Lesson Plan for ED 443

Lesson Plan for ED 443
Student Teacher: Tammy Preskitt
Date of Lesson: 3/14/12
Lesson Title/Description: Comprehension
Lesson # 1
of 1
Time Allotted for this Lesson: 60 minutes
Goals: 1.1: Identify and describe plot,
setting, and characters in the story.
Objectives: 1.1: After reading “Puzzle Journey
Around the World,” or “Puzzle Journey Through
Time,” students will identify details and the
main idea in text by completing a graphic organizer.
2.1: Retell stories in own words including
characters, setting, and plot. (EL.02.SL.01)
2.1: After reading and completing the graphic
organizer, student will retell the story in his own
words, to another student, including 3 characters,
75% of the settings, and plot.
Pre-Requisite Knowledge and/or Skills:
Students have the ability to read at mid-second grade level.
-Puzzle Journey Around the World by Lesley Sims
-Puzzle Journey Through Time by Rebecca Heddle
-Graphic organizer
Procedure: Teacher Does……….
Procedure: Students Do……..
Time Motivation/Hook:
Allow students to look over the
selected books identifying title, author,
and illustrator.
1. Allow students to choose which
book they would like to read.
Place the choice before each
student.. Provide each student
with a graphic organizer.
2. Explain and demonstrate that
the students will read, think
about what he read, identify
details and main ideas based on
those details and write these
things in the boxes of the
graphic organizer.
1. Student writes the title of book on the
graphic organizer and reads the text.
Group Application:
Group Application:
Independent Application:
Independent Application:
3. Observe students as they read,
2. Student thinks about what was read,
noticing what they do as readers.
identifies details, and main ideas based on
Offer help by way of asking questions to
those details.
support them in strategies and
3. Student writes the supporting details and
main idea in the corresponding boxes
4. Invite students to share their story
completing the graphic organize.
with another by retelling it including
4. Students retell their story including
characters, plot and settings.
characters, plot and settings by using their
graphic organizer as needed.
5. Wrap up by encouraging both
students to slow their reading down for
comprehensions’ sake because that is
what good readers do.
Meeting Varying Needs of Students:
1. Evidence collected from this lesson:
No Formative for this lesson
1. How did the students do re: the objectives, and how do you know?
NOTE: Also include your Literacy Questions noted in your Scoring Guide for Mini Work
Sample ONE Lesson handed out to you on Wed 25. Jan 2012.
2. Describe any changes you made as you were teaching the lesson.
3. What would you change about this lesson plan? Pay attention to situations where students
either did not learn or already knew.
4. How did the results of this lesson influence the way that you will teach in the future?