IV. Textbooks and Class Resources

Abilene Christian University
College of Biblical Studies
Christianity in Culture (Honors)
BIBL 212.H2
Spring 2010—CBS 129
Class Times: MWF 1:00-1:50 P.M.
I. Personal Stuff
Dr. Vic McCracken
Phone (office): (325) 674-3718
Office: CBS building, Room 237
(home): (325) 672-1476
Office Hours: MW, 8:00-10:00 A.M.
M, 2:00-4:00 P.M.
(note: if I’m not in my office during office hours, check the Honors College Suite).
II. University Mission
The mission of ACU is to educate students for Christian service and leadership throughout the world.
The mission of the Department of Bible, Missions, and Ministry is to provide biblical training, Christian
spiritual formation, and a Christian worldview for every student in the university.
III. Course Description
This course is a sophomore-level course that examines the relationship between Christian faith and
culture, advancing a positive Christian engagement of culture as public theology. Students will be
introduced to a basic structure of theological reflection and will practice theological discernment by
engaging a variety of popular media, especially: music, cinema, radio, and literature. Incorporating
classroom discussion, videos, podcasting, shared blogging, and some lecture this class intends both to
complicate and to clarify students’ vision of Christian faith and contemporary culture. Students will leave
this course with the ability to reflect theologically on how popular culture at varying points challenges,
distorts, affirms, and/or corresponds to the Christian story of God’s work in Jesus Christ.
IV. Textbooks and Class Resources
Robert. K. Johnston, Reel Spirituality, 2nd edition (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2006).
Yann Martel, Life of Pi (New York: Harcourt Books, 2001)
This American Life (PRI radio show, available as a free download on ITunes)
Course Readings (Posted online)
V. Competencies and Measures
1. Students will develop a positive theology of
culture which exhibits an appreciation of the
complex relationship between faith and culture.
2. Honors students will demonstrate the ability to
think theologically (Honors outcome 1.h.)
3. Honors students will know how the arts and
popular culture reveal a society (Honors
outcome 2.c.)
4. Honors students will know how their own
temperament, heritage, and experience shape
their perceptions and values (Honors outcome
5. Students will be able to compare and assess
five models of Christian cultural engagement.
Christianity in Culture Blog/Discussion
TAL Radio Show Podcast
Movie Review Paper
TAL Radio Show Podcast
My Music, Myself, My Faith audio blog
Movie Review Paper
1. Reading Quizzes
2. Christianity in Culture Blog/Discussion
3. Life of Pi response paper
4. My Music, Myself, My Faith audio blog
My Music, Myself, My Faith audio blog
Christianity in Culture Blog/Discussion
Final Exam
Reading Quizzes
VI. Course Requirements
1. Reading/Listening Quizzes (100 points)
Students will take weekly quizzes over the assigned course readings and podcast segments. Students
will take a total of 12 quizzes, with the 2 lowest quiz scores dropped from the overall grade.
2. Christianity and Culture Blog and Class Discussion (50 points)
This semester each student will be responsible for submitting one 500-700 word entry on our class
blog that responds to the weekly This American Life podcast. The critical response should include a
brief summary of the weekly show, a personal reaction to one or more of the podcast segments, and at
least two critical questions that probe what the radio show reveals about contemporary religious faith
and/or American culture. Students should reflect critically both on the content of the podcast and on
the sources that inform their reaction to it (personal experiences, cultural background, etc.). Students
will be expected to draw from models of theological reflection explored in the course, allowing this
material to become a seedbed for personal responses to the radio show. Students who submit blog
entries will be responsible for leading our class discussion of the weekly podcast during each Friday’s
class. Blog entries must be posted by Thursday at noon on the week that they are assigned. All
students are responsible for reading their peer’s submissions before each Friday’s class.
3. Life of Pi Book Club (50 points)
Students will read the novel Life of Pi by Yann Martel and write a 4-5 page essay which engages a
major theme from the story. They essay should reflect upon the experience of reading a work of
fiction. Dr. McCracken will provide some prompts that students may respond to in their paper. A
hard copy of the essay is due in class on Friday, February 26.
4. My Music, Myself, My Culture, My Faith Podcast (50 points)
Students will prepare a 5-7 minute audio podcast which explores a favorite contemporary song
through the lens of their primary theological world. Students will identify ways that the song
appropriates this world’s vision of obsessio and epiphania and will describe how Christian faith
informs their own experience listening to the song. The audio podcasts will be posted for peer
feedback and must be posted by midnight on Friday, March 12.
5. This American Life radio show project (100 points)
This semester our class will be creating our own This American Life radio podcast. During the first
week of the semester students will brainstorm possible topics for the show. The class will select a
project idea relevant to the topic of Christian faith and American culture. Students will be assigned to
small groups of 4-6 students, with each group responsible for creating and editing one act in our
multi-act podcast. Student groups will be evaluated for their respective contributions, with student
peer evaluations figuring as 1/3 of the individual grade that each student receives. During the last
week of the semester our class will have a podcast listening party and will discuss our collaboration.
All groups are responsible for submitting their final edited segment no later than noon on Friday,
April 16.
6. Movie Review paper (50 points)
Out class will be spending much of our time thinking about how Christian faith informs the way that
Christians engage popular culture. Students will write a 3-4 page review of a film of their choice that
will be posted for public reading on the class blog. In the review, students are responsible for
reflecting on the experience of viewing the film as well as of critically assessing the film’s merits as
cinematic art. The review should explicitly draw from one or more of the Christ and culture models,
offering a theological critique of the film. Movie reviews must be posted on the class blog no later
than Friday, April 23.
7. Final Exam (100 points)
The final exam is comprehensive and will include questions pertaining to material covered in the
course readings and class lectures. The professor will make available powerpoint slides on
blackboard that cover the materials pertinent to the final exam.
VII. Grading and Class Policies
As noted above, course assignments are weighted as follows:
 Reading/Listening Quizzes
100 Points
 Christianity and Culture Blog
50 Points
 My Music, My Culture podcast
50 Points
 Group Project
100 Points
 Movie Review Paper
50 Points
 Life of Pi Book Club Paper
50 Points
 Final Exam
100 Points
500 Points (Total)
At the end of the semester, I will tabulate points and assign grades according to the following rubric
(note: I use the same rubric in evaluating individual assignments):
Excellent in all or nearly all aspects. Flawless knowledge, deep comprehension,
critical analysis and evaluation, creative synthesis, and mature application. Full test
answers reflect the breadth of pertinent material to which student has been exposed
and nuanced reliance on primary materials Creatively relates material to other areas
of knowledge and practice, exhibiting a high level of interdisciplinary skill.
Good in most aspects, though not marked by superiority throughout. Accurate
knowledge and good comprehension, exhibiting analysis and evaluation, good
synthesis with perhaps the beginnings of application. Good but partial test answers,
reflecting comprehension of the most crucial components of pertinent material, with
good comprehension and regular reference to primary sources. Where appropriate,
makes realistic application, showing some interdisciplinary sensitivity.
Competent in most aspects with some occasional lapses, mostly relating to
knowledge and comprehension. Somewhat deficient test answers, reflecting
awareness of only one or two of the most crucial components of the material and
scarcely nuanced by reference to sources. Applications are fairly reasonable, but do
not have much interdisciplinary creativity or their appropriateness is questionable.
Shows some effort, but most areas are so marred by technical problems or flaws in
thinking or development that the work cannot be considered competent.
Applications are unrealistic and severely underdeveloped. Test answers provide
little information, make major mistakes, and exhibit little or no developed thought.
Shows little or no effort, with substantial lapses that reveal lack of comprehension,
illogical thinking, or an utter disregard for the course requirements. No attempts
made to engage course materials in a meaningful way. Test answers are illegible or
incoherent and exhibit no thoughtful exposition.
Some important policies to keep in mind:
1. Attendance is expected at every class period. In the event of an emergency causing you to be
away, you are responsible for the materials covered in class.
2. Excused absences are those caused by a university-sponsored activity, medical emergency or
family tragedy. If you are absent due to a university-sponsored event, you should provide a
suitable explanation in advance, which must be approved by me. Illness must be verified on the
day that you return to class.
3. Concerning unexcused absences, you are allowed (but not encouraged to use) up to three
unexcused absences this semester without penalty. For every unexcused absence beyond the third
your final course grade will be decreased by 1/3 of a letter grade. Class will begin promptly at
the scheduled time. Three tardies equal one unexcused absence.
4. All assignments must be turned in by the date indicated in the course calendar. Late assignments
will lose 1/3 of a letter grade for every day beyond the due date. Assignments turned in later than
1 week past the due date will not be accepted.
5. Academic honesty is taken for granted at Abilene Christian University. Cheating on an exam and
plagiarism (i.e., submitting the work of another person as one’s own) are practices incompatible
with higher education, especially at a Christian university and may result in dismissal from the
course with a failing grade and a recommendation of discipline to the university administration.
ACU’s full academic integrity policy is available for review at the Provost office website
(www.acu.edu/campusoffices/provost ) and the following offices: provost, college deans, dean of
campus life, director of student judicial affairs, director of residential life education, and all
academic departments. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to:
a. Taking from another’s work without their permission. This includes classmates and
published works (whether in print or electronic form). In papers you must document all
sources used, even if you do not quote from the works.
b. The submission of a paper taken from the web.
6. Students with special needs of any kind should address these with me as soon as possible. If you
have a diagnoses disability you need to contact Alpha Academic Services (674-2750) before or
immediately after your first scheduled class meeting. After your disability has been verified your
instructor will work with you and Alpha Academic Services to provide reasonable
accommodations to ensure that you have a fair opportunity to perform in the course.
7. The ACU Writing Center, located in the Learning Commons of the Brown Library, welcomes all
students who would like assistance with their writing. The Center’s trained and experienced
tutors will provide feedback for any writing assignment at any stage of the writing process—from
planning and drafting to formatting and editing. Services are free. You can call 674-4833 for
more information.
8. I permit food and drinks in my classroom as long as they do not become distractions. You are
welcome to bring cell phones and IPods to class, but they need to remain off unless otherwise
instructed. Laptops are permitted as well, but you are not permitted to use them for activities that
distract you from involvement in the class (i.e. no IMing, facebook, games, surfing, or emailing
unless otherwise instructed).
XIII. Course Calendar
January 11, Monday
Course Introduction
January 13, Wednesday
Christian Faith and Popular Culture
January 15, Friday
TAL Discussion
January 18, Monday
MLK Holiday (No class)
January 20, Wednesday
Theological Worlds (inventory completed in class)
January 22, Friday
Life of Pi/TAL Discussion
January 25, Monday
Theological Worlds (continued)
January 27, Wednesday
Theological Worlds and Popular Culture
January 29, Friday
Life of Pi/TAL Discussion
February 1, Monday
Theological Worlds and Popular Culture (cont.)
February 3, Wednesday
Theological Worlds and Popular Culture (cont.)
February 5, Friday
Life of Pi/TAL Discussion
February 8, Monday
In-class Film: The Fall
February 10, Wednesday
The Fall (cont.)
February 12, Friday
The Fall (conclude)/TAL Discussion
February 15. Monday
Faith and Film—class discussion
February 17, Wednesday
Christ and Culture—5 Models
February 19, Friday
TAL Discussion
February 22, Monday
Christ and Culture—Christ Against Culture
February 24, Wednesday
Christ and Culture—Christ Against Culture
February 26, Friday
TAL Discussion
Pi paper due
March 1, Monday
Christ and Culture—Christ of Culture
Reel Spirituality, 117-134
March 3, Wednesday
Christ and Culture—Christ of Culture
March 5, Friday
TAL Discussion
March 8, Monday
Christ and Culture—Christ Above Culture
March 10, Wednesday
Christ and Culture—Christ Above Culture
March 12, Friday
TAL Discussion
My Music, Myself podcasts due
March 15, Monday
Spring Break (No Class)
No class
No class
Life of Pi, 1-93
Life of Pi, 97-199
Life of Pi, 199-conclusion
Reel Spirituality, 25-54
Reel Spirituality, 55-86
Reel Spirituality, 87-116
Reel Spirituality, 135-184
March 17, Wednesday
Spring Break (No Class)
No class
March 19, Friday
Spring Break (No Class)
No class
March 22, Monday
Christ and Culture—Christ and Culture in Paradox
Reel Spirituality, 185-216
March 24, Wednesday
Christ and Culture—Christ and Culture in Paradox
March 26, Friday
TAL Discussion
March 29, Monday
Christ and Culture—Christ Transforming Culture
March 31, Wednesday
The ethics of film viewing—Christians at the movies
April 2, Friday
Easter Holiday (No class)
April 5, Monday
In-class Film: TBD
April 7, Wednesday
In-class Film: TBD
April 9, Friday
TAL Discussion
April 12, Monday
“Reading Film” through Christian Eyes
April 14, Wednesday
Podcast work day
April 16, Friday
TAL Discussion
TAL class podcast—all segments due
April 19, Monday
“Reading Film” (cont.)
Reel Spirituality, 267-conclusion
April 21, Wednesday
“Reading Film” (cont.)
April 23, Friday
TAL Discussion
April 26, Monday
Podcast Listening Party
April 28, Wednesday
Open Forum
April 30, Friday
Course Wrapup
May 6, Thursday
Final Exam: 8:00-9:45 A.M.
Reel Spirituality, 217-238
Reel Spirituality, 239-266
Movie Review Papers due