Orange TV Update - Orange County Comptroller

BCC Update
April 29, 2008
Your Government in Action!
Brighthouse Digital Cable Ch 199
Comcast Cable Ch 9
Brighthouse Digital Cable Ch 198
Comcast Cable Ch 98
Presentation Overview
• OTV History
• Broadcast Models – OTV & Vision TV
• Programming Policy
• Program Priorities
• Selection Criteria
• OTV Budget
• Sponsorship Initiative
• Summary
Orange TV History
• June 1995 – Orange TV goes on the air!
Orange TV History
• Initial content: Public meeting notices, job
openings, wanted criminals.
• Expanded content: BCC & other public meetings,
PSA’s, instructional programs, videos promoting
government departments and services.
• October 1995 – WMFE Agreement to broadcast
a one-hour, edited version of BCC meetings.
• 1996 – OTV begins airing full-length BCC
Orange TV History
• May 1997 – Sentinel editorial: “Turn on the
Sunshine. The more informed people are, the better
they will be able to participate in the formulation of good
public policy.”
• 1995 - 1997 – Orange TV original programming
grows from 5 hours per month to 400 hours per
month including coverage of the Florida
Orange TV History
• 2000 – UCF Survey shows that 2 out of every 3 cable
subscribers say they watch Orange TV at least once a
• More program diversity: Youth forums, middle school
athletics, gardening shows, short form videos. (Orange
• 2004 – New franchise agreement with Brighthouse gives
Orange County a 2nd government access channel.
launched with no additional staff.
Orange TV History
– Regular program blocks for seniors, children,
our Hispanic & African-Americans communities and the
arts. No live meetings. PBS model.
– Focus on Arts, Education and Information
• Orange TV – Live and pre-recorded meetings take
precedence. C-SPAN model.
Orange TV History
• May 2007 – Governor Crist signs Consumer
Choice Act transferring cable TV regulation from
municipalities to the state.
• November 2007 – Brighthouse cable announces
it is moving Orange TV & Vision TV from the
basic analog tier to the digital tier.
• January 2008 – Brighthouse relocates Orange
TV & Vision TV to channels 198 & 199.
Orange TV & Vision TV
- Reach over 450,000 Cable TV households
- Broadcast programming content 24/7
- Stream live on the Internet 24/7
- Provide Video-on-Demand of all BCC Meetings
- Produce14 Hrs per week for WMFE, CFAN
- Distribute programs to other government and local broadcast
- OTV staff are 1st responders and provide residents with
unfiltered emergency information
Government Access Channel
Viewership Case Study
Sample Viewership from a Midwestern Community
Access Channels
Daily Viewership Weekly Exposure
Public Access
Educational Access
Government Access
Information Channel
Community Access
Government Access Channel
Viewership Case Study
Government access channels have significantly greater weekly
viewership than the following cable networks:
Cable Channel
Government Access
Outdoor Life Network (OLN)
Speed Channel
Animal Planet
Fine Living
ESPN Classic
Weekly Exposure
(Arbitron, 2003)
Mission Statement
Provide citizens with interesting, timely, accurate and
relevant information about the programs and services
provided by Orange County government in a manner
that encourages trust, a sense of accountability and
an appreciation for the value of the services provided.
Broadcast Policy
• Orange TV & Vision TV encourage the submittal of
programs for airing by eligible organizations that are
appropriate to the mission and conform to high
technical and production standards.
• All requests for airtime are submitted to the OTV
General Manager.
• A Production Review Committee, chaired by the
Communications Division Manager, periodically
evaluates current and proposed programming to
ensure it meets the Orange TV mission.
Programming Priorities
First Priority
• Approved programs requested by the Mayor’s Office or agencies
under the Orange County Board of County Commissioners and
official public meetings of the Orange County Board of County
Commissioners, its agencies, divisions and advisory boards.
Second Priority
• Approved programs submitted by other local government
agencies or divisions.
Third Priority
• Approved programs originated by outside groups related to
government agencies, public service/safety and not-for-profit
arts organizations.
Types of Programming
• Coverage of public meetings for government policy-making
• Informational or instructional programs on various government
agency functions or services.
• Emergency and public safety information.
• General announcements of current government meetings,
sponsored events and job listings.
• Coverage of government sponsored events, such as facility
openings, parades, recreational and cultural events.
• In-service training programs appropriate for public viewing.
Types of Programming
• Reader service board with graphics/alphanumeric information of
government events or services.
• Public service announcements (PSAs) of government events
and services and positive citizen involvement and activity.
• Promotional and station identifications announcements.
• Educational programs including those aimed at improving health
and nutrition.
Evaluation Criteria
• Citizen interest
• Compliance with programming policy
• Governmental nature
• Acceptable standards and guidelines
• Production quality
• Public service/safety needs
OTV Produces Over 150 Essential Government
Meetings & Forums Each Year
Board of County Commissioners
Charter Review Commission
Community Action Board
Building Codes Appeals Board
BCC Budget Workshops
Planning and Zoning Board
Underage Drinking Forums
Civic Venue Forums
Nuisance Abatement Board
Mayor Crotty’s Women’s Summit
Orange to Green Conference
Avian Flu Summit
Redevelopment Conference
OC Tax Reform Forum
Board of Zoning Adjustment
Citizens Review Board
Tourist Development
Legislative Delegation
Code Enforcement Board
Special Masters Hearings
Community Crime Forums
Citizens Corps
Community Conferences
State of the County Address
Law Enforcement Memorial
Oath of Office Ceremonies
Macedonia Youth Summit
OC Foreclosure Forum
OTV Produces Over 275 Government
Information Programs Each Year
Orange to Green
Elections and You the Voter
Orange County Scrapbook
Sports Zone & The Club
Healthy Connections
Vital Living Senior Block
Press Conferences
Hispanic Program Block
Public Service Announcements
Internal Use Education Videos
Orange County Update
Community Café
Pet Pals
The COUCH Live
Hot Topics
Orange County Gardening
Community Connections
Downtown Orange County
Youth Speak Out
Know Your Rights
Spanish Language Programs
Al Dia
Tocando Puertas
Hispanic Crime Prevention
Los Hispanos y la Salud
Sabor Latino
Domestic Violence Seminar
Know Your Rights
Public Service Announcements
Promoting Orange County’s
Cultural Initiative
“The arts and arts education are essential to
the education of our children, a vital element
of our county's economy and a powerful tool
for building a spirit of inclusiveness in our
- Orange County Mayor Richard T. Crotty
Cultural Programs
Participate: The Cultural Advantage
Backstage Pass
Winter with the Writers
Orlando Opera
Orlando Ballet
Orlando Philharmonic
Music in the Library
Cinema Cafe
World of Dance
Behind the Indie Camera
Summer Camp Grand Finale
Community Event Programs
Black History Committee Awards Gala
Martin Luther King Awards
Zora Neal Hurston Festival
African American Men’s Health Summit
Sisters Take Charge Conference
CAB Annual Scholarship & Volunteer Awards
Martin Luther King Day Parade
Annual CIT Appreciation Breakfast
Principals Appreciation Breakfast
Ocoee Christmas Parade
OC Design Excellence Awards
911 Remembrance
How Shall We Grow Breakfast
OTV Budget History
Orange TV FY03 - 04 Budget
(1 channel)
Orange & Vision TV FY08 - 09 Budget
(2 channels)
Increase in budget over 5 years
$ 188,000 =
Average per year increase
Increase of Productivity over 4 Years
Built permanent Orange TV studio
Added Vision TV Channel
Added Live Streaming of Both Channels
Added Video-On Demand
Added DVD Distribution
Contributed programs to WMFE CFAN
Orange TV Staff
• 12 Full time employees
– Management & Administrative
– Producers, Directors, Videographers, Editors
• 22 On Call Freelance Personnel
- Host / Reporters
- Producers, Editors, Directors
- Camera Operators, Technicians, Production Assistants
Current Orange TV Budget
Orange TV Cost
Essential Government Meetings, Forums
and Conferences
OC Government Info Programming
Supervisor of Elections
Cooperative Extension
Fire Rescue Department
Office on Aging
Emergency Operations Center
Health & Family Services
Animal Services
Neighborhood Services
OC History Center
Public Service Announcements
Parks & Recreation
Press Conferences
Office For A Drug Free Community
Current Orange TV Budget
Program Types
Orange TV
Spanish Language Programming
Cultural Programming
Children’s Educational Programming
Program Production Budget
$ 7,492,500
Administration, Maintenance and
Equipment Budget
$ 7,492,500
Community Event Programming
Black History Month Events
Award and Recognition Events
Total Operating Budget
Production Requests
• Major “in the field” event with multi-camera production
– 7 production personnel
– 3 hour set up & 2 hour breakdown
– 2 days of editing
– Average Personnel Cost = $ 3,000
• Reporter news story for Orange County Update segment
– 3 Personnel
– 1 hour set up & one-hour breakdown
– 1 day of editing
– Average Personnel Cost = $ 900
Production Requests
• Studio Multi-Camera Production
– 7 Production Personnel
– 2 hour set up & 1 hour breakdown
– 2 days of editing
– Average Personnel Cost = $ 2,100
• BCC Chamber Multi-Camera Productions
– 4 Production Personnel
– 1 hour set up & one-hour breakdown
– No editing
– Average Personnel Cost = $ 1,200
Production Cost Summary
Reporter News Segment
5 - Camera BCC Chamber Production
$ 1,200
Multi-Camera OTV Studio Production
$ 2,100
Multi-Camera on Location (events/forums) $ 3,000
Orange TV Sponsorship Initiative
OTV has received underwriting contributions
averaging $50,000 per year for each of the
past four years.
These funds pay for freelance staff and make
possible the production of arts, information and
education programming that would otherwise
not be produced.
Orange TV is recognized as:
- A national leader in government TV programming
- One of the most cost-efficient TV stations in the U.S.
- A leader in government TV innovation and quality
- OTV original programs have won over 50 national
awards over the past 4 years
Your Government in Action!
Arts, Information & Education Station