
Please do not talk at this time
Oct 2/3
As we go through this lecture record the Level of Threat
you feel at the Information. 1= as threatening as a kitten.
10= as threatening as a long painful death.
Information on the Bomb
Put this on pg. 34A
in your notebook.
Label it:
The Bomb
Level of Threat
Photographs of the
Hiroshima and
Nagasaki the Day After
The Fearsome Power of Nature
A few minutes after
detonation of the
atomic blast
in Operation Cue,
May 5, 1955.
Blast Wave Effect on Structures and Thermal Pulse
And yet , we kept producing them…..
U.S. military observers watch
the explosion during
Operation Crossroads Baker, a
nuclear test conducted on
Bikini Atoll on July 25, 1946.
(Pacific Ocean)
This was the fifth nuclear
explosion ever, after two
other tests and the two
bombs dropped on Hiroshima
and Nagasaki.
British nuclear tests
in 1952
1971 photo of a nuclear
bomb detonated by the
French government at the
Mururoa atoll, French
Polynesia (Pacific Ocean)
The Fearsome Power of Nature
For all Videos in this PPT please
refer to this LINK.
“Now I am Become Death…”
Ivy Mike- First successful H-Bomb AKA Super Bomb
Detonation Power from Fusion
10 Megatons
Public Relations and the Bomb
You saw the video….
How safe are these
people really?
Modern Nuclear Weapons
Firepower through time…
Nuclear Blast Damage
Everything inside
these circles is
Dust….with only
one megaton
Most warheads
now carry 15
megatons or
Nuclear warhead stockpiles of the United States
and the Soviet Union/Russia, 1945-2006.
Total stockpiles, including
warheads that are not
actively deployed (that is,
including those on
reserve status or those
that may be scheduled
for dismantlement).
The numbers of
warheads could be much
smaller in the present
time, circa 5,700 for the
United States and 5,800.
1966: USA=32,040
1986: USSR=45,000
The point at which the USSR
surpassed the USA in
warheads is 1978.
The New START Treaty
Ratified by the US Senate in
Dec. 2010.
Took effect on Feb. 5, 2011
The treaty builds on the original
START, (Strategic Arms
Reduction Treaty), first
proposed by President Ronald
Reagan, which went into effect
in 1994.
The New START limits each side
to 1,550 strategic warheads,
down from 2,200. It limits the
number of deployed strategic
launchers and heavy bombers
to 700.
What do you notice about who has Nukes on this chart? Where did they get them?
Why do China, France, India, etc, have so few nuclear weapons?
Compared with other nations today… (1984)
The World’s Nuclear Weapons:
Nuclear weapons programs are generally shrouded in secrecy
and all of the totals listed above should be considered estimates.
The numbers in the chart above are based on the most recent
available estimates from the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
Nuclear Weapons are Expensive!
Nuclear Winter
The great fear of
the 1980’s- How
would we live
after WWIII?
Nuclear Winter
meant months,
maybe years of
limited sunlight,
massive radiation
poisoning and a
slow death from
starvation and
1983- The Day After
On the night of its television broadcast (Sunday,
November 20, 1983), ABC and many of its local TV
stations opened several 1-800 hotlines with
counselors standing by to calm jittery viewers.
During the original broadcast, there were no
commercial breaks after the nuclear attack.
ABC also aired a live and very heated debate, hosted by Nightline's Ted Koppel,
featuring scientist Carl Sagan and conservative writer William F. Buckley, Jr.. Sagan
argued against nuclear proliferation, while Buckley promoted the concept of nuclear
deterrence. During the debate, Sagan discussed the concept of nuclear winter and
made his famous analogy, equating the arms race to "two sworn enemies
standing waist-deep in gasoline, one with three matches, the other with
The film's effect was also felt in Kansas City and Lawrence (where the film took place).
One psychotherapist counseled a group that watched at Shawnee Mission East High
School in the Kansas City suburbs, and 1,000 others held candles at a peace vigil in
Penn Valley Park in downtown Kansas City. In Lawrence, a discussion group called Let
Lawrence Live was formed by the English department at the university, and several
dozen more people from the Humanities department gathered on the University of
Kansas campus in front of the university's Memorial Campanile and lit candles in a
peace vigil.
…was the terrifying world I grew up in…
What words did you record to describe your
reaction to this information?
How is the world I grew up in with the threat of
Nuclear War similar and different from the world
after 9/11?
Fill in:
The world today is similar to the Cold War era
Living during the nuclear Cold War era is
different than how we live today
Cold War
From just after WWII until 1991, when the
U.S. and the U.S.S.R. competed with one
another to increase influence around the world
Super Power
An extremely powerful nation capable of
influencing international events and the acts
and policies of less powerful nations.
Nation Building
The deliberate efforts by a foreign power to
build a new national government.
Iron Curtain
Dividing one country into two or more countries
Europe’s division between mostly democratic Western
Europe and Communist Eastern Europe.