Rock cycle project

Content Objectives: students will be able to apply knowledge of the rock cycle by creating a model of the rock cycle.
Language objective: students will be able to write about the rock cycle using vocabulary: metamorphic, sedimentary,
igneous, weathering, erosion, magma, lava…
Required Components of the Project:
 Detailed illustration of the rock cycle including all the steps and rocks with labels.
These words should be used in your project: weathering, erosion, metamorphism, heat, pressure,
melting, cooling, sediment, sedimentary rock, metamorphic rock, magma, and igneous rock.
Give one example of each type of rock (sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous).
Tell how each type of rock is formed.
The project must be neat, colorful, creative, and show full knowledge of the rock cycle and the three
types of rocks.
Types of Projects Allowed:
 Poster board
Tri-fold board
3D model
Creative Ideas:
 Use pictures from the Internet.
Use pictures of magazines.
Bring in real rocks to use as examples of each type of rock.
Glue real rocks on your board.
Show the rock cycle in a way you haven’t seen it before.