Volume 2 22-1 CHAPTER 22 ACCOUNTING CHANGES AND ERROR ANALYSIS Intermediate Accounting IFRS Edition Kieso, Weygandt, and Warfield 22-2 Learning Objectives 1. Identify the two types of accounting changes. 2. Describe the accounting for changes in accounting policies. 3. Understand how to account for retrospective accounting changes. 4. Understand how to account for impracticable changes. 5. Describe the accounting for changes in estimates. 6. Describe the accounting for correction of errors. 7. Identify economic motives for changing accounting policies. 8. Analyze the effect of errors. 22-3 Accounting Changes and Error Analysis Accounting Changes Changes in accounting policy Statement of financial position errors Changes in accounting estimate Income statement errors Correction of errors Summary Motivations for change of policy 22-4 Error Analysis Statement of financial position and income statement effects Comprehensive example Preparation of statements with error corrections Accounting Changes Tipe perubahan akuntansi : 1. Perubahan prinsip akuntansi (Change in Accounting Policy) 2. Perubahan estimasi akuntansi (Changes in Accounting Estimate) Errors are not considered an accounting change. 22-5 LO 1 Identify the two types of accounting changes. Changes in Accounting Policy Perubahan Prinsip Akuntansi : melibatkan perubahan dari satu prinsip akuntansi yang berlaku umum ke yang lainnya. Contoh : Average cost to LIFO. Completed-contract to percentage-of-completion. Adoption of a new policy in recognition of events that have occurred for the first time or that were previously immaterial is not an accounting change. 22-6 LO 2 Describe the accounting for changes in accounting policies. Changes in Accounting Policy Three approaches for reporting changes: 1) Pelaporan perubahan pada periode berjalan 2) Retrospectively : menyusun kembali laporan keuangan tahun sebelumnya atas dasar yang konsisten dengan prinsip yang baru diterapkan. IASB requires use of the retrospective approach. Rationale - Users can then better compare results from one period to the next. 22-7 Changes in Accounting Policy 1) Prospectively (in the future) : • Hasil yang dilaporkan sebelumnya biasanya tidak diubah. • Saldo awal tidak perlu disesuaikan FASB menyarankan agar perusahaan memakai pendekatan retrospektif 22-8 Changes in Accounting Policy Retrospective Accounting Change Approach IFRS permits a change in policy if: 1) It is required by IFRS; or 2) It results in the financial statements providing more reliable and relevant information. 22-9 LO 3 Understand how to account for retrospective accounting changes. Changes in Accounting Policy Retrospective Accounting Change: Long-Term Contracts Illustration: Denson Construction Co. teah memperhitungkan labanya dari kontrak konstruksi jangka panjang dengan metode kontrak selesai (Cost recovery method). Pada tahun 2011 perusahaan ini beralih ke metode persentase penyelesaian karena manajemen percaya bahwa pendekatan ini akan menghasilkan ukuran yang lebih tepat atas laba yang diperoleh. Untuk keperluan pajak (asumsikan tarif pajak yang berlaku adalah 40%), perusahaan menerapkan metode cost recovery dan merencanakan untuk terus menggunakan metode ini dimasa yang akan datang. 22-10 Changes in Accounting Policy Illustration 22-1 22-11 LO 3 Understand how to account for retrospective accounting changes. Changes in Accounting Policy Data for Retrospective Change Illustration 22-2 Journal entry beginning of 2010 22-12 Construction in Process Deferred Tax Liability Retained Earnings 220,000 88,000 132,000 LO 3 Understand how to account for retrospective accounting changes. Changes in Accounting Policy Reporting a Change in policy Major disclosure requirements are as follows. 1. Nature of the change in accounting policy; 2. Reasons why applying the new accounting policy provides reliable and more relevant information; 3. For the current period and each prior period presented, to the extent practicable, the amount of the adjustment: 4. 1. For each financial statement line item affected; and 2. Basic and diluted earnings per share. Amount of the adjustment relating to periods before those presented, to the extent practicable. 22-13 LO 3 Understand how to account for retrospective accounting changes. Changes in Accounting Policy Reporting a Change in policy Illustration 22-3 22-14 LO 3 Changes in Accounting Policy Retained Earnings Adjustment Retained earnings balance is €1,360,000 at the beginning of 2009. Illustration 22-4 Before Change 22-15 LO 3 Understand how to account for retrospective accounting changes. Changes in Accounting Policy Retained Earnings Adjustment Illustration 22-5 22-16 After Change LO 3 Understand how to account for retrospective accounting changes. Changes in Accounting Policy E22-1 (Change in policy—Long-Term Contracts): Cherokee Construction Company changed from the cost-recovery to the percentage-of-completion method of accounting for long-term construction contracts during 2010. For tax purposes, the company employs the cost-recovery method and will continue this approach in the future. (Hint: Adjust all tax consequences through the Deferred Tax Liability account.) 22-17 LO 3 Understand how to account for retrospective accounting changes. Changes in Accounting Policy E22-1 (Change in policy—Long-Term Contracts): Instructions: (assume a tax rate of 35%) (b) What entry(ies) are necessary to adjust the accounting records for the change in accounting policy? (a) What is the amount of net income and retained earnings that would be reported in 2010? Assume beginning retained earnings for 2009 to be $100,000. 22-18 LO 3 Understand how to account for retrospective accounting changes. Changes in Accounting Policy E22-1: Pre-Tax Income from Long-Term Contracts Date Percentageof-Completion 2009 $ 2010 CostRecovery Difference 35% Tax Effect Net of Tax 780,000 $ 610,000 170,000 59,500 $ 110,500 700,000 480,000 220,000 77,000 143,000 Journal entry 2010 Construction in progress Deferred tax liability Retained earnings 22-19 170,000 59,500 110,500 LO 3 Understand how to account for retrospective accounting changes. Changes in Accounting Policy E22-1: Comparative Statements Restated 2009 2010 Income Statement Statement of Retained Earnings Pre-tax income Income tax (35%) 700,000 $ 245,000 780,000 $ 610,000 273,000 213,500 Net income $ 455,000 $ 507,000 $ 396,500 Beg. Retained earnings $ 496,500 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 607,000 100,000 100,000 455,000 507,000 396,500 607,000 $ 496,500 Accounting change Beg. R/Es restated Net income End. Retained earnings 22-20 $ Previous 2009 110,500 $ $ 1,062,000 $ LO 3 Understand how to account for retrospective accounting changes. Changes in Accounting Policy Impracticability Perusahaan tidak boleh memakai penerapan retrospektif bila menemui salah satu kondisi berikut ini : 1. Perusahaan tidak dapat menentukan pengaruh penerapan retrospektif 2. Penerapan retrospektif memerlukan penetapan asumsiasumsi mengenai rencana kerja pihak manajemen pada periode terdahulu 3. Penerapan retrospektif memerlukan estimasi-estimasi signifikan terkait periode terdahulu, dan tidak disahkan secara objektif. 22-21 LO 4 Understand how to account for impracticable changes. Changes in Accounting Estimate Examples of Estimates 1. Piutang tak tertagih 2. Keusangan persediaan 3. Umur manfaat dan nilai sisa aktiva 4. Periode yang menerima manfaat dari biaya yang ditangguhkan 5. Kewajiban untuk biaya garansi dan pajak penghasilan 6. Change in depreciation methods. 7. Fair value of financial assets or financial liabilities. 22-22 LO 5 Describe the accounting for changes in estimates. Changes in Accounting Estimate Prospective Reporting Changes in accounting estimates are reported prospectively. Account for changes in estimates in 1. the period of change if the change affects that period only, or 2. the period of change and future periods if the change affects both. IASB views changes in estimates as normal recurring corrections and adjustments and prohibits retrospective treatment. 22-23 LO 5 Describe the accounting for changes in estimates. Change in Estimate Example Illustration: Arcadia High School purchased equipment for $510,000 which was estimated to have a useful life of 10 years with a salvage value of $10,000 at the end of that time. Depreciation has been recorded for 7 years on a straight-line basis. In 2010 (year 8), it is determined that the total estimated life should be 15 years with a salvage value of $5,000 at the end of that time. Required: 22-24 What is the journal entry to correct prior years’ depreciation expense? Calculate depreciation expense for 2010. No Entry Required LO 5 Describe the accounting for changes in estimates. Change in Estimate Example Equipment cost Salvage value Depreciable base Useful life (original) Annual depreciation After 7 years $510,000 First, establish NBV - 10,000 at date of change in 500,000 estimate. 10 years $ 50,000 x 7 years = $350,000 Balance Sheet (Dec. 31, 2009) Fixed Assets: 22-25 Equipment Accumulated depreciation $510,000 350,000 Net book value (NBV) $160,000 LO 5 Describe the accounting for changes in estimates. Change in Estimate Example Net book value Salvage value (if any) Depreciable base Useful life Annual depreciation $160,000 5,000 155,000 8 years $ 19,375 Second, calculate depreciation expense for 2010. Journal entry for 2010 Depreciation expense Accumulated depreciation 22-26 19,375 19,375 LO 5 Describe the accounting for changes in estimates. Changes in Accounting Estimate Disclosures Companies should disclose the nature and amount of a change in an accounting estimate that has an effect in the current period or is expected to have an effect in future periods. Companies need not disclose changes in accounting estimate made as part of normal operations, such as bad debt allowances or inventory obsolescence, unless such changes are material. 22-27 LO 5 Describe the accounting for changes in estimates. Correction of Errors Types of Accounting Errors: 1. A change from an accounting policy that is not generally accepted to an accounting policy that is acceptable. (dari non PABU menjadi PABU) 2. Mathematical mistakes. 3. Changes in estimates that occur because a company did not prepare the estimates in good faith. 4. Failure to accrue or defer certain expenses or revenues. 5. Misuse of facts (contoh : nilai sisa tidak dimasukkan ke dalam dasar penyusutan untuk metode garis lurus) 6. Incorrect classification of a cost as an expense instead of an asset, and vice versa. 22-28 Correction of Errors Illustration: In 2012 the bookkeeper for Selectro Company discovered an error: Pada tahun 2011 perusahaan lalai mencatat dalam akun beban penyusutan sebesar $20,000 atas gedung yang baru dibangun. Penyusutan ini telah secara tepat dimaukkan dalam SPT pajak. Ilustrasi menyajikan laporan laba rugi Selectro tahun 2011. 22-29 LO 6 Describe the accounting for correction of errors. Correction of Errors Illustration: Selectro’s income statement for 2011 with and without the error. Illustration 22-17 Show the entries that Selectro should have made and did make for recording depreciation expense and income taxes. 22-30 LO 6 Describe the accounting for correction of errors. Correction of Errors Sebagai akibat dari kesalahan tidak memasukkan beban sebesar $20,000 di tahun 2011 : Pengaruh terhadap Laporan Laba Rugi: Beban penyusutan (2011) telah dinyatakan terlalu rendah $20,000 Beban pajak penghasilan (2011) telah dinyatakan terlalu tinggi sebesar $8,000 ($20,000 x 40%) Laba bersih tahun 2011 telah dinyatakan terlalu tinggi sebesar $12,000 (20,000-8000) Pengaruh terhadap Neraca: Akumulasi penyusutan-bangunan telah dinyatakan terlalu rendah sebesar $20,000 Kewajiban pajak yang ditangguhkan telah dinyatakan terlalu tinggi sebesar $80,000 (20,000 x 40%) 22-31 Correction of Errors Illustration: Show the entries that Selectro should have made and did make for recording depreciation expense and income taxes. Illustration 22-18 Correcting Entry in 2012 22-32 LO 6 Describe the accounting for correction of errors. Correction of Errors Illustration: Show the entries that Selectro should have made and did make for recording depreciation expense and income taxes. Illustration 22-18 Correcting Entry in 2012 22-33 Retained Earnings 12,000 LO 6 Describe the accounting for correction of errors. Correction of Errors Illustration: Show the entries that Selectro should have made and did make for recording depreciation expense and income taxes. Illustration 22-18 Correcting Entry in 2012 22-34 Retained Earnings Deferred Tax Liability 12,000 Reversal 8,000 LO 6 Describe the accounting for correction of errors. Correction of Errors Illustration: Show the entries that Selectro should have made and did make for recording depreciation expense and income taxes. Illustration 22-18 Correcting Entry in 2012 22-35 Retained Earnings Deferred Tax Liability 12,000 8,000 Accumulated Depreciation—Buildings Record 20,000 Summary of Accounting Changes and Errors Illustration 22-23 22-36 LO 6 Copyright Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction or translation of this work beyond that permitted in Section 117 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act without the express written permission of the copyright owner is unlawful. Request for further information should be addressed to the Permissions Department, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. The purchaser may make back-up copies for his/her own use only and not for distribution or resale. The Publisher assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions, or damages, caused by the use of these programs or from the use of the information contained herein. 22-37