September, 2013
Atılım University, Department of Psychology Catalogue, September 2013
Understanding of Education and Program Competencies ……..............
Mission, Vision ………………………………………………....................
Undergraduate Program Competencies …………………………….…..
Contact ……………………………………………………………........…
Academic Staff ………………………………………………...……….…
Undergraduate Curriculum ……………………………………….……..
Course Descriptions ………………………………………………….…..
Atılım University, Department of Psychology Catalogue, September 2013
Date program opened: 2004
Degree: Bachelor of Science in Psychology
Duration: 4 years
Language of instruction: English
Understanding of Education and Program Competencies
Understanding of Education
Psychology tries to understand human behavior, thinking and feeling by using
scientifically rigorous methods. Since it is both the art and science of understanding the
human, a psychology education requires strong theoretical knowledge as well as
practice and apprenticeship. Our department aims to equip its students with excellent
theoretical background with skills that they acquire through active involvement in their
undergraduate work. Psychology Department at Atılım University gives students
flexibility and offers a variety of elective courses so that they can tailor their studies to
fit their interests and career goals..
Through close contact with faculty members and other student development services,
we can establish one to one relationship with each student so that they have a
supportive environment for their personal and professional development.
During their first two years, students take basic core courses in different areas of
psychology, such as developmental, learning, cognitive, social, industrial/organizational
and clinical psychology. In the last two years of their undergraduate work, for those
who wish to work in the field after graduation, we provide a wide range of courses so
that they can concentrate in one of the following three tracks clinical/counseling,
cognitive/experimental or developmental psychology. During their third and fourth
years, students will have the opportunity to be involved in the practice of psychology
through internship courses and volunteer community work. For those students who
want to pursue further education in psychology and concentrate on research, we
encourage involvement in ongoing research, and design and conduct their own
research project in their final year.
Atılım University, Department of Psychology Catalogue, September 2013
We are committed to the mission of excellence in teaching, research and
apprenticeship by providing:
innovative courses with a high level of active involvement in research and
undergraduate research opportunities
internship and volunteer community work opportunities
We aim to have graduates who strive for the best, who are aware of the diversities and
realities of the country and the world, who live in close contact with the community,
have broad and flexible understanding of the world, approach events critically,
analytically and creatively and contribute to the scientific knowledge in global
Atılım University, Department of Psychology Catalogue, September 2013
Undergraduate Program Competencies
To have a comprehensive understanding of basic psychological perspectives and
to examine the mental, affective, and behavioral processes of human beings
within a scientific discipline
To have a knowledge about the historical and philosophical developments, basic
concepts, applications and schools of science of psychology as well as the
subfields of psychology such as clinical, experimental, social, developmental,
industrial, health, traffic and educational psychology
To gain skills in identifying, describing, formulating, and solving the problems
related to basic mental, emotional, and behavioral problems of human beings
To develop new ideas through analytical, critical, and creative point of view by
using abstract concepts and to gain skills in evaluating different psychological
To gain knowledge and skills in transforming his/her theoretical knowledge into
practice in different fields of psychology
To have skills in accessing knowledge and using resources
To have awareness of interpersonal sensitivity, societal processes and problems
To have efficient written and oral communication skills in Turkish and English
To gain skills in following the developments in the field of expertise and renewing
himself/herself with an awareness of life-span learning
To have professional and ethical responsibility, knowledge, and awareness
To have knowledge about basic principles of psychological assessment along with
various quantitative, qualitative, and experimental research methods, to have skills
in designing and conducting research by using these methods, and analyzing,
reporting, and presenting research data
Atılım University, Department of Psychology Catalogue, September 2013
Phone: +90 (312) 586 85 69 / +90 (312) 586 86 40
Fax: +90 (312) 586 80 91
Address: Kızılcaşar Mahallesi, 06836 İncek Gölbaşı - Ankara – Türkiye
Atılım University, Department of Psychology Catalogue, September 2013
Academic Staff
Neşe ALKAN, Assistant Professor (Department Chair)
Middle East Technical University (METU), 1994
METU, 1998
METU, 2004
Mine CİHANOĞLU, Instructor (Vice Chair)
METU, 1997
METU, 2000
Ege University, 2009
Umur TALASLI, Professor
Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, 1978
Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, 1975
Kürşad DEMİRUTKU, Instructor
METU, 1997
METU, 2000
METU, 2007
Aslı Bahar İNAN, Instructor
METU, 2002
METU, 2005
METU, 2009
METU, 1990
Ankara University, 1997
METU, 2009
METU, 2005
METU, 2008
METU, 2013
Atılım University, Department of Psychology Catalogue, September 2013
İrem Metin Orta, Instructor
METU, 2007
Koç University, 2010
METU, present
Gizem Sarısoy, Research Assistant
METU, 2009
Hacettepe University, 2012
METU, present
Elis Güngör, Research Assistant
Bilkent University, 2012
METU, present
Atılım University, Department of Psychology Catalogue, September 2013
Undergraduate Curriculum
1. Semester
Course Name
TURK 101
MATH 101
ENG 111
or ENG 113
PSY 101
SOC 101
Turkish Language I
Introduction to Calculus
Introduction to Communication Skills
or Listening and Note Taking Skills
Introduction to Computers
Introduction to Psychology I
Introduction to Sociology
(2-0) 2
(3-0) 3
(2-4) 4
(2-2) 3
(3-0) 3
(3-0) 3
(3-0) 3
Course Name
TURK 102
MATH 102
Turkish Language II
Calculus for Management and
Economics Students
Communication Skills II
Computers & Information Systems
Introduction to Psychology II
Philosophical Roots of Psychology
(2-0) 2
(3-0) 3
(2-2) 3
(3-0) 3
(3-0) 3
(3-0) 3
Course Name
HIST 101
Principles of Atatürk and History
of Turkish Revolution I
Introductory Statistics for Psychology I
Introduction to Social Psychology
Developmental Psychology
Research Methods in Psychology I
Communication Skills III
Free elective
(2-0) 2
(3-0) 3
(3-0) 3
(3-0) 3
(3-0) 3
(2-1) 2
2. Semester
ENG 104
PSY 102
PSY 112
2. Year
3. Semester
PSY 221
PSY 201
PSY 203
PSY 213
ENG 211
Atılım University, Department of Psychology Catalogue, September 2013
4. Semester
Course Name
HIST 102
Principles of Atatürk and History of
Turkish Revolution II
Introductory Statistics for
Psychology II
Psychology of Interpersonal
Psychology of Adolescence and
Research Methods in Psychology II
Presentation Skills
(2-0) 2
(3-0) 3
(3-0) 3
(3-0) 3
(3-0) 3
(2-2) 3
Course Name
PSY 301
PSY 303
PSY 305
PSY 313
Introduction to Psychopathology
Experimental Design
Sensation and Perception I
Introduction to Organizational
Physiological Basis of Behavior
Free elective
(3-0) 3
(2-2) 3
(3-0) 3
(3-0) 3
(3-0) 3
Course Name
PSY 304
PSY 306
PSY 308
PSY 318
Psychological Testing
Sensation and Perception II
Psychology of Learning
Statistical Applications in Psychology
Departmental elective
Departmental elective
(3-0) 3
(3-0) 3
(3-0) 3
(2-2) 3
PSY 222
PSY 202
PSY 204
PSY 214
ENG 202
3. Year
5. Semester
PSY 315
6. Semester
Atılım University, Department of Psychology Catalogue, September 2013
4. Year
7. Semester
Course Name
PSY 401
Psychology of Personality
Departmental elective
Departmental elective
Departmental elective
Free elective
(3-0) 3
Course Name
PSY 402
Clinical Psychology
Departmental elective
Departmental elective
Departmental elective
Free elective
(3-0) 3
8. Semester
ORY 400
Atılım University, Department of Psychology Catalogue, September 2013
Elective Courses
Course Name
Credit ECTS
PSY 307
PSY 309
PSY 311
PSY 312
PSY 314
PSY 316
PSY 319
Community Based Research
Organizational Psychology
Cognitive Psychology I
Cognitive Psychology II
The Psychology of Judgment and Decision Making
Leadership: Theory and Practice
Developmental Psychopathology: Infancy through
Testing of Intelligence
Job Analysis
Work Performance and Performance Appraisal
Selected Topics in Cognitive Psychology
Stress Management
Basics of Clinical Interviewing
Gender Influences in Organizations
Culture and Social Behavior
Political Psychology
Attitudes and Attitude Change
Attıtude Measurement
Multivariate Statistics
Practicum in Psychology
Contemporary Approaches to Psychotherapy
Faculty Directed Advanced Research for Psychology as
a Social Science I
Faculty Directed Advanced Research for Psychology as
a Social Science II
Selected Topics in Industrial and Organizational
Needs Assessment and Training in Organizations
Selected Topics in Developmental Psychology
Selected Topics in Social Psychology
Personnel Selection and Testing
Motivation and Social Behavior
Psychology of the Self
Qualitative Research Methods
Assessment of Personality
Crisis Intervention
Health Psychology
Selected Topics in Clinical Psychology
Introduction to Psychopharmacology
(3-0) 3
(3-0) 3
(4-0) 4
(3-0) 3
(3-0) 3
(3-0) 3
(3-0) 3
(2-2) 3
(2-2) 3
(3-0) 3
(3-0) 3
(3-0) 3
(3-0) 3
(3-0) 3
(3-0) 3
(3-0) 3
(3-0) 3
(3-2) 4
(3-2) 4
(2-4) 4
(3-0) 3
(3-2) 4
(3-2) 4
(3-0) 3
(3-0) 3
(3-0) 3
(3-2) 4
(3-0) 3
(3-0) 3
(3-0) 3
(3-2) 4
PSY 320
PSY 321
PSY 322
PSY 323
PSY 324
PSY 325
PSY 326
PSY 327
PSY 328
PSY 331
PSY 332
PSY 403
PSY 404
PSY 405
PSY 406
PSY 407
PSY 408
PSY 409
PSY 410
PSY 411
PSY 412
PSY 413
PSY 415
PSY 416
PSY 417
PSY 418
PSY 419
PSY 420
PSY 421
Atılım University, Department of Psychology Catalogue, September 2013
Course Descriptions
PSY 100 Introduction to Psychology (3-0)3
An introductory course for non-psychology students aims to provide students with the
overview of basic psychological processes, theories, and topics such as, perception,
memory, language, intelligence, emotions and personality. Emphasis will be placed on
how psychology has affected the understanding of human behavior (Elective course
for non-departmental students) (Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor).
PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology (3-0)3
This course provides an introduction to basic psychological processes such as
biological psychology, sensation, perception, consciousness, learning, memory,
cognition and language. These topics are examined in the context of major theoretical
approaches in psychology such as behavioral, cognitive, psychodynamic and sociocultural. Emphasis is placed on the science of psychology and the ways psychological
science has affected our understanding of human nature and behavior (Prerequisite:
Consent of the instructor).
PSY 102 Introduction to Psychology II (3-0)3
Following PSY 101, this course focuses on topics such as intelligence, emotions,
motivation, development, personality, psychological disorders, psychotherapy, and
social interactions. The course also covers a broad spectrum of psychological research
and thought (Prerequisite: PSY 101, Consent of the instructor).
Info: PSY 102 is the prerequisite of all 2nd and 3rd year psychology courses, except PSY
221 and PSY 222.
PSY 112 Philosophical Roots of Psychology (3-0)3
This course offers an introduction to the history of psychology and its historical roots
in philosophy. This course will give an insight to the students in understanding the rise
of psychology as a science. The topics that will be covered during the semester will
include basic topics such as the mind-body problem, determinism versus free-will,
philosophy of science, the early Greek philosophers’ views, empiricism and rationalism
(Prerequisite: PSY 101, Consent of the instructor).
Atılım University, Department of Psychology Catalogue, September 2013
PSY 201 Introduction to Social Psychology (3-0)3
The interrelationships of the functioning of social systems and the behavior and
attitudes of individuals will be introduced and current theories and research will be
emphasized (Prerequisite: PSY 102, Consent of the instructor).
PSY 202 Psychology of Interpersonal Relationships (3-0)3
This course will provide a foundation in the interpersonal skills and knowledge needed
to facilitate multicultural group interactions, including structured intergroup dialogues.
Topics include: prejudice and discrimination, social influence, group processes,
interpersonal attraction, intimate relationships, aggression and prosocial behavior
(Prerequisite: PSY 102, PSY 201, Consent of the instructor).
PSY 203 Developmental Psychology (3-0)3
This course provides a general introduction to the field of developmental psychology.
It will cover the central questions, major theories and research findings of
developmental psychology. With a life-span and multidimensional approach to human
development, the course will examine prenatal period through middle childhood
(Prerequisite: PSY 102, Consent of the instructor).
PSY 204 Psychology of Adolescence and Aging (3-0)3
Based on the developmental perspective acquired in PSY 203, this course is designed
to focus on the periods of adolescence, adulthood, and old age. Physical, cognitive and
psychosocial characteristics of these periods will be highlighted. Main theoretical
approaches and recent research findings regarding these periods will be discussed
(Prerequisite: PSY 102, PSY 203, Consent of the instructor).
PSY 213 Research Methods in Psychology (3-0)3
This course will introduce the basic concepts of psychological research, such as the
relationship between theory and research, formulating and testing hypotheses, ethics in
research, as well as a variety of correlational methods used in psychological research
(Prerequisite: PSY 102, Consent of the instructor).
Atılım University, Department of Psychology Catalogue, September 2013
PSY 214 Research Methods in Psychology II (3-0)3
This course aims to familiarize students with the use of experimental methods in
psychology. The content will include basic principles of good experimentation,
between-group and within-group experiments, how to deal with the problems
associated with these kinds of experiments, design and interpretation of factorial
experiments (Prerequisite: PSY 102, PSY 213, Consent of the instructor).
PSY 221 Introductory Statistics for Psychology I (3-0)3
This course is designed to introduce the basic concepts of statistics as it is applied in
psychological research. Topics include definitions of statistical concepts, sampling,
summarizing data and graphing, measures of central tendency, dispersion, and
position, counting rules and probability, discrete probability distributions, normal
distribution, sampling distribution, and confidence intervals (Prerequisite: Consent of
the instructor).
PSY 222 Introductory Statistics for Psychology II (3-0)3
This course is designed to introduce a variety of inferential statistics applied in
psychological research. Topics include hypothesis testing process, statistical decision
making, univariate and bivariate parametric tests, analysis of variance, correlation,
simple linear regression, and selected nonparametric tests (Prerequisite: Consent of the
PSY 301 Introduction to Psychopathology (3-0)3
This course introduces students to the field of clinical psychology and abnormal and
deviant behavior and will introduce abnormal psychology with clinical applications
such as assessment, therapeutic interventions, and community psychology. It will
emphasize theory and scientific method in understanding psychopathology (primarily
adult), while providing up-to-date coverage of research. Underpinnings of assessment,
and theory and research in psychotherapy, will also be emphasized (Prerequisite: PSY
102, Consent of the instructor).
PSY 303 Experimental Design (2-2)3
This course offers students knowledge about designing experiments, carrying them
out, and analyzing the data they yield. Various basic designs such as completely
randomized design, randomized block design, completely randomized factorial design
Atılım University, Department of Psychology Catalogue, September 2013
with two or more treatments and randomized block factorial design are covered
(Prerequisite: PSY 102, PSY 222, Consent of the instructor).
PSY 304 Psychological Testing (3-0)3
The course will explore both theory and application of psychological assessment,
especially concerning individual differences in ability and personality, as well as for
diagnostic purposes. Test construction and validation will be discussed and specific
examples of tests will be presented (Prerequisite: PSY 102, Consent of the instructor).
PSY 305 Sensation and Perception I (3-0)3
The course aims to present a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of visual sensory
phenomena, experimental findings, and theoretical explanations, with special emphasis
on neuro-physiological bases and resulting sensory experiences. Another goal is to help
students appreciate the complexity of sensory processes and understand the
fundamental role these processes play in the psychological functioning of the
individual (Prerequisite: PSY 102, Consent of the instructor).
PSY 306 Sensation and Perception II (3-0)3
This course consists of a comprehensive and in-depth survey of the literature on visual
perception. Major topics include size, depth, movement perception, and perceptual
organization. Throughout the topics, many important illusions are addressed. Special
emphasis is placed on perceptual constancies, thereby revealing the inferential nature
of perception (Prerequisite: PSY 102, Consent of the instructor).
PSY 307 Community Based Research (3-0)3
This course introduces students to basic methods of community research including the
use of archival and census data, needs assessment techniques, resource analysis and
elementary program evaluation. Emphasis is given to collaborative research which
involves the community as a partner in establishing the research agenda and
procedures (Prerequisite: PSY 102, PSY 214, Consent of the instructor).
PSY 308 Psychology of Learning (3-0)3
The course will introduce students to the experimental literature of the psychology of
learning. Areas of emphasis will be principles of classical and instrumental
conditioning, patterns of reinforcement relation of learning to motivation,
Atılım University, Department of Psychology Catalogue, September 2013
generalization and discrimination. Major learning theories in various contexts will be
presented (Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor).
PSY 309 Organizational Psychology (3-0)3
This course is a survey of the application of psychological principles to the
understanding of organizational effects on individual and group behavior. It includes:
Organizational climate and culture, work-related attitudes, employee motivation,
leadership, group dynamics and team work, organizational change and development
(Prerequisite: PSY 102, Consent of the instructor).
PSY 311 Cognitive Psychology I (4-0)4
In this course the literature of cognitive psychology will be surveyed with special
emphasis on sensory, short and long-term memory. Attention and pattern recognition
will also be addressed. Important theoretical debates and their empirical supports will
also be presented (Prerequisite: PSY 102, Consent of the instructor).
PSY 312 Cognitive Psychology II (3-0)3
This course offers knowledge about the applications of the basic cognitive psychology
concepts the students have already gained. The topics covered in this course will be
complementary to and will supplement the basic memory concepts covered in
Cognitive Psychology I, which is the prerequisite of this course. The topics that will be
covered during the semester will include working memory, autobiographical memory,
implicit memory, false memory and memory illusions, and metacognition (Prerequisite:
PSY 102, PSY 311, Consent of the instructor).
PSY 313 Introduction to Organizational Psychology (3-0)3
This course offers a broad-ranging introduction to the field and aims to help students
to develop understanding and skills in relation to a variety of subjects, including
organizational theory and behavior, decision making, work attitudes and motivation;
work design; group dynamics; leadership; and organizational culture, reward systems,
motivation and satisfaction (Prerequisite: PSY 102, Consent of the instructor).
PSY 314 The Psychology of Judgment and Decision Making (3-0)3
The course aims to review and elaborate on the psychological experiments and
decision theories concerning how people and enterprises decide and reason under
uncertainty. Since the everyday life and the markets are informationally uncertain, the
Atılım University, Department of Psychology Catalogue, September 2013
course covers the processes underlying most of the decisions undertaken by individuals
and institutions. Thus, this is an introduction to two recently emerging scientific areas:
cognitive science and (the more recent) decision science (Prerequisite: PSY 102,
Consent of the instructor).
PSY 315 Physiological Basis of Behavior (3-0)3
This course aims to introduce students to the role of biological factors such as genes,
hormones, neurotransmitters and the anatomy of the nervous system on human
behavior. Topics of discussion will include the structure and function of the nervous
system at both a cellular and system level and the physiological approaches to topics of
psychology such as learning, memory, perception, cognition, emotion, addiction and
psychopathology (Prerequisite: PSY 102, Consent of the instructor).
PSY 316 Leadership: Theory and Practice (3-0)3
This course mainly deals with different approaches to leadership concept. It considers
all approaches with their strengths and weaknesses. The case studies provided at each
leadership approach enhance the quality of learnt theoretical knowledge (Prerequisite:
PSY 102, Consent of the instructor).
PSY 318 Statistical Applications in Psychology (2-2)3
This course provides an opportunity to apply statistical methods to psychological
issues through the usage of statistical package program: SPSS. The specific content of
the course includes the topics such as data entry and data handling in SPSS, t-test,
univariate analysis of variance, correlation, regression, scaling and nonparametric
procedures (Prerequisite: PSY 102, PSY 222, Consent of the instructor).
PSY 319 Developmental Psychopathology: Infancy through Adolescence (3-0)3
This course focuses on childhood psychopathology within a developmental
framework. Maladaptive behavior from infancy through adolescence will be examined
from the developmental psychopathology perspective that views psychopathology
within the context of antecedents and consequent events, and relates it to normal
development (Prerequisites: PSY 102, PSY 204, Consent of the instructor).
PSY 320 Testing of Intelligence (2-2)3
This course is designed to overview the history and major issues regarding the
measurement of intellectual abilities. With direct instruction and supervised practice,
Atılım University, Department of Psychology Catalogue, September 2013
students will also develop their practical skills in the administration; scoring,
interpretation, and reporting the results of the most commonly used measures of
intelligence tests, developmental screening tests and visual motor perception tests for
children (Prerequisite: PSY 102, Consent of the instructor).
PSY 321 Job Analysis (2-2)3
The course offers a theoretical investigation about the nature of job and the
application of job analysis methods and approaches. Job analysis methods are covered
in detail, emphasis being on the current methods and approaches. The course requires
students to apply the learned methods and conduct a job analysis (Prerequisite: PSY
102, Consent of the instructor).
PSY 322 Work Performance and Performance Appraisal (3-0)3
The course covers historical and modern theories and perspectives on work
performance as well as performance appraisal methods. Students are required to apply
the learned methods and develop a performance appraisal system in relation to the unit
in which they have conducted job analysis (Prerequisite: PSY 102, PSY 321, Consent
of the instructor).
PSY 323 Selected Topics in Cognitive Psychology (3-0)3
Topics of cognitive psychology such as reasoning, problem solving, decision making,
categorization and language acquisition will be included in this course. The effects of
cognition on other areas of psychology such as social cognition, cognitive development
and the relationship between cognition and emotion will also be covered in this course
(Prerequisite: PSY 102, Consent of the instructor).
PSY 324 Stress Management (3-0)3
This course is a survey of the theories of stress and coping. Mechanisms of stress
reactions, factors associated with stress, and coping skills useful in stress reduction
(Prerequisite: PSY 102, PSY 301, Consent of the instructor).
PSY 325 Basics of Clinical Interviewing (3-0)3
The course focuses on the central concepts and core processes common to all schools
of therapy and interview settings. The aim is to provide practical information on the
essentials of conducting ethical and effective interviews with clients (Prerequisite: PSY
102, Consent of the instructor).
Atılım University, Department of Psychology Catalogue, September 2013
PSY 326 Gender Influences in Organizations (3-0)3
This course offers a broad-ranging introduction to the gender relevant issues in
organizations. The topics cover the theoretical background of gender aspects of
organizational life such as influence of gender stereotypes, gender discrimination in
organizations, gender and career issues, leadership, power and relationships, sexual
harassment, and individual and organizational outcomes of gender issues in
organizations (Prerequisite: PSY 102, Consent of the instructor).
PSY 327 - Culture and Social Behavior (3-0)3
This course is designed to acquaint the student with the theories and empirical research
in cross-cultural psychology. The content of the course includes definitions of culture,
cross-cultural research methods, how culture shapes social perception, social cognition,
interpersonal relationships, motivational and self-related processes as well as social
behavior in a variety of social settings (Prerequisite: PSY 102, PSY 202, Consent of the
PSY 328 Political Psychology (3-0)3
This course has the purpose of introducing political psychology and topics such as
personality, social cognition, social identity, emotions, attitudes, role of media,
psychology of race, ethnic conflict, political leadership, terrorism and conflict
resolution will be considered within the perspective of political psychology
(Prerequisite: PSY 102, Consent of the instructor).
PSY 331 Attitudes and Attitude Change (3-0)3
This course is designed to introduce basic conceptualizations of, theories about, and
empirical research on attitudes, attitude formation, persuasion, and attitude change.
Topics include definition, characteristics and functions of attitudes, attitude
measurement, attitude formation, attitude change, openness and resistance to
persuasion, and attitude-behavior relations (Prerequisite: PSY 102, PSY201, Consent of
the instructor).
PSY 332 Attitude Measurement (3-2)4
This course is aimed at introducing the methodological and statistical issues in attitude
measurement. Topics which will be covered include direct and indirect assessment
techniques, different types of attitude scales, development of item pools, development
of attitude scales, assessing the reliability and the validity of attitude scales, conducting
Atılım University, Department of Psychology Catalogue, September 2013
item analyses and using exploratory factor analyses in the development and validation
of attitude scales (Prerequisite: PSY 102, PSY318, PSY331, Consent of the instructor).
PSY 401 Psychology of Personality (3-0)3
The course will provide students with a mastery of the various concepts and their
interrelationships within each personality theory as well as with an appreciation of their
empirical bases and their values and limitations. The major applications of each theory
will be presented and discussed (Prerequisite: PSY 102, PSY 301, Consent of the
PSY 402 Clinical Psychology (3-0)3
This course will introduce of the career paths that clinical psychologists follow, such as
research, teaching, intervention, and public policy. Students will be provided with an
overview of the current issues in clinical psychology, research, assessment methods
and psychotherapy approaches, the historical background, major theoretical models,
and areas of specialization (Prerequisite: PSY 102, Consent of the instructor).
PSY 403 Multivariate Statistics (3-2)4
This course will introduce students with multivariate statistics. Univariate and
multivariate analyses of variance multiple regression and factor analysis will be focus of
the course. The course will include weekly problem sessions (2 hours a week) to
reinforce the learning of the principles by application (Prerequisites: COMPE 103,
COMPE 104, PSY 102, PSY 222, PSY 318 Consent of the instructor).
PSY 404 Practicum in Psychology (2-4) 4
Students will participate in a practicum setting as well as classroom lecture and
discussion. Includes completion of readings, journals, projects and papers
(Prerequisite: PSY 102, PSY 301, Consent of the instructor).
PSY 405 Contemporary Approaches to Psychotherapy (3-0)3
The course will cover the contemporary psychotherapy approaches such as
developmental therapy and multicultural therapy. As well as theoretical framework,
students will be familiarized with case studies (Prerequisite: PSY 102, PSY 301,
Consent of the instructor).
Atılım University, Department of Psychology Catalogue, September 2013
PSY 406 Faculty Directed Advanced Research for Psychology as a Social Science I (3-2)4
Adequately prepared students will undertake individual research of their own design
under the direction of a member of the faculty. The work of the course will include the
collection and analysis of data and a written report (Prerequisite: PSY 102, Consent of
the instructor).
PSY 407 Faculty Directed Advanced Research for Psychology as a Social Science II (3-2)4
Follows PSY 406. The work of the course will include the writing of the research
report (Prerequisite: PSY 102, PSY 406, Consent of the instructor).
PSY 408 Selected Topics in Industrial and Organizational Psychology (3-0)3
The course aims to provide students with a larger view of the Industrial and
Organizational Psychology field. It is a seminar course in which various topics that
require more elaboration are selected and concentrated. These topics may include work
motivation, meaning of work, work and leisure, conflicts and emotions at work, values
and cultural characteristics of employees (Prerequisite: PSY 102, Consent of the
PSY 409 Needs Assessment and Training in Organizations (3-0)3
A theoretical and applied course on assessing the current needs of an organization in
terms of employees, their existing knowledge and skills to be developed, the
organizational personnel policy changes, effective uses of human resource in a
workplace. The topics cover the theoretical background of needs assessment, and
applications of training in a workplace. The course also requires students to design a
training program on a subject acquired from an actual workplace needs assessment
(Prerequisite: PSY 102, PSY 322, Consent of the instructor).
PSY 410 Selected Topics in Developmental Psychology (3-0)3
This course provides an in-depth examination of theoretical and practical issues in
developmental psychology. It will examine how developmental psychology contributes
to understanding and solving real life issues of human development. The course will
also highlight how real life events shape developmental theory and research. Topics are
selected with a life-span approach, covering childhood through old age (Prerequisite:
PSY 102, Consent of the instructor).
Atılım University, Department of Psychology Catalogue, September 2013
PSY 411 Selected Topics in Social Psychology (3-2)4
This course is designed to introduce historical and contemporary literature on specific
theoretical and applied topics in social psychology. In addition to acquiring formal
knowledge on the selected topic of the semester, students are required to develop and
implement a term project for the partial fulfillment of the course (Prerequisite: PSY
102, Consent of the instructor).
PSY 412 Personnel Selection and Testing (3-0)3
This course offers a broad-ranging introduction to the personnel selection and testing
field. The topics cover the theoretical background of selection and testing,
psychometric quality of the selection techniques, fairness of personnel decisions, as
well as biases in testing, validity generalization, and utility analysis (Prerequisite: PSY
102, PSY 321, Consent of the instructor).
PSY 413 Motivation and Social Behavior (3-0)3
This course is designed to acquaint the students with the conceptualizations, the
theories and applications of motivation as they are related to a variety of social
behaviors. The content of the course includes definitions, metaphors, and
measurement of motivation, theories of motivation, and the self in motivation
(Prerequisite: PSY 102, Consent of the instructor).
PSY 415 - Psychology of the Self (3-0)3
This course is designed to acquaint the student with the psychological notion of the
self. The content of the course includes the nature of the self, sources of and cognitive
processes involved in self-knowledge, self-development, self-regulation of behavior,
self-presentation, self-esteem, and cultural variations in self-related phenomena
(Prerequisite: PSY 102, Consent of the instructor).
PSY 416 Qualitative Research Methods (3-0)3
This course is designed to introduce basic methods employed in qualitative research.
Topics which will be examined in the course include designing qualitative research,
ethical issues, development of and data-analytical procedures in interviews,
ethnographic research, unobtrusive measurement, case studies, and content analysis as
an analytical technique (Prerequisite: PSY 102, PSY 214, Consent of the instructor).
Atılım University, Department of Psychology Catalogue, September 2013
PSY 417 Assessment of Personality (3-0)3
This course is designed to introduce students to the concepts and applications of
personality assessment, with a specific focus on three widely used personality
assessment tools: MMPI, TAT and Rorschach (Prerequisite: PSY 102, PSY 301,
Consent of the instructor).
PSY 418 Crisis Intervention (3-2) 4
This course presents theories, strategies, and skills and an overall introduction to
clinical crisis intervention. Models for assessing and responding to crises are presented.
Theoretical and ethical implications will be addressed. Special emphasis will be given to
psychological traumas such as post traumatic stress disorder and to the disaster
psychology, natural disasters and violence (Prerequisite: PSY 102, PSY 301, Consent of
the instructor).
PSY 419 Health Psychology (3-2)4
This course will introduce health psychology, which is concerned with the effects of
behavioral, psychological and social factors on health and illness. Students will be
provided with an overview of the current issues in health psychology; descriptions and
psychosocial interventions of stress, pain and chronic illnesses; and health behaviors
such as smoking and exercising (Prerequisite: PSY 102, Consent of the instructor).
PSY 420 Selected Topics in Clinical Psychology (3-2)4
The course will focus on areas where notable progress appears to be taking place in
contemporary research and practice of psychology. Example topics include
schizophrenia including field study with families of schizophrenic patients, research on
cognition-emotion, field applications of health psychology and community based
mental health (Prerequisite: PSY 102, PSY 301, Consent of the instructor).
PSY 421 Introduction to Psychopharmacology (3-0)3
This course presents the field of psychopharmacology, with the characteristics of
psychoactive drugs, their working principles in the nervous system, and their effects on
the brain and on the behavior. Moreover, an overview of psychopharmacological
medications, their basic taxonomy, indications, contraindications, and side-effects will
be provided (Prerequisite: PSY 102, PSY 301, PSY 315, Consent of the instructor).
Atılım University, Department of Psychology Catalogue, September 2013