RPTS 340 Review for Exam 2 (Covers Units 4 & 5) You should

RPTS 340
Review for Exam 2
(Covers Units 4 & 5)
1. You should understand the following terms: ethnic group, racial group, racism,
assimilation, cultural assimilation, structural assimilation, ethnicity hypothesis,
marginality hypothesis, selective acculturation, ethnic boundary maintenance.
2. How do assimilation, the ethnicity hypothesis, the marginality hypothesis, and
discrimination help explain leisure patterns among ethnic/racial minorities?
3. What are some limitations of the assimilation perspective (see Gramann and Allison)?
4. What do Gramann and Allison mean that leisure is an "expression of culture"? Similarly,
what do they mean when they say that "subcultures create boundaries around themselves
to highlight differences"?
5. What significant Supreme Court rulings and legislation have impacted recreation for
6. What significant immigration laws have impacted Asian Americans?
7. How is the importance of family reflected in Hispanics' leisure?
8. What are some constraints and general patterns of leisure/outdoor recreation among
African-Americans? Hispanics? Asian-Americans? You should be able to explain
these patterns in terms of the ethnicity hypothesis, the marginality hypothesis, and/or
9. In what ways do African-Americans continue to experience inequality in the United
10. What are the different way resistance in leisure is reflected among African-Americans?
11. In his article, "Solo Faces", what reasons does Eddy Harris offer for why there fewer
Blacks participate in outdoor recreation than Whites?
12. In the film, "Claiming Open Spaces," African-Americans and city officials had different
ideas about the function of Franklin Park. What were these ideas? In what ways does the
film give us insight into issues pertaining to racial subordination?
13. In what ways does the film, "Claiming Open Spaces," show how groups’ use of parks is
related to their cultural background?
14. What was Executive Order 12,898?
15. What are the five major strategies put forward by Waye ("An environmental justice
perspective on African-American visitation to Grand Canyon and Yosemite National
Parks) to address low national park visitation among African Americans?
16. McAvoy (American Indians, place meanings and the old/new West) identifies four
categories of place meaning. What are these? How do White Americans and American
Indians differ in the priority they assign to these different meanings?
17. You should know how the following have impacted American Indians: Indian Removal
Act, Dawes Act, and the Indian Citizenship Act.
18. What are some common stereotypes and misconceptions of American Indians?
19. What is "othering?" In what ways have Native Americans experienced othering?
20. According to Shaw, what are some problem associated with defining leisure as time
and/or activity?
21. In what ways is gender an "outcome" of leisure participation?
22. What is the difference between “resistance” and "reproduction" of femininity?
23. What is feminism? What are some goals of feminism?
24. What assumptions do feminists put forward regarding women?
25. You should be able to explain why we should study women and leisure.
26. In what ways can leisure serve as a form of resistance among women?
27. What are the major constraints to women’s leisure? In particular, what is an ethic of care
and how does it constrain leisure?
28. Under what circumstances do men and women experience personal choice and positive
29. What do Larson and Richards mean by Paradox 1 and Paradox 2?
30. What happens to women's moods at 6 pm? What happens to men's moods at 6 pm?
31. What was Title IX?
32. What are the major differences between men and women in their use and non-use of
urban parks and public places?
33. How does fear of violence constrain women's leisure (see Bialeschki)? How do women
recognize danger in outdoor recreation settings, and what strategies do they use to reduce
risks of violence?