Matt Coppa 646-752-5149 Manager: Greg Weiss Onentertainment 917-912-5564 Monologue Did anyone watch the recent MTV Video Music Awards? How are you enjoying middle school? Not me, I was catching up on Ray Donovan and Breaking Bad. That’s right, I’m a real man. A man who likes to watch men pretend to do violent things to each other with guns and bats and knives… while I’m swallowing a tub of froyo on my microfiber sectional couch. Nah, of course I watched the VMAs. With performances by Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift and Drake how could I not? It makes me feel like a teenage girl. So ecstatic and free... and disgusted with my body. Of course everyone was talking about the scandalous Miley Cyrus performance. People were shocked at how quickly she’s grown up. But all I could see was a sad, 20-year-old girl with a broken wing and daddy issues. Her name is Sheila and she lives across the street from me. It’s amazing how powerful those Sharper Image binoculars are. But as far as Miley goes if there was ever any proof she’s still a childish brat it was that dance. First off, when a woman twerks it should be magical. She should bend over and present herself like a bonobo monkey in heat, flapping her ass cheeks and wafting out her scent with love, a beautiful smelly butterfly ballet. Can you see it? Picture Kim Kardashian on a treadmill. Instead Miley squats around like a sex-crazed, drug-loving maniac just to look mature. But that never works. Maturity is realizing that acting like a sex-crazed, drug-loving maniac doesn’t make you an adult. Hiding it does. Act like you’ve been there before Hannah Montana. Miley’s not alone, when I was a teenager I was also desperate to be accepted by the older crowd. But my Aunt Margaret and Uncle Jim just thought I was a poser. They weren’t the worst aunt and uncle ever though. That would have to go to Aunt Beru and Uncle Owen, Luke Skywalker’s annoying relatives in the original Star Wars. Those two had one job, to protect Luke Skywalker from the all-powerful evil Empire and his dad Anakin Skywalker. One job, and it never occurred to them to – I don’t know — change Luke’s last name? How hard is it to just call him Luke Spacejogger? At least my aunt and uncle had a reason to diss me. When I was a kid we went on a family vacation to Florida and they saw me use one of those plush, croissant-shaped neck pillows on the plane. That’s right, not only did I purchase and use a toilet seat for my head that’s made from the guts of discarded Beanie Babies, but I compared it to a fluffy French breakfast pastry. I know, I’m a bad ass. Worst of all it didn’t even work for me, and now it actually enrages me when I see people who can sleep using those things. Just looking at them all comfy and cozy, with their stupid neck things and eye patches, curled up in those cheap blue blankets and slobbering all over themselves. They’re peaceful yet disgusting. Just like Anakin Skywalker when he removes his Darth Vader mask. Three Doctor Sketches: SKETCH 1: WORLD TRAVELER OPEN ON: PATIENT JOE AND THE DOCTOR IN THE EXAM ROOM The Doctor looks quizzically at his chart. DOCTOR Have you recently been to Tibet? JOE No. DOCTOR Hmm, that’s strange. How’s about the coast of Haiti? JOE No, never. DOCTOR Really? Have you ever spent a night at a male only massage hut in Bangladesh? JOE Absolutely not. DOCTOR Did you get a dragon tattoo on your back from a Triad in China’s Dark City? JOE No. DOCTOR Enjoy a kayaking excursion in the sewers of Albania? JOE No! DOCTOR Well, that is very good news. The Doctor makes a big check on the file. JOE What was that check for? DOCTOR I just used science to rule you out from ever having slept with my wife. JOE What? DOCTOR And you have Lupus. End SKETCH 2: SAY AHH OPEN ON: PATIENT JOE AND THE DOCTOR IN THE EXAM ROOM Joe’s mouth is wide open while the Doctor looks around with a tongue depressor and flashlight. DOCTOR It’s wet alright. JOE (with depressor still in) What? The doctor takes the depressor out and looks Joe up and down. DOCTOR Your tongue and mouth, they’re wet. Probably from saliva. Now let me see your forearms. Joe rolls his sleeves up. The doctor looks closely at his right forearm. DOCTOR How did you get this little red dot? JOE I don’t see a dot. DOCTOR It’s super small, almost like a mosquito bite. JOE Do you mean that mosquito bite? DOCTOR Oh Duh, it’s just a simple mosquito bite. My apologies, as a doctor I have to scrutinize any abnormality, you understand of course. That’s fine, nothing to worry about. JOE Ok cool, thanks Doc. DOCTOR But we will have to remove your throat, you have throat cancer. END SKETCH 3: THE ARTISTE OPEN ON: PATIENT JOE IN A HOSPITAL GOWN WAITING IN THE EXAM ROOM AND STARING AT PAINTING OF A FOX HUNT. The doctor walks in. DOCTOR Well there you are, we’ve been looking all over for you. JOE But you told me to wait in here and put this gown on. DOCTOR I was talking about your penis. Just kidding. Say, I see you’re admiring my painting. JOE Yeah, it’s pretty good. DOCTOR You know I painted that myself. JOE That’s very impressive. DOCTOR Have you ever painted anything? JOE No, not really. DOCTOR No portraits or sunsets or anything? JOE No. DOCTOR That’s a shame, because if you did I would be on the next bus over to your house to buy it. JOE That’s nice, I guess. DOCTOR It’s amazing how much the price of art increases after the artist dies. JOE Wait, what. DOCTOR I guess it’s simple economics, supply and demand. Oh, and you’ve got incurable Ebola. END Quotables: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. “I don’t think I’ll buy, but I would like a test drive of the latest model.” — Leonardo DiCaprio at a Victoria’s Secret show. “Wow, that Miley Cyrus is one hot piece of ass.” — Billy Ray Cyrus to no one in particular. “Think about it as 50 Shades of Grey.” – Inspector training at a hot dog plant in Milwaukee. “You should always separate whites and colors.” — Paula Dean while doing laundry. “Man that was an epic boomerang throw!” – No one ever. Field Pieces Simply the best Pete goes to various places of business and sets up a competition to deem one employee “the best.” The competition will consist of trivia questions and physical challenges. Except they will have nothing to do with the person’s competence at their job. - Accounting office: Boy band trivia, bench press challenge and arm wrestling bouts. - Car garage: Haiku writing race, cup cake baking contest and classical music “Guess That Tune.” - Hair salon: A pie eating competition, chair building and UFC trivia. - Best Buy: Driftwood whittling, British Naval history and competitive dog grooming. At Home with Holmes Structured like a home makeover show, Pete will either meet someone on the street and offer to redecorate their home or have someone lined up before hand. Once at their residence Pete will size up the place and then, with a team of helpers, redecorate. But what the people don’t know until the reveal is he’s redecorating it to mirror as closely as possible his lonely, messy bachelor pad, which we’ll see in a mock image. -Couple’s yuppie apartment: Pete removes all artwork, plants and furniture and replaces it with a single leather couch, a square piece of wood for a coffee table and a brand new glass bong. -Barren college dorm: Pete may add some black lights, and a few cinder blocks but will mostly just move furniture around and leave a picture of his parents. -High-end bachelor pad: Pete just messes it up like he’s lived there for a few days and when the reveal happens he’s drunk and naked in the kitchen and crying. The Product Tester A Pete centric take on Consumer Reports, he checks out the wild claims that popular commercials make for a product and tries to literally recreate it to an unbeknownst public. -Axe Body spray: Pete douses himself with the stuff and walks around the street, approaching beautiful girls waiting for them to actually throw themselves at him and badger them with questions when they don’t. -The Snuggie: Pete goes to a Dodgers game while wearing a snuggie to see if the comfort and joy promised in the ads live up to the billing. Instead he gets heckled and threatened. -Adult Diapers: Pete goes about a daily routine – to the market, at the gym, to the Gap — in nothing but an adult diaper to test its absorbency, comfort and social acceptance. Pop Culture Sketch Ideas The Bourne Matrimony Setup: Jason Bourne has been living on the lam when he meets the woman of his dreams, at a deli in Long Island, NY. Now Bourne and his super opinionated and domineering wife Brenda are always on the verge of getting tracked down by assassins. A series of quick vignettes at different locations with Bourne trying to navigate potential danger and his wife’s reluctance to listen to anything he says, dooming them both each and every time. -While at the mall Jason and Brenda hold hands and smile. Suddenly Jason notices strange men walking around, must be hit men. He tells Brenda they have to leave quietly. She argues with him, she hasn’t been to Bloomingdale’s yet and there’s a bag she wants. Too late they’re attacked by 15 killers and die. -In the car Jason and Brenda are enjoying a lovely conversation. Suddenly Jason notices strange vehicles following, must be hit men. Jason begins speeding up and weaving in and out of traffic, Brenda freaks out, screams that he’s going to get the both of them killed. He argues back and gets distracted and they’re blindsided by another hit man and die. -At dinner Jason and Brenda are enjoying delightful appetizers. Suddenly Jason notices strange men lurking at an adjacent table, must be hit men. A second later the entrees arrive. Jason tells Brenda not to eat her Salmon. But Brenda’s starving and she argues, who’s going to poison her? The two get into a heated discussion and the hit men walk up to the pair and shoot them and they die. Pot: The Story of Stoners Setup: Recurring sketch riffing off of the popular History Channel Series Mankind: the Story of All of Us, take the same tone, over the top graphics and sober narration. But instead of explaining how the Bubonic Plague spread it’s goofy tales about Weed minutiae and etiquette and how it evolved through time. -Chapter 27 The Great Shakeup: It’s 1972 and we follow University of Michigan Student Jim Dunning back from winter break. He checks out his stash and notices that his buds have dried out and crumble in his hand. No! He tries to get his weed into his bong’s bowl but just makes a mess. Frustrated he shatters his bong on the ground when he notices an old cigar his roommate Derrick’s dad had dropped on the floor. It’s a Phillies Blunt. Enlightened Jim rolls a super thick joint with his remaining shake. Soon his dorm buddies follow, ushering the glorious dawn of a new era of Blunt smoking. -Chapter 12 A New Order: It’s 80 BC and there’s a circle of Roman guards smoking and laughing as they haphazardly pass a doobie. One of the guards gets passed over twice and enraged stabs one of his fellow guards in the neck. He believes it’s unfair to just pass a joint to whomever you want, it needs to be in a consistent clockwise or counter clockwise motion, but once the pattern is set there can be no changing until the next joint is lit. That guard was Julius Caesar and when he became emperor he imposed his smoking law on the whole Empire. -Chapter 84 Vaporized: In 1998 a group of NASA scientists were studying high temperature microwave emissions when Dr. Seth Johnson’s weed stash exploded in his chest pocket. While Dr. Johnson was killed instantly, the other doctors noticed a puff of weed smoke cleaner than any they had ever seen. Soon they developed that technology to create the vaporizer smoking paraphernalia of choice for wealthy Yuppies around the world.