Conceptual Framework Assignment: Academic Success among Greek vs. Non-Greek Students Nick Stowers Oklahoma State University 1) Describes your issue, problem, or research problem Academic Success is the number one topic among college students. Doing well academically is the most important thing in college. At Oklahoma City University I am the men’s Greek advisor. As fraternity and sorority men and women, our students pride themselves on academic success and scholarship. There have been major goals and benchmarks to uphold by these individuals. I believe that these students succeed because of the positive interaction with others in Greek life. By using Bandura’s Theory of SelfEfficacy we see how extra-curricular engagement motivates students to be successful in the classroom, while providing them with positive experiences and a higher self-efficacy. While being guided through social interaction, students learn to meet these benchmarks set forth by their peers, therefore excelling academically. See figure 1 to get the diagram of how Bandura’s Theory of Self-Efficacy can be applied to Greek students. The problem in the study questions the lack of engagement in Greek organizations. If more students participated, they may have a positive experience, therefor making them more successful in the classroom. I predict that these students in extra-curricular groups will continue to be successful. 2) Lists and explains your variables Variables used are college students and Greek life, college students being the dependent variable and Greek life being the independent variable. When students at OCU join an organization, it gives them the motivation to uphold academic success and meet their goals. By applying the theory of student persistence and the theory of selfefficacy, the students continue to persist and excel in their academics while participating in extra-curricular activities. By adding activities such as Greek life to their college experience, they are able to better themselves and stay on track for graduating because of the positive interaction. 3) Lists the theories you want to apply and briefly explain each theory you use As I mentioned, the theories I choose to use in this assignment are the Bandura’s Theory of Self-Efficacy and Tinto’s theory of Student Persistence. Self-efficacy is based on one’s belief of their capabilities. Positive experiences can make the college experience more enjoyable. The theory of student persistence is used as the goal setting benchmark that student retention can be based off of. By joining organizations a student is more likely to be successful and graduate, because of the expectations to do well and graduate. 4) Presents your research and theoretical/conceptual frameworks as diagrams After doing research at OCU, I have discovered that students involved in Greek life outperform non-Greek student on a regular bases. In fact, between the 2005 and 2011 academic years, female Greek student’s outperformed female non-Greek students every semester, where male Greek students outperformed male non-Greek students 10 out of 13 semesters (see figure 2). The research shows that by joining a Greek organization student are more likely to excel and maintain academic success. This can be applied to any extra-curricular activity that encourages social engagement and has high academic standards. 5) Explains your diagrams and what they show Figure 1 shows that by joining an organization at OCU, students are more likely to have high academic success. I believe this is because of the high standards set by the organization leaders and peers. Figure 2 shows the results when evaluating the academic success among Greek students. Figure 3 shows the effects of self-efficacy as it is applied to the typical college student. By engaging in activities, statistics have shown that by joining an organization at OCU students gain positive experiences through social interaction. Bandura’s Theory of Self-Efficacy defines that a person has a set of beliefs that originate or are altered by positive and negative experiences. There are many ways that you can apply this theory in college students of any population. In the right setting, a student could be positively influenced by environmental, behavioral, and personal factors. Figure 1: Bandura’s Theory of Self-Efficacy is used to motivate students to meet their academic goals. College Student Greek Life (extraCurricular activity) Academic Success (Higher GPA) Figure 2: Oklahoma City University GPA statistics from fall 2005 to fall 2011 Figure 3: Self Efficacy is improved by positive experiences from participation in extra-curricular activities. Self Efficacy Greek Life Bandura’s Theory of Self-Efficacy Extra-Curricular Activity Academic Success Positive Social Engagment/College Experience