1 Seattle DevCentral User Group iRules Optimization Techniques Joe Pruitt – Senior Strategic Architect 2 Agenda iRules Overview Optimization Techniques Troubleshooting Tips Open Q&A 3 What are iRules? Programming language integrated into TMOS Traffic Management Operating System Based on industry standard TCL language Tool Command Language Provide ability to intercept, inspect, transform, direct and track inbound or outbound application traffic Core of the F5 “secret sauce” and key differentiator 4 What makes iRules so unique? Full-fledged scripts, executed against traffic on the network, at wire-speed Powerful logical operations combined with deep packet inspection The ability to route, re-route, re-direct, retry, or block traffic Community support, tools and innovation 5 How do iRules Work? • iRules allow you to perform deep packet inspection (entire header and payload) • Coded around Events (HTTP_REQUEST, HTTP_RESPONSE, CLIENT_ACCEPTED etc.) • Full scripting language allows for extremely granular control of inspection, alteration and delivery on a packet by packet basis Requests iRule Triggered HTTP Events Fire (HTTP_REQUEST, HTTP_RESPONSE, etc.) Modified Responses* *Note: BIG-IP’s Bi-Directional Proxy capabilities allow it to inspect, modify and route traffic at nearly any point in the traffice flow, regardless of direction. 6 What can an iRule do? Read, transform, replace header or payload information (HTTP, TCP, SIP, etc.) Work with any protocol, such as SIP, RTSP, XML, others, whether with native (HTTP::cookie) or generic (TCP::payload) commands Authentication assistance, offload, inspection and more for LDAP, RADIUS, etc. Caching, compression, profile selection, rate shaping and much, much more 7 Key elements of an iRule Event declarations – Define when code will be executed Operators – Define under what conditions you will perform an action iRule commands – Define the action to perform 8 iRule elements - Events Events are anything that may trigger the processing of the rule in the first place when HTTP_REQUEST { Examples: – – – – HTTP_REQUEST HTTP_RESPONSE CLIENT_ACCEPTED LB_FAILED http_pool1 } Additional events found at http://devcentral.f5.com/wiki/default.aspx/iRules/Events.html 9 iRule elements - Operators There are two types or operators, Relational and Logical Operators compare the operands in an when HTTP_REQUEST { expression if{[HTTP::host] ends_with pool http_pool1 Relational operators – contains, matches, equals, “bob.com”}{ } } starts_with, ends_with, matches_regex, switch Logical operators – if, and, not, or when HTTP_REQUEST { if{([HTTP::host] ends_with “bob.com”) or ([HTTP::uri] contains “/portal/”)}{ pool http_pool1 } } 10 iRule elements – iRule commands As implied, the action that is to be carried out upon a operator match Does the rule look for data, manipulate data, send to a location? Statement commands – can cause actions such as destination selection or SNAT assignment Query commands – search for header or content data, such as IP::remote_addr Data manipulation – as stated, manipulate the data content, such as insert or remove headers Utility commands – useful for parsing data and manipulating content, such as decode_uri <string> Many additional commands available http://devcentral.f5.com/wiki/default.aspx/iRules/Commands.html 11 iRule Event Taxonomy AUTH AUTH_ERROR AUTH_FAILURE AUTH_RESULT AUTH_SUCCESS AUTH_WANTCREDENTIAL CACHE CACHE CACHE_REQUEST CACHE_RESPONSE CLIENTSSL CLIENTSSL GLOBAL GLOBAL LB_FAILED LB_SELECTED RULE_INIT HTTP HTTP HTTP_CLASS_FAILED HTTP_CLASS_SELECTED HTTP_REQUEST HTTP_REQUEST_DATA HTTP_REQUEST_SEND HTTP_RESPONSE HTTP_RESPONSE_CONTINUE HTTP_RESPONSE_DATA IP IP DNS_REQUEST DNS_RESPONSE NAME_RESOLVED CLIENT_LINE SERVER_LINE RTSP RTSP CLIENTSSL_CLIENTCERT CLIENTSSL_HANDSHAKE DNS DNS LINE LINE CLIENT_ACCEPTED CLIENT_CLOSED CLIENT_DATA SERVER_CLOSED SERVER_CONNECTED SERVER_DATA RTSP_REQUEST RTSP_REQUEST_DATA RTSP_RESPONSE RTSP_RESPONSE_DATA SIP SIP SIP_REQUEST SIP_REQUEST_SEND SIP_RESPONSE SERVERSSL SERVERSSL TCP TCP CLIENT_ACCEPTED CLIENT_CLOSED CLIENT_DATA SERVER_CLOSED SERVER_CONNECTED SERVER_DATA USER_REQUEST USER_RESPONSE UDP UDP CLIENT_ACCEPTED CLIENT_CLOSED CLIENT_DATA SERVER_CLOSED SERVER_CONNECTED SERVER_DATA XML XML SERVERSSL_HANDSHAKE STREAM STREAM STREAM_MATCHED XML_BEGIN_DOCUMENT XML_BEGIN_ELEMENT XML_CDATA XML_END_DOCUMENT XML_END_ELEMENT XML_EVENT 12 Prize Giveaway #1 What does TCL stand for? 13 iRules Optimization Techniques 14 Optimization Tip #1 – Don’t use an iRule If you aren’t doing custom conditional testing, let the profiles do the work. • HTTP header insert • HTTP header erase • HTTP fallback • HTTP compress uri <exclude|include> • HTTP compress gzip level • HTTP redirect rewrite • HTTP insert xforwarded for • HTTP ramcache uri <exclude|include|pinned> • Stream Profile for content replacement • Class profile for URI matching. 15 Optimization Tip #2 - Planning Plan your iRule before attempting to code – Determine what protocols involved – Decide what commands you'll need – Choose how to achieve the desired effect in the least steps – Confirm what needs to be logged – Determine where/how you will test 16 Optimization Tip #3 – Tools and Preparation Have a test System available Install and get familiar with a packet capture tool Find your favorite TCL resource(s) Browse DevCentral Use a code editing tool 17 F5 iRule Editor First network rule editor optimizes development Includes: – – – – – – – – Syntax checking Auto-complete Template support Doc Links Deployment integration Statistics monitoring Data group editing Optional post to CodeShare feature Available: Now Tutorials: on DevCentral 18 Optimization Tip #4 – Control Your Control statements Think “switch”, then “class”, then “if/elseif” when HTTP_REQUEST { switch –glob [HTTP::uri] { “/img*” “/image*” “/pics*” { pool imagePool } } } class image_dirs { “/img” “/image” “/pics” } … when HTTP_REQUEST { if { [matchclass [HTTP::uri] starts_with $::image_dirs] } { pool imagePool } } when HTTP_REQUEST { if { [HTTP::uri] starts_with “/img” } { pool imagePool } elseif { [HTTP::uri] starts_with “/image” } { pool imagePool } elseif { [HTTP::uri] starts_with “/pics” } { pool imagePool } } 19 Optimization Tip #5 – Regex is EVIL Regex’s are cool, but are CPU hogs and should be considered pure evil. Most often there are better when HTTP_REQUEST { alternatives. if { [regex {^/myPortal} [HTTP::uri] } { regsub {/myPortal} [HTTP::uri] “/UserPortal” newUri HTTP::uri $newUri pool http_pool1 } } when HTTP_REQUEST { if{[HTTP::uri] starts_with “/myPortal”}{ newUri [string map {myPortal UserPortal [HTTP::uri]] HTTP::uri $newUri pool http_pool1 } } But sometimes they are a necessary evil… when HTTP_RESPONSE_DATA { # Find ALL the possible credit card numbers in one pass set card_indices [regexp -all -inline -indices {(?:30[05]\d{11})|(?:3[6|8]\d{12})|(?:3[4|7]\d{13})|(?:4\d{12})|(?:4\d{15})|(?:5[1-5]\d{14})|(?:6011\d{12})} [HTTP::payload]] } 20 Optimization Tip #6 – Don’t Use Variables Don’t use variables unless you HAVE to. They may make it easier to read, but they do chew up memory and CPU. when HTTP_REQUEST { set host [HTTP::host] set uri [HTTP::uri] if{[HTTP::host] contains “bob.com”}{ log “Host = $host” log “URI = $uri” pool http_pool1 } } when HTTP_REQUEST { if{[HTTP::host] contains “bob.com”}{ log “Host = [HTTP::host] ; URI = [HTTP::uri]” pool http_pool1 } } 21 Optimization Tip #7 – Use Variables Use variables to reduce repetitive costly evaluations, but don’t make the names too long… when HTTP_REQUEST { if { [string tolower [HTTP::uri] starts_with “/img” } { pool imagePool } elseif { ([string tolower [HTTP::uri] ends_with “.gif”]) || ([string tolower [HTTP::uri] ends_with “.jpg”]) || ([string tolower [HTTP::uri] ends_with “.png”]) } { pool imagePool } } when HTTP_REQUEST { set theUriThatIAmMatchingInThisiRule [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] if { $theUriThatIAmMatchingInThisiRule starts_with “/img” } { pool imagePool } elseif { ($theUriThatIAmMatchingInThisiRule ends_with “.gif”) || ($theUriThatIAmMatchingInThisiRule ends_with “.jpg”) || ($theUriThatIAmMatchingInThisiRule ends_with “.png”) } { pool imagePool } } when HTTP_REQUEST { set uri [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] if { $uri starts_with “/img” } { pool imagePool } elseif { ($uri ends_with “.gif”) || ($uri ends_with “.jpg”) || ($uri ends_with “.png”) } { pool imagePool } } 22 Optimization Tip #8 – Return Early Use "return" to exit early to save as many CPU cycles as possible. when HTTP_REQUEST { if { [HTTP::uri] contains “/images” { pool imagePool } if { [HTTP::header exists “SomeHeader” } { log local0. “SomeHeader found” } } when HTTP_REQUEST { if { [HTTP::uri] contains “/images” { pool imagePool return } if { [HTTP::header exists “SomeHeader” } { log local0. “SomeHeader found” } } 23 Optimization Tip #9 – Operators and Data Types • Polymorphism is a blessing and a killer. • Use the right operator for the right type • Use eq, ne on strings • Use ==, != on numbers set x 0 foreach dir {[split [HTTP::uri] "/"]} { incr x if {$x == 4} { ... } } set x 0 foreach dir {[split [HTTP::uri] "/"]} { incr x if {$x eq 4} { ... } } Use [IP::addr] to compare addresses if { [IP::addr [IP::client_addr]/8 equals] } { … } Things are not always as they seem set x 5 if { $x if { $x if { $x if { $x == eq == eq 5 } { } # this evaluates as true 5 } { } # this evaluates as true 05 } { } # this evaluates as true 05 } { } # this evaluates as false 24 Optimization Tip #9 – Operators and Data Types Group expressions with curly’s to avoid unnecessary conversions (especially with “expr”). when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { set newOct [expr 3 + [getfield [IP::client_addr] "." 4] ] set total [expr 128 + $newOct] ... } when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { set newOct [expr {3 + [getfield [IP::client_addr] "." 4]}] set total [expr {128 + $newOct}] ... } 25 Optimization Tip #10 – Timing Use the “timing” command to turn on profiling statistics in your iRule. Use the GUI, bigpipe, or the iRule Editor to monitor and test your optimizations. timing on when HTTP_REQUEST { if { [HTTP::uri] starts_with “/img” } { pool imgPool } elseif { [HTTP::uri] starts_with “/doc” } { pool docPool } elseif { [HTTP::uri] starts_with “/blog” } { pool blogPool } } when HTTP_RESPONSE { if { [HTTP::status] == 500 } { HTTP::respond 200 content “An error occurred” } } when HTTP_REQUEST { if { [HTTP::uri] starts_with “/img” } { pool imgPool } elseif { [HTTP::uri] starts_with “/doc” } { pool docPool } elseif { [HTTP::uri] starts_with “/blog” } { pool blogPool } } when HTTP_RESPONSE timing on { if { [HTTP::status] == 500 } { HTTP::respond 200 content “An error occurred” } } 26 Optimization Tip #11 – Use the community 27 Prize Giveaway #2 How may *::payload iRule commands are there? 28 Troubleshooting tips Verify that the rule is looking for the correct item to act upon, such as the URI Ensure you’re using the right events Check the logs for hints Try using single-case comparisons Analyze traffic with a capture tool Use “timing” to measure efficiency gains 29 Troubleshooting tips continued Use log statements to verify the information – Logging practices that can be helpful: • • • • Log variable values before and after each time they are set Log at least once in each event to ensure all events are firing as intended Add a log entry inside each conditional block to see if the conditional returned true or false (don't forget Else clauses) Log the result of each command being executed if possible by re-logging any variable that was effected 30 Where can I find out more? F5 DevCentral: – Home: • http://devcentral.f5.com – Editor: • http://devcentral.f5.com/Default.aspx?tabid=66 TCL Links: – Overview: • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tcl – Tutorial: • http://www.tcl.tk/man/tcl8.5/tutorial/tcltutorial.html – Reference: • http://tmml.sourceforge.net/doc/tcl/index.html 31 Prize Giveaway #3 What two functions does OneConnect perform? 32 Know How. Now.