feb. 2012. <http://21bangs.com/lalalala/cafe/>.
"Tonight." Big Bang. 20 Apr. 2011. Web. 21 Feb. 2012. <http://bigbang.musicasia.net/tonight/>.
"G-Dragon Has Composed a Song about His Experience of Separation — “Received News of Separation at a
Café”." Interview by Jin Hee Yoo. Web log post. En.korea.com. Jtn.co.kr, 28 Feb. 2011. Web. 21 Feb. 2012.
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All we hear is old fashioned record player static. At :05 a solo piano enters at a walking adagio
pace and medium volume, giving us the first taste of the main melody.
Cymbal strike heralds in the entrance of the drums and a steel guitar is added. The bass rapper
whose entrance coincided with that of the instruments, takes the intro. The intro is comprised
of four short lines. The last word of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th lines is emphasized by the rapper
slowing down and extenuating the length of time he spends on the words.
Now is the first time through the chorus. The rapper is replaced by a group of harmonizing
singers. The addition of the singers adds body to the song, enriching the overall sound. The bass
guitar was added as the same time as the group of singers, adding a richness and depth to the
song, grounding the melody.
As the chorus is fading out the bass rapper re-enters starting the first verse, which is also in rap
form. The 2nd verse follows suit with freestyle ‘uh-huh’s in the background emphasizing the 1
The 3rd verse is taken over by a singer in the higher ranges. As he continues singing emphasis is
added to the one beat by elongating the note and adding harmony for just the syllable on that
beat. The harmony is dropped for the 2nd and 3rd beats, which are also both shortened and sped
up. The harmony re-emerges on the next beat to repeat the pattern.
The 4th verse starts out the same as the 3rd with just the solo singer for the first and second
lines. Harmony is added on the 3rd line and continues on till the end of the verse. On the very
last word of the 4th verse there is an explosion of voices and cymbals as the two singers
crescendo, highlighting the word ‘fool’.
The 2nd repetition of the chorus starts during the ending of the 4 th verse. Trumpets have been
added to the mix incrementally increasing the volume and intensity.
Rapid change as the accompaniment is decreased to just the guitar, emphasizing the solo voice
which has begun singing the 5th verse. His first line, “You don’t need me anymore” stands out in
the sudden quiet, while the quiet little satirical laugh in the background and re-emergence of
the drums seems to add credence to the statement. The verse continues to build up as it goes.
Reaching the last line the tempo has changed to extenuate and emphasis the 3 beat, with the
singer crescendo-ing and holding out the last note of the verse.
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The bass rapper overlaps the ending of the 6th verse and begins the 7th. The flow of the rap
repeats the pattern first used in the intro, by placing the emphasis on the last beat of each line
or phrase before moving on to the next line.
Back to the chorus for the fourth time. It differs slightly from the previous rounds of the chorus.
The tempo that was slowed down for the bridge and rap verses picks back up and trumpets
have been added, all of which amplify the song’s energy.
The bridge continues to build the power of the song. The first two lines are taken by one singer
who is replaced by another singer for the next pair of lines, then back to the first singer who
starts to slow us down, lengthening out the words and lowering his volume. Meanwhile the
accompaniment has continued in the background including the trumpets.
Back to the chorus.
The bridge including the singer swap is repeated and sung at the same time as the chorus. The
chorus finishes while the 1st singer is still doing his part, leaving him alone to sing the last
phrase. As he lingers on the final word “baby” the instruments are faded out and the song ends.
Song Over
The form of this song is:
-Intro, -Chorus, -Verse One, - Verse Two, -Verse Three, -Verse Four, -Chorus, -Verse Five, -Verse Six, -Verse
Seven, -Chorus, -Bridge, -Chorus, -Bridge & chorus together, -Fadeout.
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