Chapter 1 Introduction to Visual Basic

Chapter 2
Build Your
First Project
A Step-by-Step
By Carlotta Eaton
Exploring Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0
Copyright © 1999 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
 Describe compilers, interpreters, source
code files, pseudo code files, native code
files, and executable files.
 Describe the steps in building an
application program.
 Describe the steps in building a project
with Visual Basic.
 Create a Visual Basic project following the
step-by-step approach.
Exploring MS Visual
Basic 6
Copyright 1999 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Programmer’s Lingo
Program - detailed set of instructions for a
Programming Language - tool used to create
a program; defined by semantics and
Semantics - the meaning of words in a
Syntax - rules for combining symbols of a
Exploring MS Visual
Basic 6
Copyright 1999 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Programmer’s Lingo
Source Code (code) - program you write
using a programming language
Interpreter - translates and executes source
code statement by statement
Exploring MS Visual
Basic 6
Copyright 1999 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Programmer’s Lingo
Interpreter Process
Exploring MS Visual
Basic 6
Copyright 1999 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Programmer’s Lingo
Compiler - translates source code into an
executable file
Executable file - standalone file that runs
outside the Visual Basic environment; Used to
distribute most Windows applications
Package and Deployment Wizard
(Application Setup Wizard in VB5) - creates
all the files necessary to distribute your
Exploring MS Visual
Basic 6
Copyright 1999 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Programmer’s Lingo
Compiler Process
Exploring MS Visual
Basic 6
Copyright 1999 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Programmer’s Lingo
Pseudo Code (P-code) - intermediate step
between source code and native code
Native Code (machine language) -instructions
the computer can execute directly
Dynamic Link Library (DLL) - translates
instructions in executable file at runtime
Exploring MS Visual
Basic 6
Copyright 1999 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Steps in Building a Project
1. Define the Problem
2. Design and Plan
3. Build the Program
4. Run the Program
5. Test and Debug
6. Document Your Program
7. Compile and Distribute Your Program
Exploring MS Visual
Basic 6
Copyright 1999 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Steps in Building a Project
Step 1 - Define the Problem
 Decide
exactly what problem you want to
 Or task you want to perform
 Understand what needs to be done
 Specification - details of your problem
Exploring MS Visual
Basic 6
Copyright 1999 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Steps in Building a Project
Step 2 - Design and Plan
 Most
important step of the process
 Find a step-by-step solution to your
 Algorithm - step-by-step solution to a
 Design User Interface; draw sketches
of screens, graphics, text and button
Exploring MS Visual
Basic 6
Copyright 1999 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Steps in Building a Project
Step 3 - Build the Program
 Translate
your solution using the
programming language
 Coding - writing a program in a programming
 Create the user interface, set properties
 Write code for commands and instructions
Exploring MS Visual
Basic 6
Copyright 1999 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Steps in Building a Project
Step 4 - Run the Program
 Run
the program in the programming
 Visual Basic Interactive Development
Environment for VB
 Simply click the Start button
Exploring MS Visual
Basic 6
Copyright 1999 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Steps in Building a Project
Step 5 - Test and Debug
 Testing
- running your program and
looking for errors
 Debugging - process of removing errors
from a program
 Bug - error in a program
 Repeat until your program runs as
Exploring MS Visual
Basic 6
Copyright 1999 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Steps in Building a Project
Step 6 - Document your Program
 Very
important if program will be
updated in the future
 Documentation - consists of notes and
materials that describes a program
 Organize the documentation
Exploring MS Visual
Basic 6
Copyright 1999 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Steps in Building a Project
Step 7 - Compile and Distribute
 Proceed
to this step only after all bugs
have been discovered and removed
 Distribute program to end user
 End User - the target audience for your
final program
Exploring MS Visual
Basic 6
Copyright 1999 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Steps in Building a Deck
1. Define the Problem - deck for grill, table
and 4 chairs
2. Design and Plan - sketch a floor plan
3. Build the Deck - oops, forgot stairs
4-5. Run, Test, and Debug - as we built
6. Document the Work - receipts and plans
7. Compile and Distribute - invite friends for
a cookout to share and enjoy new deck
Exploring MS Visual
Basic 6
Copyright 1999 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Critique the Process
 Programming is a building process
 Make-or-buy decision - build it or buy it
 Look for flaws before building
 Much easier and less expensive to correct
flaws during specification step
 Work smart; gather documentation
throughout process
 Test and debug to avoid dissatisfied
customers and potential lawsuits
Exploring MS Visual
Basic 6
Copyright 1999 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Build a Visual Basic Application
Exploring MS Visual
Basic 6
Copyright 1999 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Build a Visual Basic Application
1. Define the Problem
2. Design and Plan
3. Build the Program
4. Run the Program
5. Test and Debug
6. Document your Program
7. Compile and Distribute
Exploring MS Visual
Basic 6
Copyright 1999 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Build Your First Application
Hands-On Exercise 1
Create a New Project
 Set Visual Basic Options
 Restart Visual Basic
 Create the Initial Screen
 Create the Final Screen
 Add an Image to the Final Screen
 Save Your Project
 Run Your Project
 Close the Project and Exit Visual Basic
Exploring MS Visual
Basic 6
Copyright 1999 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Project Files
vbp extension = Visual Basic Project
file that tracks all components
frm extension = Form file
 separate
file for each form
frx extension = Binary form file
 cannot
be read by humans
vbw extension = Visual Basic workspace
Exploring MS Visual
Basic 6
Copyright 1999 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
The File Menu
Project commands
Make executable commands
Most recent project list
Exit command
Exploring MS Visual
Basic 6
Copyright 1999 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
The File Menu
 New Project
 Open Project
 Add Project
 Remove Project
 Save Project
 Save Project As
Exploring MS Visual
Basic 6
 Save Component
 Save Component As
 Print
 Print Setup
Copyright 1999 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
The File Menu
Template - particular pattern for a project
or a project element; start a project from
a template saves time
Existing tab - displays VB projects
Recent tab - displays most recently accessed
Project Groups - a collection of several
Exploring MS Visual
Basic 6
Copyright 1999 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Using the Code Editor
GUI (Graphical User Interface) - forms and
windows that the user sees
Property - a characteristic or attribute of
an object such as color and size
Event - a user action such as clicking a button
Code Editor window - editor specially
designed to help you when writing code
Exploring MS Visual
Basic 6
Copyright 1999 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Testing and Debugging
Humans are not perfect
Rarely code programs right the first
Test to find problems
Debug to correct problems
First bug - Grace Hopper story
Exploring MS Visual
Basic 6
Copyright 1999 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Code, Test and Debug
Your First Application
Hands-On Exercise 2
Open the Hello World Project
 Change the Form’s properties
 Change the Command Button’s properties
 Change the Label’s properties
 Change the Image’s property
 Add Code for the Click Here button
 Add Code for the Exit button
 Save and Run your project
 Test and Debug your project
 Exit Visual Basic
Exploring MS Visual
Basic 6
Copyright 1999 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Documenting your Project
Insert Banner Comments in your code
 Comment
- coding statement used by
humans not the compiler or interpreter
 Each organization may have different
requirements, check with your instructor
 Explain purpose of each major section
 See example on next slide
Exploring MS Visual
Basic 6
Copyright 1999 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Banner Comments
‘ Programmer: Carlotta Eaton
‘ Date:
June 30, 1998
‘ Source:
Hello World.vbp
‘ ID:
Chapter 2 Hands-On 1
‘ Purpose:
Practice steps to create
a Visual Basic project
‘ Inputs:
‘ Returns:
Exploring MS Visual
Basic 6
Copyright 1999 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Documenting Your Project
Follow Code Conventions, and Print
your Code
 Conventions
make your code easier to
read and understand
 Use block indenting
 Print code and put in documentation
Exploring MS Visual
Basic 6
Copyright 1999 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Distributing Your Project
Remove all bugs first
Create an executable file
 Pull
down File menu, and select Make
Project exe command or
 Use Package and Deployment Wizard
(previously called Setup Wizard)
Exploring MS Visual
Basic 6
Copyright 1999 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Document and Distribute Your
First Application
Hands-On Exercise 3
 Open
the Hello World Project
 Add Banner Comments
 Add Procedure Comments
 Save and Run the Project
 Print the Project
 Make an EXE file
 Test your Executable Project
Exploring MS Visual
Basic 6
Copyright 1999 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Summary ...
Key terms defined such as compiler
and executable file
Use a systematic process to create a
Visual Basic project
Spend more time planning and
designing and less time writing,
testing and debugging
Exploring MS Visual
Basic 6
Copyright 1999 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Step-by-Step Process
1. Define the problem
2. Design and Plan the Solution
3. Build the Program
4. Run the Program
5. Test and Debug
6. Document your project
7. Compile and Distribute
Exploring MS Visual
Basic 6
Copyright 1999 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Practice with Visual Basic
1. Birthday Card
2. Moving, Docking and Resizing
3. Package and Deployment Wizard
4. Building a Simple Program Step by
Exploring MS Visual
Basic 6
Copyright 1999 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Case Studies
Special Occasion Card
The Development Exchange
Visual Basic Newsgroups
Visual Basic Coding Conventions
Exploring MS Visual
Basic 6
Copyright 1999 Prentice-Hall, Inc.