Yarra Ranges Council Budget Year Ending 30 June 2015 Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 1 Contents Page Mayor’s introduction 3 Chief Executive Officer’s summary 4 Budget processes 10 Overview 1. Linkage to the Council Plan 11 2. Services, initiatives and service performance indicators 13 3. Budget influences 35 Budget analysis 4. Analysis of operating budget 39 5. Analysis of budgeted cash position 45 6. Analysis of capital budget 48 7. Analysis of budgeted financial position 53 Long term strategies 8. Strategic resource plan and financial performance indicators 56 9. Rating information 60 10. Other strategies 65 Appendices A Budgeted statements 69 B Rates and charges 78 C Capital works program 88 D Fees and charges schedule 99 Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 2 Mayor’s introduction I am pleased to present this Budget to the community of Yarra Ranges. To enable Council to maintain existing service levels, and continue to allocate funds to build, maintain, and renew community infrastructure, Council will increase rates and charges by an average 4.8 percent in the 2014-15 financial year. The rate increase has been kept in line with the level foreshadowed in Council's Strategic Resource Plan adopted in the previous year, despite a number of significant budget impacts including reduction in Victorian Grants Commission funding, increases in the levy payable to the Victorian Government upon disposal of waste into landfill, in addition to increased utilities costs, and competing community needs. The proposed budget delivers significant cost savings, achieved through reductions in salaries & wages ($0.65 million), reductions in general expenditure ($1.7 million), and re-tendering of the waste contract ($1.5 million), coupled with new efficiencies in processes and additional revenue generation ($0.92 million). These savings and additional revenue have been channelled into asset improvements and asset renewal for the community’s benefit. These initiatives also deliver a significant reduction in Council borrowings, allows Council to cope with any unexpected future issues, and maintains Council’s long term financial sustainability. Council remains committed to the community priorities for the coming year identified in the Council Plan and the 2014-15 Budget supports these initiatives and priorities. Council is conscious of the need to continue to monitor expenditure, and will maintain an ongoing focus on operating efficiencies and cost savings. In relation to community assets, the total Capital Works program will be $53.2 million, of which $19.9 million relates to projects carried over from the 2013-14 year. Highlights of the Capital Works program include: Roads - $8.7 million: including Colchester Rd Kilsyth upgrade, and Old Gippsland Rd-Old Hereford Rd Mt Evelyn intersection improvements, in addition to various reconstructions, Roads to Recovery projects, reseals, resurfacing, and other road improvements; Footpaths - $4.0 million: including path upgrades at Alexander Ave Upwey, Don Rd Healesville, and Cavanagh Rd Millgrove in addition to new footpaths and rehabilitation works in Chirnside Park and across the municipality; Drains - $1.8 million: including Warburton Hwy Launching Place drainage replacement, in addition to various improvements, renewal, & rehabilitation works; Parks, open space, & streetscapes - $4.2 million: including new playground facilities in Kilsyth and Seville, in addition to trail improvements, playground renewals, and township improvements in Mooroolbark & Tecoma; Recreational, leisure & community facilities - $1.0 million: including oval upgrade at Yarra Glen and oval improvements at Belgrave South; Buildings and building improvements - $28.0 million: including the development of the community hub at Japara Living and Learning Kilsyth, Pinks Reserve Netball Facility, Chirnside Park community hub commencement, in addition to commencement of a regional soccer facility in Monbulk; and Plant and equipment - $1.9 million: including information technology and scheduled replacement of Council’s fleet. This budget has been developed with the community’s needs in mind and Council endorses it as financially responsible. Cr Fiona McAllister Mayor Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 3 Chief Executive Officer’s summary Council has prepared a Budget for the 2014-15 financial year which seeks to balance the demand for services and infrastructure with the community’s capacity to pay. The proposed budget delivers cumulative cost savings of $4.7 million, achieved through reductions in salaries & wages, reductions in general expenditure, and re-tendering of the waste contract, coupled with new efficiencies in processes and additional revenue generation. These savings and additional revenue have been channelled into asset improvements and asset renewal for the community’s benefit. These initiatives also deliver a significant reduction in Council borrowings, allows Council to cope with any unexpected future issues such as defined benefits superannuation liabilities, and maintains Council’s long term financial sustainability. Key budget information is provided below about the rate increase, operating result, services, cash and investments, capital works, financial position, financial sustainability and strategic objectives of Council. 1. Rates 10.0 % rate increase 8.0 6.0 5.7 4.0 4.8 4.8 F2013/14 B2014/15 4.8 4.8 4.8 2.0 0.0 A2012/13 SRP2015/16 SRP2016/17 SRP2017/18 A = Actual F = Forecast B = Budget SRP = Strategic Resource Plan estimates It is proposed that general rates increase by an average 4.8% for the 2014-15 year, raising total rates & charges of $120.4 million, including $0.75 million generated from supplementary rates. Of the 4.8% increase, 2.3% will go toward maintaining service levels and meeting the cost of a number of external influences affecting the operating budget including a $0.20 million reduction in the Victorian Grants Commission allocation. The remaining 2.5% increase will go toward capital works to address the asset renewal needs of the municipality. This rate increase is in line with the level foreshadowed in Council’s Strategic Resource Plan adopted in the previous year. (The rate increase for the 2013-14 year was 4.8%). Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 4 2. Operating result 24.0 Surplus / -deficit $M 20.0 16.0 12.0 22.10 20.04 8.0 11.15 9.95 4.0 17.17 0.0 -4.0 -6.51 -8.0 A2012/13 F2013/14 B2014/15 SRP2015/16 SRP2016/17 SRP2017/18 The expected operating result for the 2014-15 year is a surplus of $11.15 million, which is an increase of $17.66 million over 2013-14. The improved operating result is due mainly to $7.4 million of 2013-14 grants commission funding being received early (and therefore recognised as income in 2012/13) and this results in a reduction to our income in 2013-14, whereas the 2014-15 budget is based on receiving all of the grants commission income in the budgeted year. The adjusted underlying result, which excludes items such as non-recurrent grants and non-cash contributions is a deficit of $7.27m million, which is an increase of $19.23 million over 2013-14 – refer to section 4 of this summary for further information. (The forecast operating result for the 2013-14 year is a deficit of $6.51 million with the underlying result being a deficit $11.95 million). 3. Services net cost $M 100.0 97.65 99.90 102.20 104.55 106.95 B2013/14 B2014/15 SRP2015/16 SRP2016/17 SRP2017/18 50.0 0.0 The net cost of services delivered to the community for the 2014-15 year is expected to be $99.94 million which is an increase of $2.29 million over 2013-14. A key influencing factor in the development of the 2014-15 budget has been the recently released results of the community satisfaction survey conducted by Council. The survey results show that there is a relatively high level of satisfaction with most services and service levels provided by Council. For the 2014-15 year, service levels have been maintained. (The budgeted net cost for the 2013-14 year is $97.65 million). Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 5 4. Cash and investments cash on hand $M 40.0 30.0 34.40 28.12 29.04 30.97 33.04 20.0 15.25 10.0 0.0 A2012/13 F2013/14 B2014/15 SRP2015/16 SRP2016/17 SRP2017/18 Cash and investments are expected to increase by $12.87 million during the year to $28.12 million as at 30 June 2015. This is due mainly to the carried forward component of the 2013-14 capital works program and a number of major building projects. (Cash and investments are forecast to be $15.25 million as at 30 June 2014). 5. Capital works 60.00 capital works $M 50.00 53.27 40.00 30.00 32.50 49.05 40.31 36.15 45.03 20.00 10.00 0.00 A2012/13 F2013/14 B2014/15 SRP2015/16 SRP2016/17 SRP2017/18 The capital works program for the 2014-15 year is expected to be $53.27 million of which $19.96 million relates to projects which will be carried forward from the 2013-14 year. The carried forward component is fully funded from the 2013-14 budget. Of the $53.27 million of capital funding required, $2.39 million will come from external grants, $0.93 million from contributions with the balance of $49.95 million from Council cash and borrowings. The Council cash amount comprises asset sales ($0.35 million), cash held at the start of the year ($15.25 million) and cash generated through operations in the 2014-15 financial year ($12.87 million). Borrowings are scheduled to be $34.00 million. The capital expenditure program has been set and prioritised based on a rigorous process of consultation that has enabled Council to assess needs and develop sound business cases for each project. This year's program includes a number of major building projects including the Japara Living and Learning Centre, Pinks Reserve Netball Facility, and the commencement of the Monbulk Regional Soccer Facility. (Capital works is forecast to be $36.15 million for the 2013-14 year). The graph below sets out the required and actual asset renewal over the life of the current Strategic Resource Plan and the renewal backlog. Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 6 The asset renewal program has not increased in the 2014-15 year, however over the rest of the four year period, it is expected to increase substantially as funds are directed into asset renewal to close the gap, which is evident from the graph above. 6. Financial position working capital $M 40.00 30.00 29.44 20.00 18.01 17.44 18.13 18.67 B2015 SRP2016 SRP2017 SRP2018 10.00 7.88 0.00 A2013 F2014 The graph above reflects Council’s working capital, which is Current Assets less Current Liabilities and demonstrates Council’s ability to pay short term liabilities. As can be seen from the trend, Council’s working capital position remains stable going forward. The financial position is expected to improve with net assets (net worth) to increase by $37.65 million to $909.75 million. This is mainly due to the increase in infrastructure assets and a stronger cash position. (Total equity is forecast to be $872.10 million as at 30 June 2014). Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 7 7. Financial sustainability 20 18.48 adjusted underlying surplus / -deficit $M 16 12 14.07 13.8 SRP2015/16 SRP2016/17 8 7.27 4 0 -4 -8 -11.95 -12 F2013/14 B2014/15 SRP2017/18 A high level Strategic Resource Plan for the years 2014-15 to 2017/18 has been developed to assist Council in adopting a budget within a longer term prudent financial framework. The key objective of the Plan is financial sustainability in the medium to long term, while still achieving the Council’s strategic objectives as specified in the Council Plan. The adjusted underlying result, which is a measure of financial sustainability, shows an increasing surplus over the four year period. 8. Strategic objectives 40 38.1 expenditure $M 30 38.9 36.5 33.9 26.9 27.6 25.7 20 19.6 2013/14 2014/15 10 High Perf. Org Prot. & Enh'd Nat. Env. Quality Community Infrastructure Active & Engaged Communities 1.2 Vibrant Economy 1.6 0 The Annual Budget includes a range of services and initiatives to be funded that will contribute to achieving the strategic objectives specified in the Council Plan. The above graph shows the level of funding allocated in the budget to achieve the strategic objectives as set out in the Council Plan for the 2014-15 year. Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 8 9. Council expenditure allocations Arts, culture, libraries, comm. eng, $6.29 Vibrant economy, $0.83 Customer & corp supp, $9.63 Waste, $9.19 Environment, $1.73 Governance, $1.41 Health, aged, youth & fam serv, $12.34 Capital, $21.02 Roads, drains, footpaths, $14.11 Parks, gardens, & recreatn, $10.01 Property & fac. mgt, $3.99 Local laws, enforcemt & comm safety, $6.66 Planning, $2.79 The above chart provides an indication of how Council allocates its expenditure across the main services that it delivers. It shows how much is allocated to each service area for every $100 that Council spends. This budget has been developed with the community’s priorities as a key focus, and management endorses it as financially responsible. More detailed budget information is available throughout this document. Glenn Patterson Chief Executive Officer Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 9 Budget processes This section lists the budget processes to be undertaken in order to adopt the Budget in accordance with the Local Government Act 1989 (the Act) and Local Government (Planning and Reporting) Regulations 2014 (the Regulations). Under the Act, Council is required to prepare and adopt an annual budget for each financial year. The budget is required to include certain information about the rates and charges that Council intends to levy as well as a range of other information required by the Regulations which support the Act. The 2014-15 budget, which is included in this report, is for the year 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2015 and is prepared in accordance with the Act and Regulations. The budget includes financial statements being a budgeted Comprehensive Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Statement of Changes in Equity, Statement of Cash Flows and Statement of Capital Works. These statements have been prepared for the year ended 30 June 2015 in accordance with the Act and Regulations, and consistent with the annual financial statements which are prepared in accordance with Australian Accounting Standards. The budget also includes information about the rates and charges to be levied, the capital works program to be undertaken, the human resources required, and other financial information Council requires in order to make an informed decision about the adoption of the budget. In advance of preparing the budget, officers firstly review and update Council's long term financial projections. Financial projections for at least four years are ultimately included in Council's Strategic Resource Plan, which is the key medium-term financial plan produced by Council on a rolling basis. The preparation of the budget, within this broader context, begins with officers reviewing the long term financial plan with Councillors in October, and discussing whether the key parameters which drive the long term financial plan are still in accordance with Council’s direction. Officers then prepare a draft budget during November and December and this draft consolidated budget is then considered by Council at informal briefings during February. A ‘proposed’ budget is then prepared in accordance with the Act and submitted to Council in May for approval ’in principle’. Council is then required to give ’public notice’ that it intends to ’adopt’ the budget. It must give 28 days notice of its intention to adopt the proposed budget and make the budget available for inspection at its offices and on its internet web site. A person has a right to make a submission on any proposal contained in the budget and any submission must be considered before adoption of the budget by Council. To assist interested persons to understand the budget and make a submission if they wish, Council makes the Budget available on its website, and at its Community Links, and invites members of the community to provide comment or submissions on the Budget. The final step is for Council to adopt the budget after receiving and considering any submissions from interested parties. The budget is required to be adopted by 31 August and a copy submitted to the Minister within 28 days after adoption. The key dates for the budget process are summarised below: Budget process Timing 1. Officers update Council's long term financial projections 2. Officers prepare operating and capital budgets Oct Nov/Dec 3. Councillors consider draft budget at informal briefings Feb 4. Proposed budget submitted to Council for approval May 5. Public notice advising intention to adopt budget May 6. Budget available for public inspection and comment May 7. Public submission process undertaken May/Jun 8. Submissions period closes (28 days) Jun 9. Submissions considered by Council/Committee Jun 10. Budget and submissions presented to Council for adoption Jun 11. Copy of adopted budget submitted to the Minister Jul 12. Revised budget where a material change has arisen (if applic) Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 Sep-Jun 10 1. Linkage to the Council Plan This section describes how the Annual Budget links to the achievement of the Council Plan within an overall planning framework. This framework guides the Council in identifying community needs and aspirations over the long term (Vision 2020), medium term (Council Plan) and short term (Annual Budget) and then holding itself accountable (Audited Statements). 1.1 Planning and accountability framework The Strategic Resource Plan, included in the Council Plan, is a rolling four year plan that outlines the financial and non-financial resources that Council requires to achieve the strategic objectives described in the Council Plan. The Annual Budget is then framed within the Strategic Resource Plan, taking into account the services and initiatives included in the Annual Budget which contribute to achieving the strategic objectives specified in the Council Plan. The diagram below depicts the planning and accountability framework that applies to local government in Victoria. Source: Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure In addition to the above, Council has a long term plan (Vision 2020) which articulates a community vision, mission and values. The Council Plan is prepared with reference to Council's long term community plan. The timing of each component of the planning framework is critical to the successful achievement of the planned outcomes. The Council Plan, including the Strategic Resource Plan, is required to be completed by 30 June following a general election and is reviewed each year in advance of the commencement of the Annual Budget process. 1.2 Our purpose Our vision Yarra Ranges will be a vibrant and dynamic municipality based on strong local communities living in a place of great natural beauty. Our world class municipality will be sustained by a strong local economy and a rich social fabric that is consistent with and supports its environmental values. Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 11 Our mission Yarra Ranges Council: is a collective voice for its people builds healthy, connected and viable communities protects and enhances the natural environment provides transparent, accountable and participatory local democracy. Our values The organisation’s values guide our behaviour and underpin everything we do. Our values help us achieve the organisation’s vision and mission and improve the quality of the services we offer to our community. 1.3 Strategic objectives Council delivers services and initiatives over 57 major service categories. Each contributes to the achievement of one of the five Strategic Objectives as set out in the Council Plan for the years 201317. The following table lists the five Strategic Objectives as described in the Council Plan. Strategic Objective Description 1. Active & Engaged Communities A resilient, healthy, active community that is safe and has opportunities and access to quality services. 2. Quality Community Infrastructure A built environment where facilities and infrastructure meet current and future needs. 3. Protected and Enhanced Natural Environment 4. Vibrant Economy, Agriculture, & Tourism 5. High Performing Organisation A healthier environment for future generations. Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 A sustainable and prosperous economy that supports local enterprise. A great place to work where innovation is expected and customers are our focus. 12 2. Services, initiatives and service performance indicators This section provides a description of the services and initiatives to be funded in the Budget for the 2014-15 year and how these will contribute to achieving the strategic objectives specified in the Council Plan as set out in Section 1. It also includes a number of initiatives, major initiatives and service performance outcome indicators. The Strategic Resource Plan (SRP) is part of and prepared in conjunction with the Council Plan. The relationship between these components of the Budget and the Council Plan, along with the link to reporting in the Annual Report, is shown below. Source: Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 13 2.1 Strategic Objective 1: Active and Engaged Communities To achieve our objective of Active and Engaged Communities, we will continue to strive for a resilient, healthy, active community that is safe and has opportunities and access to quality services. The services, initiatives, major initiatives and service performance indicators for each business area are described below. Services Expenditure (Revenue) Net Cost $'000 444 (0) 444 Business area Description of services provided 1. Social planning & policy development This service contributes to building strong and resilient communities by: -Planning, researching and/or developing relevant social policies and actions -Providing advice, referral and advocacy -Delivering selected community development projects. 2. Primary health planning & coordination Council's Health and Wellbeing Strategy guides this legislated requirement to promote good health and wellbeing. Using data about the health of our community Council works with its partners and the community to improve health. An Advisory Group overseeing the work is resourced by this service. The service has a primary prevention approach - keeping people well through Council's many roles in creating healthy communities and environments. 27 (0) 27 3. Food, health, and environment inspections and protection This service works with proprietors, applicants and owners to ensure that appropriate health standards are achieved for the health and well being of all. 3,077 (1,053) 2,024 4. Library services in partnership with Eastern Regional Library Corporation Council works in partnership with Eastern Regional Libraries to enhance cultural development in the municipality through the provision of library services. 3,657 (0) 3,657 5. Maternal & child health & immunisation services Council provides a universal and enhanced Maternal & Child Health Service to provide universal and targeted services for children and their families . 3,091 (1,391) 1,700 6. Youth mental health & counselling, participation & engagement Council provides a range of universal and targeted services for young people, enabling them to receive individual support, develop their potential and/or participate in a range of activities. 2,182 (346) 1,836 Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 14 Business area Description of services provided 7. Early years development & services Council provides a range of services that enable children to develop and for those with additional needs to be included in a range Early Childhood Education settings. Council also provides Child Care and Preschool Services. 5,056 (4,483) 573 8. School crossing supervision This service provides supervision for school crossings in both the morning and afternoon to improve community safety and encourage healthy habits of walking to school. 1,400 (360) 1,040 9. Animal Management This service seeks to manage animals, both domestic and farm to improve community safety. 1,685 (1,599) 86 10. Community & cultural festivals and events grants program This service provides grants to community and cultural festivals and events 305 (0) 305 11. Community safety This service works across the organisation and municipality to identify risks and undertake actions to improve personal security and public safety. 255 (30) 225 12. Fire prevention & emergency management This service works to build an empowered resilient community that can mitigate, prepare, respond and recover from emergencies. 1,198 (397) 801 13. Positive ageing services This service provides a comprehensive range of services as part of the Home and Community Care (HACC) program. The HACC program provides a range of coordinated and integrated service approaches which assist HACC eligible people to maximise their independence to remain living at home, stay connected to their community and adapt to changing life circumstances. The majority of this program is externally funded by State Government. Across the Council services work to improve access, equity and inclusion of people with a disability. Metro Access works to increase participation of people with a disability in the life of their community. The majority of this program is externally funded by State Government. This service supports - Community engagement and place based Community Planning - Life long learning and building resilient organisations through the community grants program, community planning and community capacity building -Community skill development and working collaboratively with local community and local groups, networks, leaders and service organisations. 7,368 (6,074) 1,294 14. Supporting people with disabilities 15. Community engagement & development programs Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 Expenditure (Revenue) Net Cost $'000 1,834 (1,515) 319 1,495 (0) 1,495 15 16. Services & programs to increase participation in arts & culture Arts, Culture and Heritage provides a framework to use arts and heritage to engage our local communities in the development of their place. This is achieved through the provision and funding of: -6 high quality Cultural Facilities with paid staff and technical expertise -the management and delivery of arts and heritage programs in the community -partnerships with community through grants programs -facilitation of community festivals and events. 1,174 (35) 1,139 17. Cultural facilities including Yarra Ranges Museum Arts, Culture and Heritage are responsible for the development of the Cultural Plan which includes planning for the development of cultural facilities across the municipality. This includes engagement and consultation with community and funding bodies, involvement in the project planning and involvement in delivery of the project working with the Capital Works and Urban Planning area. . 2,923 (522) 2,401 18. General Local Laws Compliance This service provides Local Laws compliance for the safety and wellbeing of our communities. 806 (1,207) (401) 19. Business networks & sustainable business practices Forums, industry networks and investment attraction are promoted by the service. Strong employment opportunities are vital to our communities and the service works to facilitate vibrant local economies through relationship brokerage and networking. 35 (0) 35 20. Community support to reduce impact and prepare for climate change This service provides support from Yarra Ranges’ Environment Department for residents to take steps towards sustainable living and preparing for climate change, including education in schools. 143 (36) 107 21. Facilitate tourism development and regional marketing Work across the tourism sector - a key portion of the Yarra Ranges economy, to promote and develop the benefits that flow from tourism. Advocacy on developing latent tourism potential through eco and heritage tourism, seeks to develop our tourism offer and deliver benefits to local communities. Yarra Ranges Tourism is a major partner and the service manages Council's Partnership Agreement with the Board. 35 (0) 35 Active and Engaged Communities Total 38,190 (19,048) 19,142 Initiatives (Our Actions) 1. Optimise Council‘s Grants for Community Programs and maximise Council’s investment and outcomes to community through transparent and accountable processes. 2. Work with local communities to develop plans for the revitalisation of township streetscapes in Healesville and Tecoma. Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 16 3. Undertake a branded annual program of arts and heritage activities including, film, touring program, concerts, theatre and exhibitions at Council’s Arts and Cultural facilities. 4. Develop a new Cultural Strategy to guide the delivery of Arts, Culture and Heritage Services for the next ten years. 5. Deliver the Montrose Library and Montrose Town Centre redevelopment ensuring stakeholder engagement and consultation. 6. Implement the 2014-15 Child and Youth Strategy actions that will lead to improved outcomes for our families, young people and children. 7. Implement key actions outlined in the Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2013-2017 to support healthy and active ageing across the municipality. 8. Implement the 2014-15 actions outlined in the Equity, Access and Inclusion Strategy to encourage participation in all spheres of life. 9. Develop effective partnerships and processes that enhance community resilience as an outcome of the Victorian Emergency Management Reform White Paper. 10. Advocate for public transport improvements to increase social connectivity. Major Initiatives (Key Strategic Activities) 1. Work with communities to develop Local Area Plans in the 2014-15 year to strengthen community capacity Measure a) Number of Local Area Plans initiated with Council’s facilitation Source Corporate performance management system Target ≥2 b) Number of Local Area Plans completed with Council’s facilitation Corporate performance management system ≥2 c) Days per week that each place based officer is allocated to local area planning Corporate performance management system ≥2 2. Implement the 2014-15 Recreation and Open Space Strategy actions that focus on improving recreational opportunities for the community Measure a) Recreation and Open Space Strategy actions completed b) Participation rate at five sample recreational project and program sites Source Corporate performance management system Target 80% by 30 June 2015 Yarra Ranges Survey ≥ on 2013-14 count 3. Advocate to State and Federal Government to maintain or improve the standard of care for older residents and those with a disability Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 17 Measure a) Number of advocacy applications submitted for appropriate funding or partnership opportunities Source Corporate performance management system Target ≥3 4. Implement the Community Engagement Framework to strengthen community input into decision making Measure a) Number of engagement processes recorded centrally using the Voice software Source Yarra Ranges VOICE software Target 85% of engagement activities Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey ≥ mean index score in 2014 Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey Service Performance Outcome Indicators – Statutory ≥ mean index score in 2014 b) Community Satisfaction rating on community consultation and engagement c) Community Satisfaction rating on advocacy Service Indicator Performance Measure Computation Home and Community Care Participation Participation in HACC service (Percentage of the municipal target population that receive a HACC service) [Number of people that received a HACC service / Municipal target population for HACC services] x100 Participation in HACC service by CALD people (Percentage of the municipal target population in relation to CALD people that receive a HACC service) [Number of CALD people who receive a HACC service / Municipal target population in relation to CALD people for HACC services] x100 [Number of actual MCH visits / Number of expected MCH visits] x100 Maternal and Child Health Participation Participation in MCH key ages and stages visits (Percentage of children attending the MCH key ages and stages visits) Participation in MCH key ages and stages visits by Aboriginal children (Percentage of Aboriginal children attending the MCH key ages and stages visits) Libraries Participation Active library members (Percentage of the municipal population that are active library members) Animal Management Health and safety Animal management prosecutions (Number of successful animal management prosecutions) Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 [Number of actual MCH visits for Aboriginal children / Number of expected MCH visits for Aboriginal children] x100 [Number of active library members / municipal population] x100 Number of successful animal management prosecutions 18 Food safety Health and safety Critical and major non-compliance notifications (Percentage of critical and major noncompliance notifications that are followed up by Council) [Number of critical non-compliance notifications and major noncompliance notifications about a food premises followed up / Number of critical noncompliance notifications and major noncompliance notifications about food premises] x100 Service Performance Outcome Indicators – (Council Plan Measures of Success) Measure 1. Standard of Library collection Source Target Eastern Regional Library Cooperation ≥ 70% Youth Survey ≥ 80% Home and Community Care system- Expedite ≤15 Department of Education and Early Childhood Development 2.4 annually DEECD ≥50% Australian Childhood Immunisation Register 91% Yarra Ranges Surveys 70% Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey ≥ mean index 2014 Yarra Ranges By June 2015 Corporate performance reporting program By Nov 2014 2. Proportion of mental health and counselling clients who say that their health and wellbeing has been improved 3. Time taken to commence the Home and Community Care service 4. Number of 'Key Ages and Stages' visits attended divided by the number of active infant records (ages 0-4) 5. Participation in Maternal and Child Health key ages and stages visits by Aboriginal children 6. Immunisation rate for children aged 60-63 months 7. Customer Satisfaction Survey rating for Family, Youth and Children Services 8. Customer satisfaction rating of community and cultural activities 9. Annual Emergency Management Exercise held with surrounding municipalities 10. Annual Fire Readiness Program established Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 19 11. Yarra Ranges Municipal Emergency Management Plan maintained and updated Corporate performance reporting program By June 2015 2.2 Strategic Objective 2: Quality Community Infrastructure To achieve our objective of Quality Community Infrastructure, we will continue to strive for a built environment where facilities and infrastructure meet current and future needs. Services Business area Description of services provided 1. Maintenance & renewal of buildings This service is responsible for maintenance of Council’s buildings, facilities, public amenities and building security. 2. Management of facilities This service manages lease and licence arrangements with sporting clubs, user groups and individuals for a range of Council facilities and properties, ensuring that the needs of occupants are provided for in a viable and sustainable way. This service maintains and manages Council’s civil infrastructure (roads, drainage, footpath, etc), including the management of plant and equipment. The area also manages the implementation of the annual local road resurfacing program and provides an after hours emergency response service. This service delivers maintenance and repairs to Council’s substantial drainage network 3. Road, footpath & bike path construction & maintenance 4. Drainage works Expenditure (Revenue) Net Cost $'000 3,266 (294) 2,972 2,169 (529) 1,640 18,195 (2,441) 15,754 1,640 (0) 1,640 5. Major Council building projects This service is responsible for coordinating the design and development of major building assets for the Council. 526 (0) 526 6. Urban design including township & streetscape improvements The service is responsible for developing and implementing proposals for township improvements across the municipality, and supporting the development of high quality infrastructure in the private environment through strategic and statutory planning processes. 589 (0) 589 7. Maintenance & redevelopment of sports fields, playgrounds, parks & reserves This service provides for the maintenance and redevelopment of Council’s sports fields, playgrounds, parks & reserves. Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 3,033 (325) 2,708 20 Expenditure (Revenue) Net Cost $'000 1,792 (0) 1,792 Business area Description of services provided 8. Aquatics facilities This service provides for the maintenance for Council’s aquatic facilities. 9. Public transport advocacy Council's Health Profile evidences the impact of poor public transport on health and wellbeing. Council's advocacy for improved access to public transport is a key advocacy area. 10. Strategic land use policy development This service continues to review and maintain Council’s planning scheme and sets the direction for land use planning within Yarra Ranges. 1,278 (29) 1,249 11. Planning permits, approvals, & advice This service assesses planning applications against the Yarra Ranges Planning scheme to ensure developments are consistent with Council’s adopted direction protecting amenity, natural systems, agriculture whilst encouraging appropriate development. Our Building team ensure all buildings, both existing and proposed, comply with the Building Act and Regulations. They can also assist with information about pool fencing, maintenance of fire safety equipment, general and technical advice, property information, copies of plans, landslip certificates, building complaints and Council Consent applications. This service contributes to the management of Council’s capital works program, and management of Council’s infrastructure assets across all infrastructure categories. 3,144 (920) 2,224 12. Statutory Building Services 13. Capital works & asset management Quality Community Infrastructure Total 51 (0) 51 357 (271) 86 2,866 (62) 2,804 38,906 (4,871) 34,035 Initiatives (Our Actions) 1. Delivery road, traffic, footpath and drainage improvement projects from the 2014-15 Capital Works Program to improve accessibility and safety in the municipality. 2. Finalise the review of the Local Planning Policy Framework including the Municipal Strategic Statement to implement Council's land use policy priorities and directions. 3. Deliver buildings, streetscapes and open space improvement projects from the Capital Works Program to encourage healthy and active communities in the municipality. 4. Complete the Healesville Structure Plan to guide the township‘s future development. 5. Work with the State Government on implementing the new metropolitan strategy Plan Melbourne to deliver a balanced planning framework that responds to the needs of the Yarra Ranges community. Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 21 6. Commence the development of a structure plan for Coldstream to help deliver the community’s vision for the future. 7. Review environmental planning controls in green wedge areas to identify and protect important environmental values and to simplify and better target vegetation controls. 8. Consult and undertake detailed planning for the proposed Belgrave Multi-purpose community facility. 9. Streamline the planning scheme by advocating changes at the State Government level and reforming local planning controls. 10. Complete a review of the Lilydale Structure Plan in the context of the redevelopment of the Sibelco Quarry and to advocate for supporting infrastructure to support the redevelopment of the site and integration with Lilydale. 11. Review the potential for amending the minimum lot size for subdivision in Low Density General Zones within the Yarra Ranges. 12. Work with State Government on delivering workable bushfire planning controls that respond to local circumstances. 13. Advocate to the State Government for changes to the Bushfire Management Overlay controls recognising the rights of people to live in the bush and enable alternative solutions to be considered Major Initiatives (Key Strategic Activities) 1. Build major community hubs and recreation facilities for the community Measure Key stages completed for the following major projects by 30 June 2015 - Source Corporate reporting system ≥Practical completion Olinda Recreation Reserve Pavilion upgrade Keith Hume Fraser Reserve Pavilion improvements Japara Living and Learning Centre Pinks Reserve Regional Netball Facility Chirnside Park Community Centre upgrade Montrose Town Centre Redevelopment Museum Environmental controls - 2. Target Stages completed ≥Practical completion ≥Practical completion ≥Practical completion ≥Tender ≥Tender ≥Practical completion Simplify and increase transparency of the Yarra Ranges Planning Scheme to make the planning application requirements clearer through updating the MSS and developing a local planning statement Measure a) Draft local planning statement developed Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 Source Corporate performance management system Target 30 June 2015 22 b) Revised Municipal Strategic Statement completed c) Number of redundant planning controls removed 3. Corporate performance management system Corporate performance management system 30 June 2015 ≥ 10 Upgrade and develop footpaths and shared cycling paths to provide a built environment that reflects that needs of the community Measure a) Expenditure on footpaths and cycling networks in the schedule of 2014-15 capital works Source Corporate financial system Target ≥ 80% b) Metres of footpath and cycling paths constructed Capital Works Program ≥ 14km c) Community Satisfaction with the condition of local streets and footpaths Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey ≥ mean index score in 2014 4. Delivery maintenance and improvement works to local roads including dust suppressant to prioritised unsealed roads, maintenance grading of unsealed roads, partnering with landowners to construct new roads and resurfacing of existing sealed roads Measure a) Application of dust suppressant to unsealed roads. b) Grading of unsealed road c) Community Satisfaction with the condition of sealed local streets d) Community Satisfaction with the maintenance of unsealed roads Source Corporate Reporting system Target Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey ≥ mean index score in 2014 200 km 3,000 km ≥ mean index score in 2014 5. Develop Asset Management Plans for Council’s core asset groups to ensure there are sufficient funds in the long term to renew infrastructure that is vital to Council’s service delivery Measure Number of asset management plans completed Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 Source Corporate performance management system Target ≥3 23 Service Performance Outcome Indicators – Statutory Service Indicator Performance Measure Computation Pool Facilities Utilisation Utilisation of pool facilities (The number of visits to pool facilities per head of municipal population) Number of visits to pool facilities / Municipal population Statutory planning Decision making Council planning decisions upheld at VCAT (Percentage of planning application decisions subject to review by VCAT and that were upheld in favour of the Council) Roads Satisfaction Satisfaction with sealed local roads (Community satisfaction rating out of 100 with how Council has performed on the condition of sealed local roads) [Number of VCAT decisions that upheld Council’s decision in relation to a planning application / Number of decisions in relation to planning applications subject to review by VCAT] x100 Community satisfaction rating out of 100 with how Council has performed on the condition of sealed local roads. Service Performance Outcome Indicators – (Council Plan Measures of Success) Measure Source Target 1. Expenditure of renewal works to budget Corporate financial system 90% 2. Proportion of capital works projects competed within budget Corporate financial system 80% 3. Community satisfaction rating of the condition of local streets and footpaths Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey ≥ mean index 2014 4. Community satisfaction rating of recreational facilities Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey ≥ mean index 2014 5. Community satisfaction rating of the appearance of public areas Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey ≥ mean index 2014 Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 24 2.3 Strategic Objective 3: Protected and Enhanced Natural Environment To achieve our objective of Protected and Enhanced Natural Environment, we will continue to strive for a healthier environment for future generations. The services, initiatives, major initiatives and service performance indicators for each business area are described below. Services Business area Description of services provided Expenditure (Revenue) Net Cost $'000 332 (93) 239 1. Environmental education programs including a focus on schools This service provides environmental education programs to our community, as well the Shire’s extensive school network. 2. Weed reduction & re-planting programs Council has an active weed reduction and re-planting service, in addition to running an ongoing weed removal program called Weed Wipeout, to help residents remove and dispose of weeds on their property. 3. Biodiversity conservation The Biodiversity Conservation Unit has responsibility for the protection and enhancement of the region's biodiversity values in line with National, State and Regional requirements. Conducts environmental assessments for planning permit applications (Council and community). Manages a system for biodiversity offsets, and provides advice to landholders to enhance biodiversity. This service provides grants and support for Friends Of groups and Land Care groups across Council’s parks, reserves, & natural habitats 1,312 (440) 872 This service provides waste services to over 57,000 general properties & 2,500 commercial properties across the municipality, consisting of a weekly garbage collection, fortnightly recycling and green and hard waste collections for general properties only. A core priority includes minimising the volume of material going to landfills through the coordination of education and management programs. This service provides for the maintenance of Council’s bushland and natural open spaces. 14,568 (82) 14,486 4. Support for Friends & Land Care groups 5. Waste management services 6. Maintenance of bushland and natural open space Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 515 (28) 487 40 (0) 40 9,559 (173) 9,386 25 7. Maintenance and redevelopment of sports fields, playgrounds, parks & reserves 8. Environmental sustainability management 891 (0) 891 This service provides for the maintenance and redevelopment of Council’s sports fields, playgrounds, parks & reserves. This service provides the management and administrative support for the environment and sustainability teams. Protected and Enhanced Natural Environment Total 392 (0) 392 27,609 (816) 26,793 Initiatives (Our Actions) 1. Foster exceptional partnerships with the community to protect and improve the environment through provision of information resources, expert advice and support to community groups. 2. Lead the management of vegetation and wildlife through programs including Yarra 4 Life and the inter-agency Urban Fringe Weed Management. 3. Review the Weed Management Strategy and implement programs with a focus on high conservation bushland reserves. 4. Implement a Utility Data Management system to track Council’s fuel, electricity, water and gas usage and identify opportunities, such as solar, to reduce Council’s resource consumption. 5. Investigate actions that will reduce emissions, minimise business impacts and enable new opportunities to be explored across all aspects of Council's operations to adapt to a changing climate and energy future. 6. Support, encourage and advocate for sustainable living through programs and networks including Learning for Sustainability and Live It Up. 7. Work in partnership with Eastern Alliance for Greenhouse Action on regional programs including advocacy, funding applications, capacity building and regional partnerships that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and facilitate regional adaptation. 8. Advocate to State and Federal Governments for ongoing funding support for the protection of the natural environment of Yarra Ranges, with a focus on weed and pest animal reduction, and increased investment in sustainable water management. 9. Work with the Metropolitan Waste Management Group to advocate for facilities and services to achieve the State Government‘s strategy of Towards Zero Waste. 10. Work with Council’s waste service providers and transfer station operators to increase recycling options and reduce waste to landfill. Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 26 Major Initiatives (Key Strategic Activities) Finalise the new Environment Strategy to improve the health and biodiversity of our natural environment Measure Environment Strategy finalised and adopted Number of engagement processes on the draft strategy completed on key issues Source Corporate performance management system Corporate performance management system Target by 30 June 2015 ≥ 10 Service Performance Outcome Indicators – Statutory Service Indicator Performance Measure Computation Waste collection Waste diversion Kerbside collection waste diverted from landfill (Percentage of garbage, recyclables and green organics collected from kerbside bins that is diverted from landfill) [Weight of recyclables and green organics collected from kerbside bins / Weight of garbage, recyclables and green organics collected from kerbside bins] x100 Service Performance Outcome Indicators – (Council Plan Measures of Success) Measure Source Target 1. Proportion of sample group of bushland reserves and roadsides with a high or very high conservation rating classification Yarra Ranges weed mapping program 1% increase 2. Lost vegetation identified through net-gain requirements on all Council projects replaced in the municipality Biodiversity Offset Program 100% 3. Reduction in energy consumption directly associated with the first year of the street lighting changeover project. Corporate performance management system ≥ 15% 4. Plants distributed for planting per annum through the Ribbons of Green Program Corporate performance management system 70,000 5. Proportion of material recovered for recycling from kerbside collection JJ Richards waste services contractor 3% increase 6. Community satisfaction rating of environmental sustainability programs Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey ≥ mean index in 2014 Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 27 7. Community satisfaction rating of the roadside slashing and weed control. Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey ≥ mean index in 2014 2.4 Strategic Objective 4: Vibrant Economy, Agriculture, and Tourism To achieve our objective of Vibrant Economy, Agriculture, and Tourism, we will continue to strive for a sustainable and prosperous economy that supports local enterprise. The services, initiatives, major initiatives and service performance indicators for each business area are described below. Services Business areas Description of services provided 1. Facilitate tourism development and regional marketing Work across the tourism sector - a key portion of the Yarra Ranges economy, to promote and develop the benefits that flow from tourism. Advocacy on developing latent tourism potential through eco and heritage tourism, seeks to develop our tourism offer and deliver benefits to local communities. Yarra Ranges Tourism is a major partner and the service manages Council's Partnership Agreement with the Board. 2. Agribusiness support & development The service offers: advice on planning applications, networking opportunities for agribusinesses and works with industry to advocate, for example for a recycled water pipeline to support local food production. Forums, industry networks, training programs and investment attraction are promoted by the service. Strong employment opportunities are vital to our communities and the service works to facilitate vibrant local economies through relationship brokerage and networking. 3. Business networks & sustainable business practices Expenditure (Revenue) Net Cost $'000 Vibrant Economy, Agriculture & Tourism Total 625 (20) 605 39 (0) 39 536 (10) 526 1,200 (30) 1,170 Initiatives (Our Actions) 1. Develop a range of project initiatives that support activation of place in key activity centres and link to improved employment outcomes. 2. Facilitate stakeholder partnerships and lead advocacy to establish a recycled water pipeline to support sustainable food production in the Yarra Valley. 3. Work with key community, industry and government organisations to ensure training and mentoring programs are available to enhance the skills of local business and improve their digital awareness. 4. Advocate with key stakeholders for improved access to NBN and other technology solutions for business and industry. Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 28 Major Initiatives (Key Strategic Activities) Implement the 2014-15 actions outlined in the Economic Development Strategy to improve the economic health and vitality of our communities Measure Source 1. Number of planned business development activities delivered Corporate performance management system 2. Proportion of 2014-15 Economic Development Strategy actions completed on time including: advocacy to access recycled water for agricultural use facilitate strong tourism outcomes through Council’s Partnering Agreements support and facilitate business and investment in the Yarra Ranges economy Corporate performance management system Target ≥ 12 ≥ 90% Service Performance Outcome Indicators – Statutory Service Indicator Performance Measure Economic Development Economic activity Change in number of businesses (Percentage change in the number of businesses with an ABN in the municipality) Computation [Number of businesses with an ABN in the municipality at the end of the financial year less the number of businesses at the start of the financial year / Number of businesses with an ABN in the municipality at the start of the financial year] x100 Service Performance Outcome Indicators – (Council Plan Measures of Success) Measure Source Target 1. Total hectares of properties in the municipality with a farmland rating Pathway property database No change 2. Community satisfaction rating of business and community development and tourism Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey ≥ mean index score in 2014 3. Total number of overnight visitors (domestic & international) Yarra Ranges Tourism ≥ State average 4. Satisfaction rating for locally held business development training Economic Development Survey ≥ 80% satisfaction 2.5 Strategic Objective 5: High Performing Organisation To achieve our objective of High Performing Organisation, we will continue to strive towards Yarra Ranges Council being a great place to work where innovation is expected and customers are our Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 29 focus. The services, initiatives, major initiatives and service performance indicators for each business area are described below. Services Business areas 1. Communications, advocacy, & media relations 2. Front line customer service through our five community link centres 3. Financial management & reporting Description of services provided This service leads a range of activities to ensure the community is aware of and informed about the range of Council services, initiatives and programs available to them through such mediums such as Shirewide, Council's website, E-newsletters, moderated forums, branding of facilities and services, newspaper columns and proactive communications strategies. This service leads the provision of front line service delivery of five geographically dispersed sites across the municipality. Their focus is to ensure that Council’s residents receive the highest standard of customer service via a call centre, cashier, logging of customer requests, provision of general advice and contracted Vic Roads functions. This service provides financial management and reporting functions for Council, including the preparation of the Budget, and the Annual Financial Statements Expenditure (Revenue) Net Cost $'000 876 (0) 876 3,157 (197) 2,960 1,367 (1) 1,366 4. Procurement, contracts, & tendering This service provides best practice procurement support to the organisation including tendering and collaborative procurement initiatives. 431 (0) 431 5. Corporate planning & performance This service provides business support to Councillors for the development and reporting of the Council Plan, in addition to business plans across the organisation. This service provides a range of different services and solutions related to the Information Management requirements of the Council including information technology, geographic information systems, records management, archives management, courier services, FOI, information privacy and an Electronic Document Management System (EDMS). This service provides the generation of rate notices, management of the rates database including the fire services levy, and liaison and support of Council's Valuer's. This service provides executive support to the CEO and Councillors ensuring a seamless approach to interactions within the organisation and the community. It also provides leadership of Council's governance framework, including administration and operational support for Council and executive meetings, advice and guidance on legislative changes and requirements focusing on good governance initiatives, printing services for the organisation and not for profit groups and property information management. 278 (0) 278 6. Information technology & records management 7. Rating & valuation services 8. Council governance & meeting procedures Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 5,455 (60) 5,395 1,396 (568) 828 2,238 (0) 2,238 30 Business areas 9. Occupational health & safety 10. Human resources, employee relations and organisational development 11. Risk management Description of services provided This service provides support to the organisation in meeting requirements under the Occupational Health and Safety Act. Protecting the health and safety of employees, councillors, volunteers, contractors and visitors. This service provides leadership and coordination of Council’s human resources, corporate planning, performance management and organisational development functions. It also leads our Sustainable Excellence Program, a program of coordinated process improvement and innovation aligned to the nationally recognised business excellence framework. This service provides risk management and insurance services to the organisation. Expenditure (Revenue) Net Cost $'000 429 (0) 429 High Performing Organisation Total 1,871 (0) 1,871 2,132 (5) 2,127 19,630 (831) 18,799 Initiatives (Our Actions) 1. Implementing our Building a Great Place to Work program to build organisational capability through people. 2. Develop digital resources as part of the implementation of the digital strategy to support the organisation to become more customer focused through the use of social media, new website and responsive design. 3. Embed a culture of innovation and improvement through the Sustainable Excellence program. 4. Review our Customer First Strategy and develop a new four year vision document, supported by annual action plans which define how Council is going to meet the changing needs of our community and provide a better customer experience. 5. Review annually the results of the State Government’s Local Government Community Satisfaction survey and implement appropriate programs to address agreed areas for improvement. 6. Develop and support an advocacy framework that focuses on the following priorities: - transport services and infrastructure -joint strategic planning -community infrastructure -funding maintenance for existing programs -recreation projects -water security -bushfire and emergency management -planning and green wedge management. Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 31 7. Review Council‘s performance measurement framework to align with State Government requirements and to drive organisational performance. 8. Deliver opportunities for shared service arrangements with regional Councils to deliver value for money. 9. Develop and apply a property management plan that supports Council in the management of its property portfolio. 10. Implement a quarterly process of reporting to Council on cost reduction and efficiency outcomes through the quarterly finance report adopted by Council. 11. Manage funding allocated towards maintaining and renewing Council’s assets, with a focus on reducing Council’s asset management funding gap, for the benefit of future generations. 12. Utilise the risk management framework to monitor and review risk appetite and promote a culture where risks are considered in decision making. 13. Commence cyclical review and consolidation of Council’s local laws, ensuring active community consultation and engagement. Major Initiatives (Key Strategic Activities) 1. Improve the processes and systems to support planning services delivery improvements Measure Median time taken to decide planning applications Planning applications decided within 60 days Source Planning Permit Activity Reporting System Planning Permit Activity Reporting System Target ≥ 82% ≥ 70% 2. Improve service efficiency and effectiveness through service planning and process improvement reviews. Measure Number of service planning and process improvement projects commenced Source Business Process Management System Target ≥ 16 Proportion of service plan and process improvement recommendations adopted Business Process Management System ≥ 80% Service Performance Outcome Indicators – Statutory Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 32 Service Indicator Performance Measure Computation Governance Satisfaction Satisfaction with Council decisions (Community satisfaction rating out of 100 with how Council has performed in making decisions in the interests of the community) Community satisfaction rating out of 100 with how Council has performed in making decisions in the interests of the community Service Performance Outcome Indicators – (Council Plan Measures of Success) Measure Source Target 1. Overall financial sustainability risk rating Victorian Auditor General’s Office Report Low risk rating 2. Proportion of correspondence completed in time ECM electronic document management system ≤ 80% 3. Proportion of customer requests completed in time Pathway customer request management system 10% increase on the previous year 4. Number of lost time injuries Health and safety reporting system ≤ 15 5. Community satisfaction rating for the overall performance generally of Council Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey ≥ Mean index score in 2014 6. Proportion of planning applications decided within 60 days Corporate performance management system 70% 7. Community satisfaction rating of performance in planning and building permits Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey ≥ Mean index score in 2014 8. Reduction in Council’s GHG emissions in line with the goal of ‘reducing corporate GHG emissions by 30% on 2000 levels by 2020’ Annual GHG report from Genesis Now ≤ 3% on t CO2-e 16,316 (2012/13 figures) 9. Achievement of 2014-15 corporate business plan actions in that have been identified and linked to Council’s ‘Adapting to a Changing Climate and Energy Future’ plan. Corporate performance management system ≥ 80% 2.7 Performance Statement The statutory service performance indicators detailed in the preceding pages will be reported on within the Performance Statement which is prepared at the end of the year as required by section 132 of the Act and included in the 2014-15 Annual Report. The Performance Statement will also include reporting on prescribed indicators of financial performance (outlined in section 8) and sustainable capacity, which are not included in this budget report. The full set of prescribed performance indicators are audited each year by the Victorian Auditor General who issues an audit opinion on the Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 33 Performance Statement. The major initiatives detailed in the preceding pages will be reported in the Annual Report in the form of a statement of progress in the report of operations. 2.8 Reconciliation with budgeted operating result Active & Engaged Communities Quality Community Infrastructure Protected & Enhanced Nat. Environment Vibrant Eco., Agriculture & Tourism High Performing Organisation Total services and initiatives Depreciation Other Non-Attributable Deficit before funding sources Funding sources Rates and charges Grants Commission funding Interest Revenue Other revenue Total funding sources Surplus for the year Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 Net Cost (Revenue) $’000 Expenditure $’000 Revenue $’000 19,142 34,035 26,793 1,170 18,799 38,190 38,906 27,609 1,200 19,630 19,048 4,871 816 30 831 99,939 22,256 5,628 127,823 125,535 25,596 (120,416) (14,825) (2,123) (1,610) (138,974) 11,151 34 3. Budget influences This section sets out the key budget influences arising from the internal and external environment within which Council operates. 3.1 Snapshot of Yarra Ranges Council Yarra Ranges Council is located on metropolitan Melbourne’s eastern fringe, and covers an area of almost 2,500 square kilometres. It is the twelfth largest local government area in Melbourne in terms of population size and the largest in geographic area. Yarra Ranges can be described as an interface Council, home to over 55 suburbs, townships, and small communities in a mixture of rural and urban areas. This diversity of place makes Yarra Ranges one of the most unique municipalities in the State. Population Yarra Ranges is home to over 150,000 residents. It has: a young population, with 18 percent aged between 5 and 17 years compared with 16 percent for Victoria; and a slower population growth rate than that of Victoria overall. Over the next ten years our population is expected to grow by 0.57 percent per annum with a total increase of 9,009 people over the period. The proportion of the population aged over 65 is expected to increase by 5.5 percent. Cultural diversity Cultural diversity is determined by a range of factors, including place of birth, ancestry, language spoken at home and religion. Overall, cultural diversity is not as pronounced in Yarra Ranges as the rest of the State. For our population: - eight in ten were born in Australia - the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and New Zealand are the top three countries of birth for overseas born - 8,708 persons speak a language other than English (6 percent), with the most common languages being Italian, German and Dutch. Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 35 Households Yarra Ranges has more family households than is typical across the State. This means that: 48 percent of households are couples with one or more children family households account for 75 percent of total households the household size has decreased from 2.9 in 2001 to 2.7 in 2011 lone person households comprise less than one in five (19.7 percent). The number of households is expected to increase by 5,533 (9.1 percent) over the next ten years. The largest increase is forecast to be in families without children households, while the portion of families with children is expected to decrease slightly by 2021. Aboriginal Heritage The Wurundjeri people are the traditional custodians of the land on which Yarra Ranges is situated. Yarra Ranges has the largest concentration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the Eastern Metropolitan Region of Melbourne, accounting for about 35 percent of the region’s total Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people make up 0.7% of the population. Environment Yarra Ranges is recognised as a special place for its natural beauty and diverse habitats. The municipality contains some of the most environmentally important areas in Victoria, which are a significant factor in attracting residents and tourists. The mountainous landscapes and the Yarra River valley contain significant areas of remnant native vegetation providing an important habitat for wildlife. Yarra Ranges’ biodiversity includes: three of Victoria’s land based state emblems 1,665 indigenous flora species and 375 indigenous fauna species. Much of the biodiversity is associated with the 188,000 hectares of native vegetation within the municipality (76 percent of all land) which is mostly State forest, National Parks, other crown parks and reserves and private land. Education Yarra Ranges is home to a number of educational facilities including 48 preschools, 74 primary schools, 22 secondary schools and three special needs schools. In comparison with the rest of Victoria, Yarra Ranges has: - a larger portion of people who left school at Year 10 or equivalent (19.4 percent) and a smaller percentage of people who left school at Year 12 (43.5 percent). A large proportion of residents hold formal qualifications (47 percent). These qualifications are most likely to be vocational (23.1 percent), followed by Bachelors degree or higher (14.7 percent) and Advanced Diploma or Diploma (9.2 percent). Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 36 Industry & Economy Yarra Ranges has 13,500 registered businesses, employing some 35,300 people. Interesting facts about our local economy and our working population include: - manufacturing is the most valuable sector, yielding $2.8 billion in regional output retail, manufacturing, education, and construction industries employ almost 50 percent of people who work in Yarra Ranges almost 4 million tourists visit Yarra Ranges each year including attractions in the Yarra Valley wine region and Dandenong Ranges nearly 70,000 of Yarra Ranges’ residents are employed, with 60 percent employed full-time and 34 percent part-time the weekly household income has increased by $196 over the past five years, in line with the State average, although there are significant differences in income levels across the municipality more than one third of our working residents work in the neighbouring municipalities of Maroondah and Knox and more than half of our incoming workforce travels in from these municipalities. Budget implications As a result of Yarra Ranges’ demographic profile there are a number of budget implications in the short and long term as follows: The immense area of Yarra Ranges significantly increases transport costs when compared to metropolitan Councils. Over 18% of ratepayers are entitled to the pensioner rebate. As pensioners are often asset rich but income poor, the adoption of significant rate increases has a real impact on the disposable income of a significant proportion of our community. Council has hardship provisions in place but these can impact on cash balances when large volumes of ratepayers are involved. Whilst the municipality is not substantially developed, it is only experiencing very low growth, The budget implications arise in Council having to cope with replacement of infrastructure such as roads and drains, and these costs are paid for from rates. The rates received from the low level of new dwellings do not offset the significant infrastructure costs. 4.2 External influences Consumer Price Index (CPI) increases on goods and services of 2.7% through the year to December quarter 2013 (ABS release 22 January 2014 State-wide CPI is forecast to be 2.5% for the 2014-15 year (Victorian Budget Papers 2013-14). Council has recently renegotiated a new 3 year Collective Agreement during the 2012/13 year which sets the budget for wages and salaries for 2013-14 onwards, including 2014-15. Reduction of $0.20 million in Victorian Grants Commission funding. Increases of 10% (or $5.30 per tonne) in the levy payable to the State Government upon disposal of waste into landfill, resulting in additional waste tipping costs. The levy has increased from $9 per tonne in 2008/09 to $58.50 per tonne in 2014-15 (550% increase in 6 years) and has added significantly to Council's costs. Despite these State Government waste levy pressures, Council has recently re-negotiated it’s waste service contract and achieved significant savings in the cost of providing the service. The Abbott Government introduced the Clean Energy Legislation (Carbon Tax Repeal) Bill 2013 and related bills to the House of Representatives on the 13th of November 2013, with the intention to abolish the carbon price from 1 July 2014. Council is committed to returning any previously levied net carbon price cost to the community. The Fire Services Property Levy will continue to be collected by Council on behalf of the State Government with the introduction of the Fire Services Property Levy Act 2012. Natural disasters such as storm events and bushfires continue to impact on Council’s budget. Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 37 3.3 Internal influences As well as external influences, there are also a number of internal influences which are expected to have a significant impact on the preparation of the 2014-15 Budget. These matters have arisen from events occurring in the 2013-14 year resulting in variances between the forecast actual and budgeted results for that year and matters expected to arise in the 2014-15 year. These matters and their financial impact are set out below: Increased water and utility costs of $0.18 million; Increase in proactive tree management program of $0.15 million; Increase in fuel costs of $0.19 million. 3.4 Budget principles In response to these influences, guidelines were prepared and distributed to all Council officers with budget responsibilities. The guidelines set out the key budget principles upon which the officers were to prepare their budgets. The principles included: Existing fees and charges to be increased in line with CPI or market levels. Grants to be based on confirmed funding levels. New revenue sources to be identified where possible. Service levels to be maintained at 2013-14 levels with the aim to use less resources with an emphasis on innovation and efficiency. Salaries and wages to be increased in line with Council’s Collective Agreement. Contract labour to be minimised. Construction and material costs to increase in line with scoping requirements New initiatives or employee proposals to be justified through a business case. Real savings in expenditure and increases in revenue identified in 2013-14 to be preserved Operating revenues and expenses arising from completed 2013-14 capital projects to be included. Head count/number of staff to remain stable and not increase, unless grant funding is provided. General expenditure line items to have zero increase on 2013-14 levels. 3.5 Long term strategies The budget includes consideration of a number of long term strategies and contextual information to assist Council to prepare the Budget in a proper financial management context. These include a Strategic Resource Plan for 2014-15 to 2017/18 (section 8.), Rating Information (section 9.) and Other Long Term Strategies (section 10.) including borrowings, infrastructure and service delivery. Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 38 4. Analysis of operating budget This section analyses the operating budget including expected income and expenses of the Council for the 2014-15 year. 4.1 Budgeted income statement Ref Total income 4.2 Total expenses 4.3 Surplus (deficit) for the year Grants – non-recurrent 4.2.6 Contributions - non-monetary assets Capital contributions - other sources Adjusted underlying surplus (deficit) Forecast Actual 2013-14 $’000 150,912 (157,421) (6,509) (4,065) (68) Budget 2014-15 $’000 164,198 (153,047) 11,151 (2,303) (120) Variance (1,310) (11,952) (1,454) 7,274 (144) 19,226 $’000 13,286 4,374 17,660 1,762 (52) 4.1.1 Adjusted underlying deficit ($19.23 million increase) The adjusted underlying result is the net surplus or deficit for the year adjusted for non-recurrent grants, non-monetary asset contributions, and capital contributions from other sources. It is a measure of financial sustainability and Council’s ability to achieve its service delivery objectives as it is not impacted by capital income items which can often mask the operating result. The adjusted underlying result for the 2014-15 year is a surplus of $7.3 million which is an increase of $19.23 million from the 2013-14 year forecast. In calculating the adjusted underlying result, Council has excluded non-recurrent grants and capital contributions from other sources. Contributions of nonmonetary assets are excluded as the value of assets assumed by Council is dependent on the level of development activity each year. 4.2 Income Income Types Rates and charges Statutory fees and fines User fees Contributions - cash Grants - operating Grants - capital Other income Total income Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 Ref 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4 4.2.5 4.2.6 4.2.7 Forecast Actual 2013-14 $’000 114,296 1,924 6,855 1,782 19,147 2,980 3,928 150,912 Budget 2014-15 $’000 120,416 2,232 7,672 1,667 26,413 1,800 3,998 164,198 Variance $’000 6,120 308 817 (115) 7,266 (1,180) 70 13,286 39 $'000 Rates & charges 120,000 Budget 14/15 Forecast 13/14 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 Grants - oper. 20,000 Stat fees User fees Contributions Grants - cap. Other income 0 Income Source: Appendix A Grants Cap Other income 2% 1% Grants Op 16% Stat fees & chgs 1% User fees 5% Contributions cash 1% Rates & Charges 73% Budgeted income 2014/15 4.2.1 Rates and charges ($6.12 million increase) Rates income comprises four elements as described below. However, it is the combination of elements 1 and 2 that results in an average 4.8% increase in the average rateable assessment. 1. 2. 3. 4. Rateable assessments for general rates. Charges associated with the provision of waste management services, for which the main charges are $196 for a standard general 120 litre bin service, $178 for an 80 litre general bin service and $289 for a standard commercial bin service. Contributions by residents to fund the provision of the Council’s optional green waste bin service are $89 for a 120 litre bin service and $95 for a 240 litre bin service. Supplementary rates and charges totalling $1.05 million. Section 9 “Rating Information” includes a more detailed analysis of the rates and charges to be levied for 2014-15. Information on rates and charges specifically required by the Regulations is included in Appendix B. Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 40 4.2.2 Statutory fees and fines ($0.31 million increase) Statutory fees relate mainly to fees and fines levied in accordance with legislation and include animal registrations, Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008 registrations and parking fines. Increases in statutory fees are made in accordance with legislative requirements. Statutory fees are forecast to increase by 16.0% or $0.31 million compared to 2013-14. A detailed listing of statutory fees is included in Appendix D. 4.2.3 User fees ($0.82 million increase) User charges relate mainly to the recovery of service delivery costs through the charging of fees to users of Council’s services. These include separate rating schemes, use of leisure, entertainment and other community facilities and the provision of human services such as family day care and home help services. User charges are projected to increase by 11.9% or $0.82 million over 2013-14. The main areas contributing to this are (i) Child care services due to increased use of the newly developed Sherbrooke Children’s centre ($0.45m), (ii) income from the biodiversity offsets program ($0.27m) which is offset by increased expenditure of the same amount and (iii) increase in animal registrations income ($0.21m) A detailed listing of fees and charges is included in Appendix D. 4.2.4 Contributions - cash ($0.12 million decrease) Contributions in the main relate to monies paid by developers in regard to public resort and recreation, drainage and car parking in accordance with planning permits issued for property development. They also include contributions towards Capital Projects. Contributions are projected to decrease by $0.12 million or 6.5% compared to 2013-14 due mainly to a reduction in contributions to capital projects 4.2.5 Grants - operating ($7.27 million increase) Operating grants include all monies received from State and Federal sources for the purposes of funding the delivery of Council’s services to ratepayers and contributions from other parties towards property development costs. Overall, the level of operating grants is budgeted to increase by 37.9% or $7.27 million compared to the forecast for 2013-14. The main reason for this increase is the $7.38m due from the Victorian Grants commission in 2013-14 was paid during 2012/13 and resulted in a lower income reflected in 2013-14. The balance of the change is due to claims being made for storms and floods that occur during the year. This is showing a reduction of $0.41m for the 2014-15 budget. Operating grants are further classified in the Financial Statements in Appendix A according to whether they are received each year (recurrent) or received on a once-off or short term basis (non-recurrent). 4.2.6 Grants - capital ($1.18 million decrease) Capital grants include all monies received from State, Federal and community sources for the purposes of funding the capital works program. Overall the level of capital grants has decreased by 39.6% or $1.18 million compared to 2013-14 due mainly to specific funding for capital works projects ( Regional Netball Facility -Pinks reserve $0.5m) and a reduction in funding for the Road improvement program ($395k) Section 6 “Analysis of Capital Budget” includes a more detailed analysis of the grants and contributions expected to be received during the 2014-15 year. Capital grants are further classified in the Financial Statements in Appendix A according to whether they are received each year (recurrent) or received on a once-off or short term basis (non-recurrent). Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 41 A breakdown of Grant Funding Types is displayed in the table below: Grant Funding Types recurrent operating state $’000 Aged & Disability services 762 Youth Services non recurrent operating state $’000 non recurrent capital federal $’000 3 1,885 92 Immunisations School Crossings Victorian Grants Commission recurrent operating other $’000 6,434 Child care services Maternal & Child health recurrent operating federal $’000 207 78 1,281 360 14,825 Emergency Management 240 Roads to Recovery 1,600 Playgrounds/Reserves 100 Environmental Maint. 100 Other Total 74 23,828 85 2,048 31 34 56 503 1,800 4.2.7 Other income ($0.07 million increase) Other income relates to a range of items such as private works, cost recoups and other miscellaneous income items. It also includes interest revenue on investments and rate arrears. Other income is forecast to increase 1.8% or $0.07 million compared to 2013-14. 4.3 Expenses Expense Types Employee costs Materials and services Bad and doubtful debts Depreciation and amortisation Finance costs Net Loss on sale of assets Other expenses Total expenses Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 Ref 4.3.1 4.3.2 4.3.3 4.3.4 4.3.5 4.3.6 Forecast Actual 2013-14 $’000 60,385 67,470 (292) 21,749 647 500 6,962 157,421 Budget 2014-15 $’000 62,828 58,568 17 22,256 2,649 300 6,429 153,047 Variance $’000 (2,443) 8,902 (309) (507) (2,002) 200 533 4,374 42 $'000 Emp. costs 70,000 60,000 Mat & serv Budget 14/15 Forecast 13/14 50,000 40,000 30,000 Deprec'n 20,000 Finance costs Bad & D/Debts 10,000 0 Other exp's Net loss on sale of assets Expenses Source: Appendix A Finance costs 2% Depreciation and amortisation 15% Bad and doubtful debts 0% Net Loss on sale of assets 0% Other expenses 4% Employee costs 41% Materials and services 38% Budgeted expenses 2014/15 4.3.1 Employee costs ($2.44 million increase) Employee costs include all labour related expenditure such as wages and salaries and on-costs including allowances, leave entitlements, employer superannuation, rostered days off, etc. Employee costs are forecast to increase by 4.0% or $2.44 million compared to 2013-14. This increase relates to the following key factors: Council’s Enterprise Bargaining Agreement (EBA) which allowed for a 3.4% increase in 2014-15 Increases in staff numbers in Family Day Care ($0.57m) as a result of increased services provided at the Sherbrooke Child care centre. As indicated in the User Fees income above, additional funding will be available to cover the increase in this service. 4.3.2 Materials and services ($8.90 million decrease) Materials and services include costs associated with maintenance of assets, the purchases of consumables, payments to contractors for the provision of services and utility costs. Materials and services are forecast to decrease by 13.2% or $8.90 million compared to 2013-14. The major contributors to this reduction include:- Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 43 Asset maintenance costs are forecast to decrease by $2.01m compared to 2013-14. A reduction in the Waste Management collection contract (including green organics service) of $1.90m. Agency / Temporary staff costs have decreased by 78% or $0.90m. Consultants and Other professional services have decreased by 30% or $1.50m Reduction in Electricity costs in street lighting of 51% or $0.68m as a result of the switch to energy efficient technology. Reduction in consumables of $0.90m 4.3.3 Bad and doubtful debts ($0.31 million increase) Bad and doubtful debts are projected to increase by $0.31 million but this is affected by the payment in 2013-14 of a doubtful debt from 2012/13 which has put bad and doubtful debts in surplus by $0.30m in 2013-14. 4.3.4 Depreciation and amortisation ($0.51 million increase) Depreciation is an accounting measure which attempts to allocate the value of an asset over its useful life for Council’s property, plant and equipment including infrastructure assets such as roads and drains. The increase of $0.51 million for 2014-15 is due mainly to the completion of the 2014-15 capital works program and the full year effect of depreciation on the 2013-14 capital works program. Refer to section 6. ‘Analysis of Capital Budget’ for a more detailed analysis of Council’s capital works program for the 2014-15 year. 4.3.5 Finance costs ($2.00 million increase) Borrowing costs relate to interest charged by financial institutions on funds borrowed. The increase in Finance costs results from the planned borrowings of $34m in 2014-15 for which interest is charged in accordance with loan agreements. 4.3.6 Other expenses ($0.53 million decrease) Other expenses relate to a range of unclassified items including contributions to community groups, councillor costs and allowances and other miscellaneous expenditure items. Other expenses are forecast to decrease by 7.7% or $0.53 million compared to 2013-14. Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 44 5. Analysis of budgeted cash position This section analyses the expected cash flows from the operating, investing and financing activities of Council for the 2014-15 year. Budgeting cash flows for Council is a key factor in setting the level of rates and providing a guide to the level of capital expenditure that can be sustained with or without using existing cash reserves. The analysis is based on three main categories of cash flows: Operating activities - Refers to the cash generated or used in the normal service delivery functions of Council. Cash remaining after paying for the provision of services to the community may be available for investment in capital works, or repayment of debt Investing activities - Refers to cash generated or used in the enhancement or creation of infrastructure and other assets. These activities also include the acquisition and sale of other assets such as vehicles, property and equipment Financing activities - Refers to cash generated or used in the financing of Council functions and include borrowings from financial institutions and advancing of repayable loans to other organisations. These activities also include repayment of the principal component of loan repayments for the year. 5.1 Budgeted cash flow statement Ref Cash flows from operating activities Receipts Rates and charges User fees and fines Grants - operating Grants - capital Interest Other receipts Forecast Actual 2013-14 $’000 Budget 2014-15 $’000 Variance 113,547 9,130 18,140 4,246 1,957 14,423 161,443 119,459 10,080 26,022 2,405 2,053 14,716 174,735 5,912 950 7,882 (1,841) 96 293 13,292 (60,844) (84,847) (145,691) 15,752 (60,996) (77,166) (138,162) 36,573 (152) 7,681 7,529 20,821 597 347 (250) (33,450) (32,853) (51,737) (51,390) (18,287) (18,537) (651) 0 (1,428) (2,079) (19,180) 34,430 15,250 (2,653) 34,000 (3,662) 27,685 12,868 15,250 28,118 (2,002) 34,000 (2,234) 29,764 32,048 (19,180) 12,868 $’000 5.1.1 Payments Employee costs Other payments Net cash provided by operating activities Cash flows from investing activities Proceeds from sales of property, infrastructure, plant & equip Payments for property, infrastructure, plant and equip Net cash used in investing activities 5.1.2 Cash flows from financing activities Finance costs Proceeds from borrowings Repayment of borrowings Net cash used in financing activities Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents at the beg of the year Cash and cash equivalents at end of the year 5.1.3 5.1.4 Source: Appendix A Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 45 5.1.1 Operating activities ($20.82 million increase) The increase in cash inflows from operating activities is due to the following items $7.88 million increase in operating grants due to the receipt of the first instalment of the 2013-14 Victorian Grants Commission funding during the 2012/13 year (resulting in a lower income received during 2013-14). Increase in Rates and Charges of $5.91m, which is in line with the rate increase of 4.8% after allowing for supplementary rates and the full year effect of the 2013-14 supplementary rates. Reduction in other payments of $7.69m includes reduced materials and services costs as per section 4.3.2. The net cash flows from operating activities does not equal the surplus (deficit) for the year as the expected revenues and expenses of the Council include non-cash items which have been excluded from the Cash Flow Statement. The budgeted operating result is reconciled to budgeted cash flows available from operating activities as set out in the following table: Surplus (deficit) for the year Depreciation Loss (gain) on sale of assets Finance Costs Other contributions Net movement in current assets and liabilities Cash flows available from operating activities Forecast Actual 2013-14 $’000 (6,509) 21,749 500 651 (68) (571) 15,752 Budget 2014-15 $’000 11,151 22,256 300 2,649 (120) 337 36,573 Variance $’000 17,660 507 (200) 1,998 (52) 908 20,821 5.1.2 Investing activities ($18.54 million decrease) The large increase in payments for investing activities represents the planned large increase in capital works expenditure disclosed in section 10 of this budget report. 5.1.3 Financing activities ($29.76 million increase) For 2014-15 borrowings contribute $34.00m to this result with an increase in principal repayments being $2.23m and finance charges of $2.00 million. 5.1.4 Cash and cash equivalents at end of the year ($12.87 million decrease) Overall, total cash and investments is forecast to increase by $12.87 million to $28.19 million as at 30 June 2015, The cash and cash equivalents figure of $15.25m at the start of the 2014-15 year is considered to be extremely low and it is intended that borrowings will take place in July / August 2015. 5.2 Restricted and unrestricted cash and investments Cash and cash equivalents held by Council are restricted in part, and not fully available for Council’s operations. The budgeted cash flow statement above indicates that Council is estimating at 30 June 2014 it will have cash and investments of $15,250, however it will have a restricted deficit of $10.02 million, as shown in the following table. The reason for this deficit is the inclusion of capital carry forward works, which Council funds when the works are required, rather than holding onto surplus cash. Forecast Actual Budget Variance Ref 2014 2015 $’000 $’000 $’000 Total cash and investments 15,250 28,118 12,868 Restricted cash and investments 0 - Statutory reserves 5.2.1 (5,994) (6,983) (989) - Discretionary reserves 0 0 0 - Cash held to carry forward capital works 5.2.2 (19,276) 0 19,276 Unrestricted cash and investments (10,020) 21,135 31,155 5.2.3 Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 46 5.2.1 Statutory reserves ($6.98 million) These funds must be applied for specified statutory purposes in accordance with various legislative requirements. While these funds earn interest revenues for Council, the funds are not available for other purposes. During the 2014-15 year $0.94 million is budgeted to be transferred to Statutory Reserves. 5.2.2 Cash held to fund carry forward capital works ($19.28 million) An amount of $19.28 million is forecast to be held at 30 June 2014 to fund capital works budgeted but not completed in the 2013-14 financial year. Section 6.2 contains further details on capital works funding. There is no amount shown as cash held to fund carry forward works at 30 June 2015, as it is expected that that the capital works budget in the 2014-15 financial year will be fully completed. 5.2.3 Unrestricted cash and investments ($21.14 million) These funds are free of all specific Council commitments and represent funds available to meet daily cash flow requirements, unexpected short term needs and any budget commitments which will be expended in the following year such as grants and contributions. Council regards these funds as the minimum necessary to ensure that it can meet its commitments as and when they fall due without borrowing further funds. Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 47 6. Analysis of capital budget This section analyses the planned capital works expenditure budget for the 2014-15 year and the sources of funding for the capital budget. 6.1 Capital works expenditure Capital Works Areas Ref Works carried forward Property Buildings Building improvements Land improvements Total property Plant and equipment Plant, machinery and equipment Computers and telecommunications Total plant and equipment Infrastructure Bridges Roads Footpaths and cycle ways Drainage Rec, leisure and community facilities Parks, open space and streetscapes Off street car parks Waste management Total infrastructure Total works carried forward 6.1.1 New works Property Buildings Building improvements Land improvements Total property Plant and equipment Plant, machinery and equipment Computers and telecommunications Fixtures, fittings and furniture Total plant and equipment Infrastructure Roads Bridges Footpaths and cycle ways Drainage Rec, leisure and community facilities Parks, open space and streetscapes Off street car parks Waste management Total infrastructure Total new works Total capital works expenditure Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 Forecast Actual 2013-14 $’000 Budget 2014-15 $’000 Variance 4,209 1,083 37 5,329 15,303 1,408 0 16,711 11,094 325 (37) 11,382 122 0 122 0 20 20 (122) 20 (102) 428 3,335 513 851 39 1,811 1,254 0 8,231 13,682 34 422 270 49 0 1,413 900 142 3,230 19,961 (394) (2,913) (243) (802) (39) (398) (354) 142 (5,001) 6,279 1,741 1,597 671 4,009 9,547 1,711 730 11,988 7,806 114 59 7,979 2,677 731 52 3,460 1,404 408 105 1,917 (1,273) (323) 53 (1,543) 7,296 153 2,543 1,458 784 2,386 204 175 14,999 22,468 8,334 365 3,808 1,764 1,025 2,790 358 963 19,407 33,312 1,038 212 1,265 306 241 404 154 788 4,408 10,844 36,150 53,273 17,123 $’000 6.1.2 6.1.3 6.1.4 48 Represented by: Asset renewal expenditure New asset expenditure Asset upgrade expenditure Asset expansion expenditure Total capital works expenditure 6.1.5 6.1.5 6.1.5 6.1.5 14,943 2,679 12,269 6,259 36,150 14,456 9,314 20,226 9,277 53,273 (487) 6,635 7,957 3,018 17,123 Budgeted capital works 2014/15 42% 54% 4% Property Plant and equipment Infrastructure Budgeted capital works 2014/15 17% 27% Asset renewal expenditure New asset expenditure Asset upgrade expenditure 38% 18% Asset expansion expenditure Source: Appendix A. A more detailed listing of the capital works program is included in Appendix C. Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 49 6.1.1 Carried forward works ($19.96 million) At the end of each financial year there are projects which are either incomplete or not commenced due to factors including planning issues, weather delays and extended consultation. For the 2013-14 year it is forecast that $19.96 million of capital works will be incomplete and be carried forward into the 2014-15 year. The more significant projects include the Monbulk Regional Soccer Centre ($2.33 million), the Community Hub Chirnside Park ($1.38 million) and the Japara Living & Learning Centre (Kilsyth) ($1.50 million). 6.1.2 Property ($11.99 million) The property class comprises buildings and building improvements including community facilities, municipal offices, sports facilities and pavilions. For the 2014-15 year, $11.99 million will be expended. The more significant projects include the Japara Living and Learning Centre ($2.20 million), council building maintenance ($1.13 million), the Monbulk regional soccer centre ($1.00 million) and the community hub Chirnside Park ($0.72 million). 6.1.3 Plant and equipment ($1.92 million) Plant and equipment includes plant, machinery and equipment, computers telecommunications, and furniture. For the 2014-15 year, $1.92 million will be expended. The more significant projects include ongoing cyclical replacement of the plant and vehicle fleet ($1.40 million), upgrade and replacement of information technology ($0.41 million) and furniture renewal ($0.11 million). 6.1.4 Infrastructure ($19.41 million) Infrastructure includes roads, bridges, footpaths and cycle ways, drainage, recreation, leisure and community facilities, parks, open space and streetscapes, off street car parks and waste management. For the 2014-15 year, $8.33 million will be expended on road projects. The more significant projects include road resurfacing projects ($3.65 million), Colchester Roads Upgrade ($0.76 million), Pavement Rehabilitation ($0.73 million), road drainage ($0.32 million), and federally funded Roads to Recovery projects. $1.76 million will be expended on drainage projects. The more significant of these include drainage rehabilitation works ($1.41 million), Drainage Condition Assessments ($0.16 million) and Warburton Highway drainage ($0.13 million). $2.79 million will be expended on parks, open space and streetscapes, including $0.92 million for township improvements projects. Other infrastructure expenditure includes $0.36 million on bridges, $3.81 million on footpaths and cycleways, $1.03 million on recreational, leisure and community facilities and $0.36 million on car parks. 6.1.5 Asset renewal ($14.45 million), new assets ($9.31 million), upgrade ($20.23 million) and expansion ($9.28 million) A distinction is made between expenditure on new assets, asset renewal, upgrade and expansion. Expenditure on asset renewal is expenditure on an existing asset, or on replacing an existing asset that returns the service of the asset to its original capability. Expenditure on new assets does not have any element of expansion or upgrade of existing assets but will result in an additional burden for future operation, maintenance and capital renewal. The major projects included in the above categories, which constitute expenditure on new assets, are the Pinks Reserve Regional Netball Facility (Kilsyth) ($1.31 million), the Monbulk Regional Soccer Centre ($1.00 million) and the Community Hub (Chirnside Park) ($0.72 million). The remaining capital expenditure represents renewals and expansion/upgrades of existing assets. Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 50 6.2 Funding sources Sources of Funding Ref Works carried forward Current year funding Grants Contributions Borrowings Council cash - operations - proceeds on sale of assets - reserve cash and investments - unrestricted cash and investments Total works carried forward New works Current year funding Grants Contributions Borrowings Council cash - operations - proceeds on sale of assets - reserve cash and investments - unrestricted cash and investments Total new works Total funding sources Forecast Actual 2013-14 $’000 Budget 2014-15 $’000 1,011 366 685 Variance $’000 6.2.1 13,682 19,961 (326) (366) 19,276 (12,305) 0 0 0 0 6,279 6.2.2 6.2.3 6.2.4 1,879 541 1,700 933 14,724 (179) 392 14,724 6.2.5 6.2.6 19,450 598 0 0 22,468 36,150 15,608 347 0 0 33,312 53,273 (3,842) (251) 0 0 10,844 17,123 19,276 12,305 Budgeted total funding sources 2014/15 1% 4% Grants Borrowings Contributions Operations Proceeds on sale of assets Reserve cash and investments Unrestricted cash and investments 29% 2% 64% Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 51 6.2.1 Carried forward works ($19.96 million) At the end of each financial year there are projects which are either incomplete or not commenced due to factors including planning issues, weather delays and extended consultation. For the 2013-14 year it is forecast that $19.96 million of capital works will be incomplete and be carried forward into the 2014-15 year. This includes grant funding carried forward for the Olinda Community Sports Pavilion ($0.39 million) and the Pinks Reserve Car park Sealing (Kilsyth) ($0.30 million). Borrowings of $19.28m which were originally planned for 2013-14 to fund these works will now be made in 2014-15 6.2.2 Grants ($1.70 million) Capital grants include all monies received from State and Federal sources for the purposes of funding the capital works program. Significant grants and contributions are budgeted to be received for Roads to Recovery projects ($1.60 million) and Recreation Reserve Playground and Picnic Facilities (Seville) ($0.10 million). 6.2.3 Contributions ($0.93 million) Capital contributions include user and developer contributions to the capital works program. Significant contributions are budgeted to be received for Ellis Rd and Forest St (Yarra Glen) Special Charge Scheme ($0.60 million), various Lighting Projects ($0.15 million) and Chirnside Park Footpaths ($0.11 million). 6.2.4 Borrowings- new works ($14.72 million) Borrowings are a funding source for a number of capital works projects including the Reseal & Resurfacing of Local Roads Program ($3.65 million), the Japara Living & Learning Centre (Kilsyth) ($2.20 million) and the Pinks Reserve Regional Netball Facility (Kilsyth) ($1.31 million). 6.2.5 Council cash - operations ($15.61 million) Council generates cash from its operating activities, which is used as a funding source for the capital works program. It is forecast that $15.61 million will be generated from operations to fund the 2014-15 capital works program. Please note that total borrowings for the year total $34m and the balance of $19,27 relates to borrowings for works carried forward (see 6.2.1 above). 6.2.6 Council cash - proceeds from sale of assets ($0.35 million) Proceeds from sale of assets include motor vehicle sales in accordance with Council’s fleet renewal policy of $0.35 million. Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 52 7. Analysis of budgeted financial position This section analyses the movements in assets, liabilities and equity between 2013-14 and 2014-15. It also considers a number of key performance indicators. 7.1 Budgeted balance sheet Ref Current assets Cash and cash equivalents Trade and other receivables Inventories Other assets Total current assets Forecast Actual 2014 $’000 Budget 2015 $’000 Variance 15,250 18,289 20 3,100 36,659 28,118 19,523 18 2,885 50,544 12,868 1,234 (2) (215) 13,885 3,271 3,143 (128) 4,000 870,819 878,090 914,749 4,120 926,152 933,415 983,959 120 55,333 55,325 69,210 13,829 1,094 13,860 28,783 14,239 3,876 14,424 32,539 (410) (2,782) (564) (3,756) 10,335 3,526 13,861 42,644 872,105 37,891 3,774 41,665 74,204 909,755 (27,556) (248) (27,804) (31,560) 37,650 411,243 456,167 4,695 872,105 421,458 482,666 5,631 909,755 10,215 26,499 936 37,650 $’000 7.1.1 Non-current assets 7.1.1 Trade and other receivables Investments in associates accounts Equity method Property, infrastructure, plant and equipment Total non-current assets Total assets Current liabilities Trade and other payables Interest-bearing loans and borrowings Provisions Total current liabilities 7.1.2 Non-current liabilities Interest-bearing loans and borrowings Provisions Total non-current liabilities Total liabilities Net assets 7.1.2 Equity Accumulated surplus Asset revaluation reserve Other reserves Total equity 7.1.4 Source: Appendix A 7.1.1 Current Assets ($13.89 million increase) and Non-Current Assets ($55.33 million increase) Cash and cash equivalents include cash and investments such as cash held in the bank and in petty cash and the value of investments in deposits or other highly liquid investments with short term maturities of three months or less. These balances are projected to increase by $13.89 million during the year. Trade and other receivables are monies owed to Council by ratepayers and others. Short term debtors are not expected to change significantly in the budget. Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 53 Other assets include items such as prepayments for expenses that Council has paid in advance of service delivery, inventories or stocks held for sale or consumption in Council’s services and other revenues due to be received in the next 12 months. Property, infrastructure, plant and equipment is the largest component of Council’s worth and represents the value of all the land, buildings, roads, vehicles, equipment, etc which has been built up by Council over many years. The increase in this balance is attributable to new capital works ($53.70 million of new assets), depreciation of assets ($22.26 million), sale through sale of property, plant and equipment ($0.35 million) and the asset revaluation increment ($26.50m) 7.1.2 Current Liabilities ($3.76 million increase) and Non-Current Liabilities ($27.80 million increase) Trade and other payables are those to whom Council owes money as at 30 June. These liabilities are budgeted to rise slightly by $0.41m in 2015/15. Provisions include accrued long service leave, annual leave and rostered days off owing to employees. These employee entitlements are only expected to increase marginally due to more active management of entitlements despite factoring in an increase for Collective Agreement outcomes. Interest-bearing loans and borrowings represent funds borrowed by Council. Council is budgeting to borrow an additional $34.00m in 2014-15 with principal repayments amounting to $3.66m. 7.1.3 Working Capital ($10.13 million increase) Working capital is the excess of current assets above current liabilities. This calculation recognises that although Council has current assets, some of those assets are already committed to the future settlement of liabilities in the following 12 months, and are therefore not available for discretionary spending. Council has also committed further current assets to specific and restricted purposes, represented by reserves, which may not yet be represented as current liabilities at 30 June. Current assets Current liabilities Working capital Restricted cash and investment current assets - Statutory reserves - Discretionary reserves Unrestricted working capital* Forecast Actual 2014 $’000 36,659 28,783 7,876 Budget 2015 $’000 50,544 32,539 18,005 Variance (5,994) 0 1,882 (6,983) 0 11,022 (989) 0 9,140 $’000 13,885 (3,756) 10,129 * Unrestricted working capital may also be committed to completion of carry forward capital works. Refer to table 6.2 for funding of capital works carried forward out of prior years. 7.1.4 Equity ($37.65 million increase) Total equity always equals net assets and is made up of the following components: Asset revaluation reserve which represents the difference between the previously recorded value of assets and their current valuations. Asset revaluation reserve has increased by $26.5m. Other reserves that are funds that Council wishes to separately identify as being set aside to meet a specific purpose in the future and to which there is no existing liability. These amounts are transferred from the Accumulated Surplus of the Council to be separately disclosed. These reserves have increased by $0.94m. Accumulated surplus which is the value of all net assets less Reserves that have accumulated over time. The increase in accumulated surplus of $10.22 million results directly from the surplus for the year. Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 54 7.2 Key assumptions In preparing the Budgeted Balance Sheet for the year ending 30 June 2015 it was necessary to make a number of assumptions about assets, liabilities and equity balances. The key assumptions are as follows: A total of 88.00% of total rates and charges raised will be collected in the 2014-15 year (2013-14: 88.25% forecast actual) Trade creditors to be based on total capital and operating expenditure less written down value of assets sold, depreciation and employee costs. Payment cycle is 30 days from date of invoice. Other debtors and creditors to remain consistent with 2013-14 levels Employee entitlements to be increased by the Collective Agreement outcome offset by the impact of more active management of leave entitlements of staff Repayment of loan principal to be $3.66 million Total capital expenditure to be $53.70 million A total of $0.945 million to be transferred from accumulated surplus to reserves, representing the annual net movement in developer contributions for the 2014-15 year. Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 55 8. Strategic resource plan and financial performance indicators This section includes an extract of the adopted Strategic Resource Plan to provide information on the long term financial projections of the Council. 8.1 Plan development The Act requires a Strategic Resource Plan to be prepared describing both financial and non-financial resources (including human resources) for at least the next four financial years to achieve the strategic objectives in the Council Plan. Council has prepared a Strategic Resource Plan (SRP) for the four years 2014-15 to 2017-18 as part of its ongoing financial planning to assist in adopting a budget within a longer term framework. The SRP takes the strategic objectives and strategies as specified in the Council Plan and expresses them in financial terms for the next four years. The key objective, which underlines the development of the SRP, is financial sustainability in the medium to long term, while still achieving Council’s strategic objectives as specified in the Council Plan. The key financial objectives, which underpin the SRP, are: Maintain existing service levels Achieve a surplus in the operating results for each year Maintain a capital expenditure program that addresses the asset renewal gap Achieve a balanced budget on a cash basis. In preparing the SRP, Council has also been mindful of the need to comply with the following Principles of Sound Financial Management as contained in the Act: Prudently manage financial risks relating to debt, assets and liabilities Provide reasonable stability in the level of rate burden Consider the financial effects of Council decisions on future generations Provide full, accurate and timely disclosure of financial information. The SRP is updated annually through a rigorous process of consultation with Council service providers followed by a detailed sensitivity analysis to achieve the key financial objectives. 8.2 Financial resources The following table summarises the key financial results for the next four years as set out in the SRP for years 2014-15 to 2017/18. Appendix A includes a more detailed analysis of the financial resources to be used over the four year period. Indicator Surplus/(deficit) for the year Adjusted underlying result Cash and investments balance Cash flows from operations Capital works expenditure Forecast Actual 2013-14 $’000 (6,509) (11,952) 15,250 15,752 36,150 Budget 2014-15 $’000 11,151 7,274 28,118 36,573 53,273 Strategic Resource Plan Projections 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 $’000 $’000 $’000 20,042 17,174 22,100 14,056 13,837 18,480 29,037 30,972 33,038 43,745 45,381 50,763 49,052 40,309 45,028 Trend +/o/+ + + + + Key to Forecast Trend: + Forecasts improvement in Council's financial performance/financial position indicator o Forecasts that Council's financial performance/financial position indicator will be steady - Forecasts deterioration in Council's financial performance/financial position indicator Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 56 The following graph shows the general financial indicators over the four year period. 60000 50000 40000 $'000 30000 20000 10000 0 -10000 -20000 2013/14 2014/15 Surplus / (deficit for the year) Cash flow from operations 2015/16 Adjusted underlying result Cash and investments 2016/17 2017/18 Capital works The key outcomes of the SRP are as follows: Financial sustainability (section 5) - Cash and investments is forecast to increase marginally over the four year period from $28.12 million to $33.04 million, representing an average increase of 5.5% p.a. Provisions for Long Service leave and Developer Contributions account for the majority of this increase. Rating levels (section 9) – Modest rate increases are forecast over the four years at an average of 4.8% which is below or on par with that expected of comparable councils Service delivery strategy (section 10) – Service levels have been maintained throughout the four year period. Operating surpluses are forecast in all 4 years with the underlying result also reflecting a surplus.. The adjusted underlying result is a measure of financial sustainability and is an important measure as once-off capital items can often mask the operating result Borrowing strategy (section 10) – Borrowings are forecast to increase from $41.77 million to $49.92 million over the four year period. This reflects increased borrowings to cater for significantly increased Capital spending on asset renewal. Infrastructure strategy (section 10) - Capital expenditure over the four year period will total $187.66 million at an average of $46.92 million. Excluding the projects carried forward from 2013-14 the average is $42.1 million. Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 57 8.3 Financial performance indicators Notes The following table highlights Council’s current and projected performance across a range of key financial performance indicators. These indicators provide a useful analysis of Council’s financial position and performance and should be used in the context of the organisation’s objectives. Forecast Strategic Resource Plan Projections Indicator Measure Actual Budget Projections Trend 2013-14 2014-15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 +/o/Operating position Adjusted underlying Adjusted surplus (deficit) / underlying 1 -8.22% 4.54% 8.19% 7.81% 9.91% + Adjusted underlying result revenue Liquidity Working Capital Current assets / current liabilities Unrestricted cash Unrestricted cash / current liabilities 2 127.36% 155.33% 148.42% 146.68% 144.63% - -34.81% 64.95% 57.86% 55.47% 53.38% - 10.00% 34.69% 39.31% 37.85% 34.95% - 1.82% 5.24% 5.51% 6.30% 6.41% + 10.91% 31.02% 35.11% 33.36% 30.54% - Obligations Loans and borrowings Interest bearing loans and borrowings / rate revenue Loans and borrowings Interest and principal repayments / rate revenue Indebtedness Non-current liabilities / own source revenue Asset renewal Asset renewal expenditure / depreciation 4 68.71% 64.95% 70.61% 104.43% 129.86% + Rates concentration Rate revenue / adjusted underlying revenue 5 78.57% 75.11% 76.11% 76.01% 76.63% + Rates effort Rate revenue / property values (CIV) 0.39% 0.41% 0.45% 0.46% 0.49% + $2,520 $2,432 $2,486 $2,558 $2,609 + 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% o $1,661 $1,723 $1,792 $1,864 $1,939 + 3 Stability Efficiency Expenditure level Expenditure level Revenue level Total expenditure / no. of assessments Specific purpose grants expended / Specific purpose grants received General rate revenue / No. of general assessments Key to Forecast Trend: + Forecasts improvement in Council's financial performance/financial position indicator o Forecasts that Council's financial performance/financial position indicator will be steady - Forecasts deterioration in Council's financial performance/financial position indicator Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 58 Notes to indicators 1 Adjusted underlying result – Adjusted underlying result is an indicator of the sustainable operating result required to enable Council to continue to provide core services and meet its objectives. The trend over the four year period indicates that Council’s financial performance is improving. This positive trend continues in Council’s long term financial plan. (Please see Appendix A for Council’s ten year financial performance indicators.) 2 Working Capital – Working capital is the proportion of current liabilities represented by current assets. Council’s working capital is forecast to increase in 2014-15. However, from 2015/16 onwards the ratio will decrease as a result of new borrowings being sought as an additional source of cash inflows. The trend in later years is projected to improve as a result of the borrowings being paid off. (Please see Appendix A for Council’s ten year financial performance indicators.) 3 Debt compared to rates – Interest bearing loans and borrowings are forecast to increase in 201415 due to the new borrowings being sought as an additional source of fund. Trend indicates Council's increasing reliance on debt against its annual rate revenue as Council is seeking more funds over the period. However, this position is forecast to improve over the ten years as a result of the borrowings being paid off. (Please see Appendix A for Council’s ten year financial performance indicators.) 4 Asset renewal - This percentage indicates the extent of Council's renewals against its depreciation charge (an indication of the decline in value of its existing capital assets). A percentage greater than 100 indicates Council is maintaining its existing assets. The increasing trend of asset renewal suggests that Council’s assets have been planed to be renewed at a faster rate over the period as the percentage increases from 64.94% to 129.86%. This positive trend is forecast to continue to improve over the next ten years. (Please see Appendix A for Council’s ten year financial performance indicators.) 5 Rates concentration - Reflects extent of reliance on rate revenues to fund all of Council's on-going services. Trend indicates that Council’s reliance on rate revenue is consistent over the period with a slight decrease when compared to the 2013-14 forecast. However over the ten year period, it is projected to improve slightly. (Please see Appendix A for Council’s ten year financial performance indicators.) 8.4 Non-financial resources In addition to the financial resources to be consumed over the planning period, Council will also consume non-financial resources, in particular human resources. A summary of Council’s anticipated human resources requirements for 2014-15–2017/18 is included in Appendix A. Indicator Employee costs ($'000) - Operating - Capital Total Employee numbers (EFT) * Forecast Actual 2013-14 Budget 2014-15 60,385 0 60,385 649 62,828 0 62,828 649 Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 Strategic Resource Plan Projections 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 64,833 0 64,833 649 67,344 0 67,344 649 69,987 0 69,987 649 Employee EFT data is as at April 1 2014 59 9. Rating information This section contains information on Council’s past and budgeted rating levels along with Council's rating structure and the impact of changes in property valuations. 9.1 Rating context In developing the Strategic Resource Plan (referred to in Section 8.), rates and charges were identified as an important source of revenue, accounting for 73% of the total revenue received by Council annually. Planning for future rate increases has therefore been an important component of the Strategic Resource Planning process. The level of required rates and charges has been considered in this context, with reference to Council's other sources of income and the planned expenditure on services and works to be undertaken for the Yarra Ranges community. However, it has also been necessary to balance the importance of rate revenue as a funding source with community sensitivity to increases. To ensure that deliberations about future rate increases have been made on an informed basis, comparisons of historical rate increases were made between Council and other similar sized councils. The following table compares Yarra Ranges’ average rates with the interface councils for the 2013-14 financial year (source MAV July 2013, budget data for 8 interface councils): Average total rates Rates per head Yarra Ranges ($) 1,766 740 Interface Councils ($) 1,727 707 Difference (%) 2% 5% The data above shows that Yarra Ranges is only 2% higher than the interface councils average on rates per assessment. An ongoing problem for Yarra Ranges is that our urban residents have a direct comparison of rating levels with the adjoining municipalities of Knox and Maroondah where rates for similar properties are lower. Yarra Ranges’ location on Melbourne’s eastern fringe at the urban/rural interface presents a distinct contrast to our urban neighbours. This is highlighted by our unique combination of conspiring factors including fire and emergency management, complex land use planning, vegetation management, vast open space/bushland reserve management responsibilities, extensive and dispersed rural infrastructure base and low growth as a source of funding. Rates per head of population is an increasingly more useful measure of local government rates as the services provided by Yarra Ranges expands from property-based to human-based services. In terms of the MAV data and rates per head of population, Yarra Ranges is ranked 55th lowest out of the 73 Councils reported on. The average rates per head of population across the sector were $791 and this is higher than Yarra Ranges’ result of $740. The data provided by MAV reported on 73 councils across the state (out of 79 Victorian councils) and ranked (from highest to lowest) Yarra Ranges rates per assessment at 21st, an improvement from 15th position. The average total rates across 73 councils were $1,662 and ranged from Loddon Shire at $1,135 to Melbourne at $2,360 followed by Nillumbik at $2,319. Average rates lifted by 4.8% across all councils and Yarra Ranges is on par with this increase. However it is anticipated that as Council holds its average rate increase to 4.8%, it will continue to drop lower in rates per assessment compared to the rest of the sector. 9.2 Current year rate In order to achieve Council’s community priorities & objectives while maintaining service levels and a strong capital expenditure program, average rates & charges will increase by a modest 4.8%. This will raise total rates and charges for 2014-15 of $120.42 million, including $0.6 million generated from Special Charge Schemes. Council’s waste and recycling charges have decreased due to renegotiation of council’s waste collection services contract. The following table sets out future proposed increases in rates and charges and the total rates to be raised, based on the forecast financial position of Council as at 30 June 2014. Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 60 Year 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Average Rate Increase % 4.80 ● 4.80 * 4.80 * 4.80 * 4.80 * Total Rates Raised $’000 114,296 120,416 130,694 134,717 142,853 *Average rate increase forecast is for planning purposes only. Council will determine future rate increases on an annual basis as part of its annual budget process. 9.3 Rating structure Council has established a rating structure which is comprised of two key elements. These are: Property values, which form the central basis of rating under the Local Government Act 1989 A 'user pays' component to reflect usage of certain services provided by Council Striking a proper balance between these elements provides equity in the distribution of the rate burden across residents. Council makes a further distinction within the property value component of rates by applying differential general rates based on the purpose for which the property is used. Having reviewed the various valuation bases for determining the property value component of rates, Council has determined to apply a Capital Improved Value (CIV) basis on the grounds that it provides the most equitable distribution of rates across the municipality. There are currently no plans to change this basis, however Council does review its rating structure annually. 9.4 Differential rates The existing rating structure comprises five differential rates (residential, farm, commercial, industrial, and vacant sub standard), and a lower rate for recreational land. These rates are structured in accordance with the requirements of Section 161 ‘Differential Rates’ of the Act. Under the Cultural and Recreational Lands Act 1963, provision is made for a Council to levy the rate for recreational lands at “such amount as the municipal council thinks reasonable having regard to the services provided by the municipal council in relation to such lands and having regard to the benefit to the community derived from such recreational lands”. The commercial and industrial land differential rates are set at 150% of the residential rate and the reasons for the use and level of the differential rate for commercial and industrial land are: To reduce the rate distribution to residential land by applying a higher differential to commercial and industrial land in recognition of the tax deductibility of rates that is not available to most residential land; and In recognition of the extra service, when compared to residential land, that commercial and industrial land derive from Council which includes but is not limited to economic development activities for businesses, the impact that heavy vehicles (servicing businesses) have on road infrastructure, street cleaning and local laws monitoring car park overstays. After considering the impact on these sectors, taking into account the reasons for the differential and having modelled the impact on residential land, if a higher differential rate was not applied, it is considered that this level of differential is justified. Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 61 The farm rate is set at 70% of the residential rate and the reasons for the use and the level of a farm land differential rate are: To encourage the continuation of farming pursuits on rural land in support of the strategic objective to support the economic development of the agricultural sector; In recognition that the size of the landholding required to conduct a farm business is far greater than other non farm businesses with similar turnover and (pre-tax) profitability. Therefore farms in comparison have a higher valuation and would pay higher rates if a lower differential was not applied; and In recognition that farm businesses profitability is affected by weather which means that their income is more susceptible and fragile than other businesses. Council has considered the Ministerial Guidelines for Differential Rating and has decided not to change the existing differential rating structure, and more specifically, not to introduce a differential rate for retirement villages. Council’s reasons for this are as follows: Any change to the rating system creates winners and losers, and whilst Council empathises with the lobby of the retirement villages, it also needs to make decisions that are in the interests of the majority of residents across the municipality including pensioners and self funded retirees that do not live in retirement villages. There are many pensioners living outside of “Retirement Villages” with and without body corporate financial responsibilities who also have difficulties paying Council rates. A reduction in rates for retirement villages would mean that these pensioners and others would have to pay more and this is not considered fair or equitable for the wider community. Council property rates are a tax on property wealth, not a fee for services used. This is similar to income tax, land tax and other “progressive taxes”. The philosophy behind these taxes is those who earn/own more should contribute more to the delivery of government services. There is no link between services used and the amount of rates paid as Council provides infrastructure and many services for public benefit. There are other examples where the use of Council services would be limited or not used at all, but the payment of rates is still required, like vacant land, multiple properties, other body corporate situations (the owner could also be a pensioner), weekender/holiday homes. Part of the body corporate fees go to maintaining and upgrading privately owned infrastructure and facilities like footpaths, roads and drainage, bowling greens, swimming pools, village community buildings and amenities. If a lower differential rate was applied for this reason other ratepayers would indirectly be subsidising the village owners business as the infrastructure within a retirement village is owned by the property owner and not the residents. The decision to “buy” into a retirement village is an individual choice and Council respects this, however, the financial implications, including body corporate fees, should be made quite clear and fully understood by the resident before committing to purchasing. By maintaining the current differential rating structure, equity is maintained as all properties that are used for residential purposes, irrespective of body corporate responsibilities, are levied at the same rate. This also maintains consistency with the other differential rating categories as there is only one rate set in each of these categories. Council feels strongly that an increase to the pensioner rebate, which is a matter for the State Government, would be a more equitable across the board way to provide financial relief to those who most need it. Council has actively lobbied for such an increase through the Municipal Association of Victoria, and continues to do so. Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 62 Council understands retirement village resident’s passionate views in relation to a lower differential rate for Retirement Villages, however these views cannot be considered in isolation of the wider Yarra Ranges Council community. After considering best practice tax design principles and acknowledging the trade-offs they entail when matched against a particular differential rate decision, it is considered that the differential rates and the quantum of the differential rate are appropriate. A more detailed analysis of the rates to be raised is contained in Appendix B ‘Statutory Disclosures’. 9.4 General revaluation of properties During the 2013-14 year, a revaluation of all properties within the municipality was carried out and is based on the market level as at 1 January 2014 for the 2014-15 year. The outcome of the general revaluation has been a modest change in property valuations throughout the municipality. Overall, property valuations across the municipal district have decreased by 1.5%. Of this decrease, residential properties have decreased by 1.9%. The following table summarises the valuation changes between the 2012 and 2014 general revaluations for properties by ward, together with the rating changes between the 2013-14 and 201415 years based on a 4.8% average rate increase and the valuation movements listed. Ward Valuation Change (Decrease) Rates Change (Decrease) 0.10% (2.39%) (0.76%) (0.59%) (2.08%) (2.07%) (2.32%) (1.72%) (1.57%) (1.86%) 6.51% 3.74% 5.41% 5.56% 4.93% 4.01% 4.10% 3.90% 4.58% 4.13% 2.27% 10% Ryrie Chandler Walling Billanook Chirnside Lyster Melba O’Shannessy Streeton Average residential Average commercial/industrial 9.5 Organic Waste services Council also provides an optional organic waste bin service which is based on a self funding policy to cover costs incurred by Council (refer Appendix B, section 1.8 for the unit charges for 2014-15). 9.6 Biodiversity Rate Rebate Since 2000-01 a general rate rebate known as the Biodiversity Rate Rebate has been provided to all Trust for Nature (TFN) covenanted properties to encourage land owners to permanently protect native habitat with high conservation value. A TFN covenant is a voluntary agreement between a land owner and TFN which protects and enhances the natural, cultural and/or scientific values of the land. The covenant, which is registered on the property title, permanently binds the current owner and all future owners. Some covenants cover all of a property while some cover only part of a property. Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 63 As not all of a property is necessarily covenanted the application of rebate based on a rate per hectare with a minimum and maximum value provides the most equitable form of assistance as it directly links the actual area being conserved with the assistance provided. Back in 2000-01 the value of the rebate was set at $50 per hectare covenanted with a minimum of $200 and a maximum of $600. These levels had not changed since 2000-01, which in real terms meant the value of assistance had been eroded overtime. Therefore to maintain the rebate parity that existed in 2010-11, from 2011-12, the rate per hectare is to be increased each year by the average percentage rate increase with the minimum rebate to be four times the rate per hectare covenanted and the maximum rebate to be 12 times the rate per hectare covenanted. However, the level of the rebate cannot be more than the general rate levied. As the average rate increase for 2014-15 is 4.8% the rebate per hectare convenanted will be $62.00 with a minimum rebate of $248.00 and a maximum rebate of $744.00. Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 64 10. Other strategies This section sets out summaries of the strategies that have been developed and incorporated into the Strategic Resource Plan including borrowings, infrastructure and service delivery. 10.1 Borrowings In developing the Strategic Resource Plan (SRP) (see Section 8), borrowings was identified as an important funding source for capital works programs. In the past, Council has not needed to borrow to finance large infrastructure projects, instead choosing to utilising cash reserves. With Council reserves now forecast to be $15.2 million at 30 June 2014, it has been necessary to reconsider the issue of borrowings. The SRP shows the results of the ‘obligations’ indicators that are part of the prescribed financial reporting indicators. The outcome of the analysis highlighted that additional debt of $34.00 million could be comfortably accommodated. For the 2014-15 year, Council has decided to take out new borrowings of $34 million to fund the capital works program and therefore, after making loan repayments of $3.66 million, will reduce its total borrowings to $41.76 million as at 30 June 2015. However, it is likely that in future years, borrowings will be lower to fund future infrastructure initiatives. The following table sets out future proposed borrowings, based on the forecast financial position of Council as at 30 June 2014. Year 2013-14 2014-15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 New Borrowings $’000 0 34,000 14,000 5,000 5,000 Principal Paid $’000 1,428 3,662 4,397 5,380 6,070 Interest Paid $’000 651 2,653 2803 3101 3093 Balance 30 June $’000 11,429 41,767 51,370 50,990 49,920 The table below shows information on borrowings specifically required by the Regulations. Total amount borrowed as at 30 June of the prior year Total amount to be borrowed Total amount projected to be redeemed Total amount proposed to be borrowed as at 30 June 2013-14 $'000 12,857 0 (1,428) 11,429 2014-15 $'000 11,429 34,000 (3,662) 41,767 10.2 Infrastructure Council is still developing its Asset Management Plans, which will set out the capital expenditure requirements of Council for the next 10 years by class of asset, and will be a key input to the SRP. The Asset Management Plans will predict infrastructure consumption, renewal needs and consider infrastructure needs to meet future community service expectations. The key aspects of the current process are as follows: Long term capital planning process which integrates with the Council Plan, Strategic Resource Plan and Annual Budget processes Identification of capital projects through consultation with Councillors and current asset data identifying renewal needs Prioritisation of capital projects within classes on the basis of evaluation criteria Methodology for allocating annual funding to classes of capital projects Business Case template for officers to document capital project submissions. Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 65 A key objective of the Infrastructure Strategy will be to maintain or renew Council’s existing assets at desired condition levels. If sufficient funds are not allocated to asset renewal then Council’s investment in those assets will reduce, along with the capacity to deliver services to the community. Based on the data Council currently has in relation to its assets, the graph below sets out the required and actual asset renewal over the life of the current SRP and the renewal backlog. At present, Council is similar to most municipalities in that it is presently unable to fully fund asset renewal requirements. While the Asset Management Plans are endeavouring to provide a sufficient level of information to inform annual funding required to meet ongoing asset renewal needs, the above graph indicates that in later years the required asset renewal is being adequately addressed. In updating the renewal gap for the 2014-15 year, the following influences have had a significant impact: An increase in the amount of cash to fund future capital expenditure programs Availability of significant Federal funding for upgrade of roads The enactment of the Road Management Act 2004 removing the defence of non-feasance on major assets such as roads The following table summarises Council's forward outlook on capital expenditure including funding sources for the next four years. Summary of funding sources Year 2013-14 2014-15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 Total Capital Program $’000 36,150 53,273 49,052 40,309 45,028 Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 Grants $’000 2,890 2,385 4,250 1,600 1,600 Contributions $’000 907 933 3,835 108 351 Council Cash $’000 32,353 15,955 26,967 33,601 38,077 Borrowings $’000 0 34,000 14,000 5,000 5,000 66 In addition to using cash generated from its annual operations, borrowings and external contributions such as government grants, Council has cash or investment reserves that are also used to fund a variety of capital projects. These reserves are either ‘statutory’ or ’discretionary’ cash reserves. Statutory reserves relate to cash and investments held by Council that must be expended on a specific purpose as directed by legislation or a funding body, and include contributions to car parking, drainage and public resort and recreation. Discretionary cash reserves relate to those cash and investment balances that have been set aside by Council and can be used at Council’s discretion, even though they may be earmarked for a specific purpose. 10.3 Service delivery The key objectives in Council’s Strategic Resource Plan (referred to in Section 8.) which directly impact the future service delivery strategy are to maintain existing service levels and to achieve a positive underlying surplus result. The Rating Information (see Section 9.) also refers to modest rate increases into the future. With these key objectives as a basis, a number of internal and external influences have been identified through discussions with management which will have a significant impact on the scope and level of services to be provided over the next four years. The general influences affecting all operating revenue and expenditure include the following: Consumer Price Index Council Collective Agreement Rate increases Property growth Government funding Statutory fees Investment return 2014-15 % 2.5 3.4 4.8 1.0 2.0 2.5 2.5 2015/16 % 2.5 3.4 4.8 1.0 2.0 2.5 2.5 2016/17 % 2.5 3.4 4.8 1.0 2.0 2.5 2.5 2017/18 % 2.5 3.4 4.8 1.0 2.0 2.5 2.5 As well as the general influences, there are also a number of specific influences which relate directly to service areas or activities. The most significant changes in these areas are summarised below: Transfer Station Waste tipping fees for inert waste are expected to rise further as the State Government has increased the levy payable upon disposal of waste at landfill. Following increases of $44 per tonne since 2008/09, the fee will rise a further $5.30 per tonne (10%) in 2014-15. The pricing structure currently in place for Transfer Station users will be adjusted to absorb all future cost increases. Valuation Services The Council is required to revalue all properties within the municipality every two years. The last general revaluation was carried out as at 1 January 2014 effective for the 2014-15 year and the next revaluation will be undertaken as at 1 January 2016. An allowance of $0.35 million has been made every two years commencing in 2015/16 to meet the additional cost of resources to complete the revaluation process. The service delivery outcomes measured in financial terms are shown in the following table. Year 2013-14 2014-15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 Surplus (Deficit) for the year $’000 (6,509) 11,151 20,042 17,174 22,099 Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 Adjusted Underlying Surplus (Deficit) $’000 (11,952) (7,274) (14,056) (13,837) (18,480) Net Service (Cost) $’000 (97,650) (99,990) (102,200) (104,550) (106,960) 67 Service levels have been maintained throughout the four year period with operating surpluses forecast in years 2014-15 through to 2017/18 Excluding the effects of items such as capital contributions, the adjusted underlying result is an increasing surplus over the four year period. The net cost of the services provided to the community increases from $97 million to $107 million over the four year period. Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 68 Appendices The following appendices include voluntary and statutory disclosures of information which provide support for the analysis contained in sections 1 to 10 of this report. This information has not been included in the main body of the budget report in the interests of clarity and conciseness. Council has decided that while the budget report needs to focus on the important elements of the budget and provide appropriate analysis, the detail upon which the annual budget is based should be provided in the interests of open and transparent local government. The contents of the appendices are summarised below: Appendix A B C D Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 Nature of information Budgeted Statements Rates and charges Capital works program Fees and charges schedule Page 58 65 70 78 69 Appendix A Budgeted Statements This appendix presents information in regard to the Budgeted Financial Statements and Statement of Human Resources. The budget information for the years 2014-15 to 2017/18 has been extracted from the Strategic Resource Plan. At the end of each financial year Council is required to include in the Financial Statements in its Annual Report a comparison of actual income and expenditure compared with the income and expenditure in the financial statements in the Budget, The appendix includes the following budgeted information: Budgeted Comprehensive Income Statement Budgeted Balance Sheet Budgeted Statement of Changes in Equity Budgeted Statement of Cash Flows Budgeted Statement of Capital Works Budgeted Statement of Human Resources Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 70 Appendix A Budgeted Comprehensive Income Statement For the four years ending 30 June 2018 Income Rates and charges Statutory fees and fines User fees Contributions - cash Contributions - non-monetary assets Grants - Operating (recurrent) Grants - Operating (non-recurrent) Grants - Capital (recurrent) Grants - Capital (non-recurrent) Net gain on disposal of property, infrastructure, plant and equipment Other income Fair value adjustments for investment property Share of net profits/(losses) of associated and joint ventures accounted for by the equity method Total income Expenses Employee costs Materials and services Bad and doubtful debts Depreciation and amortisation Finance costs Net Loss on disposal of property, infrastructure, plant and equipment Other expenses Total expenses Surplus (deficit) for the year Budget Forecast Actual 2013-14 $’000 2014-15 $’000 Strategic Resource Plan Projections 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 $’000 $’000 $’000 114,296 1,924 6,855 1,782 0 18,062 1,085 0 2,980 0 120,416 2,232 7,672 1,667 0 25,910 503 0 1,800 0 130,694 2,271 7,843 1,450 0 26,767 225 0 4,350 0 134,717 2,611 8,032 1,462 0 27,656 213 0 1,700 0 142,853 2,452 8,230 1,741 0 28,577 213 0 1,700 0 3,860 0 3,878 0 3,978 0 4,064 0 4,152 0 68 120 124 127 131 150,912 164,198 177,702 180,582 190,049 60,385 67,470 (292) 21,749 647 500 62,828 58,568 17 22,256 2,649 300 64,833 60,550 18 22,620 2,797 310 67,344 62,764 18 23,226 3,096 320 69,987 64,276 19 23,466 3,088 330 6,962 157,421 (6,509) 6,429 153,047 11,151 6,532 157,660 20,042 6,640 163,408 17,174 6,784 167,950 22,099 0 25,704 0 26,499 0 27,240 0 27,839 0 28,411 0 0 0 0 0 19,195 37,650 47,282 45,013 50,510 Other comprehensive income Items that will not be reclassified to surplus or deficit: Impairment of fire impacted infrastructure Net asset revaluation increment /(decrement) Share of other comprehensive income of associates and joint ventures accounted for by the equity method Comprehensive result Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 71 Appendix A Budgeted Balance Sheet For the four years ending 30 June 2018 Forecast Actual 2014 $’000 Budget 15,250 18,289 0 20 3,100 36,659 28,118 19,523 0 18 2,885 50,544 29,037 21,453 0 18 2,951 53,459 30,972 22,902 0 16 3,068 56,958 33,038 24,220 0 16 3,236 60,510 3,271 4,000 870,819 0 0 878,090 914,749 3,143 4,120 926,152 0 0 933,415 983,959 6,141 4,244 980,088 0 0 990,473 1,043,932 5,093 4,371 1,024,346 0 0 1,033,810 1,090,768 4,093 4,502 1,073,496 0 0 1,082,091 1,142,601 Liabilities Current liabilities Trade and other payables Trust funds and deposits Provisions Interest-bearing loans and borrowings Total current liabilities 12,546 1,283 13,860 1,094 28,783 12,903 1,336 14,424 3,876 32,539 13,298 1,393 16,133 5,195 36,019 13,708 1,441 17,794 5,889 38,832 14,130 1,491 19,597 6,619 41,837 Non-current liabilities Provisions Interest-bearing loans and borrowings Total non-current liabilities Total liabilities Net assets 3,526 10,335 13,861 42,644 872,105 3,774 37,891 41,665 74,204 909,755 4,701 46,175 50,876 86,895 957,037 4,785 45,101 49,886 88,718 1,002,050 4,903 43,301 48,204 90,041 1,052,560 Equity Accumulated surplus Reserves Total equity 411,243 460,862 872,105 421,458 488,297 909,755 440,345 516,692 957,037 456,330 545,720 1,002,050 477,204 575,356 1,052,560 Assets Current assets Cash and cash equivalents Trade and other receivables Financial assets Inventories Other assets Total current assets Non-current assets Trade and other receivables Investments in regional library corporation Property, infrastructure, plant & equipment Investment property Intangible assets Total non-current assets Total assets Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 2015 $’000 Strategic Resource Plan Projections 2016 2017 2018 $’000 $’000 $’000 72 Appendix A Budgeted Statement of Changes in Equity For the four years ending 30 June Total $’000 Accumulated Surplus Revaluation Reserve Other Reserves $’000 $’000 $’000 2015 Balance at beginning of the financial year Adjustment on change in accounting policy Surplus for the year Net asset revaluation increment(decrement) Impairment losses on revalued assets Reversal of impairment losses on revalued assets Transfer to reserves Transfer from reserves Balance at end of the financial year 872,105 11,151 26,499 909,755 411,243 11,151 (936) 0 421,458 456,167 26,499 482,666 4,695 936 0 5,631 2016 Balance at beginning of the financial year Adjustment on change in accounting policy Surplus for the year Net asset revaluation increment(decrement) Impairment losses on revalued assets Reversal of impairment losses on revalued assets Transfer to reserves Transfer from reserves Balance at end of the financial year 909,755 20,042 27,240 957,037 421,458 20,042 (1,155) 0 440,345 482,666 27,240 509,906 5,631 1,155 0 6,786 2017 Balance at beginning of the financial year Adjustment on change in accounting policy Surplus for the year Net asset revaluation increment(decrement) Impairment losses on revalued assets Reversal of impairment losses on revalued assets Transfer to reserves Transfer from reserves Balance at end of the financial year 957,037 17,174 27,839 1,002,050 440,345 17,174 (1,189) 0 456,330 509,906 27,839 537,745 6,786 1,189 0 7,975 2018 Balance at beginning of the financial year Adjustment on change in accounting policy Surplus for the year Net asset revaluation increment(decrement) Impairment losses on revalued assets Reversal of impairment losses on revalued assets Transfer to reserves Transfer from reserves 1,002,050 22,099 28,411 - 456,330 22,099 (1,225) 0 537,745 28,411 - 7,975 1,225 0 Balance at end of the financial year 1,052,560 477,204 566,156 9,200 Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 73 Appendix A Budgeted Statement of Cash Flows For the four years ending 30 June 2018 Budget Forecast Actual 2013-14 $’000 Inflows (Outflows) 2014-15 $’000 Inflows (Outflows) 113,547 1,924 7,206 1,817 18,140 4,246 1,957 2,355 10,251 (60,844) (77,115) 0 0 (7,732) 15,752 119,459 2,232 7,848 1,700 26,022 2,405 2,053 2,121 10,895 (60,996) (69,042) 0 0 (8,124) 36,573 125,919 2,271 8,022 1,479 26,882 4,779 2,126 1,858 10,816 (62,905) (70,993) 0 0 (6,509) 43,745 134,472 2,611 8,215 1,491 27,775 1,998 2,180 1,848 10,182 (65,305) (72,457) 0 0 (7,629) 45,381 142,695 2,452 8,415 1,775 28,700 1,998 2,186 1,897 10,782 (67,827) (74,577) 0 0 (7,733) 50,763 (33,450) (51,737) (49,903) (40,309) (45,027) 597 347 277 344 493 0 0 0 0 0 0 (32,853) 0 (51,390) 0 (49,626) 0 (39,965) 0 (44,534) (651) 0 (1,428) (2,079) (2,653) 34,000 (3,662) 27,685 (2,803) 14,000 (4,397) 6,800 (3,101) 5,000 (5,380) (3,481) (3,093) 5,000 (6,070) (4,163) (19,180) 12,868 919 1,935 2,066 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the financial year 34,430 15,250 28,118 29,037 30,972 Cash and cash equivalents at end of the financial year 15,250 28,118 29,037 30,972 33,038 Cash flows from operating activities Rates and charges Statutory fees and fines User fees Contributions - cash Grants - operating Grants - capital Interest Other receipts Net GST refund / payment Employee costs Materials and consumables External contracts Utilities Other payments Net cash provided by operating activities Cash flows from investing activities Payments for property, plant and equipment Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment Trust funds and deposits Repayment of loans and advances Net cash used in investing activities Cash flows from financing activities Finance costs Proceeds from borrowings Repayment of borrowings Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities Net (decrease) increase in cash & cash equivalents Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 Strategic Resource Plan Projections 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 $’000 $’000 $’000 Inflows Inflows Inflows (Outflows) (Outflows) (Outflows) 74 Appendix B Budgeted Statement of Capital Works For the four years ending 30 June 2018 Forecast Actual Budget 2013-14 $’000 2014-15 $’000 2015/16 $’000 Projections 2016/17 $’000 2017/18 $’000 Property Land Land improvements Total land Buildings Building improvements Leasehold improvements Heritage buildings Total buildings Total property 0 708 708 5,950 2,680 0 0 8,630 9,338 0 730 730 24,850 3,119 0 0 27,969 28,699 0 0 0 21,718 2,835 0 0 24,553 24,553 0 0 0 18,182 2,212 0 0 20,394 20,394 0 0 0 22,732 2,430 0 0 25,162 25,162 Plant and equipment Plant, machinery and equipment Fixtures, fittings and furniture Computers and telecommunications Heritage plant and equipment Library books Total plant and equipment 2,799 52 731 0 0 3,582 1,404 105 428 0 0 1,937 1,396 107 916 0 0 2,419 1,564 111 429 0 0 2,104 2,331 113 439 0 0 2,883 10,631 581 3,056 2,309 8,756 399 4,078 1,813 11,806 947 3,394 1,802 8,962 642 2,469 1,746 8,305 395 2,845 2,161 823 175 4,197 0 1,458 0 23,230 1,025 1,105 4,203 0 1,258 0 22,637 274 0 2,749 0 1,108 0 22,080 280 0 3,031 0 681 0 17,811 455 0 2,241 0 581 0 16,983 Total capital works expenditure 36,150 53,273 49,052 40,309 45,028 Represented by: New asset expenditure Asset renewal expenditure Asset expansion expenditure Asset upgrade expenditure 2,679 14,943 6,259 12,269 9,314 14,456 9,277 20,226 10,901 15,971 5,639 16,541 2,136 24,253 4,511 9,409 2,248 30,474 3,987 8,319 Total capital works expenditure 36,150 53,273 49,052 40,309 45,028 Infrastructure Roads Bridges Footpaths and cycleways Drainage Recreational, leisure and community facilities Waste management Parks, open space and streetscapes Aerodromes Off street car parks Other infrastructure Total infrastructure Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 Strategic Resource Plan 75 Appendix B Financial performance indicators – 10 year plan Measure Operating position Adjusted underlying Adjusted surplus underlying (deficit) / result Adjusted underlying revenue Liquidity Current Working assets / Capital current liabilities Unrestricted Unrestricted cash / cash current liabilities Obligations Interest bearing Loans and loans and borrowings borrowings / rate revenue Interest and Loans and principal borrowings repayments / rate revenue Non-current liabilities / Indebtedness own source revenue Asset Asset renewal renewal expenditure / depreciation Stability Rate revenue / Rates adjusted concentration underlying revenue Rate revenue / Rates effort property values (CIV) Efficiency Total Expenditure expenditure / level no. of assessments Specific purpose grants Expenditure expended / level Specific purpose grants received General rate revenue / Revenue No. of level general assessments Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 Forecast Actual Budget 2013-14 2014-15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24 1 -8.22% 4.54% 8.19% 7.81% 9.91% 12.18% 13.46% 14.64% 15.54% 16.28% 16.90% 2 127.36% 155.33% 148.42% 146.68% 144.63% 148.24% 147.61% 150.55% 169.84% 180.89% 205.50% -34.81% 64.95% 57.86% 55.47% 53.38% 57.03% 57.17% 62.24% 81.76% 94.69% 114.17% 10.00% 34.69% 39.31% 37.85% 34.95% 29.93% 24.71% 19.76% 15.07% 10.62% 6.39% 1.82% 5.24% 5.51% 6.30% 6.41% 6.16% 5.07% 4.79% 4.54% 4.29% 4.06% 10.91% 31.02% 35.11% 33.36% 30.54% 26.71% 21.98% 17.47% 13.21% 9.17% 7.45% 4 68.71% 64.95% 70.61% 104.43% 129.86% 132.88% 143.79% 149.99% 148.35% 172.95% 185.95% 5 78.57% 75.11% 76.11% 76.01% 76.63% 76.39% 76.85% 77.24% 77.63% 78.02% 78.40% 0.39% 0.41% 0.45% 0.46% 0.49% 0.52% 0.55% 0.58% 0.61% 0.65% 0.68% $2,520 $2,432 $2,486 $2,558 $2,609 $2,679 $2,754 $2,837 $2,930 $3,031 $3,139 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% $1,661 $1,723 $1,792 $1,864 $1,939 $2,017 $2,098 $2,183 $2,270 $2,362 $2,456 Notes Indicator 3 Strategic Resource Plan Projections Future Estimates 76 Appendix B Budgeted Statement of Human Resources For the four years ending 30 June 2018 Staff expenditure Employee costs - operating Employee costs - capital Total staff expenditure Staff numbers Employees Total staff numbers Budget Forecast Actual 2013-14 $’000 2014-15 $’000 60,385 0 60,385 62,828 0 62,828 64,833 0 64,833 67,344 0 67,344 69,987 0 69,987 EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT 649 649 649 649 649 649 649 649 649 649 2014/15 $’000 Organisational Structure Corporate Services Engineering and Environment Planning, Building and Health Social and Economic Development Total staff expenditure 14,298 18,089 10,536 19,905 62,828 EFT Permanent Full Time Permanent Part Time Casual Total staff EFT numbers Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 462 183 4 649 Strategic Resource Plan Projections 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 $’000 $’000 $’000 2015/16 $’000 2016/17 $’000 2017/18 $’000 14,848 18,552 10,821 20,612 64,833 15,434 19,264 11,241 21,405 67,344 16,054 20,003 11,678 22,252 69,987 EFT EFT 462 183 4 649 462 183 4 649 EFT 462 183 4 649 77 Appendix B Appendix B Rates and charges This appendix presents information about rates and charges which the Act and the Regulations require to be disclosed in the Council’s annual budget. Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 78 Appendix B Rates and charges The 2013-14 figures shown in the following tables represent the 2013-14 Budget. The 2014-15 figures include rate growth during the 2013-14 year, and the revaluation of CIV. Average rates and charges increase for 2014-15 is 4.8%. 1. Rates and charges 1.1 The rate in the dollar to be levied as general rates under section 158 of the Act for each type or class of land compared with the previous financial year Type or class of land General rate for rateable general properties General rate for rateable sub standard properties General rate for rateable farm properties General rate for rateable commercial properties General rate for rateable industrial properties Rate for rateable cultural & recreational properties 2013/14 cents/$CIV 0.003248 0.003248 0.002274 0.004873 0.004873 0.001949 2014/15 cents/$CIV 0.003532 0.003532 0.002472 0.005297 0.005297 0.002119 Change 8.7% 8.7% 8.7% 8.7% 8.7% 8.7% 1.2 The estimated total amount to be raised by general rates in relation to each type or class of land, and the estimated total amount to be raised by general rates, compared with the previous financial year Type or class of land General Vacant Sub Standard Farm Commercial Industrial Cultural & Recreational Total amount to be raised by general rates 2013/14 $ 81,915,677 19,987 4,703,825 6,986,187 3,281,102 81,739 96,988,517 2014/15 $ 88,062,098 7,709 4,999,746 8,200,069 3,682,685 95,574 105,047,881 Change 7.5% -61.4% 6.3% 17.4% 12.2% 16.9% 8.3% 1.3 The number of assessments in relation to each type or class of land, and the total number of assessments, compared with the previous financial year 2013/14 2014/15 Type or class of land Change 57,454 0.6% General 57,089 335 -1.5% Vacant Sub Standard 340 1,912 -1.9% Farm 1,950 2,338 2.1% Commercial 2,291 884 11.5% Industrial 793 12 0.0% Cultural and Recreational 12 Total number of assessments 62,935 0.7% 62,475 1.4 The basis of valuation to be used is the Capital Improved Value (CIV) Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 79 Appendix B 1.5 The estimated total value of each type or class of land, and the estimated total value of land, compared with the previous financial year Type or class of land General Vacant Sub Standard Farm Commercial Industrial Cultural and Recreational Total value of land 2013/14 $ 25,217,238,317 6,153,000 2,068,634,000 1,433,769,754 673,378,000 41,938,000 29,441,111,071 2014/15 $ 24,936,174,000 2,183,000 2,022,510,000 1,547,986,001 695,207,000 45,105,000 29,249,165,001 Change -1.1% -64.5% -2.2% 8.0% 3.2% 7.6% -0.7% 1.6 The municipal charge under section 159 of the Act compared with the previous financial year Per Per Rateable Rateable Property Property Type of Charge 2013/14 2014/15 Change $ $ 0 0.0% Municipal 0 1.7 The estimated total amount to be raised by municipal charges compared with the previous financial year 2013/14 2014/15 Change Type of Charge $ $ 0 0.0% Municipal 0 1.8 The rate or unit amount to be levied for each type of service rate or charge under section 162 of the Act compared with the previous financial year Per Per Rateable Rateable Property Property Type of Charge 2013/14 2014/15 Change $ $ 178 -14.0% Residential Waste Alternate-80l waste bin service 207 Residential Waste Standard-120l waste bin 196 -12.5% 224 service Residential Waste Additional-120l waste bin 152 -14.6% 178 service Residential Waste Additional Special Needs 100 -2.9% 103 Service (only 120l waste bin) 33 -48.4% Residential Additional Recycling Only Service 64 46 -11.5% Residential Minimum Waste Service 52 289 -10.5% Commercial Waste Service 323 289 -10.5% Commercial Waste Additional Service 323 33 -48.4% Commercial Additional Recycling Only Service 64 89 -22.6% Organic Waste Alternate-120l service 115 95 -20.8% Organic Waste Standard-240l service 120 Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 80 Appendix B 1.9 The estimated total amount to be raised by each type of service rate or charge, and the estimated total amount to be raised by service rates and charges, compared with the previous financial year 2013/14 2014/15 Change Type of Charge $ $ 1,669,640 -13.4% Residential Waste Alternate-80l waste bin service 1,928,205 Residential Waste Standard-120l waste bin 9,368,604 -11.7% 10,605,952 service Residential Waste Additional-120l waste bin 284,544 -9.9% 315,772 service Residential Waste Additional Special Needs 700 -15.0% 824 Service (only 120l waste bin) 13,068 -42.0% Residential Additional Recycling Only Service 22,528 460 n/a Residential Minimum Waste Service 0 693,889 -10.4% Commercial Waste Service 774,554 10,329 -48.4% Commercial Additional Recycling Only Service 20,032 161,802 -24.4% Organic Waste Alternate-120l service 213,900 1,949,780 -13.7% Organic Waste Standard-240l service 2,260,440 Total 14,152,816 -12.3% 16,142,207 1.10 The estimated total amount to be raised by all rates and charges compared with the previous financial year Type of Charge Rates and charges 2013/14 $ 113,130,724 2014/15 $ 119,200,697 Change 5.4% 1.11 Any significant changes that may affect the estimated amounts to be raised by rates and charges There are no known significant changes which may affect the estimated amounts to be raised by rates and charges. However, the total amount to be raised by rates and charges may be affected by: The making of supplementary valuations (2014/15: estimated $333,278, 2013/14: $700,000) The making of supplementary waste charges (2014/15: estimated $282,417, 2013/14: $81,793) The variation of returned levels of value (e.g. valuation appeals) Changes in use of land such that rateable land becomes non-rateable land and vice versa Changes in use of land such that general land becomes business land and vice versa. Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 81 Appendix B 2. Statutory Recommendations - Declaration of Rates and Charges This section contains the proposed Council recommendation to adopt the rates and charges and other information required to be adopted by Statute. Recommendation: that Council moves the following motion at the Council meeting on Tuesday 24 June 2014. An amount of $119,200,697 (or such higher amount as is lawfully levied as a consequence of this Resolution) be declared as the amount which Council intends to raise by general rate (described later in this Resolution) and annual service charges (described later in this Resolution), which amount is calculated as follows: Amount to be raised General rate Annual services charges Total amount to be raised Amount $105,047,881 $14,152,816 $119,200,697 2.1 General Rates That a general rate is declared in respect of the 2014/15 financial year and that the general rate be raised by the application of differential rates. The rate in relation to land in each category of differential are: A general rate of 0.3532% (0.003532 cents in the dollar of CIV) for all rateable general properties. A general rate of 0.3532% (0.003532 cents in the dollar of CIV) for all rateable vacant substandard properties. A general rate of 0.2472% (0. 0.002472 cents in the dollar of CIV) for all rateable farm properties. A general rate of 0.5297% (0.005297 cents in the dollar of CIV) for all rateable commercial properties. A general rate of 0.5297% (0.005297 cents in the dollar of CIV) for all rateable industrial properties. Each differential rate will be determined by multiplying the Capital Improved Value of rateable land (categorised by the characteristics described below) by the relevant percentages indicated above. Council believes each differential rate will contribute to the equitable and efficient carrying out of council functions. Details of the objectives of each differential rate, the types of classes of land which are subject to each differential rate and the uses of each differential rate are set out below. 2.2 Differential Rate Categories 2.2.1 General land General land is any land which does not have the characteristics of vacant sub-standard land or farm land or commercial land or industrial land; which is used primarily for general purposes; or vacant land but which, by reason of its locality and zoning under the relevant Planning Scheme, would, if developed, be or be likely to be used primarily for general purposes; or any other land which does not have the characteristics of vacant sub-standard land or farm land or commercial land or industrial land. Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 82 Appendix B The objective of this differential rate is to ensure that all rateable land makes an equitable financial contribution to the cost of carrying out the functions of Council, including (but not limited to) the: construction and maintenance of infrastructure assets development and provision of health and community services provision of general support services. The types and classes of rateable land within this category are those having the relevant characteristics described above. The money raised by the differential rate will be used to fund some of those items of expenditure described in the Budget adopted by Council. The level of the rate for land in this category is considered to provide for an appropriate contribution to Council’s budgeted expenditure, having regard to the characteristics of the land. The geographic location of the land within this category is wherever it is located within the municipal district, without reference to ward boundaries. The use of the land within this category is any use of land permitted under the relevant Planning Scheme. The planning scheme zoning applicable to each rateable land within this category, as determined by consulting maps referred to in the relevant Planning Scheme. The types of buildings on the land within this category are all buildings already constructed on the land or which will be constructed prior to the expiry of the 2014/2015 financial year. 2.2.2 Vacant Sub Standard land Vacant sub standard land is any land which does not have the characteristics of general land or farm land or commercial land or industrial land; which is vacant land on which, by reason of its locality and zoning under the relevant Planning Scheme, no building can be erected except in accordance with an adopted restructure plan The objective of this differential rate is to ensure that all rateable land makes an equitable financial contribution to the cost of carrying out the functions of Council, including (but not limited to) the: construction and maintenance of infrastructure assets development and provision of health and community services provision of general support services. The types and classes of rateable land within this category are those having the relevant characteristics described above. The money raised by the differential rate will be used to fund some of those items of expenditure described in the Budget adopted by Council. The level of the rate for land in this category is considered to provide for an appropriate contribution to Council’s budgeted expenditure, having regard to the characteristics of the land. The geographic location of the land within this category is wherever it is located within the municipal district, without reference to ward boundaries. The use of the land within this category is any use of land permitted under the relevant Planning Scheme. Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 83 Appendix B The planning scheme zoning applicable to each rateable land within this category, as determined by consulting maps referred to in the relevant Planning Scheme. The types of buildings on the land within this category are all buildings already constructed on the land or which will be constructed prior to the expiry of the 2014/2015 financial year. 2.2.3 Farm land Farm Land is any land which does not have the characteristics of general land or vacant sub-standard land or commercial land or industrial land; which is “farm land’ within the meaning of Section 2(1) of the Valuation of Land Act 1960 The objective of this differential rate is to ensure that all rateable land makes an equitable financial contribution to the cost of carrying out the functions of Council, including (but not limited to) the: construction and maintenance of infrastructure assets development and provision of health and community services provision of general support services. The reasons for the use and level of this differential rate are: To encourage the continuation of farming pursuits on rural land in support of the strategic objective to support the economic development of the agricultural sector. In recognition that the size of the landholding required to conduct a farm business is far greater than other non farm businesses with similar turnover and (pre-tax) profitability. Therefore farms in comparison have a higher valuation and would pay higher rates if a lower differential was not applied. In recognition that farm businesses profitability is affected by weather which means that their income is more susceptible and fragile than other businesses. The types and classes of rateable land within this category are those having the relevant characteristics described above. The money raised by the differential rate will be used to fund some of those items of expenditure described in the Budget adopted by Council. The level of the rate for land in this category is considered to provide for an appropriate contribution to Council’s budgeted expenditure, having regard to the characteristics of the land. The geographic location of the land within this category is wherever it is located within the municipal district, without reference to ward boundaries. The use of the land within this category is any use of land permitted under the relevant Planning Scheme. The planning scheme zoning applicable to each rateable land within this category, as determined by consulting maps referred to in the relevant Planning Scheme. The types of buildings on the land within this category are all buildings already constructed on the land or which will be constructed prior to the expiry of the 2014/2015 financial year. 2.2.4 Commercial land Commercial land is any land which does not have the characteristics of general land or vacant substandard land or farm land or industrial land; which is used primarily for the sale of goods or services or other commercial purposes; or Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 84 Appendix B vacant land but which, by reason of its locality and zoning under the relevant Planning Scheme, would, if developed, be or be likely to be used primarily for the sale of goods or services or other commercial purposes. The objective of this differential rate is to ensure that all rateable land makes an equitable financial contribution to the cost of carrying out the functions of Council, including (but not limited to) the: construction and maintenance of infrastructure assets development and provision of health and community services provision of general support services. The reasons for the use and level of this differential rate are: To reduce the rate distribution to General Land by applying a higher differential to Commercial Land in recognition of the tax deductibility of rates that is not available to most General Land. In recognition of the extra service, when compared to General Land, that Commercial Land derive from Council which includes but is not limited to economic development activities for businesses, the impact that heavy vehicles (servicing businesses) have on road infrastructure, street cleaning and local laws monitoring car park overstays. The types and classes of rateable land within this category are those having the relevant characteristics described above. The money raised by the differential rate will be used to fund some of those items of expenditure described in the Budget adopted by Council. The level of the rate for land in this category is considered to provide for an appropriate contribution to Council’s budgeted expenditure, having regard to the characteristics of the land. The geographic location of the land within this category is wherever it is located within the municipal district, without reference to ward boundaries. The use of the land within this category is any use of land permitted under the relevant Planning Scheme. The planning scheme zoning applicable to each rateable land within this category, as determined by consulting maps referred to in the relevant Planning Scheme. The types of buildings on the land within this category are all buildings already constructed on the land or which will be constructed prior to the expiry of the 2014/2015 financial year. 2.2.5 Industrial land Industrial land is any land which does not have the characteristics of general land or vacant substandard land or farm land or commercial land; which is used primarily for industrial purposes; or is vacant land but which, by reason of its locality and zoning under the relevant Planning Scheme, would if developed, be or be likely to be used primarily for industrial purposes The objective of this differential rate is to ensure that all rateable land makes an equitable financial contribution to the cost of carrying out the functions of Council, including (but not limited to) the: construction and maintenance of infrastructure assets development and provision of health and community services provision of general support services. Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 85 Appendix B The reasons for the use and level of this differential rate are: To reduce the rate distribution to General Land by applying a higher differential to Industrial Land in recognition of the tax deductibility of rates that is not available to most General Land. In recognition of the extra service, when compared to General Land, that Industrial Land derive from Council which includes but is not limited to economic development activities for businesses, the impact that heavy vehicles (servicing businesses) have on road infrastructure, street cleaning and local laws monitoring car park overstays. The types and classes of rateable land within this category are those having the relevant characteristics described above. The money raised by the differential rate will be used to fund some of those items of expenditure described in the Budget adopted by Council. The level of the rate for land in this category is considered to provide for an appropriate contribution to Council’s budgeted expenditure, having regard to the characteristics of the land. The geographic location of the land within this category is wherever it is located within the municipal district, without reference to ward boundaries. The use of the land within this category is any use of land permitted under the relevant Planning Scheme. The planning scheme zoning applicable to each rateable land within this category, as determined by consulting maps referred to in the relevant Planning Scheme. The types of buildings on the land within this category are all buildings already constructed on the land or which will be constructed prior to the expiry of the 2014/2015 financial year. 3. Service charges An annual service charge for 2014/2015 is declared for the collection and disposal of refuse. The annual service charges are in the sum of, and be based on the criteria, specified below: Residential Waste $178.00 per annum for one 80 litre waste bin & one 240 litre recycling bin service $196.00 per annum for one 120 litre waste bin & one 240 litre recycling bin service $152.00 per annum for each additional service of one 120 litre waste bin & one 240 litre recycling bin $100.00 per annum for each additional 120 litre waste bin only service (Special Needs) $33.00 per annum for each additional 240 litre recycling bin only service $46.00 per annum for minimum waste services Commercial Waste $289.00 per annum for one 120 litre waste bin & one 240 litre recycling bin service $289.00 per annum for each additional service of one 120 litre waste bin & one 240 litre recycling bin $33.00 per annum for each additional 240 litre recycling bin only service for each rateable land (or part) in respect of which an annual service charge may be levied. Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 86 Appendix B An annual service charge for 2014/2015 is declared for the collection and disposal of refuse taking the form of organic waste. The annual service charges are in the sum of, and be based on the criteria, specified below: Organic Waste $89.00 per annum for one 120 litre organic waste bin service $95.00 per annum for each service of one 240 litre organic waste bin for each rateable land (or part) located within the eligible service areas in respect of which the owner has given notice to Council that the collection and disposal of organic waste from the land is desired. 4. Cultural and Recreational Lands Rate In accordance with Section 4(4) of the Cultural and Recreational Lands Act 1963 the amount of rates for 2014/2015 payable in respect of each rateable land to which that Act applies be determined by multiplying the Capital Improved Value of that rateable land by 0.2119% (or 0.002119 cents in the dollar of Capital Improved Value). 5. Biodiversity Rate Rebate That under Section 169(1)(c) of the Local Government Act 1989 Council provide a general rate rebate to all Trust for Nature covenanted properties. It is recorded that the benefit to the community of this rebate is that land owners may be encouraged to enter into a Trust for Nature covenant that will permanently protect native habitat with high conservation values which supports our strategic objective of a protected and enhanced natural environment. The general rate rebate for 2014/2015 will be $62.00 per hectare covenanted with a minimum rebate of $248.00 and a maximum rebate of $744.00. The rebate cannot be any more than the general rate levied. 6. Incentives No incentive is declared for early payment of general rates and annual service charges previously declared. 7. Extra Instalment Options In addition to payment annually or four (4) times yearly by the dates fixed under Section 167(1) of the Local Government Act 1989, Council may, by further Resolution, specify further options for the manner in which the general rates and annual service charges may be paid. 8. Consequential The Chief Executive Officer be authorised to levy and recover the general rates and annual service charges in accordance with the Act. Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 87 Appendix C Capital works program This appendix presents a listing of the capital works projects that will be undertaken for the 2014-15 year. The capital works projects are grouped by class and include the following: New works for 2014-15 Works carried forward from the 2013-14 year. Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 88 Capital works program For the year ending 30 June 2015 1. New works Project Capital Works Area Cost $’000 Summary of funding sources Council Contrib Cash Borrow Grants utions ’s $'000 $'000 $’000 $’000 PROPERTY LAND IMPROVEMENTS Asset Renewal expenditure Keith Hume Fraser Reserve Lighting Powelltown Lighting Project Silvan Oval Lighting Project Upwey Lighting Upgrade Warburton Lighting Project Yarra Glen Lighting Project Total asset renewal expenditure - land improv TOTAL LAND IMPROVEMENTS BUILDINGS New asset expenditure Community Hub (Chirnside Park) Future Community Projects Implementation Monbulk Regional Soccer Centre (Monbulk) Pinks Reserve Regional Netball Facility (Kilsyth) Total new asset expenditure - buildings Asset Renewal expenditure Montrose Town Centre Total asset renewal expenditure - buildings Asset upgrade expenditure Future Community Projects Implementation* Montrose Town Centre* Municipal Office Accommodation (Lilydale)* Recreation Facilities* Yarra Centre Gym Extension (Yarra Junction) Total asset upgrade expenditure - buildings Asset expansion expenditure Community Sports Pavilion (Olinda) Future Community Projects Implementation* Japara Living & Learning Centre (Kilsyth) Montrose Town Centre* Municipal Office Accommodation (Lilydale)* Recreation Facilities* Total asset expansion expenditure - buildings TOTAL BUILDINGS BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS Asset renewal expenditure Aquatic Facilities Maintenance* Council Building Maintenance Council Facilities Disability Access Improv* Robyn Jane Childcare Centre Upper Yarra Arts Centre Seating (Warburton)* Warburton Trail Buildings Total renewal expenditure - building improv Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 95 130 125 125 130 125 730 730 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 25 25 25 25 150 150 70 105 100 100 105 100 580 580 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 715 166 1,000 1,314 3,195 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 166 0 0 166 715 0 1,000 1,314 3,029 45 45 0 0 0 0 45 45 0 0 832 165 1,600 150 30 2,777 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 165 0 0 30 195 832 0 1,600 150 0 2,582 30 666 2,195 90 400 150 3,531 9,548 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 666 0 90 0 0 786 1,192 0 0 2,195 0 400 150 2,745 8,356 81 1,131 5 13 77 12 1,318 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 81 1,131 5 13 77 12 1,318 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 89 Project Capital Works Area Cost $’000 Asset upgrade expenditure Aquatic Facilities Maintenance* Council Buildings Statutory Compliance Council Facilities Disability Access Improvements* Public Toilet Upgrades Upper Yarra Arts Centre Seating (Warburton)* Total asset upgrade expenditure - building improv TOTAL BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS TOTAL PROPERTY Summary of funding sources Council Contrib Cash Borrow Grants utions ’s $'000 $'000 $’000 $’000 81 75 0 0 0 0 81 75 0 0 104 0 0 104 0 108 26 393 1,711 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 108 26 393 1,711 0 0 0 0 11,989 0 150 3,483 8,356 1,404 1,404 1,404 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,404 1,404 1,404 15 90 105 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 90 105 0 0 0 105 0 0 105 0 408 408 408 0 0 0 0 0 0 408 408 408 0 0 0 1,917 0 0 513 1,404 7 24 27 11 66 134 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 24 27 11 66 134 0 0 0 0 0 0 379 3,652 324 729 163 383 379 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 324 729 163 383 0 3,652 0 0 0 0 PLANT AND EQUIPMENT PLANT, MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT Asset renewal expenditure Plant Replacement Total renewal expenditure - PM&E TOTAL PLANT, MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT FIXTURES, FITTINGS AND FURNITURE Asset renewal expenditure Hall Furniture and Equipment Park Furniture Upgrade Total renewal expenditure - FF&F TOTAL FIXTURES, FITTINGS FURNITURE AND COMPUTERS AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS Asset renewal expenditure Information Technology Upgrade Total renewal expenditure - C&T TOTAL C&T TOTAL PLANT AND EQUIPMENT INFRASTRUCTURE ROADS New asset expenditure Bus Shelter Relocation / Improvements Guard Fences - New Street Lighting - New Traffic Mirrors - New Traffic Signs - New Total new asset expenditure - roads Asset renewal expenditure Colchester Rd upgrade* Reseal & Resurfacing Local Roads Road - Drainage Improvements Road Pavement Rehabilitation Road Shoulder Reconstruction Sealed Road Patching Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 90 Project Capital Works Area Speed Hump Replacement Street Name Blade Replacement Traffic Signs - Renewal Total asset renewal expenditure - roads Asset upgrade expenditure Badger Creek Rd Road Works (Healesville) Bus Shelter Relocation / Improvements Cambridge Rd (Mooroolbark) Clematis & Falkingham Rds-SCS Colchester Rd upgrade* Ellis Rd & Forest St (Yarra Glen) Guard Fences - Upgraded Local Road Design Costs* Local Road Upgrades Old Gippsland Rd-Old Hereford Rd (Mount Evelyn)* Paynes Rd (Wonga Park)* Roads To Recovery Projects Station St (Belgrave) Street Lighting - Upgraded Traffic Management Design Costs* Traffic Management Minor Works* Traffic Works & Improvements* Truck Turnaround Areas* West Hill Dr & Part George Rd (Mount Evelyn) Total asset upgrade expenditure - roads Asset expansion expenditure Local Road Design Costs* Old Gippsland Rd-Old Hereford Rd (Mount Evelyn)* Paynes Rd (Wonga Park)* Traffic Management Design Costs* Traffic Management Minor Works* Traffic Works & Improvements* Truck Turnaround Areas* Total asset expansion expenditure - roads TOTAL ROADS Cost $’000 35 20 16 5,701 Summary of funding sources Council Contrib Cash Borrow Grants utions ’s $'000 $'000 $’000 $’000 0 0 35 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 16 0 379 0 1,670 3,652 20 7 10 527 379 600 6 30 176 0 0 0 527 379 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 600 0 0 0 20 7 10 0 0 0 6 0 176 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 0 63 0 0 63 0 4 166 20 3 6 9 3 15 30 2,073 0 166 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,072 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 600 4 0 20 3 6 9 3 15 30 372 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 30 0 0 30 0 253 150 0 103 0 14 24 37 6 61 425 8,334 0 0 0 0 0 150 1,600 0 0 0 0 0 0 600 14 24 37 6 61 275 2,452 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,682 BRIDGES Asset renewal expenditure Bridge Improvement Works Bridge Rehabilitation Works Total asset renewal expenditure - bridges TOTAL BRIDGES 200 165 365 365 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 200 165 365 365 0 0 0 0 FOOTPATHS AND CYCLEWAYS New asset expenditure Warburton Hwy Footpath (Launching Place) Chirnside Park Footpaths (Chirnside Park) Clegg Rd Footpath (Mount Evelyn)* Don Rd Footpath (Healesville) Irvine Cres Footpath (Yarra Glen) John St Footpath (Lilydale) Lancaster Rd Footpath (Mooroolbark) 110 170 8 105 58 30 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 108 0 0 0 0 0 110 62 8 105 58 30 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 91 Project Capital Works Area Maroondah Hwy Footpath (Chirnside Park) Masefield Ave Footpath (Mooroolbark) Monbulk Rd Footpath (Silvan) New Footpath Program Reay Rd Footpath (Mooroolbark) Rutter Ave Footpath (Healesville) Sarah Ct Footpath (Montrose) Swansea Rd Footpath (Lilydale) Swansea Rd Footpath (Montrose) Taylor St Footpath (Lilydale) Witham Dr Footpath (Coldstream) York Rd Footpath (Mount Evelyn) Total new asset expenditure - footpaths Asset renewal expenditure Footpath / Kerb & Channel Rehabilitation Footpath Rehabilitation Stoney Rd Footpath Footpath (Belgrave)* Total asset renewal expenditure - footpaths Asset upgrade expenditure Alexander Ave Footpath (Upwey)* Anderson Rd Footpath (Monbulk)* Bus Stop Access Improvements Clegg Rd Footpath (Mount Evelyn)* Footpath Minor Improvements* Grieve St Footpath (Launching Place)* Jones St Footpath (Lilydale)* Link Rd Footpath (Seville)* Glen Rd/The Crescent Footpath (Belgrave Heights – Wattle Valley Rd to Marama Rd)* Melba Ave Footpath (Lilydale)* Moxhams Rd Footpath (Monbulk) Station St Footpath (Belgrave) Stoney Rd Footpath (Belgrave)* Symons St Footpath (Healesville)* Urban Triangle Footpath Construction* Healesville-Koo Wee Rup Rd Footpath (Woori Y)* Total asset upgrade expenditure - footpaths Asset expansion expenditure Alexander Ave Footpath (Upwey)* Anderson Rd Footpath (Monbulk)* Canterbury Rd Footpath (Montrose) Footpath Minor Improvements* Grieve St Footpath (Launching Place)* Jones St Footpath (Lilydale)* Link Rd Footpath (Seville)* Glen Rd/The Crescent Footpath (Belgrave Heights – Wattle Valley Rd to Marama Rd)* Melba Ave Footpath (Lilydale)* Stoney Rd Footpath (Belgrave)* Symons St Footpath (Healesville)* Urban Triangle Footpath Construction* Healesville-Koo Wee Rup Rd Footpath (Woori Y)* Total asset expansion expenditure - footpaths TOTAL FOOTPATHS AND CYCLEWAYS Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 Cost $’000 125 15 115 291 36 54 66 29 70 55 40 125 1,552 Summary of funding sources Council Contrib Cash Borrow Grants utions ’s $'000 $'000 $’000 $’000 0 0 125 0 0 0 15 0 0 0 115 0 0 0 291 0 0 0 36 0 0 0 54 0 0 0 66 0 0 0 29 0 0 0 70 0 0 0 55 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 125 0 0 108 1,444 0 204 876 13 1,093 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 204 876 0 1,080 0 0 13 13 90 40 51 32 6 28 13 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 90 40 51 32 6 28 13 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 112 0 0 112 0 68 122 96 104 66 10 41 909 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 68 122 96 104 66 10 41 909 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 10 23 55 7 3 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 10 23 55 7 3 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 0 0 28 0 17 13 16 41 10 254 3,808 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 108 17 13 16 41 10 254 3,687 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 92 Project Capital Works Area DRAINAGE Asset renewal expenditure Drainage Condition Assessment & Rehabilitation Drainage Rehabilitation* Total asset renewal expenditure - drainage Asset upgrade expenditure Drainage Improvements* Drainage Rehabilitation* Warburton Hwy Drainage (Launching Place) Total asset upgrade expenditure - drainage Asset expansion expenditure Drainage Improvements* Total asset expansion expenditure - drainage TOTAL DRAINAGE RECREATIONAL, LEISURE AND COMMUNITY FACILITIES New asset expenditure Sports Reserve Minor Drainage Works Total new asset expenditure - RL&CF Asset renewal expenditure Sports Courts & Grounds Rehabilitation Program* Sports Reserves Design Costs* Total asset renewal expenditure - RL&CF Asset upgrade expenditure Recreation Reserve Oval (Yarra Glen) Rec. Reserve Sports field Improv. (Belgrave Sth) Sports Courts & Grounds Rehabilitation Program* Sports Reserves Design Costs* Total asset upgrade expenditure - RL&CF TOTAL REC, LEISURE & COMM FACILITIES WASTE MANAGEMENT New asset expenditure Methane Burner Installation (Coldstream) Total new asset expenditure - waste Asset upgrade expenditure Coldstream Landfill Capping Total asset upgrade expenditure - waste TOTAL WASTE MANAGEMENT PARKS, OPEN SPACE AND STREETSCAPES New asset expenditure Mountain Biking Introduction Track Principal Pedestrian Network (Lilydale)* Total new asset expenditure - POS&S Asset renewal expenditure Aqueduct Trail Improvement* Belgrave to Birdsland & Lysterfield Trail (Belgrave)* Birdsland Res Mngt Plan Impl. (Belgrave Heights)* Council Properties Fencing Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 Cost $’000 Summary of funding sources Council Contrib Cash Borrow Grants utions ’s $'000 $'000 $’000 $’000 163 1,269 1,432 0 0 0 0 0 0 163 0 163 0 1,269 1,269 12 141 130 283 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 141 130 283 0 0 0 0 49 49 1,764 0 0 0 0 0 0 49 49 495 0 0 1,269 66 66 0 0 0 0 66 66 0 0 75 11 86 0 0 0 0 0 0 75 11 86 0 0 0 600 250 19 4 873 1,025 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 25 0 0 75 75 550 225 19 4 798 950 0 0 0 0 0 0 500 500 0 0 0 0 500 500 0 0 463 463 963 0 0 0 0 0 0 463 463 963 0 0 0 10 123 133 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 123 133 0 0 0 14 0 0 14 0 33 0 0 33 0 35 0 0 35 0 110 0 0 110 0 93 Project Capital Works Area Fence Replacement on Reserves (Ovals) Karwarra Australian Plant Garden (Kalorama) Neighbourhood Parks* Pinks Reserve District Playground* Playground Renewal Principal Pedestrian Network (Lilydale)* Rec Res Playground and Picnic Facilities (Seville)* Richards Reserve - Stage 2* Township improvements (Healesville)* Township improvements (Mooroolbark)* Township improvements (Tecoma)* Township improvements (Yarra Glen)* Trail Rehabilitation Projects Trail Rehabilitation Projects (Lilydale Warburton)* Total asset renewal expenditure - POS&S Asset upgrade expenditure Aqueduct Trail Improvement* Belgrave to Birdsland and Lysterfield Trail (Belgrave)* Birdsland Res Mngt Plan Impl. (Belgrave Heights)* Community Request Design Projects Neighbourhood Parks* Open Space Community Grants Pinks Reserve District Playground* Principal Pedestrian Network (Lilydale)* Rec Res Playground and Picnic Facilities (Seville)* Richards Reserve - Stage 2* Township improvements (Healesville)* Township improvements (Mooroolbark)* Township improvements (Tecoma)* Township improvements (Yarra Glen)* Trail Rehabilitation Projects (Lilydale Warburton)* Total asset upgrade expenditure - POS&S Asset expansion expenditure Township improvements (Healesville)* Township improvements (Mooroolbark) Township improvements (Tecoma) Township improvements (Yarra Glen) Walkable Community Trails Total asset expansion expenditure - POS&S TOTAL PARKS, O/SPACE & STREETSCAPES OFF STREET CAR PARKS Asset renewal expenditure Carpark Rehabilitation Carpark Sealing & Maintenance* Minor Parking Improvements* Total asset renewal expenditure - car parks Asset upgrade expenditure Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 Cost $’000 56 21 21 78 301 31 Summary of funding sources Council Contrib Cash Borrow Grants utions ’s $'000 $'000 $’000 $’000 0 0 56 0 0 0 21 0 0 0 21 0 0 0 78 0 0 0 301 0 0 0 31 0 57 0 0 57 0 18 4 88 52 33 136 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 4 88 52 33 136 0 0 0 0 0 0 107 0 0 107 0 1,194 0 0 1,194 0 18 0 0 18 0 49 0 0 49 0 21 0 0 21 0 28 185 102 52 154 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 185 102 52 154 0 0 0 0 0 323 100 0 223 0 6 24 229 26 70 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 24 229 26 70 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 15 0 1,301 100 0 1,201 0 12 18 26 7 100 162 2,790 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 18 26 7 100 162 2,690 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 269 30 8 307 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 269 30 8 307 0 0 0 0 94 Project Capital Works Area Cost $’000 50 2 52 358 Carpark Sealing & Maintenance* Minor Parking Improvements* Total asset upgrade expenditure - car parks TOTAL OFF STREET CAR PARKS TOTAL INFRASTRUCTURE TOTAL NEW CAPITAL WORKS 2014-15 REPRESENTED BY: Asset renewal expenditure New asset expenditure Asset upgrade expenditure Asset expansion expenditure Summary of funding sources Council Contrib Cash Borrow Grants utions ’s $'000 $'000 $’000 $’000 0 0 50 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 52 0 0 0 358 0 19,407 1,700 783 11,960 4,964 33,313 1,700 933 15,956 14,724 14,188 5,581 9,124 4,420 379 0 1,172 150 150 108 675 0 7,321 2,444 4,665 1,525 6,338 3,029 2,612 2,745 2. Works carried forward from the 2013-14 year Project Capital Works Area Cost $’000 Summary of funding sources Council Cash Borrow’ Grants Contrib's s $'000 $'000 $’000 $’000 PROPERTY BUILDINGS New asset expenditure Community Hub (Chirnside Park) Monbulk Regional Soccer Centre (Monbulk) Total new asset expenditure - buildings Asset upgrade expenditure Aquatic Centre (Monbulk) Municipal Office Accommodation (Lilydale)* Pool Precinct Redevelopment (Warburton) Total asset upgrade expenditure - buildings Asset expansion expenditure Aquatic Centre Feasibility (Olinda) Community Sports Pavilion (Olinda) Hub Feasibility (Belgrave) Japara Living & Learning Centre (Kilsyth) Municipal Office Accommodation (Lilydale)* Yarra Ranges Regional Aquatic Centre (Lilydale) Total asset expansion expenditure - buildings TOTAL BUILDINGS BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS Asset renewal expenditure Depot Decentralisation (Upwey)* Mooroolbark Heights Pavilion Total asset renewal expenditure - building improv Asset upgrade expenditure Carbon Management Improvements Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 1,383 2,326 3,709 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,383 2,326 3,709 5 6,567 851 7,423 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 6,567 851 7,423 70 650 95 1,460 1,642 0 385 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 70 265 95 1,460 1,642 253 0 0 0 253 4,170 15,302 385 385 0 0 0 0 3,785 14,917 5 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 50 55 0 0 0 55 592 0 0 0 592 95 Project Capital Works Area Depot Decentralisation (Upwey)* KH Fraser Pavilion Upgrade (Montrose) Mooroolbark Heights Res. New Toilets Regional Museum Environmental Controls (Lilydale) Total asset upgrade expenditure - building improv Asset expansion expenditure Don Rd Pavilion (Healesville) Glenfern Road Depot Mulch Bins (Upwey) Total asset expansion expenditure - building improv TOTAL BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS TOTAL PROPERTY Cost $’000 20 264 50 Summary of funding sources Council Cash Borrow’ Grants Contrib's s $'000 $'000 $’000 $’000 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 264 0 0 0 50 309 0 0 0 309 1,236 0 0 0 1,236 86 32 0 0 0 0 0 0 86 32 118 0 0 0 118 1,408 0 0 0 1,408 16,711 385 0 0 16,326 PLANT AND EQUIPMENT COMPUTERS AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS Asset renewal expenditure Depot Security Upgrade (Lilydale)* Total asset renewal expenditure - C&T Asset upgrade expenditure Depot Security Upgrade (Lilydale)* Total asset upgrade expenditure - C&T TOTAL COMPUTERS & TELECOMM’S 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 16 16 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 16 20 TOTAL PLANT AND EQUIPMENT 20 0 0 0 20 71 3 150 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 71 3 150 198 0 0 0 198 422 422 0 0 0 0 0 0 422 422 27 27 0 0 0 0 0 0 27 27 7 7 34 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 34 2 0 0 0 2 INFRASTRUCTURE ROADS Asset upgrade expenditure Bamfield Road Pavement (Mt Evelyn) Cambridge Rd (Mooroolbark) Clematis & Falkingham Rd Imp. (Mt Evelyn) Old Gippsland Rd-Old Hereford Rd (Mount Evelyn) Total asset upgrade expenditure - roads TOTAL ROADS BRIDGES Asset renewal expenditure Sunnyside Bridge (Gruyere)* Total asset renewal expenditure - bridges Asset upgrade expenditure Sunnyside Bridge (Gruyere)* Total asset upgrade expenditure - bridges TOTAL BRIDGES FOOTPATHS AND CYCLEWAYS Asset renewal expenditure Belgrave to Selby Footpath (Belgrave)* Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 96 Project Capital Works Area Total asset renewal expenditure - footpaths Asset upgrade expenditure Belgrave to Selby Footpath (Belgrave)* Gembrook - Launching Place Rd Footpath Station St Footpath (Belgrave) Total asset upgrade expenditure - footpaths Asset expansion expenditure Belgrave to Selby Footpath (Belgrave)* Monbulk Rd Footpaths (Belgrave) Mt Dandenong Tourist Rd Footpath (Mt Dandenong) Selina Avenue Footpath (Mooroolbark) Total asset expansion expenditure - footpaths TOTAL FOOTPATHS AND CYCLEWAYS DRAINAGE Asset upgrade expenditure Coleman St Drainage Construction (Wesburn)* Total asset upgrade expenditure - drainage Asset expansion expenditure Coleman St Drainage Construction (Wesburn)* Total asset expansion expenditure - drainage TOTAL DRAINAGE WASTE MANAGEMENT Asset upgrade expenditure Depot Decentralisation (Healesville) Nelson Rd Recycling Station (Lilydale) Total asset upgrade expenditure - waste TOTAL WASTE MANAGEMENT PARKS, OPEN SPACE AND STREETSCAPES New asset expenditure Principal Pedestrian Network (Lilydale)* Total new asset expenditure - POS&S Asset renewal expenditure Hookey Park Development (Mooroolbark)* Melba Park Development (Lilydale)* Principal Pedestrian Network (Lilydale)* Rec Res Playground and Picnic Facilities (Seville)* Seville Streetscape* Mooroolbark Township Improvements* Township improvements (Yarra Glen)* Walking Trail imp. (Lilydale/M'bark)* YV ECOSS Water Harvest (Wesburn)* Total asset renewal expenditure - POS&S Asset upgrade expenditure Hookey Park Development (Mooroolbark)* Lilydale to Warburton Rail Trail - Visitor Nodes* Melba Park Development (Lilydale)* Principal Pedestrian Network (Lilydale)* Queens Park Bicycle Education (Healesville) Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 Cost $’000 2 Summary of funding sources Council Cash Borrow’ Grants Contrib's s $'000 $'000 $’000 $’000 0 0 0 2 12 35 20 67 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 35 20 67 2 141 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 141 29 0 0 0 29 30 202 270 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 202 270 10 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 10 39 39 49 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 39 39 49 33 109 142 142 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33 109 142 142 24 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 24 29 19 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29 19 6 10 0 0 0 10 30 21 34 30 1 180 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 21 34 30 1 180 116 82 110 30 150 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 116 82 110 30 150 97 Project Capital Works Area Rail Trail interpret shelter (Woori Yallock)* Rec Res Playground and Picnic Facilities (Seville)* Seville Streetscape* Township Improvements (Mooroolbark)* Township improvements (Yarra Glen)* Walking Trail imp. (Lilydale/M'bark)* YV ECOSS Water Harvest (Wesburn)* Total asset upgrade expenditure - POS&S Asset expansion expenditure Brushy Creek Path (Chirnside Park) Lilydale to Warburton Rail Trail - Visitor Nodes* Rail Trail interpret shelter (Woori Yallock)* Seville Streetscape* Township Improvements (Mooroolbark)* Township improvements (Yarra Glen)* Total asset expansion expenditure - POS&S TOTAL PARKS, O/SPACE & STREETSCAPES Cost $’000 31 Summary of funding sources Council Cash Borrow’ Grants Contrib's s $'000 $'000 $’000 $’000 0 0 0 31 90 0 0 0 90 75 53 85 45 11 879 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 75 53 85 45 11 879 130 82 31 30 21 34 328 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 130 82 31 30 21 34 328 1,412 0 0 0 1,412 900 900 900 300 300 300 0 0 0 0 0 0 600 600 600 3,230 300 0 0 2,930 TOTAL CARRIED FWD WORKS 2013-14 19,961 685 0 0 19,276 REPRESENTED BY: Asset renewal expenditure New asset expenditure Asset upgrade expenditure Asset expansion expenditure 269 3,733 11,102 4,857 0 0 300 385 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 269 3,733 10,802 4,472 OFF STREET CAR PARKS Asset upgrade expenditure Pinks Reserve Carpark Sealing (Kilsyth) Total asset upgrade expenditure - car parks TOTAL OFF STREET CAR PARKS TOTAL INFRASTRUCTURE 3. Summary Project Capital Works Area Asset renewal expenditure New asset expenditure Asset upgrade expenditure Asset expansion expenditure TOTAL CAPITAL WORKS Cost $’000 14,456 9,314 20,226 9,277 53,273 Grants $’000 379 0 1,472 535 2,385 Summary of funding sources Council Cash Borrow Contrib's ’s $'000 $'000 $’000 150 7,321 6,607 108 2,444 6,762 675 4,665 13,414 0 1,525 7,217 933 15,956 34,000 * Projects against multiple expenditure types Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 98 Appendix D Fees and charges schedule This appendix presents the fees and charges of a statutory and non-statutory nature which will be charged in respect to various goods and services provided during the 2014-15 year. Proposed fees and charges for 2014-15 marked with * indicate that the fee is subject to change. Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 99 Statutory Fee GST Planning Application fees Yes Exclusive $102 - $16,130 * Planning Certificates Yes Exclusive $18.20 * 1 - 10 notices No Inclusive $90.00 11+ (base fee + per notice fee) No Inclusive $94.00 Each additional notice (to max $1,000) No Inclusive $4.00 Advertising Sign No Inclusive $40.00 General No Inclusive $60.00 Industrial / Commercial No Inclusive $70.00 Copies of permits (max 2 permits & plans) No Inclusive $112.00 Additional permits - per permit No Inclusive $20.00 Tenements No Inclusive $170.00 Existing use rights No Inclusive $400.00 Title, text and diagram No Inclusive $17.50 Historic title (history of dealings) No Inclusive $10.75 Plan No Inclusive $7.30 Instrument (covenants etc) No Inclusive $6.80 Extension of Time (one fee only) No Inclusive $200.00 Subdivision fees Yes Exclusive $20.00 * To consider an amendment request Yes Exclusive $798.00 * To refer and give notice of the amendment as required by the Act Yes Exclusive $798.00 * To consider any submissions which do not seek a change to the amendment Yes Exclusive $798.00 * To consider submissions which seek a change to the amendment Yes Exclusive $798.00 * To refer submissions to a Panel Yes Exclusive $798.00 * To prepare and make a submission to a Panel Yes Exclusive $798.00 * Description of Fees & Charges Unit Fee 2014-15 PLANNING SERVICES STATUTORY PLANNING Advertising Fees Written advice Title Searches (per search) Extension of time STRATEGIC PLANNING Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 100 Statutory Fee GST To consider the Panel report Yes Exclusive $798.00 * To abandon the amendment (if applicable) Yes Exclusive $798.00 * To meet all direct fees and costs charged by the Panel in relation to its hearing of submissions Yes Exclusive As required To adopt an amendment or a part of an amendment. Yes Exclusive $524.00 * To submit the amendment for approval Yes Exclusive $524.00 * To consider a request to approve an amendment Yes Exclusive $798.00 * Give notice for approval of the amendment in the Government Gazette Yes Exclusive $798.00 * Request under Section 29A of the Building Act 1993 for report and consent on proposed demolition Yes Exclusive $58.17 * 1-10 notices No Inclusive $90.00 11+ (base fee + per notice fee) No Inclusive $94.00 Each additional notice (to max $1,000) No Inclusive $4.00 Advertising Sign No Inclusive $40.00 Advertising - Newspapers and Gazette No Inclusive As required Description of Fees & Charges Unit Fee 2014-15 Advertising Fees Photocopying Fees: A4 1st 5 pages No Inclusive $0.30 A4 each page>5 No Inclusive $0.55 A3 per page No Inclusive $1.10 A1 per sheet No Inclusive $5.50 General No Inclusive $60.00 Industrial / Commercial No Inclusive $70.00 Tenements No Inclusive $170.00 Sale of Property Information (Form 10) Yes Exclusive $47.60 Plan Copying - general No Inclusive $82.00 Plan Copying - commercial No Inclusive $133.00 Information Requests (Private Building Surveyors) Yes Exclusive $47.60 Lodgement Fee (Private Building Surveyors) Yes Exclusive $35.70 Council consent applications Yes Exclusive $238.75 Building surveying services No Inclusive $117 per hour/ $180 min fee Written advice BUILDING SERVICES Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 101 Statutory Fee GST Building Permit Fees - Dwelling No Inclusive $2,972.00 Building Permit Fees - Demolition No Inclusive $1,204.00 Building Permit Fees - Units No Inclusive $2,972.00 Building Permit Fees - Dwelling Additions, Decks, etc. No Inclusive $2,229.00 Building Permit Fees - Outbuildings/Swimming Pools No Inclusive $1,433.00 Value of Works < $100,000 No Inclusive $525.00 Value of Works $100,001 - $175,000 No Inclusive $584.00 Value of Works $175,001 - $250,000 No Inclusive $641.00 Value of Works $250,001 - $350,000 No Inclusive $788.00 Value of Works $350,001 - $500,000 No Inclusive $1,109.00 Value of Works > $500,001 No Inclusive Cost divided by 344 Re-Activate Lapsed Building Permits - Demolition No Inclusive $584.00 Re-Activate Lapsed Building Permits - Units No Inclusive Cost divided by 344 Value of Works < $10,000 No Inclusive $298.00 Value of Works $10,001 - $50,000 No Inclusive $436.00 Value of Works $50,001 - $100,000 No Inclusive $470.00 Value of Works $100,001 - $175,000 No Inclusive $573.00 Value of Works $175,001 - $250,000 No Inclusive $641.00 Value of Works $250,000 - $350,000 No Inclusive $787.95 Value of Works > $350,001 No Inclusive Cost divided by 344 Value of Works < $10,000 No Inclusive $298.00 Value of Works $10,001 - $25,000 No Inclusive $355.00 Value of Works $25,001 - $50,000 No Inclusive $412.00 Value of Works $50,001 - $100,000 No Inclusive $458.00 Value of Works $100,001 - $250,000 No Inclusive $505.00 Value of Works > $250,001 No Inclusive Cost divided by 172 Description of Fees & Charges Unit Fee 2014-15 Building Permit Services Re-Activate Lapsed Building Permits - Dwellings Re-Activate Lapsed Building Permits - Dwelling Additions, Decks, etc. Re-Activate Lapsed Building Permits Outbuildings/Swimming Pools Re-Activate Lapsed Building Permits - Commercial/Public Buildings Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 102 Statutory Fee GST Value of Works < $10,000 No Inclusive $412.00 Value of Works $10,001 - $50,000 No Inclusive $470.00 Value of Works $50,001 - $100,000 No Inclusive $812.00 Value of Works $100,001 - $175,000 No Inclusive $1,132.00 Value of Works $175,001 - $250,000 No Inclusive $1,452.00 Value of Works > $250,001 No Inclusive $1,920.00 Additional Inspection Fee No Inclusive $150.00 Extension of time No Inclusive $241.00 Building permit issued after July 1994 No Inclusive $247.00 Building permit issued prior July 1994: No Inclusive $370.00 Checking amendments / variations to Permits No Inclusive $117 per hour/ $180 min fee Modification Fee No Inclusive $377.00 New food premises - submit plans for approval No Inclusive $197.00 Class A - Hospital & Child Care Yes Exclusive $469.00 Class B1 - Supermarkets Yes Exclusive $937.00 Class B2 - Restaurants, Cafe, Takeaway Food etc. Yes Exclusive $469.00 Class C1,C2 - Convenience Stores, Service Stations Yes Exclusive $398.00 Class A - Hospital & Child Care Yes Exclusive $235.00 Class B1 - Supermarkets Yes Exclusive $469.00 Class B2 - Restaurants, Cafe, Takeaway Food etc. Yes Exclusive $235.00 Class C1,C2 - Convenience Stores, Service Stations Yes Exclusive $200.00 Sporting clubs , community groups, school canteens run by volunteers Yes Exclusive $76.00 Category A Yes Exclusive $258.00 Category C Yes Exclusive $140.00 Category D Yes Exclusive $114.00 Description of Fees & Charges Unit Fee 2014-15 Retrieval of plan and final inspection HEALTH SERVICES Food Premises Registration Renewal Transfer of registration fee Health Premises Registration Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 103 Statutory Fee GST Scheduled inspections Yes Exclusive $152.00 Infringements (Health and Food premises) Yes Exclusive $600-$700 Category A Yes Exclusive $129.00 Category C Yes Exclusive $70.00 Category D Yes Exclusive $57.00 5 day response ( inspection and report ) Yes Exclusive $274.00 10 day response (inspection and report) Yes Exclusive $202.00 Pre Application Site Consultation Yes Exclusive $76.00 Copy of Documents No Exclusive $45.00 Caravan Parks Registration (Formula for a 3 years period) Yes Exclusive N/A Permit to install Yes Exclusive $615.00 * Permit to alter - Major Works Yes Exclusive $440.00 * Permit to alter - Minor Works Yes Exclusive $217.00 * Permit extension Yes Exclusive $127.00 * Excess progress inspection No Inclusive $76.00 Pre Application Site Consultation No Exclusive $76.00 File Search and Copy of Plans No Exclusive $56.00 Sale of Health Products (e.g. vaccines) No Exclusive Cost+10% Immunisation services to private businesses No Exclusive $29.00 Roadside Trading Permit fees Yes Exclusive $1,552.00 Temporary Sign Permit Fee Yes Exclusive $165.00 Temporary Sign Permit Fee (multiple locations) Yes Exclusive $1,552.00 Yes Exclusive $103.00 Description of Fees & Charges Unit Fee 2014-15 Dual Food and Health Registration 50% discount for Health registration if same premises has food registration Prescribed Accommodation Transfer of registration fee Registered Premises Enquiry Septic Tank Permits and Services LOCAL LAWS SERVICES Dog Registration Fees Entire Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 104 Statutory Fee GST Reduced Yes Exclusive $34.00 Pensioner (entire) Yes Exclusive $51.50 Pensioner (reduced) Yes Exclusive $17.00 Entire Yes Exclusive $93.00 Reduced Yes Exclusive $24.50 Pensioner (entire) Yes Exclusive $46.00 Pensioner (reduced) Yes Exclusive $12.50 Parking Fines Yes Exclusive N/A Litter Fines Yes Exclusive N/A Local Law Fines Yes Exclusive $200 - $300 Currently registered animal No Inclusive $115.00 Unregistered animal No Inclusive $170.00 Attendance (charge per hour) No Inclusive $155.00 Daily care/management (charge per day) No Inclusive $25.00 Cows (per head) No Inclusive $307.00 Horses (per head) No Inclusive $307.00 Deer (per head) No Inclusive $307.00 Pigs (per head) No Inclusive $307.00 Alpacas (per head) No Inclusive $307.00 Lamas (per head) No Inclusive $307.00 Sheep (per head) No Inclusive $307.00 Goats (per head) No Inclusive $307.00 Domestic Animal Infringement Yes Exclusive 61-611 Signs No Inclusive $109.00 Vehicles No Inclusive $290.00 Trolleys No Inclusive $109.00 Other No Inclusive $152.00 Description of Fees & Charges Unit Fee 2014-15 Cat Registration Fees Dog/Cat Release Fees Stock Impoundment Fees Impounded Release Fees Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 105 Statutory Fee GST Standard Yes Exclusive $164.00 Pensioners Yes Exclusive $82.00 Animal Business Registration Yes Exclusive $274.00 Restricted Breed Dog Permit Fees Yes Exclusive $164.00 Local Laws Permit to Burn Yes Exclusive $164.00 Public Amenity Local Law permit fee Yes Exclusive $164.00 Permit For Street Furniture Yes Exclusive $164.00 Permit for Display of Merchandise Yes Exclusive $164.00 Registration of Declared Menacing Dog Yes Exclusive $164.00 Registration of Restricted Breed Dog Yes Exclusive $164.00 Registration of Dangerous Dog on General Premises Yes Exclusive $164.00 Registration of Dangerous Dog as Guard Dog for Non General Premises Yes Exclusive $164.00 Streets & Roads Local Law - Combination of two permits Yes Exclusive $273.00 Streets & Roads Local Law - Combination of three permits Yes Exclusive $426.00 Adult admission No Inclusive $4.30 Concession No Inclusive $3.50 Child No Inclusive $3.00 Pensioner No Inclusive $3.00 Spectator No Inclusive $2.00 Adult 10-use pass No Inclusive $38.70 Concession. 10-use pass No Inclusive $31.50 Pensioner 10-use pass No Inclusive $27.00 Child 10-use pass No Inclusive $27.00 School Groups (per head) No Inclusive $2.15 Swim Teacher 30min No Inclusive $21.70 Swim Teacher 45min No Inclusive $32.20 Description of Fees & Charges Unit Fee 2014-15 Animal Control Local Laws Permit Fees PARKS AND FACILITIES RECREATION - POOLS Belgrave Pool School Groups Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 106 Statutory Fee GST Swim Teacher 60min No Inclusive $42.40 Lane Hire - Operating hours + entry No Inclusive $44.30 Pool Hire - half pool per hour + entry No Inclusive $82.00 Pool Hire - whole pool per hour No Inclusive $184.70 Adult admission No Inclusive $3.80 Concession No Inclusive $3.00 Child No Inclusive $2.70 Pensioner No Inclusive $2.70 Spectator No Inclusive $2.00 Adult 10-use pass No Inclusive $34.20 Concession. 10-use pass No Inclusive $27.00 Pensioner 10-use pass No Inclusive $24.30 Child 10-use pass No Inclusive $24.30 School Groups (per head) No Inclusive $1.90 Swim Teacher 30min No Inclusive $21.70 Swim Teacher 45min No Inclusive $32.20 Swim Teacher 60min No Inclusive $42.40 Lane Hire - Operating hours + entry No Inclusive $43.00 Lane Hire - After hours+ entry No Inclusive $88.00 Pool Hire - half pool per hour + entry No Inclusive $85.50 Pool Hire - whole pool per hour No Inclusive $174.00 Adult admission No Inclusive $3.80 Concession No Inclusive $3.00 Child No Inclusive $2.70 Pensioner No Inclusive $2.70 Spectator No Inclusive $2.00 School Groups (per head) No Inclusive $1.90 Adult 10-use pass No Inclusive $34.20 Description of Fees & Charges Unit Fee 2014-15 Healesville Pool School Groups Olinda Pool Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 107 Statutory Fee GST Concession. 10-use pass No Inclusive $27.00 Pensioner 10-use pass No Inclusive $24.30 Child 10-use pass No Inclusive $24.30 Pool Hire - half pool per hour + entry No Inclusive $80.00 Pool Hire - whole pool per hour No Inclusive $170.00 Adult admission No Inclusive $3.80 Concession No Inclusive $3.00 Child No Inclusive $2.70 Pensioner No Inclusive $2.70 Spectator No Inclusive $2.00 Adult 10-use pass No Inclusive $34.20 Concession. 10-use pass No Inclusive $27.00 Pensioner 10-use pass No Inclusive $24.30 Child 10-use pass No Inclusive $24.30 School Groups (per head) No Inclusive $1.90 Swim Teacher 30min No Inclusive $21.70 Swim Teacher 45min No Inclusive $32.20 Swim Teacher 60min No Inclusive $42.40 Lane Hire - Operating hours + entry No Inclusive $43.00 Lane Hire - After hours+ entry No Inclusive $88.00 Pool Hire - half pool per hour + entry No Inclusive $85.00 Pool Hire - whole pool per hour No Inclusive $175.00 Adult (16+) admission No Inclusive $5.50 Concession (15>) No Inclusive $4.40 Child (3 - 15yrs) No Inclusive $3.90 Pensioner No Inclusive $3.90 Family No Inclusive $15.00 Description of Fees & Charges Unit Fee 2014-15 Lilydale Pool School Groups Kilsyth Pool Casual Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 108 Statutory Fee GST Spectator No Inclusive $2.00 Swim & spa No Inclusive $6.90 Spa after entry paid No Inclusive $3.10 Spa only No Inclusive $5.20 Locker hire No Inclusive $2.40 Junior 14 yrs & under No Inclusive $3.20 Senior 15 yrs & over No Inclusive $4.20 Leaders & spectators No Inclusive $2.00 Adult No Inclusive $88.00 Concession No Inclusive $70.40 Child No Inclusive $62.40 Pensioner No Inclusive $62.40 Swim & spa No Inclusive $110.40 Family No Inclusive $240.00 Spectator No Inclusive $32.00 Causal No Inclusive $12.30 10 Pass No Inclusive $98.40 Start up fee- adult No Inclusive $51.00 Start up fee- Conc No Inclusive $41.00 Adults No Inclusive $48.00 Concession / Pensioner No Inclusive $34.40 Child No Inclusive $34.30 School Groups (per head) No Inclusive $2.75 Swim Teacher 30min No Inclusive $21.70 Swim Teacher 45min No Inclusive $32.20 Description of Fees & Charges Unit Fee 2014-15 Group entry - 10 or more General Memberships 20 Visit Passes Boot Camps Aquatic Memberships-Monthly School Groups Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 109 Statutory Fee GST No Inclusive $42.40 Baby Play - 12mth - 3yrs No Inclusive $10.50 Pre & After School No Inclusive $12.40 Squad No Inclusive $12.40 Training No Inclusive $51.00 Private- PWD (30 min) No Inclusive $32.00 Bronze No Inclusive $20.50 Junior Lifeguard No Inclusive $16.40 Casual No Inclusive $12.60 Concession No Inclusive $10.00 Pension No Inclusive $8.80 Adult x 10 pass No Inclusive $113.40 Concession x 10 pass No Inclusive $90.00 Pension x 10 pass No Inclusive $79.20 General x 10 No Inclusive $179.00 Add Children No Inclusive $17.90 Games only x10 No Inclusive $91.50 Adult No Inclusive $6.50 Concession No Inclusive $5.90 Child No Inclusive $5.30 Normal Hours No Inclusive $46.00 Out of Hours No Inclusive $80.00 Whole indoor pool p/hr No Inclusive $317.00 Whole outdoor pool p/hr No Inclusive $169.00 Description of Fees & Charges Swim Teacher 60min Unit Fee 2014-15 Swim Lessons Aqua Classes Birthday Parties Fun Days Lane Hire (per hour, plus entry fee) Pool Hire (conditions apply) Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 110 Statutory Fee GST Adult Swim No Inclusive $5.50 Concession No Inclusive $4.40 Pensioner No Inclusive $3.90 Child swim (2 - 15 yrs) No Inclusive $3.90 Family No Inclusive $15.00 Spectator No Inclusive $2.00 Swim Club No Inclusive $2.20 Adult 20 visit No Inclusive $88.00 Family 20 visit No Inclusive $240.00 Child 20 visit No Inclusive $62.40 Concession 20 visit No Inclusive $70.40 Pensioner 20 visit No Inclusive $62.40 Spectator 20 visit No Inclusive $32.00 Start-up Fee No Inclusive $51.00 Start-up Concession No Inclusive $42.00 DD Monthly Aquatic- Adult No Inclusive $35.90 DD Monthly Aquatic- Concession No Inclusive $29.50 12 months No Inclusive $490.00 Swim Club monthly No Inclusive $38.50 Junior 14 yrs & under No Inclusive $3.20 Senior 15 yrs & over No Inclusive $4.20 Leaders No Inclusive $2.00 School Groups (per head) No Inclusive $2.75 Swim teachers 30min No Inclusive $21.70 Swim teachers 45min No Inclusive $32.20 Swim teachers 60min No Inclusive $42.40 Description of Fees & Charges Unit Fee 2014-15 Monbulk Pool Casual Swim Tickets Swim Memberships Group Entry School Swim Lessons Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 111 Statutory Fee GST Baby Play - 12mth - 3yrs No Inclusive $10.50 Pre & After School No Inclusive $12.40 Squad No Inclusive $12.40 Adults (15yrs +) No Inclusive $12.70 Private- PWD (30 min) No Inclusive $31.80 Private No Inclusive $52.80 Bronze No Inclusive $20.50 Casual No Inclusive $12.70 Concession No Inclusive $10.00 Aqua Adult - 10 visit No Inclusive $114.30 Aqua Concession - 10 visit No Inclusive $90.00 Casual Gym - Adult No Inclusive $14.00 Start-up Fee No Inclusive $83.60 Start-up Fee- Concession/Pension No Inclusive $51.00 DD Monthly Fee No Inclusive $75.10 DD Monthly Fee Concession/Pension No Inclusive $63.80 Fitness Classes- Yoga,Midball, Circuit No Inclusive $12.70 Older exercise group No Inclusive $6.80 Workcover Rehab Membership No Inclusive $340.00 12 Month- Gold No Inclusive $987.00 12 Month- Gold Concession/Pension No Inclusive $817.00 3 Term- Gold No Inclusive $249.00 General x 10 No Inclusive $179.00 Add Children No Inclusive $17.90 Games only x10 No Inclusive $91.80 Add Children No Inclusive $9.10 Description of Fees & Charges Unit Fee 2014-15 Swim Lessons Aqua Classes Gymnasium Birthday Parties Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 112 Statutory Fee GST Adult No Inclusive $6.50 Concession No Inclusive $5.90 Child No Inclusive $5.30 Pool hire (per hour) No Inclusive $200.00 Casual No Inclusive $3.70 Members No Inclusive $3.20 Court hire - peak No Inclusive $38.00 Court hire - off peak No Inclusive $29.50 Badminton - court hire No Inclusive $19.50 Badminton - per person No Inclusive $6.50 Group Fitness - Casual No Inclusive $12.70 Group Fitness - Concession No Inclusive $10.00 Prime Movers No Inclusive $6.90 Gym - casual No Inclusive $14.00 Teen Gym No Inclusive $4.40 Multi purpose room (per hour) No Inclusive $25.00 Schools - court hire off peak No Inclusive $23.50 Schools - court hire peak No Inclusive $38.00 Start-up Fee No Inclusive $83.60 Start-up Fee- Concession/Pension No Inclusive $51.00 DD Monthly Fee No Inclusive $75.10 DD Monthly Fee Concession/Pension No Inclusive $63.80 12 Term- Gold No Inclusive $987.00 12 Term- Concession/Pension No Inclusive $817.00 3 Term- Gold No Inclusive $249.00 Description of Fees & Charges Unit Fee 2014-15 Fun Days Creche Yarra Recreation Centre Dry programs Gold Memberships Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 113 Statutory Fee GST Adult (16+) admission No Inclusive $5.50 Concession (15>) No Inclusive $4.40 Child (3 - 15yrs) No Inclusive $3.90 Pensioner No Inclusive $3.90 Family No Inclusive $15.00 Spectator No Inclusive $2.00 Locker hire No Inclusive $2.30 Junior 14 yrs & under No Inclusive $3.20 Senior 15 yrs & over No Inclusive $4.20 Leaders & spectators No Inclusive $2.00 Adult No Inclusive $88.00 Concession No Inclusive $70.40 Child No Inclusive $62.40 Pensioner No Inclusive $62.40 Family No Inclusive $240.00 Start-up Fee No Inclusive $51.00 Start-up Fee Concessions No Inclusive $31.00 DD Monthly Fee No Inclusive $41.50 DD Monthly Fee Concession/Child No Inclusive $33.30 School Groups (per head) No Inclusive $2.75 Swim Teacher 30min No Inclusive $21.70 Swim Teacher 45min No Inclusive $32.20 Swim Teacher 60min No Inclusive $42.40 No Inclusive $10.50 Description of Fees & Charges Unit Fee 2014-15 Wet programs Casual Group entry - 10 or more General Memberships 20 Visit Passes Aquatic Memberships School Groups Swim Lessons Baby Play - 12mth - 3yrs Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 114 Statutory Fee GST Pre & After School No Inclusive $12.40 Squad No Inclusive $12.40 Private PWD (30 min) No Inclusive $31.80 Private (30 min) No Inclusive $52.80 Bronze No Inclusive $20.50 Junior Lifeguard No Inclusive $16.40 Casual No Inclusive $12.70 Concession No Inclusive $10.00 Pension No Inclusive $8.90 Adult x 10 pass No Inclusive $114.30 Concession x 10 pass No Inclusive $90.00 Pension x 10 pass No Inclusive $80.00 General x 10 No Inclusive $179.00 Add Children No Inclusive $17.90 Games only x10 No Inclusive $91.80 Extra Children per head No Inclusive $9.10 Adult No Inclusive $6.50 Concession No Inclusive $5.90 Child No Inclusive $5.30 Normal Hours No Inclusive $19.50 Out of Hours No Inclusive $32.20 No Inclusive $211.00 No Inclusive $1,890.00 Description of Fees & Charges Unit Fee 2014-15 Aqua Classes Birthday Parties Fun Days Lane Hire (per hour, plus entry fee) Pool Hire (conditions apply) Whole indoor pool p/hr RECREATION - OTHER Ground Maintenance Contribution Fees Class 1 Sports Field Senior team use Australian Rules Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 115 Statutory Fee GST Cricket No Inclusive $945.00 Soccer No Inclusive $1,320.00 Junior Australian Rules No Inclusive $940.00 Junior Cricket No Inclusive $475.00 Junior Soccer No Inclusive $660.00 Australian Rules No Inclusive $570.00 Soccer No Inclusive $190.00 1 Hour No Inclusive $190.00 Half Day No Inclusive $940.00 Full Day No Inclusive $1,890.00 1 Hour No Inclusive $92.00 Half Day No Inclusive $380.00 Full Day No Inclusive $570.00 Australian Rules No Inclusive $1,510.00 Cricket No Inclusive $755.00 Soccer No Inclusive $1,130.00 Junior Australian Rules No Inclusive $755.00 Junior Cricket No Inclusive $380.00 Junior Soccer No Inclusive $570.00 Australian Rules No Inclusive $380.00 Cricket No Inclusive $0.00 Soccer No Inclusive $190.00 Description of Fees & Charges Unit Fee 2014-15 Junior/concession use Finals ground maintenance fees Casual user ground maintenance fees Commercial use Community use Class 2 Sports Field Senior team use Junior/concession use Finals ground maintenance fees Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 116 Statutory Fee GST 1 Hour No Inclusive $155.00 Half Day No Inclusive $750.00 Full Day No Inclusive $1,510.00 Community Use No Inclusive 1 Hour No Inclusive $37.00 Half Day No Inclusive $190.00 Full Day No Inclusive $380.00 Australian Rules No Inclusive $1,130.00 Cricket No Inclusive $565.00 Soccer No Inclusive $750.00 Junior Australian Rules No Inclusive $570.00 Junior Cricket No Inclusive $285.00 Junior Soccer No Inclusive $380.00 Australian Rules No Inclusive $190.00 Soccer No Inclusive $92.00 1 Hour No Inclusive $112.00 Half Day No Inclusive $570.00 Full Day No Inclusive $1,130.00 1 Hour No Inclusive $37.00 Half Day No Inclusive $92.00 Full Day No Inclusive $190.00 Auskick groups-flat rate No Description of Fees & Charges Unit Fee 2014-15 Casual user ground maintenance fees Commercial Use Class 3 Sports Field Senior team use Junior/concession use Finals ground maintenance fees Casual user ground maintenance fees Commercial Use Community Use $295.00 Schools ground maintenance fees 1 hour Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 No Inclusive $37.00 117 Statutory Fee GST 2 hours No Inclusive $68.00 3 hours No Inclusive $92.00 Half day No Inclusive $142.00 Full day No Inclusive $190.00 A Grade Pavilion No Inclusive $940.00 B Grade Pavilion No Inclusive $755.00 C Grade Pavilion No Inclusive $565.00 A Grade Pavilion No Inclusive $190.00 B Grade Pavilion No Inclusive $190.00 C Grade Pavilion No Inclusive $92.00 1 hour No Inclusive $19.00 2 hours No Inclusive $32.00 3 hours No Inclusive $44.00 Half day No Inclusive $68.00 Full day No Inclusive $92.00 1 hour No Inclusive $95.00 Half day No Inclusive $475.00 Full day No Inclusive $950.00 1 hour No Inclusive $75.00 Half day No Inclusive $380.00 Full day No Inclusive $755.00 1 hour No Inclusive $57.00 Half day No Inclusive $282.00 Full day No Inclusive $570.00 Description of Fees & Charges Unit Fee 2014-15 Pavilion Maintenance Contribution Fees Finals Pavilion use School pavilion use Casual Use - Pavilions Commercial use of Pavilions A Grade Pavilion B Grade Pavilion C Grade Pavilion Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 118 Statutory Fee GST 1 hour No Inclusive $74.00 Half day No Inclusive $380.00 Full day No Inclusive $750.00 1 hour No Inclusive $43.00 Half day No Inclusive $140.00 Full day No Inclusive $281.00 1 hour No Inclusive $19.00 Half day No Inclusive $43.00 Full day No Inclusive $92.00 Commercial No Inclusive $16.30 Community No Inclusive $8.10 Function Fee No Inclusive $305.00 Function Bond No Exclusive $220.00 Commercial No Inclusive $16.30 Community No Inclusive $8.10 Commercial No Inclusive $16.30 Community No Inclusive $8.10 Function Fee No Inclusive $95.00 Function Bond No Exclusive $220.00 Commercial No Inclusive $16.30 Community No Inclusive $8.10 No Inclusive $72.00 Description of Fees & Charges Unit Fee 2014-15 Community use of Pavilions A Grade Pavilion B Grade Pavilion C Grade Pavilion COMMUNITY HALLS Belgrave Tin Shed Coldstream Community Centre Garry Cooper Pavilion (Basketball Stadium) Hoddles Creek Hookey Park Rotunda Function Fee Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 119 Statutory Fee GST Function Fee No Inclusive $95.00 Function Bond No Exclusive $220.00 Commercial No Inclusive $16.30 Community No Inclusive $8.10 Description of Fees & Charges Unit Fee 2014-15 Kalorama Pavilion Keith Hume Fraser Log Cabin (The venue is under seasonal tenancy for various sporting clubs) Function Fee No Inclusive N/A Function Bond No Exclusive N/A Commercial No Inclusive N/A Community No Inclusive N/A Function Fee No Inclusive $270.00 Function Bond No Exclusive $220.00 Commercial No Inclusive $16.30 Community No Inclusive $8.10 Function Bond No Exclusive $220.00 Commercial No Inclusive $20.00 Community No Inclusive $10.00 Function Fee No Inclusive $270.00 Function Bond No Exclusive $220.00 Commercial No Inclusive $16.30 Community No Inclusive $8.10 Function Fee No Inclusive $225.00 Function Bond No Exclusive $220.00 Commercial No Inclusive $16.30 Kilsyth Memorial Hall Lilydale Lake Community Room Mt Evelyn Public Hall Silvan Public Hall Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 120 Statutory Fee GST Community No Inclusive $8.10 Commercial No Inclusive $16.30 Community No Inclusive $8.10 Function Fee No Inclusive $270.00 Function Bond No Inclusive $220.00 Commercial No Inclusive $16.30 Community No Inclusive $8.10 Function Fee No Inclusive $225.00 Function Bond No Exclusive $220.00 Commercial No Inclusive $16.30 Community No Inclusive $8.10 Function Fee No Inclusive $270.00 Function Bond No Exclusive $220.00 Commercial No Inclusive $16.30 Community No Inclusive $8.10 Function Fee No Inclusive $95.00 Function Bond No Exclusive $220.00 Commercial No Inclusive $16.30 Community No Inclusive $8.10 No Inclusive $25.00 No Inclusive $30 - 150 Description of Fees & Charges Unit Fee 2014-15 Wandin North Public Hall Yarraburn Centre Yarra Glen Memorial Hall Yellingbo Public Hall Public Liability Insurance Fee for casual bookings RESERVES School Use Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 121 Statutory Fee GST Small events - Fee No Inclusive $100 - $200 Small events - Bond No Exclusive $220.00 Large events (Agricultural shows, Bike Rallies etc.) - Fee No Inclusive Various Large events (Agricultural shows, Bike Rallies etc.) - Bond No Exclusive $1000-$2000 New Community Based Leases fee for Council Buildings per annum No Inclusive $260.00 Environmental Volunteer Support (courses & events) No Inclusive $10 to $50 Earth Keepers Program - price per student No Inclusive $225.00 VBRRA Landcare in Bushfire Areas (courses & events) No Inclusive $10 to $50 Biodiversity Offset- Habitat Hectare (remnant vegetation protected and improved) No Exclusive $99,000.00 Biodiversity Offset- per recruit (plant successfully established) No Exclusive $39.00 Biodiversity Offset- Large Old Tree protected No Exclusive $2,000.00 Biodiversity Offset- Very Large Old Tree protected No Exclusive $2,300.00 15 cm pots No Inclusive $2 - $9.50 Tubes No Inclusive $1.00 to $4.00 Commercial - Room per hour & minimum charge No Inclusive $40.00 Community Use - Room per hour & minimum charge No Inclusive $20.00 Bonds No Exclusive $0-$1000 Parkland hire No Inclusive $0-$1000 Dangerous tree inspections 1st tree (standard 7 day response) No Inclusive $185.00 Dangerous tree inspections Additional Tree (cost per additional tree) Standard 7 day response No Inclusive $80.00 Urgent 48 hour response callout fee No Inclusive $440.00 No Inclusive $100.00 Commercial - Room per hour No Inclusive $30.00 Community Use - Room per hour No Inclusive $15.00 Description of Fees & Charges Unit Fee 2014-15 ENVIRONMENT PARKS & BUSHLAND Karwarra Garden Plants Hall Hire Tree inspections Birdsland Facility Birdsland - horse agistment (monthly) Education Centre Room hire Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 122 Statutory Fee GST Internal / Council use - Room per hour No Inclusive $15.00 Bonds No Exclusive 0 - $1000 Parkland hire No Inclusive $100-$1000 Road opening permit fee for works included in Road Management (works & utilities( regulations - including trenching up to 30 metres No Exclusive $225.00 Road opening permit fee for Works in Road Reserves (crossovers, minor works & utilities - including trenching up to 30 metres) Combination of 2 permits. No Exclusive $410.00 Road opening permit fee for Works in Road Reserves (crossovers, minor works & utilities - including trenching up to 30 metres) Combination of 3 permits. No Exclusive $595.00 Road opening permit fee for Works in Road Reserves (crossovers, minor works & utilities - including trenching up to 30 metres) Combination of 4 permits No Exclusive $780.00 Trenching over 30 metres - additional charge/metre No Exclusive $3.25 BOND - Trenching over 30 metres No Exclusive Min of $2,000 or value based on potential asset damage BOND - Minimum No Exclusive $1,000.00 BOND - Maximum (subject to works) No Exclusive $5,000.00 No Exclusive $430.00 Description of Fees & Charges Unit Fee 2014-15 INFRASTRUCTURE ROAD OPENING PERMITS ASSET PROTECTION Asset Protection - Commercial FEE - Sealed Road BOND - Sealed Road No Exclusive Min of $2,000 or value based on potential asset damage FEE - Unsealed Road No Exclusive $430.00 BOND - Unsealed Road No Exclusive Min of $2,000 or value based on potential asset damage FEE - Sealed Road No Exclusive $225.00 BOND - Sealed Road (Minimum) No Exclusive $1,000.00 FEE - Unsealed Road No Exclusive $225.00 BOND - Unsealed Road (Minimum) No Exclusive $1,000.00 Tourism Signage Application Fee (one sign) No Inclusive $97.00 Tourism Signage Application Fee (Council Roads) No Inclusive $97.00 Asset Protection - General Signage Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 123 Statutory Fee GST Tourism Signage Application Fee (Arterial Roads) No Inclusive $97.00 Installation of New Tourism Signage No Inclusive Cost plus 15% admin fee Yes Exclusive $55.83 Scanned reprints at A3/A4 size No Exclusive $2.00 Individual plans No Exclusive $6.00 First plan No Exclusive $6.00 Additional plans (up to 5) No Exclusive $4.00 Additional plans (6 or more) No Exclusive $2.00 LP/CP plans No Exclusive $4.00 First plan No Exclusive $21.00 Additional plans No Exclusive $21.00 First plan or set of plans No Exclusive $21.00 Additional individual plans or set of plans No Exclusive $6.00 A3/A4 photocopies of original plans No Exclusive $4.00 A1 reprint of original plan No Exclusive $6.00 A1/B1 reprints No Exclusive $6.00 Standard drawings / specifications No Exclusive $55.00 Subdivision checking fees Yes Exclusive 0.75% of project value Subdivision supervision fees Yes Exclusive 2.5% of project value Special Charge Schemes - Landowner contribution ceiling for domestic properties involved in road construction projects No Exclusive $17,000.00 Planned Activity Group Services No Exclusive 5.00 - 21.30 HACC Private Business- DA, PC & Respite No Exclusive 45.00 - 52.30 Respite Care No Exclusive 3.30 - 33.10 Personal Care No Exclusive 4.30 - 36.60 Description of Fees & Charges Unit Fee 2014-15 CIVIL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Sale of researched information Approved discharge points (Fee subject to change upon a change in relevant Regulations) Sale of maps & plans Set of plans Reprints at A1 (or larger) via inkjet plotter Retrieval of archived original plans Plan Printing (office stored plans) Checking Fees - Developments HOME AND COMMUNITY SUPPORT Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 124 Statutory Fee GST Domestic Assistance No Exclusive 6.60 - 32.00 PAG Services CACPS No Exclusive 19.15 - 49.65 Food Services No Exclusive 7.70 - 14.60 Food Services Private Business No Exclusive $15.60 Property Maintenance No Exclusive 12.40 - 46.65 Property Maintenance Private Business No Exclusive $62.60 Spring Clean Service No Exclusive $6.50 Upper Yarra Assisted Transport No Exclusive 6.60 - 32.00 DA 4.30 - 36.60 PC Senior Centres' Transport (per return trip) No Exclusive $3.00 Social Support Programs No Exclusive 3.00 - 10.20 Domestic Assistance & Respite Care per Kilometre No Exclusive $0.67 Private Business per Kilometre No Exclusive $1.27 All areas (per hour) No Inclusive $131.83 Hall (only) No Inclusive $94.38 Hall (half hall) No Inclusive $43.61 Dressing Rooms (per hour) No Inclusive $19.31 Stage(per hour) No Inclusive $43.61 Lounge/Foyer(per hour) No Inclusive $43.61 Studio Rooms(per hour) No Inclusive $19.31 Red Earth Room per hour No Inclusive $23.17 Red Earth Gallery Space No Inclusive $110.00 All areas p/hr No Inclusive $135.00 Main Hall p/hr No Inclusive $85.00 Library Room p/hr No Inclusive $43.61 Blue Room p/hr No Inclusive $28.61 Cottage No Inclusive $23.00 No Inclusive $110.00 Description of Fees & Charges Unit Fee 2014-15 ARTS, CULTURE & HERITAGE CULTURAL FACILITIES Mooroolbark Community Centre Montrose Town Centre Upper Yarra Arts Centre Mecca Theatre Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 125 Statutory Fee GST Mechanics Hall No Inclusive $83.66 Studio No Inclusive $67.12 Studio exhibition No Inclusive $80.00 No Inclusive $67.12 Description of Fees & Charges Unit Fee 2014-15 Yarra Ranges Regional Museum Glasshouse space (limited use meetings) $115.00 Glasshouse and Terrace Chambers (limited use) No Inclusive $67.12 Museum, glasshouse and terrace functions No Inclusive $130.00 Main Hall (per hour) No Inclusive $90.38 Nan Frances Room (per hour) No Inclusive $67.12 Gallery -limited use (per hour) No Inclusive $67.12 Gallery - exhibition (weekly) No Inclusive $156.29 Billiard Room (per hour) No Inclusive $67.12 Meeting Room 1 (per hour) No Inclusive $67.12 Meeting Room 2 (per hour) No Inclusive $67.12 Meeting Room 1 &2 together (per hour) No Inclusive $85.91 Seating Pit - set up No Inclusive $210.21 Flat Floor - set up No Inclusive $115.83 Cinema Screening Rate No Inclusive $204.49 Kitchen No Inclusive $36.00 Bond No Inclusive $350.00 Ticketing Fee No Inclusive $2.50 Table cloths No Inclusive $9.00 Piano (tuning) No Inclusive POA Piano relocation No Inclusive POA Photocopying B&W No Inclusive $0.10 Photocopying Colour No Inclusive $0.20 Table Hire - banquet tables (up to 10 tables) No Inclusive $60.00 Table Hire - trestle (up to 5 tables) No Inclusive $12.00 Healesville Memorial Hall Additional Charges Cultural Facilities Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 126 Statutory Fee GST Chair Hire - (100 chairs) No Inclusive $72.00 Supply Tea and Coffee Per head No Inclusive $1.50 Additional Staff Support- Per Hour No Inclusive $36.00 Small PA Hire No Inclusive $59.00 Data Projector / screen Hire No Inclusive $43.00 Daily Fee from Jan 2013 Children 0-2 years inclusive No Exclusive $98.00 Daily Fee from Jan 2013 Children 3-5 years inclusive No Exclusive $98.00 FDC Educator Fee No Inclusive $1,435.00 FDC Service Levy - per hour No Exclusive $1.20 Upwey Community Hall (incl Community Kitchen) - hourly No Inclusive $52.00 Community kitchen only - hourly No Inclusive $26.00 Sun Court - hourly No Inclusive $42.00 Large Multi-purpose Room - hourly No Inclusive $52.00 Consulting Room - hourly No Inclusive $21.00 Upwey Community Hall (incl Community Kitchen) - sessional No Inclusive $182.00 Community kitchen only - sessional No Inclusive $91.00 Sun Court - sessional No Inclusive $146.00 Large Multi-purpose Room - sessional No Inclusive $182.00 Consulting Room - sessional No Inclusive $73.00 Upwey Community Hall (incl Community Kitchen) - Weekday Daily No Inclusive $312.00 Community kitchen only - Weekday Daily No Inclusive $156.00 Sun Court - Weekday Daily No Inclusive $250.00 Large Multi-purpose Room - Weekday Daily No Inclusive $312.00 Consulting Room - Weekday Daily No Inclusive $125.00 Upwey Community Hall (incl Community Kitchen) - Sat or Sun Daily No Inclusive $416.00 Sun Court - Sat or Sun Daily No Inclusive $333.00 Large Multi-purpose Room - Sat or Sun Daily No Inclusive $416.00 Consulting Room - Sat or Sun Daily No Inclusive $167.00 Description of Fees & Charges Unit Fee 2014-15 FAMILY, YOUTH & CHILDREN CHILDREN SERVICES Sherbrooke Children's Centre SHERBROOKE FAMILY & CHILDREN CENTRE HIRE (Includes Upwey Community Hall) Commercial and Private Hire Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 127 Statutory Fee GST Organisation hire - Rate for organisation hire are 50% of the rates specified for commercial and private hire as above No Inclusive Community hire - Rate for organisation hire are 15% of the rates specified for commercial and private hire as above No Inclusive Licensee or Partner hire - Rate for organisation hire are 15% of the rates specified for commercial and private hire as above (a discount of 20% on applicable rates is available to licensees / partners making 10 or more weekly bookings) No Inclusive Licensed area - Small Meeting Room (Hourly) No Inclusive $3.15 Licensed area - Small Multipurpose Room (Hourly) No Inclusive $5.20 Licensed area - Small Meeting Room (Sessional) No Inclusive $11.00 Licensed area - Small Multipurpose Room (Sessional) No Inclusive $18.20 Licensed area - Small Meeting Room (Weekday - daily) No Inclusive $19.00 Licensed area - Small Multipurpose Room (Weekday - daily) No Inclusive $31.20 Upwey Community Hall and Community Kitchen - Individual hire No Inclusive $400.00 Sun Court - Individual hire No Inclusive $320.00 Upwey Community Hall, Community Kitchen and Sun Court No Inclusive $500.00 Sun Court and Kitchen hire No Inclusive $375.00 Description of Fees & Charges Unit Fee 2014-15 Community, Organisation and Licensed/Partner Hire Function Packages $275.00 Community Group Function Rate Bond Bond - General hire of Upwey Community Hall, Kitchen an Sun Court No Exclusive $300.00 Bond - Function hire of Upwey Community Hall, Kitchen an Sun Court No Exclusive $1,000.00 Bond - Large Multi purpose room Function hire No Exclusive $500.00 Induction and security fee (one off) No Inclusive $20.00 Lost security card fee No Inclusive $100.00 Out of hours call out fee (minimum) No Inclusive $100.00 Operations officer (per hour) No Inclusive Available on request FOI Application fee Yes Exclusive $25.70 * FOI Search fees Yes Exclusive $20.00 * FOI Photocopying fees Yes Exclusive $0.20 * FOI Supervision Yes Exclusive $5.00 * Other Charges INFORMATION SERVICES RECORD SERVICES Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 128 Statutory Fee GST Unit Fee 2014-15 Yes Exclusive Statutory Fee plus Yarra Ranges' costs Yes Exclusive $20.00 Fire Hazard Clearance Admin Charge No Inclusive $195.00 Fire Hazard Infringement Notice - Legislated fine under the CFA Act Yes Exclusive $1,444.00 Hourly rate No Inclusive $25.00 Half day - 9.00am to 1.00pm or 1.00pm to 5.00pm No Inclusive $85.00 Full day - 9.00am to 5.00pm No Inclusive $170.00 Hourly rate No Inclusive $17.50 Half day - 9.00am to 1.00pm or 1.00pm to 5.00pm No Inclusive $55.00 Full day - 9.00am to 5.00pm No Inclusive $110.00 Hourly rate No Inclusive $12.50 Half day - 9.00am to 1.00pm or 1.00pm to 5.00pm No Inclusive $27.50 Full day - 9.00am to 5.00pm No Inclusive $55.00 Hourly rate No Inclusive $10.00 Half day - 9.00am to 1.00pm or 1.00pm to 5.00pm No Inclusive $25.00 Full day - 9.00am to 5.00pm No Inclusive $50.00 No Inclusive $5.00 Description of Fees & Charges Other FOI costs RATING SERVICES Land Information Certificates RISK, EMERGENCY & COMMUNITY SAFETY EMERGENCY & SAFETY PLANNING Fire Prevention CUSTOMER SERVICE COMMUNITY LINKS Healesville Hub Commercial Organisation Community Licensee Rate Meeting Room 2 Hourly rate Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 129 * Statutory Fee GST Hourly rate No Inclusive $40.00 Half day - 9.00am to 1.00pm or 1.00pm to 5.00pm No Inclusive $135.00 Full day - 9.00am to 5.00pm No Inclusive $220.00 Hourly rate No Inclusive $50.00 Half day - 9.00am to 1.00pm or 1.00pm to 5.00pm No Inclusive $175.00 Full day - 9.00am to 5.00pm No Inclusive $300.00 Hourly rate No Inclusive $40.00 Half day - 9.00am to 1.00pm or 1.00pm to 5.00pm No Inclusive $120.00 Full day - 9.00am to 5.00pm No Inclusive $200.00 After hours & weekends additional hourly rate No Inclusive $30.00 Short term storage area - casual users (rate per week) No Inclusive $30.00 Exhibition space - gallery (2 weeks maximum) hourly rate No Inclusive $28.00 Hourly rate No Inclusive $25.00 Half day - 9.00am to 1.00pm or 1.00pm to 5.00pm No Inclusive $90.00 Full day - 9.00am to 5.00pm No Inclusive $170.00 Tea & coffee per head No Inclusive $1.00 Tea, coffee & biscuits per head No Inclusive $2.00 A4 1st 5 pages free No Inclusive $0.00 A4 > 5 pages per page No Inclusive $0.55 A3 per page No Inclusive $1.10 Cleaning (if required - minimum 3 hours) hourly rate No Inclusive $31.00 Description of Fees & Charges Unit Fee 2014-15 Monbulk Living & Learning Hub Commercial - full rates Organisation - 70% of full rates Community - 50% of full rates Multi Purpose Room 1 (seats 50-60) Multi Purpose Rooms 3 & 4 (seats 50) Multi Purpose Room 5 (seats 15 to 18) Other fees Main kitchen (Main kitchen not available after hours or weekends unless booked with another room) Photocopying per sheet (black & white) Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 130 Statutory Fee GST Removal of excess rubbish No Inclusive $40.00 Security after hours callout No Inclusive $100.00 Loss of key/access card No Inclusive $100.00 Improper use of centre (loss of full bond) No Inclusive $500.00 Damage to centre and/or furnishings No Inclusive As per quotation Bond (parties for 21 to 30 year old) No Exclusive $1,000.00 Bond No Exclusive $500.00 Operations Officer hourly fee No Inclusive $45.00 Domestic Service (120 litre Waste Bin) Yes Exclusive $196.00 Domestic Service (80 litre Waste Bin) Yes Exclusive $178.00 Additional Domestic Service (Waste & Recycling) Yes Exclusive $152.00 Additional Domestic Service (Medical Requirement) Yes Exclusive $100.00 Additional Domestic Service (Recycling) Yes Exclusive $33.00 Commercial Service Yes Exclusive $289.00 Additional Commercial Service (Waste & Recycling) Yes Exclusive $289.00 Additional Commercial Service (Recycling) Yes Exclusive $33.00 General Minimum Waste Service Yes Exclusive $46.00 Description of Fees & Charges Unit Fee 2014-15 WASTE MANAGEMENT Garbage / Recycling Collection No Charge Changeover of 80/120 litre bins Green Organic Bin Service (120 litre) Yes Exclusive $89.00 Green Organic Bin Service (240 litre) Yes Exclusive $95.00 Bin size 225 litre No Inclusive POA Bin size 210 litre No Inclusive POA Worm Farm only No Inclusive $90.00 1,000 Worms only No Inclusive $36.00 Sale of Compost Bins/Worm Farms Yarra Ranges Council Budget 2014-2015 131