ALCOTRA INNOVATION PROJECT Feasibility Plan Template Jens Schumacher & Francesco Molinari This document should be used by the participants in the Thematic Working Groups of the project, for the purpose of drafting ideas of cross-border Living Lab trials to be submitted for evaluation to the 5 Regions involved. The CANVAS Business Model (by Alexander Osterwalder, 2004-2010) is adopted as a template. Feasibility Plan Template References Those quoted in Structure of the Feasibility Plan 9 Blocks of the CANVAS Business Model that need to be worked out: 5 specific aspects for evaluating the bidding “consortium”: Page 1 Feasibility Plan Template Project specific aspects for evaluating the proposed trial: Living Lab Approach Cross Regionality How it is designed and implemented Where does it make a difference on: - cross-border cooperation? - technological/sectorial innovation? - marketability of product/service? Motivation and characteristics Where does it make a difference in: - implementing the Living Lab approach - advancing the state of the art - making the trial more successful and impacting? Advance over state of the art Sustainability and Impact Describe the elements of originality in relation to the: - nature of the sectorial innovation implied by the trial - characteristics of the thematic domain selected - nature of the technologies specifically proposed for implementation Where is impact situated? E.g. at societal / business / policy level … Explain how you intend to: - make the trial successful in terms of post-project implications - evolve from the individual trial to a permanent Living Lab - preserve the cross-border aspect of your proposed approach in the future Hint: to prepare a 1-page summary of your project idea, please proceed in the following order: o Advance over state of the art o Living Lab Approach o Cross Regionality o Sustainability and Impact Page 2 Feasibility Plan Template Table of Contents of the generic Feasibility Plan Administrative Information ......................................................................................................................................... 4 1-page summary ............................................................................................................................................................. 5 Description of the bidding consortium ..................................................................................................................... 6 1. Strategy ............................................................................................................................................................... 0 2. Structure ............................................................................................................................................................. 6 3. Processes ............................................................................................................................................................ 6 4. Rewards .............................................................................................................................................................. 6 5. People ................................................................................................................................................................. 6 Description of the Cross-Border Living Lab trial .................................................................................................... 7 1. End User Segments .......................................................................................................................................... 0 2. Value Proposition ............................................................................................................................................. 8 3. Channels............................................................................................................................................................. 9 4. End User Relationships ................................................................................................................................... 0 5. Revenue Streams .............................................................................................................................................. 0 6. Key Resources.................................................................................................................................................12 7. Key Activities ..................................................................................................................................................13 8. Key Partners ...................................................................................................................................................... 0 9. Cost Structure ................................................................................................................................................... 0 10. Living Lab Approach ..................................................................................................................................16 11. Cross Regionality .........................................................................................................................................17 12. Advance over state of the art .....................................................................................................................18 13. Sustainability and Impact ............................................................................................................................19 14. Feasibility Assessment.................................................................................................................................20 15. Other ................................................................................................................................................................ 0 ANNEX: Visual summary ........................................................................................................................................... 0 Page 3 Feasibility Plan Template Administrative Information Please fill in the following table: Contact person for this template Project summary (max 2000 characters) Project duration Name, Surname, Organisation of affiliation E-mail, mobile phone, land line, fax No, Skype Id Organisation names, addresses Contact persons names, surnames, E-mail, mobile phone, land line, fax No, Skype Id Acronym Title Main aims, key activities, trial location(s), expected results # Months from kick-off to conclusion Indicative budget (broken down per partner) Euros (estimated costs) List of partners in the consortium (starting from the coordinator) Project acronym and title Page 4 Feasibility Plan Template 1-page summary Please fill in the following table: Advance over state of the art Max 1000 characters Living Lab Approach Max 1000 characters Cross-Regionality Max 1000 characters Sustainability and Impact Max 1000 characters Page 5 Feasibility Plan Template Description of the bidding consortium Max 2 pages a. Strategy [Text] Questions to answer: b. Structure [Text] c. Processes What are our strategic goals? How do they drive our consortium? What type of organizational structure does our consortium require? What information flows, processes, and workflows does our consortium require? What reward system does our consortium require? How can we motivate our people? What kinds of people with what skills does out consortium require? What type of mindset is needed? [Text] d. Rewards [Text] e. People [Text] Page 6 Feasibility Plan Template Description of the Cross-Border Living Lab trial Max 15 pages – one per paragraph 1. End User Segments [Text] Questions to answer: For whom are we creating value? Who are our most important End Users? Elaborate: Common needs of End User Common behaviors Other attributes Reasons why this segment is chosen Define type of End User segment: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Page 7 Mass market Niche market Segmented Diversified Multi-sided platforms (or multi-sided markets) Feasibility Plan Template 2. Value Proposition [Text] Questions to answer: What value do we deliver to the End User? Which one of our End User’s problems are we helping to solve? What bundles of products and services are we offering to each End User Segment? Define how value creation takes place (characteristics) – for instance: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. Newness Performance Customization “Getting the job done” Design Brand/status Price Cost reduction Risk reduction Accessibility Convenience/usability Page 8 Feasibility Plan Template 3. Channels [Text] Questions to answer: Through which channels do our End User segments want to be reached? How are we reaching them now? How are our channels integrated? Which one works best? Which ones are most cost-efficient How are we integrating them with End User routines? Description: Actual interface with End Users (communication, distribution, sales channels) Which functions are carried out in the channels? (exemplary) o Raising awareness among End Users about a company’s products and services o Helping End Users evaluate a company’s Value Proposition o Allowing End Users to purchase specific products and services o Delivering a Value Proposition to End Users o Providing post-purchase End User support Define actual channel phase: Page 9 See table below (End User = Customer) Feasibility Plan Template 4. End User Relationships [Text] Questions to answer: What type of relationship does each of our End User Segments expect us to establish and maintain with them? Which ones have we established? How are they integrated with the rest of our business model? How costly are they? Elaborate motivation: (exemplary) End User acquisition End User retention Boosting sales (upselling) Define: Type of relationship (personal, automated, etc.) Categories of relationships: Page 10 Personal assistance Dedicated personal assistance Self-service Automated services Communities Co-creation Feasibility Plan Template 5. Revenue Streams [Text] Questions to answer: For what value are our End Users really willing to pay? For what do they currently pay? How are they currently paying? How would they prefer to pay? How much does each Revenue Stream contribute to overall revenues? Generating value streams per: Asset sale Usage fee Subscription fees Lending/Renting/Leasing Licensing Brokerage fee Advertising Type of pricing mechanism defined: Fixed pricing o List price o Product feature depended o End User segment depended o Volume depended Dynamic pricing o Negotiation o Yield management o Real-time-market o Auctions Page 11 Feasibility Plan Template 6. Key Resources [Text] Questions to answer: What Key Resources does our Value Proposition require? Our Distributions Channels? End User Relationships? Revenue streams? Define types of resources: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Physical Intellectual Human Financial Technological Are you getting these resources by: Ownership Leasing Acquiring from key partners Other (please explain) Page 12 Feasibility Plan Template 7. Key Activities [Text] Questions to answer: What Key Activities do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? End User Relationships? Revenue streams? Categories: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Page 13 Production Problem Solving Platform/Networking Updating Technology Other Feasibility Plan Template 8. Key Partners [Text] Questions to answer: What are our Key Partners? Who are our Key Suppliers? Which Key Resources are we acquiring from partners? Which key Activities do partners perform? Define type of partnership: 1. Strategic alliance between non-competitors 2. “Coopetition”: strategic partnerships between competitors 3. Joint ventures to develop new businesses 4. Buyer-supplier relationships to assure reliable suppliers Describe motivation for partnership: (exemplary) Optimization and economy of scale Reduction of risk and uncertainty Acquisition of particular resources and activities … Page 14 Feasibility Plan Template 9. Cost Structure [Text] Questions to answer: What are the most important costs inherent in our business model? Which Key Resources are most expensive? Which Key Activities are most expensive? Drivers for business model: 1. Cost driven o Leanest cost structure o Low price value proposition o Maximum automation o Extensive outsourcing 2. Value driven o Focused on value creation o Premium value proposition Set characteristics: Fixed costs (salaries, rents, utilities) Variable costs Economies of scale Economies of scope … Page 15 Feasibility Plan Template 10. Living Lab Approach1 [Text] Questions to answer: How are the users/citizens involved? What participative LL Models/Methods will be used? How is the LL financed? Stakeholder Involvement Are all Stakeholders involved? Has a participative innovation approach been chosen? Are Users/Citizens involved in all phases of the project? Are IPR defined? Living Lab difference: 1 Why is the LL approach suited for this project? How will the LL approach affect the product/service outcome? o Economies of scale o Economies of scope o … You can make reference to documents at Page 16 Feasibility Plan Template 11. Cross Regionality [Text] Questions to answer: Are Partners from different Regions involved? Is there a symmetric distribution of resources? Is this planned as one cross regional LL or with two independent regional Living Labs joined for this specific trial? Define characteristics of the cross regional partnership: The other region is used to expand the current market Customisation of product/service to regional specialities Co-development and deployment of crossregional product/service Motivation for cross-regional approach: What is the Value-added for the Partners in the different regions? Are the regional contexts addressed? Is the cross-regional management addressed? … Page 17 Feasibility Plan Template 12. Advance over state of the art [Text] Questions to answer: In which respect are you improving over the sectorial state of the art? o Technology innovation o Market innovation o Social innovation o Institutional innovation o Other Describe the characteristics of the thematic domain you are acting within: (exemplary) Too few innovations are reaching the market Too few innovations survive after marker launch The potential of people’s involvement is largely ignored or discarded Market size is too tiny There are institutional barriers, local markets Language and cultural issues prevent the formation of a European single market … Technologies proposed for implementation in the trial: (please list) Page 18 Mature / already productised or servitised Immature / yet to become products or services Other Feasibility Plan Template 13. Sustainability and Impact [Text] Questions to answer: Will the consortium form a permanent Living Lab? If so, how shaped? o As a business/technology service provider to third parties o As a high-tech, R&D laboratory o As a University spin-off o As a Government initiative o As a single enterprise o As a business association o Other Will the LL be sustainable after the trial is finished? How will the successful trial impact on: o The economy o Society o Public Administration o The Academic Sector o Etc. of the Regions involved? Page 19 Feasibility Plan Template 14. Feasibility Assessment [Text] Questions to answer: Page 20 How pertinent is the project idea with either of the thematic domains of Alcotra Innovation, namely o Smart Energies o Intelligent Mobility o Creative industries o eHealth? How coherent is it with the strategic indications of the Euroregion? How defined / packaged / promptly available are the technologies involved in the trial? How broad is the Living Lab partnership in terms of o Territorial coverage o Stakeholders o End users? How much time is required to perform the various project activities, namely: o Trial design o Configuration o Execution o Evaluation? 15. Other. Beware: The information provided in this paragraph will not be taken into consideration for the evaluation process. The same, your inputs are much welcome for the sake of the Alcotra Innovation project. Indeed one of the project deliverable is the so called “Strategic Plan for boosting innovation”, a sort of guidelines for policy makers. This document should somehow support policy makers in adopting policy measures and financial instruments that facilitate innovation on a cross border scale that possibly apply the Living Lab methodology. Please write down some considerations to policy-makers for future programming/funding schemes: a. New/promising technological fields which need to be better addressed b. Ways of financing c. Any other business ANNEX: Visual summary Infrastructure Key Partners Key Activities Offer Value Proposition Key Resources Cost Structure End User End User Relationships Channels Revenue Streams Fill in with keywords! Profit equation Living Lab Approach Cross Regionality Advance over the state of the art Sustainability and Impact End User Segments