CHAPTER SEVENTEEN ◘ PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION 1. Officers, Midshipmen, and Instructors 1.1. Enrollment 1.1.1. The commanding officer shall urge each parent to enroll in the program. The parent / guardian must be offered an application package prior to or during the enrollment of their cadet. 1.1.2. All officers, midshipmen, and instructors shall be enrolled in accordance with the NSCC/NLCC Regulations Manual. 1.1.3. All prospective applicants for selection will complete an application package after meeting with the commanding officer. 1.1.4. If an applicant is not qualified by reason of background checks, or other disqualifying criteria, the applicant will be notified of the problem. A memorandum for record will be prepared and the completed application returned. A no point shall the disqualifying issue be discussed with any member. 1.1.5. The determination by the commanding officer to accept or decline an officer or instructor applicant is final. Neither the Hancock Squadron / Training Ship Midway are bound to accept an applicant. No applicant has the “right” to be accepted. 1.1.6. Medical Requirements: Adults must be in good health commensurate with their age group and be free from any ailment or condition that would prevent them from satisfactory performing their primary duty of supervision youth. Adults bear the responsibility for ensuring that their medical information is accurate and up to date, and that any changes are reported to the commanding officer. All adults also share the responsibility to always look out for their shipmates and taking whatever action necessary for ensuring their continued health, well being and medical qualification as well. 1.2. Separations 1.2.1. An officer, midshipman, or instructor may request separation, transfer to inactive status, retirement, or may be dismissed in one of the following ways: An adult may request a leave of absence (LOA) for personal reasons. The adult submits a letter to the executive director via the commanding officer. The leave of absence cannot exceed one year. An officer or midshipman may wish to resign his or her appointment at any time. A letter is submitted to the executive director via the commanding officer. An officer may request transfer to inactive status via a letter to the executive director. The commanding officer may to dismiss any adult member who consistently fails in his/her duties, is incapable of performing his/her duties, disciplinary reasons, questionable or inappropriate conduct, or loss of confidence or fails to attend drills and other mandatory unit events. An NSCC officer may request to be transferred to retired status in accordance with NSCC Regulations, Section 100. Transfers An adult may transfer to another unit at any time per NSCC Regulations. 1.3. Training Requirements 1.3.1. Complete the Officer-Midshipman Study Guide within one year. 1.3.2. Complete OPD 101, 201, and 301 as soon as practical. 1.4. Billet Assignments The commanding officer shall interview each applicant to determine the billet for which the member is best suited. 1.5. Evaluations 1.5.1. Adult members shall be evaluated annually no later than 15 MAR by the commanding officer using the Officer/Midshipman/Instructor Evaluation (NSCADM 017). 1.5.2. Evaluations shall be forwarded to National Headquarters no later than 31MAR. 28 2. Cadets/Leaguers 2.1. Enrollment 2.1.1. Enrollment of Leaguers NLCC regulations allow for the enrollment of leaguers at ten years old. Assuming the commanding officer approves enrollment, the parent must join the program as an instructor and be present at each activity of their leaguer at least until the leaguer turns eleven. Parents / guardians shall only provide their contact information for their leaguer. At no point shall a leaguers personal email address or mobile phone number be listed on the enrollment application. 2.1.2. Interview: The commanding officer will conduct an interview with the applicants and their parents/guardians. The commanding officer shall handout the New Member Orientation Packet as well as discuss: The objectives and purposes of the NSCC/NLCC program and the benefits available to their sons and daughters through participation. The goals of the applicant cadet/leaguer. The relationship of the NSCC/NLCC to the Navy, Coast Guard, other military services and the Navy League. Costs of annual enrollment, advanced trainings (including travel), and uniform deposit. Drill attendance requirements, personal appearance (particularly haircuts) and the need for parental support in these matters. The NSCC insurance program. Explain what the program covers and ensure that the parent signs a copy as an acknowledgment of receipt. The need for parental/guardian to support squadron/training activities like annual inspection, social events, and ceremonial occasions. The standard release part of the Cadet Application (NSCADM 001) and its purpose. 2.1.3. Contact Between Cadets, Parents and Staff Parents / guardians must provide a primary phone number and email address for parental contact. The cadet must also provide an email address at minimum. Cadets are expected to check for emails pertaining to the NSCC/NLCC and respond as requested. 2.1.4. Enrollment Agreements All cadets/leaguers must sign an enrollment and must attend must attend all drills and mandatory events for six months. Failure to due to may result in disenrollment. 2.1.5. Cycle into the Squadron / Training Ship After the interview, upon approval of the commanding officer, the cadet shall stay for the remainder of the drill period. 2.1.6. Cadet Leadership Determination Upon completion of the cadet’s second drill period, the cadet staff (leading petty officer and squad leaders) shall convene and recommend enrollment or non-enrollment. If enrollment is recommended, the LPO shall assign the recruit to a squad. 2.1.7. The commanding officer shall advise the Administrative Officer to forward the cadet’s application to Headquarters after the second drill period. 2.2. Separation 2.2.1. Cadets/leaguers may request separation, leave of absence be dismissed from the program for reasons listed below: Resignation: A cadet or leaguer may resign at any time. Leave of Absence: Cadets may be granted leave of absence for up to one year. Scholastics: Failure to maintain satisfactory grades (C average) in school, failure to pass to the next grade, or school dropout. Drill attendance: Failure to maintain satisfactory drill attendance. Cadets E-2 and above must attend at least 75% of drills. Recruit cadets cannot miss drills. Cadets on unauthorized absence (UA) for three consecutive months will be dismissed. Motivation: Lack of motivation, attitude or effort to participate. 29 Reaching 18th Birthday: High school graduates who are 18 years old may remain in the program until 30 September after they turn 18, but no more than six months for payment purposes. If more than six months, a full year’s enrollment fee is required. The same applies to those cadets who turn 19 in their senior year of high school. General: Any other conduct considered unbecoming and/or in conflict with the goals and objected of the NSCC, the squadron, or the training ship, as determined by the commanding officer. Conviction: Convicted or charged with a crime by civil authorities. Inappropriate behavior: Promiscuous sexual behavior, becoming pregnant, or causing a pregnancy. Equal opportunity: Committing sexual harassment, fraternization and/or hazing of any type. Alcohol/Drug use: Consumption of alcohol and the possession, use or sale of drugs and other controlled substances. Uniforms and appearance: Non-compliance with uniform wear or grooming standards. Lack of participation or failure to comply with the NAVEDTRA Correspondence Course Completion Timeline (Appendix C). Lack of advancement 2.2.2. Transfers Procedures Cadets may request transfer to another unit when moving to a different locality, or for any other good reason. Cadet transfers will not be approved when the intent is to escape disciplinary action. Cadets will submit requests for transfer to the commanding officer, stating the reason(s). The administrative officer will expeditiously bring the cadet's service record up to date and forward it to the commanding officer of the receiving unit. An entry will be made on the Administrative Remarks page stating date of transfer and the name of the unit to which transferred. Cadets who move to a different locality prior to initiating procedures outlined above should be instructed to contact National Headquarters for assistance in affiliating with a new unit. The administrative officer will report cadet receipts/transfers by entry on the NSCC/NLCC Monthly Activity Report. Conflicts or disputes regarding inter-unit transfer may arise from time to time, and shall be referred to the region 12-2 director for resolution. Transfer of personnel to other NSCC/NLCC units and acceptance of transferred personnel from other units shall be in accordance with NSCC/NLCC Regulations. 2.2.3. Transfer / Discharge of Navy League Cadets Transfer: A Navy League cadet may transfer to the NSCC upon reaching their 13th birthday, but no later than their 14th birthday. A leaguer in good standing may decide to transfer to NSCC at any time they are eligible. A leaguer in probationary status must obtain the approval of the commanding officer prior to transfer. Discharge: If circumstances preclude transfer to NSCC, the administrative officer shall discharge leaguers no later than 31 DEC of the calendar year in which they reach 14. The administrative officer shall process a NLCC Discharge Certificate (NSCADM 031) for leaguers, Able Cadet (LC-3) or above, upon discharge or transfer to Hancock Squadron. This is an administrative procedure and does not require action from the commanding officer. 3. Record Keeping 3.1.1. Record Request All records request shall be handled promptly in accordance with NSCC/NLCC regulations. 3.1.2. Security / Privacy of Records Squadron Personnel Files shall be kept under the control of the administrative officer. 30 The administrative officer shall ensure proper security of squadron personnel records. No member shall be granted access to member records unless they have a need to know, and a right to know. Member records must be secured and protected as they contain personal information. The administrative officer may take records home as needed. Cadets/leaguers shall be provided with their original service record upon disenrollment. The squadron/training ship will retain a copy of the record for at least five years or until the cadet reaches age 24. This is not required for Midway leaguers who are re-enrolling into the Hancock Squadron. 3.1.3. Removal of Entries All records of punishment and corrective measures will be placed in the cadet/leaguers service record. Immediately prior to disenrollment, a cadet/leaguer in good standing, may by written request, request the commanding officer remove all negative entries to the extent allowed by NSCC regulations. These would typically include minor reprimands and notations of violations of local rules and policies. 3.1.4. Records Verifications Conduct records verification with the executive officer and the administrative officer of all Hancock Squadron / Training Ship Midway personnel files at least twice annually and as needed. 3.1.5. Destruction of Records Per NSCC/NLCC regulations, destruction of service jackets and local files, when necessary, should be done by shredding or burning. At minimum cadet records shall be kept until the cadet reaches the age of 24. Officer/adult records shall be retained for a minimum of five years. 3.2. Cadet Performance Standards 3.2.1. U.S. Naval Sea Cadets and Navy League Cadets will be expected to behave according an honor code. Cadets/leaguers will not lie, cheat, or steal, or tolerate those who do. 3.2.2. U.S. Naval Sea cadets and Navy League cadets will be expected to maintain discipline and military bearing when at drills and when wearing the NSCC/NLCC uniform and maintain grooming and uniform standards required by the NSCC/NLCC and the U.S. Navy. All cadets/leaguers must maintain their uniforms in a clean, proper fashion, including proper fit. The fact of the matter is that to the public cadets/leaguers look exactly like sailors, and must act like sailors. 3.2.3. U.S. Naval Sea cadets and Navy League cadets must follow all regulations, and lawful orders of their officers, petty officers, instructors, staff, and their “chain of command”, immediately, and without discussion, or argument. 3.2.4. U.S. Naval Sea cadets and Navy League cadets must maintain a minimum 2.0 in all subjects in school. Failure to maintain an acceptable grade point average during a semester will result in probation until improvement is proven during the next successive semester. Two semesters below standards may result in dismissal. Cadets/leaguers who are receiving any grade below a “C” will forfeit the opportunity to attend field trips and advanced training. 3.2.5. Cadets/leaguers must submit semester academic report cards when they are received from the school. The cadet shall provide an unofficial copy to the administrative officer. Upon receipt, the administrative officer shall make a copy and give the unofficial copy back to the cadet. If a cadet/leaguer has elected to receive electronic versions of report cards from school an unofficial print out is sufficient. 3.2.6. U.S. Naval Sea Cadets must complete the NAVEDTRA correspondence course studies required by the program. Two BMR assignments are due at each drill until BMR is completed, and then one advanced assignment is due at each drill. Failure to bring the required number of assignments to drill will result in a written reprimand. Failure to successfully complete the courses in the time established may result in dismissal. Once all NAVEDTRA courses are completed, the training officers shall assign another non-required course. (E.g., Fireman, Airman, Basic Tools, Mathematics, Photography etc.) 3.2.7. Cadets must attend recruit training during their first year. Cadets must attend at least one advanced training during all successive years. 31 3.2.8. NSCC/NLCC Regulations require attendance to 75% of drills. Cadets/leaguers in the Hancock Squadron / Training Ship Midway are expected to attend all drills. 3.2.9. U.S. Naval Sea Cadets must not be in possession of any contraband as defined by the NSCC/NLCC or by the applicable state statutes at any time. Possession of contraband will result in immediate dismissal. 3.2.10. If a cadet/leaguer is convicted of a crime, he/she will be disenrolled. 3.2.11. Cadets suspended from school for any reason or sent to the alternative school may be dismissed. If dismissed, once the cadet is back in good standing with the school system, the possibility of reenrolling may be discussed, but the reinstatement of the cadet is at the sole discretion of the commanding officer. 3.2.12. Any cadet/leaguer in the chain of command who willfully abuses his/her authority will be subject to immediate relief from that duty, face immediate disciplinary action, and will be subject to dismissal, as appropriate. Cadets should strive to be respectful and honest, leading with personal power, rather than position power. 3.3. Evaluations 3.3.1. The division officer, chief petty officer, leading petty officer, and squad leader shall evaluate cadets/leaguers, in the presence of their parents/guardian. (Cadet Evaluation Form is attached as Appendix E). 3.3.2. First Review no later than no later than 15MAY. 3.3.3. Second Review no later than 25NOV. 3.3.4. Cadet evaluations and “Cadet of the Quarter” selections shall be taken into consideration in selection of the “Cadet of the Year”. 4. Staff Meetings 4.1. The commanding officer shall hold at least one staff meeting per quarter. 4.2. Attendance is required by all officers, instructors, and cadet leaders. 5. Signature Authority The commanding officer may delegate signature authority to subordinates and may authorize those subordinates to delegate signature authority further. This is done in writing and must be included on the subordinate’s billet description. The billet description must include a brief outline of the types of documents included. As a general rule, authorized subordinates should sign correspondence or orders that falls within their area of responsibility unless “good judgment” calls for the document to be signed by the commanding officer. 6. Required Reports 6.1. Reports are an essential part of the communications process between the battalion and National Headquarters. If reports are to serve their intended purpose, they must be properly completed, promptly submitted and copies provided to all that have a need to know. 6.2. Membership Activity Reporting System (MARS) 6.2.1. National Headquarters will forward the MARS Report quarterly. Upon receipt the administrative officer shall: Review the report for accuracy. Mark any corrections in RED PEN, striking through members who have been dropped. Forward the corrected version (even if no corrections have been made) back to National Headquarters no later than 30 days after receipt. 6.2.2. Monthly Activity Report (NSCADM 015) This report provides an overview of unit activities and provides an opportunity for the unit commanding officer to comment on unit activities that are noteworthy and of general interest. Procedure. During the last drill of the month the administrative petty officer will coordinate with the necessary departments and fill in as much of the report as possible (attendance, courses completed to date, 32 monies received to date). The remainder of the report will be completed by the administrative officer and sent to NHQ no later than the 5th of the following month. The commanding officer shall ensure copies are forwarded to National Headquarters, the regional director, the national headquarters representative, and all battalion sponsors. “Black Out” month. The administrative petty officer shall complete a Monthly Activity Report appropriately noting that no drill was held. The administrative officer will completed the remainder and follow the procedure outlined above. 6.2.3. Annual Inspection Report (NSCADM 016) Must be forwarded to National Headquarters no later than 30 MAR. 6.2.4. Officer/Midshipman/Instructor Evaluation Report (NSCADM 017) Procedure The commanding officer will conduct an annual review of each officer, midshipman, and instructor using the Officer/Midshipman/Instructor Evaluation form (NSCADM 017). All reports with the exception of Instructor Evaluations will be sent National Headquarters no later than 30 FEB. These evaluations must also be completed prior to any transfer or promotion. 6.2.5. Budget / Audit Report (NSCADM 018) The financial officer shall complete this. This report is completed and forwarded in conjunction with the Annual Inspection Report (NLT 30 MAR). 6.2.6. Accident/Illness Report (NSCADM 022) This form MUST be completed on all injuries/accidents/illnesses regardless if immediate medical care is sought or obtained. No claims will be filed without the original form being received by National Headquarters. See our Medical Policies for more information on how this form is completed. 7. Annual Inspection 7.1. Annual Inspection shall be held in January or February. 7.2. Attendance by all hands is required. 33