feng figlio sass accountability and teacher mobility may 09.doc

Preliminary and Incomplete: Comments Welcome
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Li Feng
Texas State University-San Marcos
David Figlio
Northwestern University and NBER
Tim Sass
Florida State University
Incomplete Rough Discussion Draft: May 2009
The recent national focus on school accountability, which includes the federal no Child
Left Behind Act (NCLB) of 2001, developed out of the standards-based school reform
movement that was launched about 30 years ago. Early iterations of school accountability
emphasized increasing resources to underperforming schools in an attempt to increase student
performance, but more recently the trend has moved toward providing schools with incentives to
operate more efficiently – that is, to improve student outcomes without significant increases in
resources. Much of the mechanisms for improvement involve social pressure, since a school’s
constituents have both educational and financial reasons to pressure low-performing schools to
improve. The financial reasons derive from the fact that school accountability ratings tend to be
capitalized into housing values (Figlio and Lucas, 2004).
Early evidence concerning the effects of these accountability systems on student
performance indicate that they tend to improve the outcomes of low-performing students (see,
e.g., Chakrabarti, 2006; Chiang, 2007; Figlio and Rouse, 2006; Jacob, 2005; Rouse et al., 2007;
West and Peterson, 2006).1 However, Krieg (2008), Neal and Schanzenbach (2008) and Reback
(2008) argue that the benefits of accountability pressures are concentrated in the more marginal
students rather than the students whose performance would be far above or far below the
performance thresholds set for the purposes of school accountability. That said, the weight of
the evidence suggests that accountability systems have led schools to become more productive,
at least along some measurable dimensions. Rouse et al. (2007) document a number of the ways
in which accountability pressure has changed school instructional policies and practices in
Recent nationwide studies by Carnoy and Loeb (2002) and Hanushek and Raymond (2005) also
find significant improvement in student outcomes as a result of standards-based accountability,
whereas the results from some specific state systems have been less positive (see, e.g, Koretz and
Barron, 1998; Clark, 2003; and Haney, 2000, 2002).
Florida’s low-performing schools, and relate these instructional policy and practice changes to
increased student performance.
In addition to actively changing policies and practices to improve student outcomes,
schools have also responded to accountability pressures by engaging in apparently strategic
behavior with questionable educational benefit. For instance, some schools have responded by
differentially reclassifying low-achieving students as learning disabled so that their scores will
not count against the school in accountability systems (see, e.g., Cullen and Reback, 2007; Figlio
and Getzler, 2007; Jacob, 2005)2. Figlio and Winicki (2005) suggest that Virginia schools facing
accountability pressures altered their school nutrition programs on testing days to increase the
likelihood that students will do well on the exams, and Figlio (2006) indicates that schools
differentially suspend students at different points in the testing cycle in an apparent attempt to
alter the composition of the testing pool. Jacob and Levitt (2003) find that teachers are more
likely to cheat when faced with more accountability pressure. And the distributional effects
documented by Neal and Schanzenbach (2008) and others are also evidence of strategic behavior
on the part of schools.
In sum, school accountability systems cause schools to behave
differently, and school personnel almost certainly are very responsive to increased accountability
Of course, the individuals implementing the changes in instructional policies and
practices are teachers, and school accountability therefore has the potential to influence the
desirability of certain teaching jobs. Likewise, accountability may influence the willingness of
schools to retain certain teachers.
From a theoretical perspective, the effects of accountability
pressures on the teacher labor market are ambiguous. On the demand side, in order to avoid
Chakrabarti (2006), however, does not find that schools respond in this way.
sanctions and/or the stigma associated with being designated as a “failing” school, schools could
increase their efforts to identify low performing teachers and remove them from their
classrooms. In this case, it is difficult to call these personnel changes a “job choice,” at least
from the perspective of the teacher. On the supply side, accountability pressure and associated
changes in school policies could lower the net benefit of teaching in a school by reducing teacher
discretion over curriculum or teaching methods. Likewise, the potential stigma from teaching in
a “failing” school could lead some teachers to seek employment at other schools. On the other
hand, the resources that often accompany sanctions (e.g. reading coaches, training for teachers,
etc.) could reduce the non-monetary costs associated with working in low-performing schools
and actually increase teacher retention.
Similar patterns could be possible in the case of schools receiving high accountability
marks. Schools that perform well under accountability systems face the pressure to maintain
their high scores or to improve upon them. In Florida, for instance, schools receive extra bonus
money for maintaining a top accountability score or for improving from one year to the next.
Given that the housing market capitalization effects of school accountability are strongest in
more affluent school areas (Figlio and Lucas, 2004), coupled with the fact that measurement
error in test scores introduces a significant degree of randomness into the school accountability
ratings (Kane and Staiger, 2004), it is reasonable to believe that relatively high-performing
schools may face as much or more real accountability pressure as do low-performing schools.
Goldhaber and Hannaway (2004), in a case study of schools in Florida, find that teacher and
administrator anxiety levels due to school accountability were highest in the high-performing
schools, where school personnel felt the most pressure to maintain their accountability marks.
Hence, while teaching in a highly-rated school has its advantages, the extra accountability
pressure may deter teachers as well. And, just as with the low-rated schools, highly-rated schools
may engage in more teacher selection as a consequence of accountability.
Therefore, the
theoretical expectations of how accountability pressures influence teacher job choice/placement
are ambiguous for both highly-rated and low-rated schools.
A number of recent papers have analyzed the determinants of teacher mobility and
attrition (Boyd et al., 2005a, 2006, 2007; Clotfelter et al., forthcoming; Feng, 2009; Hanushek et
al., 2004; Imazeki, 2004; Krieg, 2006; Podgursky et al., 2004). However, the literature relating
accountability pressures to teachers’ labor market decisions has been much spottier. Boyd et al.
(2005) explore the responses of teachers to the introduction of mandated state testing in New
York State. They find that teacher turnover in fourth grade, the critical accountability year in
New York, decreased following the introduction of testing, and that entrants into fourth grade
were more likely to be experienced than had previously been the case. Clotfelter et al. (2004)
evaluate how North Carolina’s accountability system has influenced the ability of schools
serving low-performing students to attract and retain high-quality teachers. They find that the
introduction of the accountability system has exacerbated teacher turnover in these schools,
though it is less evident that accountability has led to lower qualifications of the teachers serving
low-performing students. Both of these papers carefully describe the accountability systems in
their states, but because they evaluate accountability systems that affected all schools within a
state, it is difficult to derive causal inference from their analyses.
In this paper, we exploit a major rule change in Florida’s school accountability system
that took place in the summer of 2002 to identify the effects of changing school accountability
pressures on teacher job changes. Florida had graded every school in the state on a scale from
“A” to “F” since the summer of 1999, based on proficiency rates in reading, writing and
mathematics. In 2002, the state dramatically changed its grading system to both recalibrate the
acceptable student proficiency levels for the purposes of school accountability and to introduce
student-level changes as an important determinant of school grades. Using student-level microdata to calculate the school grades that would have occurred absent this change, we demonstrate
that over half of all schools in the state experienced an accountability “shock” due to this grading
change, with some schools receiving a higher grade than they would have otherwise received and
other schools receiving a lower grade than would have otherwise occurred. Furthermore, some
schools were shocked downward to receive a grade of “F”, which no school in the state had
received the prior year of grading. These grading shocks provide the vehicle for identification of
accountability effects in this paper.
We apply these accountability shocks to data on the universe of public school teachers in
Florida. Holding constant salary and other non-pecuniary aspects of the job, such as class size,
student ability and student behavior, we measure the effects of accountability pressures on
teachers’ decisions to stay at a given school, move to another school in the same district, move to
another school district in the state or leave public school teaching. Since Florida has had
statewide achievement testing in all grades 3-10 since 1999/2000 we are also able to compute
“value-added” measures of teacher quality and determine whether teacher mobility engendered
by accountability pressures tends to increase or decrease teacher quality.
The Florida School Accountability Program
Education reform, and specifically a system of school accountability with a series of
rewards and sanctions for high-performing and low-performing schools, was the policy
centerpiece of Jeb Bush’s 1998 gubernatorial campaign in Florida; the resulting A+ Plan for
Education was Bush’s first legislative initiative upon entering office in 1999. The A+ Plan
called for annual curriculum-based testing of all students in grades three through ten, and annual
grading of all public and charter schools based on aggregate test performance. As noted above,
the Florida accountability system assigns letter grades (“A,” “B,” etc.) to each school based on
students’ achievement (measured in several ways). High-performing and improving schools
receive rewards while low-performing schools receive sanctions as well as additional assistance,
through Florida’s Assistance Plus program. The most famous and publicized provision of the
A+ Plan was the institution of school vouchers, called “Opportunity Scholarships,” for students
attending (or slated to attend) chronically failing schools – those receiving a grade of “F” in two
years out of four, including the most recent year. Opportunity Scholarships allowed students to
attend a different public school, or an eligible private school.
School grading began in May 1999, immediately following passage into law of the A+
Plan. In each year from 1999 through 2001, a school would earn a grade of “F” if fewer than 60
percent of students scored at level 2 (out of 5) or above in reading, fewer than 60 percent of
students scored at level 2 (out of 5) or above in mathematics, and fewer than 50 percent of
students scored at level 3 (out of 6) or above on the Florida Writes! writing evaluation, known
from 2001 onward as the FCAT Writing examination. A school could avoid the “F” label by
meeting any one of these three standards in 1999; the same was true in 2000 and 2001 provided
that at least 90 percent of the test-eligible students took the examination (or that the school could
provide the state with a “reasonable explanation” for why fewer than 90 percent of students took
the test.) All schools in the distribution were subject to accountability pressure, and according to
Goldhaber and Hannaway (2004), schools throughout the distribution apparently felt pressure to
perform in measurable ways.
Thus, between 1999 and the summer of 2001, schools were assessed primarily on the
basis of aggregate test score levels (and also some additional non-test factors, such as attendance
and suspension rates, for the higher grade levels) and only in the grades with existing statewide
curriculum-based assessments3, rather than on progress schools make toward higher levels of
student achievement. Starting in summer 2002, however, school grades began to incorporate test
score data from all grades from three through ten, and were also the first to evaluate schools not
just on the level of student test performance but also on the year-to-year progress of individual
students. In our analysis, we take advantage of the fact that during the 2001-02 school year
teachers would not have been able to anticipate their school grade in summer 2002 because of
the changes in the formula and because the changes were not decided until the last minute.
By the beginning of the 2001-02 school year, several things were known about the school
grades that were to be assigned in summer 2002. First, the school grades were to have been
based on the test scores of all students in grades three through ten in reading and mathematics,
and in the fourth, eighth and tenth grades in writing. Second, the standards for acceptable
performance by students were to be raised from level 2 to level 3 in reading and mathematics.
Third, some notion of a “value-added” system was to be established, though little was known
about the specific nature of this system except that it would augment the levels-based grading
system and would focus principally on the lowest-performing students. These elements would
be combined to give each school a total number of “grade” points. The school’s grade would be
determined by the number of points. However, the specifics of the formula that would put these
components together to form the school grades were not announced until March 5, 2002, leaving
Students were tested in grade 4 in reading and writing, in grade 5 in mathematics, in grade 8 in
reading, writing and math, and in 10 in reading, writing and math.
teachers entering the 2001-02 school year with virtually no information with which to anticipate
their school’s exact grade.
Table 1 shows the distribution of schools across the five performance grades for the first
six rounds of school grading, for all graded schools in Florida. As is apparent from the variation
across years in the number of schools that fall into each performance category, there are
considerable grade changes that have taken place since the accountability system was adopted.
Most notable is the fact that while 70 schools received an F grade in the first year (1998-99) only
4 did so the subsequent year and none did by the summer of 2001. At the same time, an
increasing number of schools were receiving A’s and B’s. This is partly due to the fact that
schools had learned their way around the system: A school had to fail to meet proficiency
targets in all three subjects to earn an F grade so as long as students did well enough in at least
one subject the school would escape the worst stigma. Hannaway and Goldhaber (2004) and
Chakrabarti (2006) find evidence that students in failing schools made the biggest gains in
writing which is viewed as one of the easier subjects in which to improve quickly. When the
rules of the game changed, so did the number of schools caught by surprise: For instance, 60
schools earned an "F" grade in the summer of 2002. The number of schools that received an A
grade also increased, due in large measure to the shift to the “grade points” system of school
grading, which allows schools that miss performance goals in one area to compensate with
higher performance in another area. Finally, note that as schools have adapted to the new
grading system, the number of failing schools has decreased. 4
Note that in Table 1 there are 68 elementary schools that received a grade of “N” in 2002.
These were new schools in that year. As such, they were not given a formal grade although the
state did calculate their accountability points. Rouse et al. (2007) experimented with imputing
what their grades would have been, and found that there would have been an additional 9 "F"
graded schools and 10 additional "D" graded schools, for instance, had the state graded these
In this paper, we seek to exploit the degree to which schools and teachers were
“surprised” by the change in school grading. Using an approach to identification introduced by
Rouse et al. (2007), we measure the “accountability shock” to schools and teachers by comparing
the grades that schools actually received in the summer of 2002 with the grade that they would
have been predicted to receive in 2002 based on the “old” grading system (that in place in 2001).
We have programmed both the old and new accountability formulas and, using the full set of
student administrative test scores provided us by the Florida Department of Education, we have
calculated both the actual school grade that schools received in 2002 with the grade that they
would have received given their realized student test scores had the grading system remained
unchanged. It is essential that we make this specific comparison, rather than simply comparing
year-to-year changes in school grades, because year-to-year changes in school grades could
reflect not just accountability shocks, but also changes in student demographics, changes in
school policies and practices, changes in school staffing, and other changes in school quality.
Given that understanding school staffing is the point of this paper, it is clearly inappropriate to
compare grade changes per se.
Table 2 compares realized school grades to predicted school grades (based on the old
grading system but the new student test scores) for the set of schools in the state of Florida.5 We
demonstrate that 51 percent of schools experienced a change in their school grade based on the
changing parameters of the grading system itself.
Most of these schools (42 percent)
schools in 2002. Rouse et al. (2007) found that their results regarding test scores were
completely insensitive to the treatment of these schools. For the purposes of the present analysis,
we exclude them from the analysis of teacher job changes.
The number of observations in Table 2 does not exactly match that in Table 1 because we rely
on administrative data on students provided by the Florida Department of Education to simulate
each school’s grade in 2002. This administrative dataset does not include some students in
charter schools, “alternative” schools, and, of course, schools that do not have any students in the
accountability grades.
experienced an upward shock in their school grades, while 9 percent of all schools experienced a
downward shock in their school grades, receiving a lower grade than they would have expected
had the grading system remained unchanged.
Twenty percent of schools that might have
expected to receive a “D” under the old system received an “F” under the new one, while 38
percent of these schools received a grade of “C” or better. Meanwhile, 59 percent of schools that
might have expected to receive a “B” under the old system received an “A” under the new one,
while 9 percent of these schools received a grade of “C” or worse. It is clear that the grading
system change led to major changes in the accountability environment, and provides fertile
ground for identification.
III. Modeling Teacher Job Changes
Often the decision about job quits or job change for teachers is modeled as an
individual’s utility maximizing decision over a number of job choices. For example, Hanushek et
al. (2004) define the problem a teacher faces in the following way: A teacher will select a group
of schools based on her individual preferences and the characteristics of the job, including both
pecuniary aspects (salary) and non-pecuniary components (working conditions). A teacher will
compare the options that are available and select the school which yields the highest present
value of expected utility. This paper uses a similar approach, extending the model to a multiperiod context and includes an additional consideration of whether external accountability
pressure exerts any influence on teacher job changes.
The utility a teacher gets from working at a particular school is a function of the teacher’s
individual preferences, salary, working conditions, and external accountability pressure. A
teacher maximizes his or her utility by selecting the option that provides the highest utility out of
four possibilities: stay at the present school (S), move to a school within the school district (W),
move to a new school in a new school district (I), or leave teaching (L).
Specifically, the decision facing a teacher i who is teaching in school j and district k at
time period t is represented by:
U= f(Xijkt , Cijkt, Wijkt, Sjkt, Gijkt-1)
Max pv[US, UW, UI, UL]
where Xijkt is a vector of factors that influence a particular job’s desirability for a given teacher.
Empirically, this is manifested as a vector of teacher demographic characteristics, such as race
and gender. In order to control the impact of family circumstances on teacher attrition and
migration decisions, age and its interaction with female teachers are included to reflect some
women’s decision to drop out of labor force after the birth of their children. Cijkt represents the
working conditions for teacher i in school j and district k at time t. This includes teacher-specific
classroom characteristics, such as the demographic makeup of the students in the class, the
poverty level of students, student performance on exams and student behavior. Similar factors
measured at the school and district levels may also be relevant. Wijkt represents the salaries
earned for individual i at school j and district k at time t. The specific variables used in our
analysis are described in the next section.
This paper is particularly concerned with identifying the effects of certain forms of
working conditions – the accountability environment. Therefore, we identify a vector of
accountability shocks (both upward and downward) Sjkt as described in the preceding section.
As described above, Sjkt is the difference between actual school grade received in 2002 and the
predicted school grade that would have occurred in 2002 had the 2001 school grading system
been in force. If Sjkt is positive, then the school is better off under the new system, meaning that
this particular school is experiencing reduced accountability pressure under the new grading
system. On the other hand, a negative Sjkt means that the schools are worse off under the new
grading system or experiencing increased accountability pressure under the new grading system.
If Sjkt equals zero, then the school in question are not affected by the grading system change. As
mentioned in the introduction, it is unclear whether increased accountability pressure (or
decreased accountability pressure) will result in teachers being more or less likely to leave their
previous school. Because the school accountability system was a going concern prior to the
change in the accountability system, the lagged grade of the school in question, Gijkt-1 , could also
influence teacher job changes.
Many prior studies on teacher mobility focus only on new teachers whose entire teaching
career can be observed (Feng, 2009; Boyd et al. 2008; Clotfelter, et al., 2004). We decide to
include both brand new teachers and more experienced teachers in our analysis since we are
interested in not only how brand new teachers respond to the change in accountability
environment but also those response coming from more experienced teachers. Prior studies on
teacher quality show that teacher experience is strongly related to student test performance,
independent of measures of time-invariant teacher quality (Rockoff, 2004). Being able to gauge
the response from the whole spectrum of teachers is important from policymakers’ perspective.
Including more experienced teachers raises the issue of left-censoring problem, namely
teacher who started teaching prior to 1995 may have transferred schools before the observation
started in 1995.6 We address the left-censoring problem by including teachers’ years of
experience, its squared terms, and the duration of teaching under the observation period 1995/96
We have also estimated the teacher job changes using only brand new teachers. Results are
similar in that brand new teachers are less likely to move within a district when their schools are
facing reduced accountability pressure. However, no effect of downward accountability shock
was uncovered for brand new teachers.
to 2003/04. We model the probability that any of the four events—staying, moving within
district, moving to a new district, or leaving – will happen to teacher i in any given period t,
conditional on not having the event until that time:
hijkt= Pr (Tijkt = t| Tijkt ≥ t, Xijkt , Cijkt, Wijkt, Sjkt, Gijkt-1).
We estimate a multinomial logit hazard model that specifies the probability of choosing
each alternative as a function of teacher, school, and district characteristics. The cumulative
probability of leaving a school is the addition of the transition probability of all three possible
Ln [hijkt(W)/ (1- hijkt(W))] = αWt + βW1Xijkt + βW2Cijkt + βW3Wijkt + βW4Sjkt + βW5Gijkt-1 + γWt
Ln [hijkt(I)/ (1- hijkt(I))] =
α It + β I1Xijkt + β I2Cijkt + β I3Wijkt + βW4Sjkt + βW5Gijkt-1 + γ It
Ln [hijkt(L)/ (1- hijkt(L))] = α Lt + β L1*Xijkt + β L2*Cijkt + β L3*Wijkt + βW4Sjkt + βW5Gijkt-1 + γ Lt (6)
It is important to point out the difference between a standard logit model and the discretetime logit hazard model. For our analysis, each teacher year contributes one row of data point. So
a teacher could contribute to multiple rows of data point until the specified event occurrence.
One nice feature of multinomial logit hazard model compared to logit model is its ability to
include different slopes for different alternatives. We hypothesize that the external accountability
pressure may have different impact on the probability of moving within teaching profession and
exit teaching.
In addition to the teacher level analysis, we also carry out a school level analysis by
zeroing in on the count of teacher turnover at a particular school in a particular year. Panel
Poisson estimation of the effect of accountability shocks include school fixed effects that remove
any school-level time-invariant factors that could potentially affect teacher job changes over
time.7 Over-dispersion for the count of school-level teacher turnover was detected, therefore, we
have attempted to estimate negative-binomial models that accounts for over-dispersion in
dependent variables. Since both negative binomial and Poisson regression results are
qualitatively similar, we reported the more familiar Panel Possion regression results.
IV. Data
The primary source of our data is the Florida Department of Education's K-20 Education
Data Warehouse (FL-EDW), an integrated longitudinal database covering all Florida public
school students and school employees from pre-school through college. Like statewide
administrative databases in North Carolina and Texas, the FL-EDW contains a rich set of
information on both individual students and their teachers which is linked through time. Unlike
other statewide databases, however, the FL-EDW links both students and teachers to specific
classrooms at all grade levels.
Statewide data, as opposed to data from an individual school district, are particularly
useful for studying teacher labor markets since we can follow teachers who move from one
district to another within Florida. We cannot, however, track teachers who move to another
state. Due to population growth and a constitutionally mandated maximum class size, Florida is
a net importer of teachers. Thus, unlike many Northern states where the school-age population is
shrinking, there is relatively little outflow of teachers from Florida during the period under
study.8 Using national data from the Schools and Staffing Survey and associated Teacher
Follow-Up Survey (SASS/TFS) which track teachers across state lines, Feng (2007) finds that
Hausman test were carried out to compare the panel random effects model and fixed effects.
Fixed-effects model was favored and therefore reported.
With the recent subprime mortgage crisis after 2008, one might expect more of a teacher
exodus out of state of Florida than has occurred previously.
there are relatively fewer teachers moving into or out of state of Florida compared to other states
such as North Carolina and Georgia.
The FL-EDW contains teachers’ data from the 1995/96 school year to the 2004/05 school
year. Teachers’ school affiliation can be identified for the universe of all classroom teachers.
Teachers’ status in year t was based on whether she or he is still teaching in next year t + 1.
However, teacher salary information is only available beginning in 1997/98 and classroom and
school-related students’ performance on standardized tests were only available after the 1998/99
school year. We present descriptive evidence on teacher mobility using 1995/96-2003/04. In the
main logit estimation of the effect of accountability shocks, we are mostly focusing on the
employment decisions of teachers from 1998/99 school year to the 2003/04 school year. To
measure teacher quality we rely on estimates of teacher “value-added” to student achievement.
Since statewide testing in consecutive grades began in Florida in 1999/2000, our teacher quality
measures are based on student performance on standardized tests from 1999/2000 through
Teacher Salaries and Classroom Environment
In addition to the usual demographic characteristics of teachers, the FL-EDW contains
detailed data on all forms of monetary compensation received by teachers. We employ annual
base teaching salary, excluding bonuses, as our measure of teacher compensation.
Given the ability to link teachers with their students, we can observe the characteristics of
the specific classroom environment a teacher experiences each year for elementary, middle and
high school teachers. Controlling for one’s classroom environment was shown to be important in
teachers’ job choice decision (Feng, 2009). To control for the classroom environment, and hence
the non-monetary costs of teaching, we utilize classroom averages of the number of students in
the classroom, the number of disciplinary incidents per student, the proportion of students
eligible for free or reduced lunch, and the shares of students who are black and who are
Hispanic. In addition, we include classroom average scores on the mathematics portion of the
criterion-referenced Sunshine State Standards Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCATSSS) as a measure of student ability and effort.9
School Characteristics
In addition to salary and the characteristics of the students they are required to teach, the
general school environment, including perceived campus safety and general parental support
may influence teacher labor market decisions. To control for these factors we include schoollevel averages of the number of disciplinary incidents per student and math achievement scores,
the proportion of students who are black, the proportion Hispanic and the fraction of students in
the school who are eligible for free/reduced-price lunch.10
Teachers may also exhibit preferences for working with students of their own race or
ethnic group. For example, a black teacher who grew up in poor neighborhood may find it more
personally rewarding to teach economically disadvantaged black students than white students
from affluent families, even though the latter group may in a sense be “easier to teach.” Indeed,
Hanushek et al. (2004), Imazeki (2004) and Boyd et al. (2005) all find that minority teachers
favor schools with higher shares of minority student enrollment. We therefore also include
interactions between a teacher’s race/ethnicity and the school-wide racial and ethnic composition
of the student body.
The State of Florida administers two tests to students in grades 3-10, the FCAT-SSS and the
normed referenced Stanford Achievement Test, also known as the FCAT-NRT. The FCAT-SSS
was administered in selected grades from 1997/98 through 1999/00 and has been given in all
grades 3-10 since 2000/01. The FCAT-NRT has been administered in all grades 3-10 since
1999/00. Given the earlier coverage of the FCAT-SSS for some grades and the longer
consecutive grade coverage of the SSS-NRT we utilize the former as a classroom environment
measure and use the later to compute teacher quality measures.
We have also estimated conditional logit models that condition on the school level. The
results of these models are very similar to those presented herein.
District Characteristics
School districts in Florida are coterminous with counties. Within the same district, all
teachers face the same salary schedule; therefore the decision to move within a district will
primarily be influenced by working conditions. To capture differences in working conditions
among school districts we employ the following district-level measures: student performance on
the math section of the FCAT-SSS, number of disciplinary incidents per student, percent of black
students, percent of Hispanic students, and percent of students in the free or reduced-price lunch
program. If there are rigidities in labor markets, alternative job prospects will depend on the
availability of jobs as well as prevailing salaries. Therefore the county-level unemployment rate
is used as an additional dimension of the opportunity cost of teaching.
V. Accountability Shocks and Teacher Mobility
We begin by investigating the number of relevant teachers who faced different
accountability conditions during the accountability shock of summer 2002. Table 3 presents the
breakdown of teachers and their job changes, by level of accountability shock. Of the 97,477
Florida teachers for whom we could measure teacher status, 8,116 (8 percent) experienced a
downward accountability shock while 41,613 (43 percent) experienced an upward accountability
shock in summer 2002. These teachers differed meaningfully in their post-shock job transitions:
While 16.6 percent of upward-shocked teachers left their school, 21 percent of downwardshocked teachers did so. These differences in school-leaving appear to be spread throughout the
range of possible job transitions, as downward-shocked teachers are 2.6 percentage points more
likely to transfer to a different school within the same district, 0.2 percentage points more likely
to transfer to a different public school district in Florida, and 1.6 percentage points more likely to
leave public school teaching in Florida altogether. Currently, we are looking only at teacher
transitions in the two academic years following the accountability shock. If teacher transitions
take longer than this to make, our results may still be underestimates of the behavioral response
to the accountability shock.
Table 4 reports whether teachers depart for a higher-graded or lower-graded school (or
schools that received upward/downward shocks). It shows that 88 percent of all movers in
downward shocked schools (increased accountability pressure) went to schools with either
reduced accountability shock or unchanged accountability shock. On the other hand, Table 4
indicates that 47 percent of all movers in upward shocked schools or reduced accountability
pressure schools moved to another reduced accountability pressure school. These teachers’
movements revealed their preference for reduced accountability pressure schools (or, perhaps,
their school districts' desires to transfer them to other schools.)
Teacher level analysis
We first estimate a simple logit hazard model estimating the likelihood of leaving the
current school. Our key variable of interest is the accountability shock faced by the cohort of
teachers. Ideally, we would estimate a model with school fixed effects so that we could compare
within-school successive cohorts of potentially shocked versus unshocked teachers. However,
such a model is not possible with this statistical approach.11 Since we cannot identify a
multinomial logit model with school fixed effects, we instead control for a rich set of classroom,
school and district-level variables, including classroom, school, and district characteristics, as
described above, including class size, average math score on the FCAT, disciplinary incidents,
percent of minority students (Black, Hispanic), and the interaction between teacher’s race and
As mentioned above, we have also estimated conditional logit models that yield very similar
results to those presented herein.
percent of minority students. We furthermore control for dummy variables indicating the
calendar and cohort year and teachers’ own salaries. In addition, we control for the lagged
school accountability grade in the school, so that we are comparing, to the degree possible,
apples to apples. Our goal here is to estimate a very highly parameterized model that allows us
to pinpoint the causal effect of the accountability shock on teacher job changes.
In addition, we control for a rich set of teacher level covariates. Specifically, we include
in the model the teacher’s age, age squared, gender, female by age interaction term, teachers’
race, professional certification, reading certification, middle school math certification, high
school math certification, indicator variables for special education teachers, middle school
education teachers, high school teachers, English teacher, math or science teachers, selfcontained class teachers, social studies teachers, and an indicator variable for regular and full
time teachers.
The first column of Table 5 presents the key parameter estimates of this model.12 For ease
of interpretation, the table reports the logit parameters in terms of the odds ratio, relative to the
reference group of teachers (those whose schools did not face an accountability shock.) An odds
ratio of one indicates that a teacher whose school is shocked has equal odds of leaving the school
as a teacher whose school is not shocked. An odds ratio of less than one implies that the odds of
leaving for a teacher whose school is shocked is lower than for the reference group of teachers.
We find that teachers who are teaching in schools with an unexpected increase in accountability
pressure (downward accountability shock) are more likely to leave their schools. Additionally,
teachers in schools that were upward shocked are less likely to move to a new school within
district than are teachers in schools whose grade did not change under the new accountability
The full set of parameter estimates is available upon request from the authors.
rules, though this difference in the odds of leaving is not statistically significant. 13 That said,
while the likelihood of a teacher leaving a downward-shocked school is higher than the
likelihood of a teacher leaving an unshocked school, it is not significantly different from the
likelihood of leaving an upward-shocked school.
The next three columns of Table 5 present the parameters of interest in the multinomial
logit hazard model that disaggregates job changes into intra-district movers, inter-district movers
and exiting Florida public schools. As before, these models indicate that the exogenous
accountability grading change does have an effect on a teacher’s job. Teachers who are teaching
in schools with increased accountability pressure (downward accountability shock) are more
likely to move to a new school within the district and are also more likely to exit the Florida
public school system entirely. In contrast, the accountability grading change did not seem to
affect the decision to move to a new district.14 Unlike the binary decision of staying versus
leaving, the multinomial logit hazard model shows that schools with a better grade under the new
grading rule (upward shocked schools) are less likely to experience teacher loss to other schools
within the district.
Schools and teachers may react differentially to upward and downward accountability
shocks that lead to different school grades. Figlio et al. (2007), for instance, find that test scores
for "F" graded schools change more than test scores for other downward-shocked schools
following the accountability policy change, and test scores decrease in "A" graded schools
We have run separate regressions focusing on brand new teachers only. For these brand new
teachers, unexpected reduction in accountability pressure (upward shocked schools) implies
lower likelihood of moving within district and exiting out of Florida public school system.
We find this result unsurprising. Inter-district moves, especially in states like Florida where
school districts are coterminous with counties and even large metropolitan areas sometimes
include just one school district, are often affected by other factors (e.g., job change of spouse)
whereas the intra-district moves are more likely to be affected by perceived differences in school
relative to those in other upward-shocked schools; this latter estimated effect is particularly
pronounced in the case of schools that in summer 2002 exceeded the A threshold by a
comfortable amount, thereby rendering the "A" grade relatively “safe.”15 We are interested in
finding out whether teachers respond differently to being accountability-shocked to different
portions of the grading distribution as well. We present an augmented version of our prior
multinomial logit model that includes F, A, and “safe A” designations in Table 6.
Our main results continue to hold up in Table 6. Reduced accountability pressure
apparently translates into less intra-district mobility while additional accountability pressure
increases exits out of the Florida public school system, though these odds ratios are not
statistically significant. However, this extension also provides more insights. While teachers are
more likely to leave downward-shocked schools in general (relative to unshocked schools) they
are much more likely to leave "F" graded schools. This reflects higher probability of moving to
a new school within district and exiting for teachers in "F" graded schools. Compared to teachers
whose school obtained B, C, or D grades, teachers in marginal A schools are less likely to move
within a district while teachers in "safe A" schools are more likely to move within a district,
possibly reflecting a desire for school districts to reallocate teachers to more needy schools. This
possibility is underscored by the finding that teachers in "safe A" schools are also less likely to
leave public school teaching.
School level analysis
We follow Figlio et al. (2007) in defining a “safe A” school as one that exceeded the A
threshold by 30 or more points in summer 2002 (i.e., 440 or more accountability points.) Figlio
et al. (2007) find that “safe A” schools are extremely unlikely to subsequently fall to a lower
school grade, largely because of their demographics and prior performance, and may be able to
forecast this likelihood with relative certainty.
School level analysis focus on the number of teachers in year t who will have left their
first school in year t+1 with additional breakdown of number of intra-district movers, interdistrict movers, and leavers. The incidence rate ratio is reported in these school level analyses.
These incidence rate ratios are similar to odds ratio in interpretation. Incidence rate ratio is the
exponentiated coefficients of count model. This is estimated rate ratio for one unit increase in
independent variables. A value of greater than one means that the incidence ratio for the number
of teacher leaving a school would be expected to increase by that factor. Similarly, a value of
less than one means that the incidence ratio for the number of teachers leaving a school would be
expected to decrease by that factor.
Table 7 shows that after controlling for school level covariates, being downward
accountability shocked is associated with an increase in the number of teachers who would leave
their schools. Particularly pronounced is the effect for intra-district movers. Compared to schools
that did not experience accountability shock, the downward shocked schools experience more
teachers move to other schools within their school district.
Table 8 shows the extended results by adding schools with grade A or F and schools
deemed to hold “safe A” grades. Similar to Table 7, for downward accountability shocked
schools, a larger percentage of teachers move to other schools compared to no shock schools.
Interestingly, the estimated effect of an F grade is statistically significant and indicates F receipt
is associated with a larger number of teacher turnovers in a particular school. This result holds
for number of both intra-district movers and leavers. This result is particularly interesting since it
shows that all downward shocked schools experience larger number of intra-district moves and
"F" graded schools experience even more intra-district moves above and beyond the downward
shocked schools. Compared to no shock schools, upward accountability shocked schools
experience fewer incidence of inter-district moves.
VI. Teacher Quality and Differential Mobility
The ultimate policy issue is how teacher mobility engendered by school accountability
affects student achievement. Do changes in accountability pressure have differential effects on
the mobility of different types of teachers and consequently on the quality of teachers remaining
at a school? If relatively high-quality teachers depart schools facing accountability pressure this
could mitigate any direct benefits to student learning brought about by the accountability system.
In contrast, if increased pressure leads to (either voluntary or involuntary) exit of the least
capable teachers this could reinforce the direct positive effects of accountability pressure.
While teacher quality is multidimensional, for the purposes of this paper we simply
define teacher quality in terms of a teacher’s individual contribution to her student’s test scores.
This is possible in the state of Florida because of the ability to link individual teachers to the
students for whom they are responsible on a classroom basis. Specifically, we estimate a socalled “restricted value-added” model of student achievement of the following form:16
Ait  β1Zit  β 2 Pijmt  β 3Tkt  β 4S mt   kt   it
The gain in student achievement, Ait is a function of student/family inputs (Z), classroom-level
peer characteristics (P), a vector of teacher experience indicators (T), school-level inputs (S) and
a year-specific teacher effect, . The subscripts denote students (i), classrooms (j), teachers (k),
We also produced teacher quality estimates from an “unrestricted” value-added model
whereby current achievement is regressed on lagged achievement and the same set of controls as
in equation (8). We obtain very similar results for the relationship between accountability
pressure and teacher quality using this alternative specification.
schools (m) and time (t).17 The model is estimated for both math achievement and for reading
achievement in all grades 3-10 over the period 1999/2000 – 2004/05.18 Only students with a
single teacher in the relevant subject area are included in the analysis.
The estimated value of the year-specific teacher effect, kt, is our measure of teacher
quality. The teacher-by-year estimates are re-centered to have a mean value of zero in each
school level (elementary, middle, high) within each year. The estimates represent the average
achievement gain of a teacher’s students, for all classes taught in the relevant subject in a year,
controlling for student, peer and school characteristics as well as for teacher experience. Student
achievement is measured by year-to-year gains in the normalized-by-grade-and-year FCAT-NRT
score. Thus the teacher effects are calibrated in standard deviation units. Since there are no
school-level fixed effects, our year-specific teacher effect can be interpreted as the effectiveness
of a given teacher relative to all other teachers teaching the same subject with the same level of
experience at the same type of school.19 The teacher quality measure can only be constructed for
teachers who are responsible for teaching courses in the subjects and grades covered by
achievement testing, reading and math. In the following discussion we focus on the quality and
mobility of math teachers. Similar results were obtained using teacher value-added in reading.
In order to understand the impact of accountability pressure on teacher quality, we plot
three pairs of kernel density estimates of the distributions of teacher quality before and after the
accountability shock by move status. Figures 1A and 1B illustrate the distribution of
mathematics teacher quality before and after the shock by move status for schools that received
For a derivation of the value-added model and its implicit assumptions, see Todd and Wolpin
Details of the estimation sample and estimation procedures are provided in Harris and Sass
We also analyzed teacher quality measured not conditioned on experience and obtained similar
no change in accountability pressure as a result of the change in the school grading system.
Similarly, Figures 2A and 2B show the teacher quality distribution in increased-accountabilitypressure or “negatively-shocked” schools and Figures 3A and 3B illustrate the corresponding
teacher quality distributions in “positively shocked” schools.
In unaffected schools (Figures 1A and 1B), there is little difference in the quality
distributions of teachers before and after the accountability system change. Under both
accountability regimes, intra-district movers and leavers tend to be of somewhat lower quality
than teachers who remain in their school. Given their relatively small number, it is hard to
determine any definite patterns in the quality distributions of inter-district movers.
In schools with increased accountability pressure (Figures 2A and 2B), there are stark
differences in the quality distributions of teachers before and after the accountability shock.
Prior to the accountability system change, the quality distributions of the intra- and inter-district
movers are to the left of the stayer distribution, indicating that teachers who move to another
school tend to be of lower quality than those who stay. In contrast, the average quality of leavers
tends to be higher than that of stayers. After the negative accountability shock, the quality
distributions of movers and of leavers tend to be more dispersed. Most striking, the average
quality of intra-district movers is clearly to the right of the distribution of stayers. This indicates
that after the shock, negatively shocked schools are losing teachers to other schools in the same
district who are more effective than those who choose to stay. The findings by Rouse et al.
(2007), suggesting that downward-shocked schools experience larger test score gains the next
year, are particularly remarkable in light of the evidence that the quality distribution of the
remaining teachers in these schools is apparently lower.
The relationship between accountability shocks and teacher quality does not appear to be
symmetric. While negatively shocked schools tend to lose their better teachers, positively
shocked schools are not experiencing large improvements in teacher quality. As illustrated in
Figures 3A and 3B, the distributions of teacher quality for movers, stayers and leavers are all
fairly similar before and after the accountability shock. In a prior section we report that these
schools were more likely to retain teachers than were unaffected schools (and possibly
downward shocked schools as well.) Together, these findings suggest upwardly shocked schools
do not experience large changes in the identity or quality of their teachers.
VII. Conclusion
This paper provides new evidence of the effects of school accountability systems on
teacher mobility.
While prior papers on the subject analyzed the introduction of an
accountability system within a state, and therefore had no natural counterfactual, this study is the
first to exploit policy variation within the same state to study the effects of accountability on
teacher job changes. Taking advantage of exogenous changes in accountability pressure for
schools, we find that schools that are upward-shocked – receiving a higher accountability grade
post-change than would have happened before – are more able to retain their teachers than are
schools that received no accountability shock. While downward-shocked schools in general lose
more teachers, in particular those shocked downward to a grade of F, and schools that are
downward-shocked tend to lose their teachers with higher measured contributions to student
value added.
The results have strong implications for public policy. Struggling schools that come
under increased accountability pressure face many challenges in terms of changing instructional
policies and practices to facilitate student improvement. We have discovered that (in the case of
those facing the highest accountability pressure) they also face the challenge of having to replace
more teachers, and particularly, their higher-quality teachers (measured in terms of contribution
to value-added.) That these schools experience disproportionate test score gains following the
accountability shock, according to Rouse et al. (2007), is remarkable in this light. The findings
presented in this paper seem to indicate that if these schools were able to retain more of their
high-quality teachers (perhaps through increased incentives to remain in the school), the
accountability gains could be greater still. This last argument, of course, is still speculative.
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Table 1: The Distribution of School Grades, by Year
School Year
School Grade
Source: Authors’ calculations from state data.
Table 2: Transition Matrix in Predicted Grades Based on 2002 Grade Change
(row percentages)
Grade in 2002 based on new (summer 2002) grading system
grade in
2002 based
on old
Notes: All row percentages (in parentheses) are student-weighted. The number of schools is in
brackets. Simulated grade changes are generated by applying both the old grading system and
the new grading system to 2002 student test scores, using the approach introduced by Rouse et
al. (2007). They are therefore generated based on precisely the same student tests; the only
differences in the calculations are the formulas used to convert these same tests into school
Table 3: Teacher Job Changes between 2001-02 and 2002-03, by Accountability Shock in
Summer 2002
School Year
Number of
teachers in
moving within
moving to
new district
leaving public
school teaching
in Florida
Number of
Source: Authors’ calculations from state data.
Table 4: Accountability Shock Status for Sending and Receiving School in 2002
No accountability
Receiving school accountability shock
(11.68 percent)
No accountability
(53.96 percent)
(34.36 percent)
(9.22 percent)
(7.72 percent)
(48.64 percent)
(45.54 percent)
(42.14 percent)
(46.75 percent)
Source: Authors’ calculations from state data.
Table 5: Logit Estimates of the Effect of Accountability Shocks in Summer 2002
on the Odds of Teacher Job Change for 2002-03
Logit Model
Multinomial Logit Model
Job Change
Any job change Intra-district
Exit Florida
public schools
Effect of downward
Effect of upward
Note: The parameter estimates presented above are expressed in terms of odds ratios relative to
the unshocked set of teachers. Number of teacher year observation 208,843 with 928,877 unique
teacher observations. Standard errors clustered at the individual level are in parentheses beneath
parameter estimates. Dependent variables for logit model are the probability that a teacher will
leave a school between year t and t+1. The dependent variables for multinomial logit are the
probability of a teacher will move to a new school, a new district, or exit Florida public schools.
The logit models also include a set of lagged school grades, dummy variables indicating the
calendar year, log term of duration of teaching, teacher’s age, age squared, teachers’ teaching
experience, experience squared term, female, female and age interaction term, teachers’ race,
professional certification, reading certification, middle school math certification, high school
math certification, indicator variables for special education teachers, middle school education
teachers, high school teachers, English teacher, math or science teachers, self-contained class
teachers, social studies teachers, indicator variable for regular and full time teachers, and
teachers’ own salaries, and classroom, school, and district characteristics such as class size,
average math score on the FCAT, disciplinary incidents, percent of minority students(Black,
Hispanic), interaction terms between teacher’s race and percent of minority students. A full set
of coefficient estimates is available upon request.
Table 6: Multinomial Logit Estimates of the Effect of Accountability Shocks in Summer
2002on the Odds of Teacher Job Change for 2002-03: Extended Results
Logit Model
Multinomial Logit Model
Job Change
Any job change Intra-district
Exit Florida
public schools
Effect of downward
Effect of upward
Effect of grade F
Effect of grade A
Effect of “safe A”
(30+ points above
A threshold) receipt
Note: The parameter estimates presented above are expressed in terms of odds ratios relative to
the unshocked set of teachers. Number of teacher year observation 168,291 with 86,825 unique
teacher observations. Standard errors clustered at the individual level are in parentheses beneath
parameter estimates. Control variables are as in Table 5.
Table 7: Panel Poisson Estimates of the Effect of Accountability Shocks in Summer 2002 on the
Count of Teachers Who Move or Left for 2002-03 with School Fixed Effects
Panel Poisson
Panel Poisson Model with School Fixed Effects
Model with
School Fixed
Count of Teachers
Any job change Intra-district
Exit Florida
public schools
Effect of downward
Effect of upward
Note: The parameter estimates presented above are expressed in terms of incidence-rate ratios
relative to the unshocked set of schools. Number of school year observation 8751 with 2288
unique school observations. Standard errors clustered at the school level are in parentheses
beneath parameter estimates. The models also include a set of lagged school grades, dummy
variables indicating the calendar year, school level average teacher characteristics, such as
percent of full-time teachers, percent of teachers holding professional and/or National Board
Certification, average teacher experience, teacher experience squared and cubic terms, total
number of teachers in a school, and school, and district characteristics such as class size, average
math score on the FCAT, disciplinary incidents, percent of minority students(Black, Hispanic),
interaction terms between teacher’s race and percent of minority students.
Table 8: Panel Poisson Estimates of the Effect of Accountability Shocks in Summer 2002 on the
Count of Teachers Who Move or Left for 2002-03 with School Fixed Effects: Extended Results
Panel Poisson
Model with
School Fixed
Panel Poisson Model with School Fixed Effects
Count of Teachers
Any job change Intra-district
Exit Florida
public schools
Effect of downward
Effect of upward
Effect of grade F
Effect of grade A
Effect of “safe A”
(30+ points above
A threshold) receipt
Note: The parameter estimates presented above are expressed in terms of incidence-rate ratios
relative to the unshocked set of schools. Number of school year observation 8751 with 2288
unique school observations. Standard errors clustered at the school level are in parentheses
beneath parameter estimates. Control variables are as in Table 7.
No Shock: Math Teacher Quality by Their Mobility Status
Stayer 0 shock b
Intra 0 shock b
Inter 0 shock b
Leaver 0 shock b
(mean) tfe1e
kernel = epanechnikov, bandwidth = 0.0371
Figure 1A. Kernel Density Estimates of Teacher Quality Distribution in Schools with No Change
in Accountability Pressure or Zero Shock Pre-shock: Standardized Average Gains on
Mathematics by Teacher Move Status
No Shock: Math Teacher Quality by Their Mobility Status
Stayer 0 shock a
Intra 0 shock a
Inter 0 shock a
Leaver 0 shock a
(mean) tfe1e
kernel = epanechnikov, bandwidth = 0.0336
Figure 1B. Kernel Density Estimates of Teacher Quality Distribution in Schools with No Change
in Accountability Pressure or Zero Shock Post-shock: Standardized Average Gains on
Mathematics by Teacher Move Status
Negative Shock: Math Teacher Quality by Their Mobility Status
Stayer - shock b
Intra - shock b
Inter - shock b
Leaver - shock b
(mean) tfe1e
kernel = epanechnikov, bandwidth = 0.0614
Figure 2A. Kernel Density Estimates of Teacher Quality Distribution in Schools with Increased
Accountability Pressure or Negative Shock Pre-shock: Standardized Average Gains on
Mathematics by Teacher Move Status
Negative Shock: Math Teacher Quality by Their Mobility Status
Stayer - shock a
Intra - shock a
Inter - shock a
Leaver - shock a
(mean) tfe1e
kernel = epanechnikov, bandwidth = 0.0578
Figure 2B. Kernel Density Estimates of Teacher Quality Distribution in Schools with Increased
Accountability Pressure or Negative Shock Post-shock: Standardized Average Gains on
Mathematics by Teacher Move Status
Positive Shock: Math Teacher Quality by Their Mobility Status
Stayer + shock b
Intra + shock b
Inter + shock b
Leaver + shock b
(mean) tfe1e
kernel = epanechnikov, bandwidth = 0.0389
Figure 3A. Kernel Density Estimates of Teacher Quality Distribution in Schools with Reduced
Accountability Pressure or Positive Shock Pre-shock: Standardized Average Gains on
Mathematics by Teacher Move Status
Positive Shock: Math Teacher Quality by Their Mobility Status
Stayer + shock a
Intra + shock a
Inter + shock a
Leaver + shock a
(mean) tfe1e
kernel = epanechnikov, bandwidth = 0.0339
Figure 3B. Kernel Density Estimates of Teacher Quality Distribution in Schools with Reduced
Accountability Pressure or Positive Shock Post-shock: Standardized Average Gains on
Mathematics by Teacher Move Status