Discuss the relation between scholarship, criticism and

Discuss the relation
between scholarship,
criticism and production in
filmmaking and discuss its
impact on film style.
Film criticism
Anybody who actively seeks to understand a film
he/she sees.
 A Critic already knows the formal patterns of a
– Repetitions, variations, narrative.
Film reviews
- usually based on their genres, plot, narration and
- Adheres to a focus.
 involved in viewing and writing about films
Criticism in filmmaking
The practice of analyzing, classifying,
interpreting, or evaluating literary or other
artistic works.
What really makes a critic a critic?
Can we criticize if we do not know the subject?
Aren’t we all critics?
Two kinds of critics :
• Criticism in the affective meaning :
• Criticism of the techniques, of the knowhow : objective.
Film Scholarship
Studies Film in general on a broader scale
 Critical of not just individual films but a
whole body of work.
 Involved in viewing and writing about films
critically; usually a thesis with a common
 Has in depth knowledge of the film
Scholarship in filmmaking
Knowledge in technique fields :
• Special effects
• Editing
• …
Knowledge in cultural fields :
Film Production
Entire process of making a film
 Including pre and post production but
usually means the ‘shooting’ phase
 Director is responsible for it
 Includes coordination of sets, costumes,
production designs, graphic artists, etc.
Between scholarship and
In affective criticism, scholarship does not help.
 Scholarship helps in criticism of the of the knowhow.
 Evolution :
Cultures change in the time, new fashions appear…
 Affective criticism changes
 Criticism does not like the same films than
In scholarship, new techniques appear.
 Critics ask for more and more special
effects, for bigger and bigger productions…
Between scholarship and
It exists between direct relations and
scholarship and production :
Production needs scholarship to make films.
Scholarship needs production since if there were
not production, there would not be any scholarship
in filmmaking.
Their evolution is also linked :
Nowadays, production looks for more and more
technical skills. So that, scholarship needs to adapt
to new techniques.
Between criticism and
Nowadays, production does not take risks
 Sympathize with the audience’s situation if
Film style
Patterned and significant use of techniques
:Mise en scene
“It’s what you call style in retrospect only. At the
time of Making the movie, it’s just about making
individual choices.”-Ethan Coen, producer, writer.
Formalism and the Soviet
– That film should be a translation of observed
characteristics into the forms of the medium.
– Against Realism
– Concerned with with methods of restructuring reality
into aesthetically appealing designs using
: -mise en scène; or aurally, in stylized dialogue,
symbolic sound effects, and musical motifs.
Lev Kuleshov
– Montage :Shots, rather than just 'edited' together, are
– a number of short shots woven together
– Communicate information in a short period
Soviet Montage
Sergei Eisenstein
– Dialectical Montage
– Films: Battleship Potemkin, Strike, October,
– Ex. In Battleship of potemkin, a sailor smashes a plate
and it occurs over ten cuts.
 Intellectual Montage
 Study of existing methods of film making and
introducing new ones- Adding to the text of film
 Eisenstein’s written theories
- work of Dziga Vertov and Lev Kuleshov
- early predecessors of Eisenstein’s montage theories
and practices
Influence:DW griffith’s Intolerance
French New Wave
A group of men from who wrote for the Paris film Journal,
Cahiers Du cinema.
Film critics and filmmakers
 Andre Bazin, Francois Truffaut, Eric Rohmer, Jean Luc
Goddard, Claude Charbrol, Jacques Rivette.
– Critical of popular French films; decided to make their
– Came up with ‘Auteur theory’
– To be Auteurs themselves
Production and Style
Shooting on Location
 Using inexpensive light weight portable
 film stock requiring less light
 cheap portable sound equipment
More panning and tracking shots
Favoured Mise en scene and Long takes freeze-
frames, jump-cuts, expansive camera movements i.e in
Breathless, Jules et Jim
Causal connections become quite loose
Ends ambiguously
richly complex characterizations
emotional realism
– Examining of the face; breathless, 400blows (Antoine’s
stricken face at the end), etc.
– “often emphasized the complexity of the a character’s
inner reactions”- Ian Morrison
French New Wave Directors
Claude Chabrol (Less Bonnes Femmes); Jean Luc
Godard (Breathless; My Life to Live); Alain
Resnais (Hiroshima Mon Amour; Last Year at
Marienbad); Jacques Rivette (Paris Belongs to
Us); Francois Truffaut (The 400 Blows; Jules and
Jim; Shoot the Piano Player).
Andre Bazin on the Soviet Montage ‘it did not
give us the event; it alluded to it.'
Eisenstein's system of Dialectical Montage
not the realistic meaning of a particular shot, but
rhythmic relationship and juxtaposition of the
Bazin: reality of event is important, montage is
expressionism and probably tricks.
Impact on style
Jump cuts from Soviet Montage to Jump
cuts in French New wave
 Magnify time and Space
 French New wave films made frequent
references to Hollywood ‘Auteurs’ like
Alfred Hitchcock, Orson welles, etc.
Films at every stage of reinvention
from German expressionism, Soviet montage to
Structuralism to post modernism
- all products of film criticism and film
- Impact greatly the production and style of films.
Essays, books, movies, interviews
-texts film makers refer to when making movies.