Chapter 3

Due May 22nd!
I sincerely hope that at after you complete this course you'll continue to think about
psychology and apply the ideas you learn to understanding what’s going on in the world;
using your best critical thinking. The purpose of this exercise is to find a NEWSPAPER
article (not an article from a magazine, internet publication, or Psychology Today) that
illustrates some psychological concepts. Your assignment is to prepare one recent
newspaper clipping (newspaper feature article or editorial) from a mainstream
newspaper (e.g., San Jose Mercury, Santa Cruz Sentinel, San Francisco Chronicle, New
York Times; Los Angeles Times(it can be printed off the Web) since
September 2012.
On 2-3 typewritten pages (double-spaced, 1-inch margins, 12-font):
1. Identify the source and date of the article.
2. Summarize (briefly) the newspaper article.
3. Write a description or explanation of how the clipping relates to a theory, concept, or
research finding presented in class or in the textbook. Be sure to include a summary of
the material from the lecture or the book and make sure the relevance is clear.
4. Discuss specific ways the newspaper article could have been improved or was
misleading. For example, did you find information in the textbook that contradicted the
newspaper article or would have helped explain the topic more clearly? If you think the
newspaper article did a good job of reporting on its topic, explain fully why you think so
and support your argument with examples.
5. Include the newspaper article (e.g., taped to a piece of paper if it is cut out from the
newspaper). Make sure your assignment is fastened together with a staple,
not a paper clip and especially not a “dog ear”.
EXTRA CREDIT: There are 3 post-exam film opportunities (+ 5 pts possible) that can
be watched at our scheduled viewing time only. Other opportunities to add a few "bonus
points" to your overall score MAY be offered periodically during class. It is your
responsibility to hear these opportunities, write them down, and take the initiative on
writing 1-2 pages (double spaced,12 pt font, 1 inch margins) about them following the
guidelines of the film responses, but slightly longer describing your experience. These
will not be repeated or explained and are due anytime before the start of the Final Exam.
FILM RESPONSES: (+5 points possible) Due at the end of each Film
The purpose of these short film responses is to take what you are learning in psychology
class and compare it to the film/documentary. Summarize the film very briefly
(beginning, middle, end). Then, utilizing at least one psychological theory/concept or
one research finding from the material you have just been tested on compare and
contrast these concepts/findings, and describe what you learned.
On ½ (one-half) handwritten page:
1. Name and describe at least one psychological theory or concept from the film
(The film described the theory of ___X which is similar to …) and compare to a concept
or theory from the last material tested (“…the concept of cognitive dissonance describes
that way in which people tend to reconcile conflicting evidence and beliefs about
themselves by…” ) How is it described similarly? How is it described differently? What
did you learn? Be Specific!
2. OR, Name and describe at least one research finding (“The film showed a study in
which _____occurred. This is similar to….) and compare to a research finding from the
last material tested (“---a study discussed in lecture found that being late causes people
to be less likely to help a stranger in distress than people who were late or on time”).
How does it add to the lecture/text finding? How does it contradict or fail to support a
finding from text/lecture? What did you learn? Be Specific!
1 February 11
What is Psychology?
Chapter 1
1 February 13
Research Methods/Statistics
Chapter 2
2- February 18
No Class
2- February 20
Research Methods cont…
Chapter 3
3- February 25
Quiz 1; 15 Questions
CH 1 & 2 & Syllabus
3- February 27
Genes, Environ, & The Brain
Chapter 3 & 4
4 – March 4th
Exam 1
Chapters 1,2, 3, & 4
4 – March 6th
Exam 1 Film
+ 5pts possible!
5 –March 11th
Brain (triune, subcortical,
Chapter 4
5 –March 13th
Sensation & Perception
Chapter 5 (Pain)
6-March 18th
Sensation & Perception
Chapter 5 (Vision)
Sensation & Perception
Chapter 5 (Body, Pain etc)
7-March 25th
Quiz 2; 15 questions
Chapter 4(part) &
7-March 27th
Chapter 6
8-April 1 and April 3
6-March 20th
9-April 8th
Chapt 4 & 5 & 6
Chapter 7
9-April 10th
Emotion contin…
Chapter 7
10-April 15th
Test 2; start EC film
Chapter 4, 5 6, 7 (part)
10-April 17th
Test 2 Film
+5 pts possible
11-April 23rd
Chapter 8
Emotion *Research Parti due! Chapter 7
12-April 30th
13-May 7th
14-May 14th
15-May 21st
16-May 28th
Quiz 3; 15 questions
Chapter 7 no sex eating;
Chapt 8
Memory & Thinking
Chapter 9 & 10
Exam 3
Chapter 7, 8, 9, 10
Exam 3 Film
+5 pts possible
Personality & Development &
Chapter 11 & 12 + (10 part
Social Connecti0n
Chapter 13
Dysfunctions & Therapy
Chapter 14 & 15
Therapy /News Paper Due!
Chapter 15
Exam 4 DUE! Health &
Chapter 16 (and 15)
June 4th
MC Questions 60 old; 40
new (Exam 4)