System Quote Request Opportunity Set Up Information Opportunity Name Dealer, End User, Project, Quote # Project Overview Summarize the scope of the project, system to be designed, needs of the customer, etc. Product Interest Summarize the products to be used Time Line Type of Quote Today’s Date Estimate – Non binding for planning purposes Dealer Price Quote X ( Team Project Team Channel Opp Owner RSM TSM Direct to end user (x) ) Quote Due Date Firm Quote – Binding for all costs quoted X ( ) Firm for ( ) days End User Price Quote X ( ) Project Team Leader (PTL) Direct w/Dealer (x) Account (Dealer or End User Customer) Account Name Address Contact Person Email Phone M.R. Other Indirect to dealer (x) Service Dept (x) Programming Capability (x) Warranty Center (x) Systems Service & Installation (x) No Service or Systems Capability (x) Quote Level (click on the level desired and complete the requested information) Off-the-shelf (OTS) products or services in the LM Pricer as specified by the customer. Level 1 – Installation of Options at the published rate in the OTS Price Guide.( Service Sale Build OTS Components Up). Staged and tested for factory specified performance in our lab. No warranty for applications, suitability of purpose or interoperability with 3rd party products. Off-the-shelf (OTS) products or services in the LM Pricer- or additional OEM or 3rd Party Level 2 – components as specified by the customer. Installation Labor of Options and integration Build and assemble- Customer with OEM-3rd Party components is included with the component line item price. Built and Design assembled as specified. Staged and tested for performance in our lab. No warranty for applications, suitability of purpose or interoperability with other 3rd party products. Off-the-shelf (OTS) products or services in the LM Pricer plus additional OEM or 3 rd Party Level 3 – components as specified by Icom as a total solution to meet specific operational criteria Design, build and assembledefined by the customer. Installation Labor of Options and integration with OEM-3rd Party Icom Design components is included with the component line item price. Built and assembled as designed. Limited Warranty for applications, suitability of purpose or interoperability with 3rd party products. Staged and tested for performance in our lab. No warranty for site selection, installation issues, or in field RF performance. OTS plus additional OEM components as specified by Icom as a total solution to meet Level 4 – specific operational criteria defined by the customer. Option installation, integration Design, build, assemble and with OEM components, field installation and on site optimization included. Built, Commission assembled and installed as designed. Limited Warranty for applications, suitability of purpose, and interoperability with 3rd party products, site requirements, installation problems and performance. Document1 2/26/11 Page 1 ubscriber Units (SU’s) Level 1 – OTS Components Off-the-shelf products or services in the LM Pricer (including option installation), or simple integration with third party products. Radios Need Repeaters Options Other Document1 2/26/11 Page 2 Level 2 – Build and assemble System Characteristics Type ___ Conventional Analog (Repeater or base station) ___ Conventional P25 (Repeater or base station) ___ IDAS™ (Conventional 6.25, repeater or base station) Need Multi-Site ___Conventional ___Trunking Trunking ___ IDAS™ ___ LTR™ ____PassPort® ___ MPT 1327____ P25 Voting ___ Analog ___ IDAS™ ___P25 Paging ___Tone & Voice ___ 2 Level FSK Industry Type ___ B&I ___Public Safety Site Requirements Sites # of sites in the system: Number of channels in each site 1. ___ 2. ___ 3. ___ 4. ___ 5. ___ 6. ___ 7. ___ 8. ___ 9. ___ 10. ___ 11. ___ 12. ___ 13. ___ 14. ___ 15. ___ 16. ___ Special Site Requirements RF Requirements Bandwidth RF output power ___ 25 kHz ___12.5 kHz ___ 6.25 kHz Note: check all applicable for current and future use __________ watts Licensed ERP ________(watts) Frequency band __________ (low band, VHF, UHF, 800, 900) Licensed Frequencies List all licensed repeater pairs, signaling, NAC codes, etc, site specific if appropriate, for multiple sites attach a separate table if necessary Duplexer (single repeater operation, single antenna) ___ Yes ___No TX Combiner (multi-bases or repeaters using one TX antenna) ___ Yes ___ No RX Multi-Coupler ___ Yes ___ No Antenna Switch (base station using one antenna for RX and TX) ___ Yes ___No Receive Pre- (high noise site environment) ___Yes ___No Document1 2/26/11 Page 3 Selector Power Supply & Backup Requirements Generator on site ___ Yes ___No ___ AC Powered ___ DC Powered If AC, is battery back up required? ___ Yes ___ No Duration of battery backup required (hours) __________ AC Application Available source _______ (110 or 220 VAC) AC current capacity available? _______ (Amps) DC back up required (Aux DC capabilities –– when AC is lost) ___ Yes ___ No AC Surge Protection ___Yes ___No DC application DC application only ___ Yes ___ No DC voltage available at site _______ (Volts) ___ Positive Ground ___ Negative Ground DC current capacity available on-site ______ (Amps) Application Requirements (subscriber unit telephone interconnect) ___ Yes ___ No Telco Interconnect (remote control of repeater/ base station) ___ Yes ___No Remote Control Console Lightning protection Antenna required On site systems installation/optimization ___ VOIP ___ Tone ___ DC ___Yes ___No Describe requirements: ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No Describe requirements: ___Yes ___No Describe requirements: Enclosure Requirements Rack (open 19”) Please specify: ___28” ___42” ___63” ___70” ___Other: Cabinet Please specify: ___30” ___ 46” ___60” ___ Other: IP Application Dealer Technical Staff Capabilities End User Technical Staff Capabilities Router required: Other IP Issues ___ Basic IP Networking (subnet theory, addresses, netmasks, etc.) ___ Site to Site IPSEC tunnels ___ IPSEC VPN client to server (PPTP or IPSEC) ___ VPN pass through to support #1 & #2 on ISP connectivity devices (e.g. modems) ___ OPTIONAL: Dynamic DNS setup ___ Basic IP Networking (subnet theory, addresses, netmasks, etc.) ___ Site to Site IPSEC tunnels ___ IPSEC VPN client to server (PPTP or IPSEC) ___ VPN pass through to support #1 & #2 on ISP connectivity devices (e.g. modems) ___ OPTIONAL: Dynamic DNS setup ___ Yes ___ No Type: Unique Requirements Configurations Parts Controllers Panels Desk Sets Transmission Line Interfaces Other Document1 2/26/11 Page 4 Level 3 – Design, build and assemble Current Infrastructure Describe the current system, # sites, # channels per site, wide/narrow, analog/digital, network, linking, consoles, etc. Include pictures if Description and/or possible. Pictures Problems Need Describe the problems with this system they are trying to solve New Infrastructure What are the key objectives of the new system i.e. narrow banding, convert to digital expand the system, etc. Objectives for the new system Purchase criteria for new Infrastructure I.e. price, features, technology, delivery, capability, reliability, performance, support, installation, etc. 3rd Party OEM Requirements i.e. voting, tone remote, network, simulcast, console interface etc Components to be used from current Infrastructure Key Functional Requirements I.e. antennas, power supplies, racks, combiners, multi couplers, etc. i.e. essential requirements (must haves) and non-essential requirements (nice to haves) I.e. any special requirements, considerations, potential site issues, etc. Design Requirements, considerations and site issues. Radios (Subscriber Units) Current Radios #, Mfg, Model, Band (V,U,700/800) Portables Mobiles Other New Radios #, Model, Band Portables Mobiles Other Purchase criteria for I.e. price, features, technology, delivery, capability, reliability, performance, support, installation, etc. new radios Key Functional Requirements Document1 I.e. essential requirements (must haves) and non-essential requirements (nice to haves) 2/26/11 Page 5 Level 4 – Design, build, assemble and install Note: Level 3 Information Required Too Project Management ___Yes ___No Describe requirements Engineering Study ___Yes ___No Describe requirements Propagation Study ___Yes ___No Describe requirements Coverage Guaranty ___Yes ___No Describe requirements: Site Preparation ___Yes ___No Describe requirements. Location and current site conditions. Back Haul Installation Antenna Installation ___Yes ___No Describe requirements ___Yes ___No Describe requirements RF System Integration ___Yes ___No Describe requirements: Current System Integration 3rd party Integration ___Yes ___No Describe requirements ___Yes ___No Describe requirements Training ___Yes ___No Describe requirements: Mobile Installation ___Yes ___No Describe requirements: On site systems installation/optimization Post Install Service Contract ___Yes ___No Describe requirements: ___Yes ___No Describe requirements: Other ___Yes ___No Describe requirements: Document1 Need 2/26/11 Page 6