NWD PreReview TA Call Slides 3-28-13

Pre-Review Orientation Webinar for
Nursing Workforce Diversity (NWD) Program
Shanita Williams, PhD, MPH, APRN
Kristen Hansen, MHSA, RN, NE-BC
Nursing Practice and Workforce Development Branch
Department of Health and Human Services
Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)
Bureau of Health Professions
Division of Nursing
NWD Funding Opportunity
Announcement (FOA) Overview
• Purpose and Program goals
• Legislation
• Eligibility
• Background 2013 FOA
• Reviewer overview
• Review criteria and funding preference
• Required documents
Purpose of NWD
• To increase access to health care by supporting
innovative educational pipeline programs
• Achieve a diverse and culturally aligned workforce
• To identify and develop workforce strategies that
incorporate social determinants of health to facilitate
recruitment and retention of disadvantaged groups and
racial and ethnic minorities
Goals of NWD
• Increase nurse education opportunities for individuals
from disadvantaged backgrounds through student
stipends, scholarships, and opportunities for
• Achieve a culturally-aligned and competent
workforce that is reflective of the populations served
• Encourage innovative pipeline programs that recruit,
retain, graduate, and support progression through
registered nursing programs
Title VIII Section 821 of the Public Health Service
Act; 42 U.S.C. 296m, as amended by the Patient
Protection and Affordable Care Act (Affordable Care
Act), P.L. 111-148
Legislative Intent
Create and expand nursing education opportunities for
those from disadvantaged backgrounds and ethnic
minorities and underrepresented groups to become
registered nurses
NWD Eligibility
Accredited schools of nursing
Nursing Centers
Academic health centers
State or local governments
Faith-based and community-based organizations
Tribes and Tribal Organizations
Other private or public entities determined
appropriate by the Secretary
The Nursing in 3D Summit
Transformation from Health Disparities to Health Equity
Nursing Workforce Diversity promotes the adequate
supply and distribution of well-prepared nurses to ensure
access to high quality, safe, and efficient care for the
-Health Resources and Services Administration
Health Disparities are differences in the incidence,
prevalence, mortality, and burden of diseases and other
adverse health conditions that exist among specific
population groups.
-National Institutes of Health
Definitions (cont.)
Health Equity is attainment of the highest level of wellness for all people.
Achieving health equity requires valuing everyone equally with focused and
ongoing societal efforts to address avoidable inequalities, historical and
contemporary injustices, and health disparities.
-Healthy People 2020
Social Determinants of Health are the conditions in which people are born,
grow, live, work and age, including the health system. These circumstances
are shaped by the distribution of money, power and resources at global,
national and local levels, which are influenced by policy choices. The social
determinants of health are mostly responsible for health inequities - the
unfair and avoidable differences in health status seen within and between
-World Health Organization
NWD Resources
• Nursing in 3D Summit Recordingshttp://bhpr.hrsa.gov/nursing/summit.html
• Frequently Asked Questions for the NWD FY2013 FOAhttp://bhpr.hrsa.gov/nursing/technicalassistance.html
• Division of Nursing Websitehttp://bhpr.hrsa.gov/nursing/index.html
NWD Review Objectives
• Establish a clear understanding of the basis of
application ratings
• Produce succinct, well-focused critiques that
evaluate, rather than describe, applications
• Use of the entire rating scale
NWD Reviewer Focus
• Address all applicable criteria and other review
• Identify strengths and weaknesses
• Assign scores to each of the six “core” criteria
• Assign an overall impact/priority score
Overall Impact/Priority Scores
• Consider criterion strengths and weaknesses of
each application in determining an overall
impact/priority score
• Focus on the guidelines of each review criteria for
its use
• Be mindful that the scoring system is intended to
reflect the “real-world” range of quality for each
section of an application
Review Criteria
Criterion 1: Need = 15 points
Criterion 2: Response = 25 points
Criterion 3: Evaluative Measures = 20 points
Criterion 4: Impact = 15 points
Criterion 5: Resources/Capabilities = 20 points
Criterion 6: Support Requested = 5 points
Key Points Within Need
• Applicants demonstrating how they will integrate the social
determinants of health framework into preentry/mentoring activities that accelerate underrepresented
groups into and graduate from schools of nursing.
• Social determinants of health are the conditions in which
people are born, grow, live, work and age that can
contribute to or detract from the health of individuals and
Key Points Within Response
• Applicants should incorporate social determinants in the
methodology and work plan.
• Applicants should describe how this proposed project will
utilize innovative workforce diversity strategies to
promote underrepresented groups recruitment, retention,
and graduation from schools of nursing.
• Applicants should clearly describe they will develop
interprofessional collaborations and partnerships to foster
nursing workforce diversity.
Key Points Within Evaluative Measures
• Applicants must provide a description of how
quantitative and/or qualitative evaluation strategies
are linked with rates of underrepresented groups are
recruited, retained, and graduate from schools of
nursing for each objective and explain your plans to
collect, monitor, and evaluate project process and
outcomes measures.
Key Points Within Impact
• Applicants should document the extent to which the
proposed project will increase rates at which disadvantaged
students are recruited, retained, and graduate from accredited
schools of nursing and successfully shifting practice
paradigms and be replicable in diverse populations and
multiple settings.
Key Points Within Resources/Capabilities
• Applicants need to describe how the proposed project
describes its capability, commitment, and necessary
resources to create effective NWD programs, including
sustainability plans that speak to other sources of
income. Plans to include integration of the social
determinants of health framework, and plans to meet
the unique needs of the target population of the
communities served.
Key Points Within Support Requested
• The proposed budget needs to be reasonable
according to the work to be accomplished. The
budget should link to the statement of activities,
evaluation plan, and anticipated results.
NWD Funding Preferences
• Statutory Funding Preference
o Substantially benefits rural areas
o Substantially benefits medically underserved
o Help meet Public Health Nursing needs in
state and local health departments
Required Attachment Documents
Attachment 1: Accreditation Documentation – Required
Attachment 2: Staffing Plan & Position Descriptions – Required
Attachment 3: Organizational Chart – Required
Attachment 4: Letters of Agreement and/or Description – As applicable.
Attachment 5: Letters of Support – As applicable
Attachment 6: Institutional Diversity Statement – Required
Attachment 7: Maintenance of Effort Documentation – Required.
Attachment 8: Summary Progress Report – (for competing continuations)
Program Technical Assistance Contact Information
Kristen Hansen, MHSA, RN, NE-BC
Nurse Consultant, HRSA/BHPR/DN
Attn: Nursing Workforce Diversity
5600 Fishers Lane, Suite 9-61
Rockville, MD 20857-0001
Office: 301-443-2796
Fax: 301-443-0791