Guidance For Preparing Final Reports Final Reports are due on October 1, 2015. Please refer to Exhibit B of your contract when preparing reports. An excerpt from Exhibit B regarding the final report is below; further guidance follows. The Primary Applicant will submit reports biannually and a final report in a format discussed on [Page 2 of Exhibit B]…Any and all reports must address the goals and projected accomplishments or outcomes included in the [most recently approved/amended] proposal in addition to an accounting or how grant funds were spent. A final report summarizing the entire project must be submitted by the Primary Applicant within 60 days following the end of the contract term or upon termination of the award. Satisfactory completion of an award will be contingent upon the receipt of such report. The content and format requirements for the final report mimic those of the biannual progress reports. However, the final report will differ from biannual progress reports in that it will summarize the entire project in terms of accomplishments and challenges, rather than just the prior six-month period. The final report will contain three major sections: 1 - Narrative Big-picture summary of accomplishments, lessons learned, sustainability plans, etc. Guidance is below under “PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER” 2 - Financials Budget spanning the entire grant period, including narrative explanations of variances Guidance is below under “FINANCIALS” 3 - Attachments/Appendices Detailed accounts of accomplishments and activities Guidance is below under “PROCESS DATA” Successful completion of the Challenge Grant program is contingent upon successful completion of the final report. We expect to be able to use this final information to help demonstrate the value of the CG Program and guide future efforts to build healthier communities. Please be aware that if your report is incomplete or cannot support this intention, we will send it back to you with instructions for rectification of any errors, and a new [speedy] resubmission date. Bear in mind that, in the end, any required information that you have not provided will necessarily be noted as “missing” from your project on all publications and reports. Instructions for Submission: Please save all contents of the final report on a USB drive and mail to your project officer. Mailing a USB drive will circumvent the challenge of emailing large/multiple documents and ensure your report is received in its entirety. Talk with your project officer about the best method. 1 Guidance For Preparing Final Reports PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER (Narrative) Please follow the formatting guidelines provided in Exhibit B of your contract when writing the narrative portion of the report. Below are suggestions of how to arrive at big picture ideas to include in your narrative. You will likely need to gather input from your partners; now is a good time to start talking to them about these items, particularly if you have had trouble gathering information from partners in the past. NOTE: The information you collect from your documentation and/or your partner’s records should be used to inform your narrative, a well-organized, cohesive story from the perspective of your project as a whole. Please do not submit a copied and pasted list of activities and issues. As you write, think about these points: Your experience in the Challenge Grant project What the association with the Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana Foundation and with Pennington Biomedical Evaluation Unit has meant for your organization Most significant accomplishment(s) Problem(s) or barrier(s) that prevented you from accomplishing a significant task or outcome Problem(s) or barrier(s) you were able to overcome to accomplish a task or outcome (How did you do this?) Plans for sustainability Progress toward goals (Did you meet goals? Did goals change?) FINANCIALS As described in Exhibit B of your contract, the project financials should: Detail project expenditures using a grant budget-to-actual format and identify any unspent BCBSLAF dollars. o Grantees must submit a complete, final budget of the entire grant period (09/01/12 – 08/31/15). o Project expenditures must include match dollars, and grantees must distinguish between cash and inkind dollars. o Please use the template provided; these Excel spreadsheets are formatted to calculate totals and variances. The template is modifiable, but all items must be clearly provided and explained. Step 1: Complete the Budget to Actual tables for each year of the grant period. Copy Years 1 and 2 from finalized Budget to Actual tables provided with previous March progress reports. Complete a final Budget to Actual of Year 3. Step 2: Check the Final Budget table for correctness. This spreadsheet is linked to your annual spreadsheets and will automatically populate when you complete the actuals by year. Please review to ensure all numbers transferred correctly. Provide a budget narrative that includes an explanation for any line item totals supported by the grant that differ from the [most recently approved] project budget submitted with your proposal. This narrative applies to Year 3 only. o Please identify unspent dollars and indicate the status of their return to BCBSLAF. o Please also identify and explain any differences between the amount of BCBSLAF dollars received and the originally budgeted amount. 2 Guidance For Preparing Final Reports NOTE: Unspent dollars should have already been returned to BCBSLAF by the time this Final Report is submitted. Unspent dollars must be listed in the budget narrative described above. Preparing financial documents for this final report will involve thinking about your budgeting throughout the grant period and identifying lessons learned. This process is an opportunity to reflect on why budget changes and/or rollover dollars occurred over the three years. Please consider: Were there trends in budget changes or rollover? Is there anything you would have done differently to have avoided them? PROCESS DATA (Attachments/Appendices) The items listed below largely represent your process data. You have been collecting these items throughout the duration of the Challenge Grant project, and you might have included them in monthly calls, e-project management systems, or biannual progress reports. Nevertheless, a comprehensive compilation must be included with your final report. For your convenience, template charts are included below. Please use these charts as guides for organizing your information. These charts are modifiable, but the information must be summarized and submitted in tables. (We understand that not all elements listed below are applicable to each project). 1. List of activities from September 1, 2012 through August 31, 2015. o This list should include recurring activities, media components, one-time events, etc. o Include type of activity, date, purpose, target audience, and number participants/served. o When listing media components, please include all media coverage, and provide copies or links where possible. This list should include both routine and one-time communications of publicity, marketing materials, etc. for grant activities (flyers, newsletters, press releases, photographs, newspaper coverage, etc.). 2. List of all environmental and infrastructure changes or improvements. o This list should cover park equipment, farmers markets, restaurant initiatives, trails, pavilions, trucks, mobile markets/parks, etc. o Include location/address, before & after photos (if available), details of construction or improvements, etc. o Please indicate whether the environmental change was a new construction or an improvement to existing infrastructure. o Please also attach a table of counts, use, etc. for your environmental scans. These data should be collated and summarized by infrastructure and date. 3. List of presentations and publications. o This list should include project-related presentations to civic and local groups, to other area/state agencies, and formal presentations at professional meetings/conferences/workshops. . o This list should include any project-related manuscripts, reports or articles that have been printed in professional publications (journals, magazines, newsletters). NOTE: newspaper/popular press publications should be included in the list of media activities. 3 Guidance For Preparing Final Reports 4. List of significant meetings conducted from September 1, 2012 through August 31, 2015. o This list should include meetings of significance, such as special planning or problem solving meetings, whole team discussions, etc. Standing or routine meetings, such as weekly meetings of project leaders, can be listed once, specifying recurrence. o Please provide the meeting date, purpose, and number in attendance, as well as agendas or minutes, if possible. 5. List of resources and grants received after/in addition to pledges in the original proposal. o This list should include cash or in-kind donations, contributions, or grants that were received as a result of progress made from Challenge Grant funded activities. o This list should not include pledges listed in the original proposal. o Please indicate if the funding will extend CG initiated activities beyond August 31, 2015. 6. List of all partners. o This list should include the role of the organization in the project and the basis of the association (e.g., shared objectives/goals). o Please indicate whether the partnership was initiated because of the Challenge Grant or if you have worked together in the past. 4 Guidance For Preparing Final Reports 1. Activities (including media) This list should include recurring activities, media components, one-time events, etc. Please provide links to media coverage/products where possible. Activity Date Purpose Target Audience Participants/Reach Comments Recurring Programs/Activities FitKids Event 11/23/12 Topic: Indoor activities for rainy Youth in Riverside 27 youth days Elementary School ages 7-12 FitKids Event 12/21/12 Topic: Make your plate a “ 10 youth Low attendance due to rainbow ages 7-11 holiday … Moms Night 02/20/13 Topic: Benefits of cooking with Mothers of 15 mothers Babysitting provided at seasonal vegetables Riverside Elem Riverside Elementary School students … Media Components Weekly radio 02/01/13 First weekly radio show Mothers with Zip Codes 70000show Topic: Introduction to the young children 70007 (73,000 Healthy Community Project people) Weekly radio 02/08/13 Topic: Benefits of cooking with “ …or…parishes Special guest, Chef John Smith show seasonal vegetables covered, etc. … … One-time Events Ribbon 05/15/13 Community outreach & Riverside 79 individuals Mayor in attendance; received Cutting – A.M. celebration around new Community lots of positive feedback and Park pavilion and walking trail publicity Riverside 05/16/14 Free health screenings & Riverside 412 individuals; Need more activities for kids Health Fair recruitment for summer Community 178 signed up for next time exercise program summer program 5 Guidance For Preparing Final Reports 2. Environmental and infrastructure changes or improvements This list should include park equipment, farmers markets, restaurant initiatives, trails, pavilions, trucks, etc. Location/ Infrastructure Details of Construction/Improvement Physical Address New Infrastructure Created Photo(s) attached Existing Infrastructure Improved * Please also attach a table of counts, use, etc. for your environmental scans. These data should be collated and summarized by infrastructure and date. Riverside Park Trail Date 4/18/2013 10/18/2013 4/11/2014 10/22/2014 Time Activity Walking/Running Biking 9:45am 10:00am 10:00am 9:50am 4 2 3 9 Other 7 16 2 13 Gender (Adults) M F Children Total # Children Total Attendees 3 3 0 5 0 1 1 3 11 18 5 22 Gender (Adults) M F Children Total # Children Total Attendees 0 0 5 4 26 7 32 20 8 14 4 14 Weather Conditions warm, nice warm, sunny light rain cool, sunny Westdale Park Trail Date 4/18/2013 10/18/2013 4/11/2014 10/22/2014 Time 1:00pm 1:00pm 1:00pm 1:10pm Activity Walking/Running Biking 7 2 9 7 19 5 23 13 Other 16 2 17 10 10 5 10 6 Weather Conditions warm, sunny cold, cloudy cool, sunny, nice cool, sunny 6 Guidance For Preparing Final Reports 3. Publications and presentations This list should include formal public presentations and … Date and Location Audience (if applicable) Publications Copy attached Topic/Purpose Presentations 4. Significant meetings Meeting Group Date Topic/Purpose Number of attendees Agenda or minutes attached 5. Resources and grants This list should include resources received in addition to pledges described in the original proposal. Will extend the life of CG Dollar Amount Source Date Received Purpose component(s)? (If yes, check below.) 7 Guidance For Preparing Final Reports 6. Partners Partner Organization Role in Project Current/Active Partners Provide print materials and equipment for cooking classes Shared goal/ Basis for association Was this partnership initiated for CG activities? (If yes, check below.) Comments Promote healthy eating in xyz community Past Partners (i.e., an organization that worked with you on the CG in the past, but is no longer a partner) 8