Code No: N0523 R07 Set No. 1 IV B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, December - 2013 MOBILE COMPUTING (Common to Computer Science & Engineering, Information Technology and Electronics & Computer Engineering) Time : 3 hours Max. Marks: 80 Answer any Five Questions All Questions carry equal marks ** 1 a) b) Explain the architecture of GSM with neat sketch. Explain the application of Mobile Computing. 2 a) Differentiate classical Aloha multiple access and slotted Aloha multiple access. Briefly discuss about FDMA. [8] [8] 3 a) b) Explain encapsulation mechanism in mobile IP. With neat diagram explain the basic configurations of DHCP. [8] [8] 4 a) b) Briefly explain about the classical enhancements to TCP for mobility. Explain in detail about indirect TCP [8] [8] 5 a) b) Explain Cache invalidation mechanisms in detail. What is data hoarding? Explain why data hoarding is necessary in mobile environment. [8] 6 a) b) Explain Pull based mechanism in detail. Compare various Data dissemination mechanism. [8] [8] 7 List factors responsible for making routing in Ad-hoc network difficult and explain each in brief. [16] Explain the mechanisms of various classes of wireless transaction protocol [16] b) 8 1 of 1 |''|'||||''|''||'|'| [10] [6] [8] Code No: N0523 R07 Set No. 2 IV B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, December - 2013 MOBILE COMPUTING (Common to Computer Science & Engineering, Information Technology and Electronics & Computer Engineering) Time : 3 hours Max. Marks: 80 Answer any Five Questions All Questions carry equal marks ** Explain the GSM protocol architecture for signaling. What are the limitation of Mobile Computing and explain each with example. Explain the security services offered by GSM [8] 2 a) b) Discuss about various versions of carrier sense multiple access protocol Briefly discuss about TDMA. [8] [8] 3 Explain packet flow in mobile IP, if two mobiles communicate and both are in foreign networks. What addition routes do packets take if reverse tunneling is required? 1 a) b) [8] [16] 4 a) b) Explain Fast retransmit/fast recovery approach of TCP. Write a detailed note on M-TCP. [8] [8] 5 a) b) Explain database recovery model in detail Describe in detail about power aware and context aware computing [8] [8] 6 Explain about various data delivery mechanisms in detail and compare. [16] 7 a) Discuss the applications ad hoc networks. Also explain why routing is difficult in ad hoc networks? Explain Destination Sequenced Distance-Vector (DSDV). [10] Explain the architecture and security of WAP [16] b) 8 1 of 1 |''|'||||''|''||'|'| [6] Code No: N0523 R07 Set No. 3 IV B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, December - 2013 MOBILE COMPUTING (Common to Computer Science & Engineering, Information Technology and Electronics & Computer Engineering) Time : 3 hours Max. Marks: 80 Answer any Five Questions All Questions carry equal marks ** 1 a) b) Explain the architecture of Mobile Computing with neat diagram Explain the security services offered by GSM. [8] [8] 2 a) What is the effect of hidden and exposed terminals in case of reservation Aloha and MAC? Briefly discuss about SDMA. [8] [8] What is the basic purpose of agent advertisement in packet forwarding? Explain the message format of agent advertisement packet with ICMP and mobility extension, with giving suitable example. [16] 4 Explain clearly about indirect TCP and snooping TCP. [16] 5 a) b) Explain about query processing of DBMS with neat diagram. Explain about client server computing with adaptation. [8] [8] 6 a) b) Describe in detail about hybrid mechanisms in data delivery. Explain about communications asymmetry in detail. [8] [8] 7 Explain the salient characteristics of ad hoc networks and describe global state routing algorithm. [16] Explain the type of the services offered by Bluetooth, each in detail. [16] b) 3 8 1 of 1 |''|'||||''|''||'|'| Code No: N0523 R07 Set No. 4 IV B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, December - 2013 MOBILE COMPUTING (Common to Computer Science & Engineering, Information Technology and Electronics & Computer Engineering) Time : 3 hours Max. Marks: 80 Answer any Five Questions All Questions carry equal marks ** 1 a) b) Explain how handover mechanism is handled by GSM. Briefly explain the mobile services offered by GSM. [8] [8] 2 a) b) Discuss about the effect of near and far terminals in wireless networks Briefly discuss about CDMA. [8] [8] 3 What is agent advertisement and discovery? Explain with neat diagram the need of registration and registration process in mobile IP. 4 a) b) Briefly discuss about selective retransmission approach of TCP Compare the advantages and disadvantages of I-TCP, S-TCP and M-TCP 5 What are the database issues involved in mobile environment? Discuss them in detail. 6 a) b) Explain in details selective tuning techniques. Give comparison between various data dissemination mechanisms. 7 Differentiate between MANETs and conventional networks. What advantages do Adhoc networks offers? Explain in detail by giving suitable example. [16] 8 Explain the security features of wireless transport layer security. [16] 1 of 1 |''|'||||''|''||'|'| [16] [8] [8] [16] [8] [8]