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American History Challenge
On the night of October 16, 1859, this
abolitionist led a group of men to Harper’s
Ferry to attack the federal arsenal there.
His intent was to lead a slave revolt. Who
was this abolitionist and was he successful
John Brown. He was not successful. He was
accused of treason and hanged. But he did
become a martyr for the abolition of slavery.
 Why
did Dred Scot sue for his freedom
and how did the Supreme Court rule?
 What
factors led to Lincoln’s victory as
President in 1860?
 Why
did some southern states decide to
leave the union?
Dred Scott
Dred Scott was a slave who lived in free
territory and then returned to slave
 He sued for his freedom claiming he had
become free when he lived in free
 In 1857 the Supreme Court declared:
◦ African Americans were not U.S. citizens,
therefore Dred Scot could not sue.
◦ Congress did not have the right to ban slavery
in any federal territory.
The Rise of Lincoln
 How
did Lincoln become President in
He joined the newly formed Republican party
in 1856. He supported the party’s effort to halt
the spread of slavery.
He became a leader in the party after the
Lincoln-Douglas Debates on the Dred Scott
decision. 1858
The election of 1860 turned into a 4 man race.
See map on page 471
Lincoln won 180/183 electoral college votes in
the North and the other candidates split the
southern vote.
 What
did Lincoln get for winning the
election of 1860?
Secession- Mississippi, Florida, Alabama,
Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas seceded from
the Union
They formed the Confederate States of
Their president was Jefferson Davis
Read 15.3 and 15.4 pages 462-473.
 Complete reading guide.
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