2010-2011 ZCR DIDACTIC PROGRAM IN DIETETICS, BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN APPLIED SCIENCE (FOOD & NUTRITION) YSU Department of Human Ecology – Cushwa Hall 3044 – 330-941-3344 Program Coordinator: Dr. Zara Rowlands, Cushwa Room 3050, 330-941-2021, zcshah@ysu.edu GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS BASIC SKILLS ENGL 1550 Writing 1 ENGL 1551 Writing 2 (P) CMST 1545 Communication foundations MATH 2623 Survey of Mathematics Or MATH 2625 Math Literacy & Critical Reasoning PERSONAL/SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (PS) FNUT 1551 Normal Nutrition PSYC 1560 General Psychology ARTISTIC & LITERARY PERSPECTIVES (AL) ___ ELECTIVE ___ ELECTIVE SOCIETIES & INSTITUTIONS (SI) SOC 1500 Introduction to Sociology ___ ELECTIVE ___ ELECTIVE NATURAL SCIENCE (NS) CHEM 1505/L Allied Health Chemistry 1 (P) BIOL 1551/L Phys & Anatomy of Humans 1 BIOL 1552/L Phys & Anatomy of Humans 2 (P) BIOL 1560 Microbiology/Health Prof BIOL 1560L Microbiology/Health Prof. Lab SELECTED TOPICS (ST) SOC 3745 Soc of Health, Illness & Healthcare Or ___ ELECTIVE ADDITIONAL PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS CSIS 1514 Business Computer Systems ACCT 2602 Financial Accounting (P) COUN 2651 Helping Skills for Human Ecol Prof CHEM 3706/L Fund. of Organic & Biochemistry MGT 3725 Fundamentals of Management s.h 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 2 1 3 MAJOR COURSES (Final grade of C or better required) HMEC 1550 Human Ecology Professions FNUT 1551 Normal Nutrition FNUT 1552L Nutr Assessmt. Lab (P) FNUT 1553 Food Science & Mgmt. Prin. FNUT1553L Food Science & Mgmt. Prin. Lab (P) FNUT 2603 Medical Nutrition Therapy 1 (P) FNUT 2603L Medical Nutrition Therapy 1 Lab (P) FNUT 2612 Food Systems (P) FNUT 2612L Food Systems Lab (P) CHFM 3731 Individual & Family Develop. (P, W) FNUT 3759 Advanced Nutrition (P) FNUT 3760 Medical Nutrition Therapy 2 (P) FNUT 3761 Sci. of Nutr. In Exercise FNUT 4802 Research Methods in Dietetics (P) FNUT 4810 Experimental Foods (P) FNUT 4810L Experimental Foods Lab (P) (T) FNUT 4858 Foodservice Systems Mgt. (P) (T) FNUT 4860 Medical Nutrition Therapy 3 (P) FNUT 4874 Community Nutrition & Wellness (P) HMEC 4890 Comm. Contemporary Issues (O, P) FNUT 4895 DPD Capstone (CA) FNUT 5862/L Food and Culture & Lab FNUT 5872 Maternal & Child Nutr. (P) FNUT 5873 Nutrition & Aging. (P) 3 3 2 4 3 MINIMUM UPPER DIVISION HOURS (3700 or higher) = 48; TOTAL HOURS FOR DEGREE 124 ELECTIVE INFORMATION: Credits for the following developmental courses do not count toward degree: ENGL 1539, ENGL 1540, MATH 1500, MATH 1501 Codes: (P) prerequisite, see catalog; (CA) capstone; (W) Writing Intensive (2 required); (T) Critical Thinking Intensive (2 required); (O) Oral Intensive (1 required) Indicates course prerequisites for the Coordinated Program in Dietetics. Applications submitted after earning 63 s.h. of CPD prerequisites. Application due date: Feb 1 of every year to Mrs. Sue Leson. s.h 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 1 4 3 3 3 3 2 3 2010-2011 ZCR Course Planning - BSAS FOOD & NUTRITION – DIDACTIC PROGRAM IN DIETETICS (124 S.H.) Year 1 Fall - 16 s.h. ENGL 1550 Writing 1 (3) HMEC 1550 Human Ecology Professions (1) (F,S,X) FNUT 1551 Normal Nutrition (3) (F,S,X) FNUT 1552/L Nutrition Assessment Lab (1) (F, S) BIOL 1551/L Anatomy & Physiology/Lab (4) FNUT 1553 Food Science & Mgt. Principles (3) (F, S) FNUT 1553 Food Science & Mgt. Principles Lab (1) (F, S) Spring – 15 s.h. ENGL 1551 Writing 2 (3) PSYC 1560 General Psychology (3) BIOL 1552/L Anatomy & Physiology/Lab (4) FNUT 2612 Food Systems (3) (F, S) FNUT 2612 /L (2) Food Systems Lab (2) (F, S) Year 2 Fall- 16 s.h. CHEM 1505/L Allied Health Chemistry w/Lab (3) COUN 2651 Helping Skills for Human Ecology Prof. (2) SOC 1500 Introduction to Sociology (3) BIOL 1560/L Microbiology/Lab (3) FNUT 2603 Medical Nutrition Therapy 1 (3) (F) FNUT 2603/L Medical Nutrition Therapy 1 Lab (1) (F) Spring- 16 s.h. CSIS 1514 Business Computer Systems (3) CMST 1545 Communication Foundations (3) ACCT 2602 Financial Accounting (3) MATH 2623 Survey of Math (3) CHEM 3706/L Fundamentals of Organic & Biochemistry/Lab (4) (S) Year 3 Fall– 15 s.h. CHFM 3731 Individual & Family Development (3) (F,S,X) FNUT 3759 Advanced Nutrition (3) (F) FNUT 3760 Med Nutrition Therapy 2 (3) (F) Artistic & Literary Perspective (3) Societies & Institutions (3) Spring– 15 s.h. MGT 3725 Fundamentals of Management (3) FNUT 4810 Experimental Foods (2) (S) FNUT 4810L Experimental Foods Lab (1) (S) FNUT 4860 Medical Nutrition Therapy 3 (3) (S) Artistic & Literary Perspective (3) Selected topics (3) Year 4 Fall– 15 s.h. FNUT 4858 Foodservice System Management (4) (F) FNUT 4874 Community Nutrition & Wellness (3) (F) FNUT 4802 Research Methods (2) (F) Societies & Institutions (3) Other Electives (3) F – Offered in the fall semester S – Offered in the spring semester X – Offered in the summer semester Spring– 16 s.h. FNUT 3761 Sci of Nutr in Exercise(3) (S) FNUT 3763/L Food and Culture (3) (S) HMEC 4890 Communication of Contemp. Issues (3) (F,S) FNUT 4895 DPD Capstone (3) (S) FNUT 5872 Maternal & Child Nutr. (P) (2) (S) FNUT 5873 Nutrition & Aging. (P) (2) (S)