CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Green Fuels The use of the gas fuels CNG, LNG and LPG as alternative automotive fuels Merkouris Gogos Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki Department of Vehicles Antwerp, October 2009 Alternative fuels The term “alternative fuel” is used to describe any fuel suggested for use in transportation vehicles other than petrol or Diesel fuel. The EU has set the objective of a 10% substitution of traditional fuels in the road transport sector by alternative fuels before the year 2020. Alternative fuels include biofuels (eg. bioethanol, biogas, biodiesel), natural gas, hydrogen, methanol, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and gas-to-liquids (GTL). Not to be confused with renewable sources or biofuels. CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 2 R.Hefner III Consumption of Solid, Liquid and Gas Fuels Actual and projected consumption of fuels CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 3 Gas Fuels Three alternative gas fuels will be discussed in this lecture: Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Although not green, these fuels are certainly greener than traditional Diesel or petrol. CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 4 History of Gas fuelled vehicles: The early days World War I A bus powered by coal gas on Waverley Bridge, Edinburgh, during World War I Petrol shortage compelled this wartime improvisation a 'gas-bag' omnibus with Lothian chassis operated by Scottish Motor Traction Company, 1914-18 CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 5 History of Gas fuelled vehicles: The early days Early Natural Gas Vehicles used low pressure natural gas stored in bladders CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 NREL/CD-540-37146 Circa 1930 6 History of Gas fuelled vehicles: The early days Tempi s.p.a. Bottom: in September 1936, this Alfa Romeo 350 bus, fuelled by methane gas, won the Italian National race in five stages Tempi s.p.a. Top: This Citroën bus was the first one modified by the “Alberto Laviosa” workshop of Piacenza, Italy to run on methane gas. In 1935, it was test-driven on the line “Piacenza - Rivergaro”. CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 7 History of Gas fuelled vehicles: WW II Popular Science (April, 1940) CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 8 History of Gas fuelled vehicles: WW II Traction avant Citroën fonctionnant au gaz de ville*, Paris, Octobre 1941 © LAPI / Roger-Violle *Town Gas: mixture of H2, CO, CH4 and impurities (CO2, N2 and other) About half the energy content of methane. CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 9 History of Gas fuelled vehicles: WW II The energy shortages during World War II made NGVs popular in Europe. Advancements in compressor technology allowed the use of higher pressure steel cylinders on the roof of this Citroën sedan. CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 10 Le Gazogène CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 11 Alternative Gas Fuels Today the alternative gas fuelled engines can be modified or retrofitted engines that were originally designed for petrol or Diesel fuelling. They are, therefore not the optimum design for the other fuels. However, various operational requirements for retrofitted engines need to be taken into account: The different combustion characteristics of alternative fuels require a change in the injection and ignition timing. Many alternative fuels, especially those in gaseous form, have low lubrication, causing increased wear of fuel components such as fuel injectors and valves. CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 12 Energy consumption in road transportation LPG 1.5% CNG 0.2% European Communities, 2008 (2005 shares) CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 13 Natural Gas Natural gas is found underground where it was formed millions of years ago from organic matter. Tremendous pressure from the overlying rock, combined with the earth's heat, converted the matter into a gaseous fossil fuel trapped under layers of solid rock. It is an organic compound made up of hydrogen and carbon and is usually referred to as a hydrocarbon. It is often produced in association with production of crude oil. However, wells are also drilled for the express purpose of producing natural gas. CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 14 Fuel prices in Europe (1/2) Country Armenia Austria Belarus Belgium Bosnia-Herzegovina Bulgaria Croatia Czech Republic Finland France Germany Iceland Italy Latvia Liechtenstein Premium Petrol (€/litre) 0.79 1.06 0.69 1.28 0.81 0.92 0.84 1.24 1.46 1.48 1.42 1.47 1.48 1.08 Regular Petrol (€/litre) 0.73 1.05 0.55 1.26 0.64 0.86 0.83 1.42 1.37 1.22 1.39 1.39 0.79 1.01 Diesel (€/litre) CNG (€/Nm³) 0.71 1.04 0.55 0.99 0.74 0.87 0.86 1.28 1.20 1.15 1.33 1.41 1.34 0.82 1.10 0.27 0.89 0.27 0.61 0.25 0.55 0.33 0.64 0.78 0.64 0.70 0.90 0.68 0.23 0.53 CNG price per litre petrol 0.24 0.80 0.24 0.55 0.22 0.52 0.30 0.57 0.70 0.57 0.54 0.81 0.64 0.21 0.46 CNG price per litre Diesel 0.28 0.91 0.28 0.63 0.26 0.59 0.34 0.66 0.80 0.66 0.72 0.92 0.71 0.24 0.50 CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 Gas Vehicles Report, Sep 2009 Data updates Dec 2008 - July 2009 15 Fuel prices in Europe (2/2) Country Lithuania Luxembourg Moldova Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Russia Serbia Slovakia Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom Premium Petrol (€/litre) 1.09 1.08 1.35 1.48 1.08 1.13 0.80 0.94 1.02 0.97 0.95 1.70 1.04 Regular Petrol (€/litre) 1.07 1.06 0.50 1.28 1.43 1.15 1.07 0.69 1.01 0.87 1.01 0.92 1.60 1.00 Diesel (€/litre) CNG (€/Nm³) 0.97 0.87 0.43 0.99 1.32 0.91 1.01 0.70 0.84 1.06 0.90 1.02 1.09 1.26 1.16 0.65 0.53 0.18 0.53 0.46 0.51 0.55 0.22 0.66 0.76 0.57 1.01 0.86 0.78 0.71 CNG price per litre petrol 0.58 0.47 0.16 0.47 0.41 0.46 0.49 0.20 0.59 0.68 0.44 0.80 0.75 0.68 0.63 CNG price per litre Diesel 0.67 0.54 0.18 0.54 0.47 0.52 0.56 0.23 0.68 0.78 0.49 0.90 0.82 0.76 0.73 CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 Gas Vehicles Report, Sep 2009 Data updates Dec 2008 - July 2009 16 Transportation of Natural Gas Pipelines are convenient and economical for onshore transport of natural gas. Offshore, as the water depth and distance increase, pipeline transport of gas becomes difficult. LNG for offshore transport of gas. LNG is liquid at -162 °C and atmospheric pressure, transported in specially designed ships. 40% of the trade movement of natural gas in 2008 was as LNG (BP Statistical Review, 2009). CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 17 LNG Tanker CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 18 Projected routes of natural gas pipelines NORTH STREAM: Russia - EU (via Baltic sea) Capacity: 55 billion m3/year Scheduled for operation: First line:2011 Second line: 2012 SOUTH STREAM: Russia - EU (via Black sea) Capacity: 63 billion m3/year Scheduled for operation: End of 2015 NABUCCO: Caspian region - EU Capacity: 31 billion m3/year Scheduled for operation: End of 2015 CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 19 Pipeline Natural Gas composition Methane 85 - 95% Ethane Propane Pentane Hexane Other NREL/CD-540-37146 Butane In the ground, natural gas contains a wide range of compounds. During well-head cleaning and processing, gas quality is improved to pipeline standards. Gas in the pipeline has a range of acceptable compositions. Typical pipeline gas would be as shown. CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 20 Natural Gas Properties Main component is methane CH4 Lighter than air (specific gravity 0.55 to 0.65) Tasteless and odourless. Odorant is added for safety Non-toxic Simple asphyxiant gas (ie. displaces oxygen from the air) Flammable in concentrations of 5% to 15% by volume in air Not a liquid when compressed (it just becomes very dense) Boiling point -162 ºC. Above this temperature it is gaseous CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 21 Advantages of Natural Gas (1/2) Nearly zero sulphur level and, thus, negligible sulphate emissions Very low particulate emissions because of low carbon-tohydrogen ratio Due to its low carbon-to-hydrogen ratio, it produces less carbon dioxide than either gasoline or diesel Low cold start emissions due to its gaseous state Superior anti-knock properties due to its very high Octane number, thus allowing higher compression ratios and operation under turbocharged conditions Very low summer smog potential Negligible evaporative emissions CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 22 Advantages of Natural Gas (2/2) Lower adiabatic flame temperature than conventional fuels, leading to lower NOx emissions Higher calorific value than petrol on a mass basis Much higher ignition temperature than petrol and diesel, making it more difficult to auto-ignite, thus it is safer Does not contain toxic components Much lighter than air and thus it is safer Methane is not a volatile organic compound (VOC) Engines fuelled with natural gas in heavy-duty vehicles offer more quiet operation than equivalent diesel engines, making them more suitable for use in urban areas Stable combustion at leaner mixtures due to its extended flammability limits CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 23 Disadvantages of Natural Gas (1/2) Transportation of natural gas on board a vehicle is complicated; it can be stored as compressed gas at 200 bar or as a liquid at -162°C and 2-6 bar pressure It requires dedicated catalysts with high loading of active catalytic components to maximise methane oxidation Its composition varies widely between countries and between cities, depending on the gas origin, which affects the stoichiometric air/fuel ratio Limited driving range because its energy content per unit volume is relatively low as a result of its gaseous state The energy required for the compression of natural gas leads to 4% more CO2 emitted by the car It requires special refuelling stations CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 24 Disadvantages of Natural Gas (2/2) Longer refuelling time than petrol or diesel Increased consumption due to a heavier fuel tank Lower burning rate compared to petrol due to lower laminar flame speed Injection of natural gas into the port at low pressure and directly into the cylinder at high pressure requires modified and special injectors, respectively Exhaust emissions of methane (GHG) are relatively high Absorbs water vapour which may freeze under certain conditions; thus its maximum water content should be limited Approx. 10% lower power output than equivalent petrol– fuelled vehicles CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 25 Worldwide NGVs Data updates Dec 2008 - July 2009 Cars/LDVs 40 MD/HD Trucks % of total Others NGVs in the world 1 Pakistan ??? 2 191 000 2 140 960 50 000 20.84% 2 Argentina 1 786 989 1 786 989 17.00% 3 Brazil 1 605 041 1 605 041 15.27% 4 Iran 1 537 790 1 532 268 5 522 5 India 700 000 315 200 12 000 715 6 Italy 523 100 519 600 2 300 1 200 7 China 400 000 231 685 112 755 1 100 54 460 3.80% 8 Colombia 294 615 179 332 13 800 9 660 91 823 2.80% 9 Bangladesh 180 000 117 229 3 233 8 355 51 183 1.71% 10 Thailand 147 265 119 888 10.195 15 509 1 673 1.40% 11 Ukraine 120 000 7 000 30 500 29 500 53 000 1.14% 12 Bolivia 116 292 116 292 14.63% 372.085 6.66% 4.98% 1.11% 91.34% CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 Gas Vehicles Report, Oct 2009 Total MD/HD Buses 26 Worldwide Natural Gas fuelling stations Data updates Dec 2008 - July 2009 Public Private Planned 1 Pakistan 2 941 2 941 18.47% 2 Argentina 1 826 1 826 11.47% 3 Brazil 1 746 1 746 10.97% 4 China 1 336 920 416 230 8.39% 5 Iran 928 867 61 638 5.83% 6 Italy 700 630 70 80 4.40% 7 India 500 181 319 8 Colombia 458 458 2.88% 9 Bangladesh 425 425 2.67% 10 Thailand 331 306 25 11 Ukraine 224 204 20 12 Bolivia 128 128 3.14% 72 2.08% 1.41% 0.80% 72.5% CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 Gas Vehicles Report, Oct 2009 Total % of total fuelling stations in the world 27 CSE New Delhi, 2001 CNG powered 3-wheelers in India CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 28 CNG powered 3-wheeler Rozgar 4-Stroke CNG 200 cc Water Cooled Engine from Pakistan CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 29 The long-term objective of this EUproject is to promote the realisation of a network of filling stations for biogas and natural gas reaching from the northernmost tip of Europe, Finland, to the south of Italy, in other words: the GasHighWay. CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 NGVA Europe, 2009 The GasHighWay 30 Fuel Property Formula Molecular weight Composition (% w/w) Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen Density (kg/L) (gases at boiling point) Freezing Point (°C) Boiling Point (°C) Autoignition temperature (°C) Latent Heat of Vaporisation (kJ/kg) Lower Heating Value (MJ/kg) Flammability limits (%v/v) Stoichiometric Air-Fuel Ratio Octane Number (RON) Octane Number (MON) Cetane Number Methane Petrol Diesel CH4 16 C4 to C12 100-105 C8 to C25 ~200 75 25 0 0.42 -182 -162 540 510 50 5-15 17.2 120 est. 120 est. - 85-88 12-15 0-4 0.69-0.79 -40 27-225 ~ 257 349 41-43 1.4-7.6 14.7 88-100 80-90 - 84-87 13-16 0 0.81-0.89 -40 to -1 188-343 ~ 316 233 42-44 1.0-6.0 14.7 40-55 CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 Bechtold, 1997 Methane properties 31 Energy Density: Natural Gas vs. Diesel Diesel 10 kWh/L Natural Gas 10 Wh/L 1 m3 1 bar 20oC 1 1000 CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 32 CNG Volume vs. Diesel Volume CNG 200 bar 200 bar Diesel 200 bar 200 bar 200 bar 1 5 CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 33 LNG Volume vs. Diesel Volume Diesel LNG -162 °C = 0.83 kg/L = 0.35 kg/L 1 2 CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 34 CNG vs. LNG Comparison CNG LNG Physical state Gas Liquid Temperature in vehicle tank Ambient -162 °C Typical pressures in tank 200 or 250 bar 5-8 bar Density 175 kg/m3 @200bar 435 kg/m3 Energy content 27% petrol eq. @ 200bar 33% petrol eq. @ 2 50bar 67% petrol eq. Typical usage Cars/Busses Trucks CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 35 Volume (gal) Weight incl. fuel (lb) Energy (103 BTU) Tank Cost ($ 1993) Range (mi) Petrol 12.4 87 1415 25 332 CNG Steel/Comp 39.6 332 1420 1545 333 CNG Alum/Comp 40.3 293 1435 1695 337 CNG All Comp 39.6 143 1415 2050 332 LNG 18.0 157 1435 1875 337 Fuel storage system CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 Ingersoll, 1996 Fuel storage on-board a vehicle 36 Fuel storage: Natural Gas vs. Petrol Volume Weight incl. fuel Tank Cost 1 1 1 CNG Steel/Composite 3.2 3.8 62 CNG Alum/Composite 3.3 3.4 68 CNG All Composite 3.2 1.6 82 LNG 1.5 1.8 75 Fuel storage system Petrol CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 37 Catalyst conversion efficiency vs. temperature Conversion Efficiency (%) 100 Propane Propylene C H Butane 3 8 C4H10 C3H6 Ethane C2H6 Ethylene C2H4 80 60 40 Methane CH4 20 0 100 200 300 400 500 Catalyst Temperature (oC) CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 38 Natural Gas Vehicles Dedicated vehicles Dedicated vehicles are run on natural gas only. Bi-Fuel vehicles Bi-Fuel vehicles operate on CNG while retaining the ability to use petrol as a reserve fuel. The engine can operate on either fuel but not on both simultaneously. The compression ratio of the engine must remain at a level suitable for petrol. Currently this type of engine is used almost exclusively on vehicles below 3500 kg. Dual Fuel vehicles Dual Fuel engines are derived from diesel engines. A small amount of diesel is retained as a pilot source of ignition. The primary fuel, Natural Gas, is mixed with the incoming air as the bulk fuel. Dual Fuel engines are auto ignited by compression and require no spark plugs. CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 39 Compressed Natural Gas CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 40 Schematic diagram of a 6 Cylinder MPI system Gas Injectors Pressure Regulator Gas supply (200 bar) Injector Supply Manifold (Rail) Coils Spark Plugs Electronic Control Unit Lambda Probe Engine Speed Sensor Phase Water Temp Air Temp Sensor Sensor Sensor Air Flow Sensor Throttle Position Sensor CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 41 Components for natural-gas operation Bosch, 2007 CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 42 Cylinder Properties Four Cylinder Types: Type 1: All metal made of steel with no covering, other than paint. This is the most common type of cylinder. Type 2: Metal cylinder (steel or aluminium) with a partial wrapping made of glass or carbon, contained in an epoxy or polyester resin. Type 3: Cylinder fully wrapped most often with carbon fibre. This type has a metal liner (usually aluminium). Type 4: All-composite (non-metallic). Cylinder is fully wrapped with 100% carbon fibre and a plastic or carbon fibre liner. As a safety factor, all tanks are over-designed in order to withstand a pressure more than 2.5 times the operational pressure. CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 43 Fiat Marketing, 2007 Fiat Panda 1.2 CNG tanks CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 44 Opel Zafira 1.6 CNG CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 45 Opel factory CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 46 CNG powered urban busses CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 47 City Total number of busses Natural Gas busses % of Natural Gas busses Berlin 1700 10 0.60% Paris 4000 53 1.30% Rome 2383 40 1.70% Madrid 1000 15 1.50% Athens 2039 416 20.40% New York 5675 358 6.30% Los Angeles 2638 795 30.10% Toronto 1500 125 8.30% Vancouver 1006 51 5.10% Sydney 3900 254 6.50% 850 52 6.10% Beijing 10000 1640 16.40% Delhi 12000 6175 51.50% Perth CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 Sgourakis, 2008 CNG powered urban busses 48 Natural Gas filling station in Athens CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 49 The Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) has introduced Regulation No. 110 to provide uniform provisions concerning: I. Approval of specific components of motor vehicles using CNG in their propulsion system; II. Approval of vehicles with regard to the installation of specific components of an approved type for the use of CNG in their propulsion system. To prevent bursting of a CNG cylinder during accidents involving fires, automotive CNG cylinders have to be equipped with a Pressure Relief Device (PRD). The effectiveness of the specified fire protection system has to be tested in a Bonfire as defined in annex 3 (article 5.3.5 and appendix A.15) of ECE Regulation No. 110 (E/ECE/TRANS/505). TNO, 2008 ECE Regulation No.110 (E/ECE/TRANS/505) CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 50 TNO, 2008 Bonfire test CNG automotive cylinder CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 51 Auto Fire with CNG Fuel Tank Explosion (1/6) Seattle Fire Department Incident #26564, March 26, 2007 Dispatch 0230 hours for car fire (Engine 10) E10 arrived and requested FIB for multiple vehicles with possible structural exposures (freeway columns and overpasses) 12 vehicles damaged or destroyed Firefighter near miss when CNG vehicle exploded as E10 crew approached with a handline (approximately 15-20 m away) Determined to be arson CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 52 Auto Fire with CNG Fuel Tank Explosion (2/6) Debris from the explosion was thrown up to 30 m in all directions including on the over-passes above the incident CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 53 Auto Fire with CNG Fuel Tank Explosion (3/6) Roof is blown completely off vehicle and doors blown open CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 54 Auto Fire with CNG Fuel Tank Explosion (4/6) Roof debris + + + + Bumper frame Trunk lid Backhoe Fuel tank Roof debris CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 55 Auto Fire with CNG Fuel Tank Explosion (5/6) CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 56 Auto Fire with CNG Fuel Tank Explosion (6/6) Evidence indicates that the fuel tank may have ricocheted off the underside of a freeway overpass CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 57 CNG Filling Two categories: Fast fill (3-5 min) In a fast fill station pressurized fuel is stored in tanks that are continually refilled by compressors. Multiple tanks may be configured in a cascading arrangement, in which tanks come into service as needed. Slow fill (overnight) In a slow fill facility vehicles are filled directly from the compressor. Such equipment, which includes compressors but no storage tanks, typically serves small fleets. CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 58 CNG Fast Fill 3 4 1 2 5 6 1. Gas grid 2. Gas dryer 3. Gas compressor 4. Priority panel 5. Storage cylinders (cascade) 6. Dispenser CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 59 Fast Fill cascade installation CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 60 Fast Fill Nozzles (1/2) OFF ON When the handle is rotated 180º to the “on” position, an arrow visible from the top, points toward vehicle CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 61 Fast Fill Nozzles (2/2) OFF ON OFF ON CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 62 CNG Slow Fill (Fleet filling) 2 3 1 1. Gas grid 2. Compressor station 3. Buffer 4. Dispensing posts 5. Connectors 4 5 CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 63 CNG Slow Fill (Fleet filling) CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 64 Slow Fill Nozzles CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 65 CNG Slow Fill (Home filling) 1 2 3 4 1. Gas grid 2. Gas metre 3. Home refuelling appliance 4. Connector CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 66 CNG Residential Refuelling CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 67 Liquefied Natural Gas CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 68 LNG Although natural gas is a gas at normal temperatures and pressures, it becomes a liquid when it is cooled to -162°C (LNG cannot be converted to a liquid by pressure alone), at which point the gas condenses into a liquid. Liquefaction removes oxygen, carbon dioxide, sulphur compounds, and water. By liquefying natural gas, it is possible to reduce the bulk or volume of the gas by about a factor of 600 which facilitates its transport by ship and tanker lorries. It can be turned back into a gas and delivered into domestic gas pipelines. CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 69 LNG on board storage The LNG fuel tank is a cryogenic container that is designed as two separate pressure vessels, one inside the other. The inner vessel stores the cold LNG in its liquid form and is wrapped with multiple layers of non-combustible insulation and reflective foil. It is then sealed within the outer vessel. The space between the inner and outer vessels is then evacuated to produce a superior insulation system. CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 70 LNG: Safety first A LNG vehicle parked indoors and unmoved for a week or more will vent a flammable gas mixture that could catch fire in the vicinity of an ignition source. To address this safety issue, LNG use should be restricted to frequently driven fleet vehicles or to vehicles stored outdoors. Only trained personnel should service the vehicles. EPA420-F-00-038, March 2002, CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 71 Dual-Fuel Fundamentals A Dual-Fuel engine is a diesel engine – no basic change Dual-Fuel uses a diesel pilot injection to ignite a lean, homogeneous mixture of natural gas and air Retains diesel-cycle performance & efficiency with up to 90% gas substitution Can use LNG or CNG Delivers lower regulated & carbon emissions than diesel Returns to 100% diesel operation automatically and instantaneously when gas supply is terminated CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 72 Clean Air Power, 2008 LNG Trucks CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 73 Clean Air Power, 2008 LNG Tanks CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 74 LNG Filling station Storage Vessel 5.5 - 7 bar Offload Connectors Vaporiser LNG Dispenser LNG Cryogenic pump NexGen Fuelling CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 75 LNG/LCNG filling station World’s largest LNG/LCNG station built by Chart-NexGen in California. 4×60.000 litres storage capacity, 6 LNG dispensers and 3 LCNG dispensers. Serving 200 refuse vehicles ( CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 76 LCNG Filling station CNG storage Cascade system CNG Dispenser Ambient Vaporiser Storage vessel Offload Connectors Odouriser LCNG Cryogenic pump NexGen Fuelling CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 77 Liquefied Petroleum Gas CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 78 Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG consists mainly of propane (C3H8) with some butane (C4H10). The ratio of carbon to hydrogen is important; the smaller the ratio of C to H, the better for the environment. It follows that methane is a better gas in this respect, but only if is fully burnt! It has been used as a vehicle fuel for at least the past 70 years. Nearly all LPG vehicles are conversions of petrol vehicles. CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 79 Production of LPG About half of LPG is produced in association with production of natural gas and the other half is produced in association with crude oil refining. Natural gas must be free of those gases that would liquefy under the modest pressures used in natural gas pipelines. Such gases are the LP gases propane and butane. CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 80 Use of LPG The major use of LPG is for heating. It is also an important feedstock for petrochemicals. It can be used to power cars, buses and trucks, however, it is not really suitable for vehicles above 3.5 t gvw, as it does not provide the required performance. For various reasons, one of which being the fact that alternative fuels are available, LPG is best suited to light vehicles such as cars and small vans which normally run on petrol. CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 81 LPG Storage LPG is liquefied by moderate compression at normal temperatures (less than 20 bar) and is stored in appropriate tanks and cylinders. The liquefaction is necessary to provide a reduction in volume and produce acceptable energy densities. The main application discussed here is as a fuel for motor vehicles. CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 82 Fuel Property Formula Molecular weight Composition (% w/w) Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen Density (kg/L) (gases at boiling point) Freezing Point (°C) Boiling Point (°C) Autoignition temperature (°C) Latent Heat of Vaporisation (kJ/kg) Lower Heating Value (MJ/kg) Flammability limits (%v/v) Stoichiometric Air-Fuel Ratio Octane Number (RON) Octane Number (MON) Cetane Number Propane Petrol Diesel C3H8 44.09 C4 to C12 100-105 C8 to C25 ~200 82 18 0 0.58 -187 -42 457 426 46 2.1-9.5 15.7 112 97 - 85-88 12-15 0-4 0.69-0.79 -40 27-225 ~ 257 349 41-43 1.4-7.6 14.7 88-100 80-90 - 84-87 13-16 0 0.81-0.89 -40 to -1 188-343 ~ 316 233 42-44 1.0-6.0 14.7 40-55 CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 Bechtold, 1997 Propane properties 83 Benefits of using LPG The cost per litre is halved compared to petrol. LPG vehicles are eligible for grants (amongst other low exhaust-polluters). e.g. LPG vehicles can qualify for 100% exemption from the London Congestion charge. Burning LPG results in less sulphur deposits on the engine, while at the exhaust end fewer HC and less CO are emitted. CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 84 Disadvantages of LPG The extra volume taken up by the gas tank will reduce the available load space. The vehicle manufacturer’s original guarantee may be invalidated. The insurance premiums may be increased. Low number of fuel stations. About 5% less power than petrol CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 85 Schematic diagram of an LPG system Bosch, 2007 1. Gas shut-off valve 2. Evaporator pressure regulator 3. Throttle device 4. Intake manifold pressure sensor 5. Injector 6. Ignition coil with spark plug 7. Lambda sensor 8. Control unit 9. Speed sensor 10. Temperature sensor 11. Primary catalytic converter 12. Lambda sensor 13. CAN interface 14. Diagnosis lamp 15. Diagnosis interface 16. Ventilation line 17. LPG tank 18. Housing with tank fittings 19. External filler valve 20. Main catalytic converter CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 86 LPG Sequential Injection Kit LPG tank Switch Electronic Control Unit Pressure sensor Multivalve Injection Rail BRC LPG regulator Emmegas LPG filter CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 87 LPG dispenser on a wharf at Constance lake Emission values for new mid-sized vehicle registrations in the EU in 2002 CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 88 CNG and LNG incentives in Italy (2009) CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 89 Price List 2008/09 For all engine transformations to LPG or CNG, a price list for the public has been adopted by all workshops, thereby guaranteeing a maximum amount which cannot be overridden. CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 90 LPG/CNG ECU Features Fully Functional OBDII Keeps the original equipment manufacturer OBDII system completely functional when operating on Petrol and also when operating on LPG or Natural Gas. Does not intervene the OEM OBD trouble codes or malfunction indication lights. The calibration of the Alternative Fuel system must be done and verified using an OBD scanner. Automatic Change Over Fuels Petrol to CNG/LPG or CNG/LPG to Petrol automatic change over. The installer can define and adjust change parameters based on multiple conditions considering fuel temperature, fuel pressure, RPM, etc. Calibration The ECU can be calibrated manually at different engine loads during the calibration process to achieve emission levels equal to the OEM. Real Engine Mapping The ECU can capture real engine mapping while the engine run at different power load on the road or on a dynamometer. CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 91 Emissions CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 92 Pollutant emissions: CO 0.8 CO (g/km) 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 Petrol LPG CNG Diesel Emission values for new mid-sized vehicle registrations in the EU in 2002 CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 93 Pollutant emissions: NMHC NMHC (g/km) 0.100 0.075 0.050 0.025 0.000 Petrol LPG CNG Diesel Emission values for new mid-sized vehicle registrations in the EU in 2002 CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 94 Pollutant emissions: NOx NOx (g/km) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 Petrol LPG CNG Diesel Emission values for new mid-sized vehicle registrations in the EU in 2002 CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 95 Pollutant emissions: Particulates Particulates (g/km) 0.045 0.030 0.015 0.000 Petrol LPG CNG Diesel Emission values for new mid-sized vehicle registrations in the EU in 2002 CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 96 Pollutant effects: Summer smog Athens under photochemical smog CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 97 Pollutant effects: Winter smog Belgium, December 2007 CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 98 Pollutant effects: Acid Formation 20 mmol H + 15 10 5 0 Petrol LPG CNG Diesel Emission values for new mid-sized vehicle registrations in the EU in 2002 CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 99 Pollutant effects: Acid Rain Great Smoky Mountains National Park Sacré-Cœur Gargoyle CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 100 CO2 + 23 CH4 + 296 N2O (g/km) Pollutant effects: Greenhouse gas 200 150 100 50 0 Petrol LPG CNG Diesel Emission values for new mid-sized vehicle registrations in the EU in 2002 CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 101 BioGAS (BioMethane) Biomethane is a renewable resource and does not compete with food production. Methanisation is used for producing biogas from organic matter of plant or animal origin. Biogas is rich in methane, which is also found in natural gas. Biogas can be collected directly in landfill waste disposal centres or produced with the aid of digesters. All kinds of organic matter can be converted into biogas. Effluents can be methanised in waste treatment plants. Liquid manure, agricultural waste and energy crops can be methanised in small biogas units on farms or in co-digestion units. Solid household waste and “green” waste can also be converted into biogas in large plants for methanisation of solid waste. CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 102 Hythane = Hydrogen + Methane Hythane is a mixture of natural gas and hydrogen 5-7% by energy. Benefits include: Extended lean flammability limits, increased flame speed, easier ignition and more efficient catalysis. CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 103 Thanks for your attention! CarEcology: New Technological and Ecological Standards in Automotive Engineering Antwerp, October 2009 104