Waves: Take 2 Mr. Davis p. 344 3,5,20,32,33,38,40,43,45 All of these terms are required for the Regents Review: Key characteristics of waves Amplitude: The height of the wave from node to antinode (transverse waves), or the pressure in a compressive wave. Measured in units describing the wave Wavelength: The distance traversed by a full cycle of the wave Node: The “zero point” of the wave Antinode: The extreme point of the wave (max or min amplitude) Period: The time between successive waves Frequency: The rate of occurrence of the wave (in Hertz or cycles / second) The frequency Sinusoidal Wave Form f = 1/T where T is the period. 0 5 10 15 20 25 Period (if axis is time) 30 35 40 How does a string make music? •What does a string look like when vibrating? Second Harmonic Fundamental First Harmonic How do I measure Amplitude Wavelength Frequency Period For each of these? Videos: Superposition and wavelength as a function of gas composition http://www.acs.psu.edu/drussell/Demos/superposition/superposition.html http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2008/0 9/top-10-amazing/ Standing waves • Two similar periodic waves traveling in opposite directions form a standing wave. V = nf/2L L = l/2 What happens when two waves collide? What happens when two waves collide? What happens when many people in the same room talk? What happens when an orchestra plays? What happens when waves interact in the ocean? (The Perfect Storm) What happens when two billiard balls collide? What happens under the Cone of Silence? What happens when two waves collide? They can cancel: Superposition (This is really addition of components of inverse sign) Sum What happens when two waves collide? They can add: Superposition Sum What happens when two waves collide? They pass through each other without affecting each other and keep on going What happens when two waves collide? They pass through each other without changing and keep on going. (Have you ever crossed the beams of two flashlights to see what would happen?) What happens when two waves collide? They pass through each other without changing and keep on going. (Have you ever crossed the beams of two flashlights to see what would happen?) http://bestphysicsvideos.blogspot.com/2011/07/mitphysics-demo-wave-superposition.html MIT Demonstration of Bell Labs Wave machine Series 1 1.5 1 0.5 0 Series 1 1 -0.5 -1 -1.5 62 123 184 245 306 367 428 489 550 611 672 733 794 1.5 1 0.5 Series 1 0 1 -0.5 -1 -1.5 62 123 184 245 306 367 428 489 550 611 672 733 794 Series 2 1.5 1 0.5 Series 1 Series 2 0 1 -0.5 -1 -1.5 48 95 142 189 236 283 330 377 424 471 518 565 612 659 706 753 Series 1+2 1.5 1 0.5 0 1 -0.5 -1 -1.5 47 93 139 185 231 277 323 369 415 461 507 553 599 645 691 737 783 ( 7 ) Beat Frequency Two waves of similar frequency Beat frequency is the difference between them Fundamental Frequency and Harmonics Speed of Waves Waves have a speed! Dependent on •Medium •Temperature •Pressure •Frequency (wavelength) What about light? •Medium •Wavelength (frequency) •(temperature) •(pressure) Speed of Waves The relationship between wave speed, wavelength, and frequency is simple •For a given temperature, pressure, material, etc. v = fl, where v is the speed, f is the frequency, and lambda is the wavelength. What is v for sound? What is v for light? What is v for a Slinky? Speed of Waves Medium Speed (m/sec) Frequency Sound 340 261 Light 300,000,000 Ocean Wave 25 Tsunami 260 Earthquake P 2 Earthquake Surface 0.5 Guitar String 425 Wavelength 700E-9 1 1m http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/earth/japan-killer-quake.html Affects on sound waves •Vibration (tension) •Length •Resonance •Affects of sound waves •Shatter glass! •Transmit energy! Sugar Plum Fairy: http://search.yahoo.com/r/_ylt=A0oG7qUs1zlPmVoAa6YPxQt.;_ylu=X3oD MTByMTNuNTZzBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMgRjb2xvA2FjMgR2dGlkAw-/SIG=12095j2g1/EXP=1329219500/**http%3a//www.youtube.com/watch% 3fv=QdoTdG_VNV4 http://video.search.yahoo.com/video/play?p=sugar%20plum%20fairy%20 glasses&tnr=21&vid=1426162124191&l=207&turl=http%3A%2F%2Fts4.m m.bing.net%2Fvideos%2Fthumbnail.aspx%3Fq%3D1426162124191%26i d%3D4ac0756f0bc1187ac6dea26ab13b8515%26bid%3DQGXvePJox3gi Hw%26bn%3DThumb%26url%3Dhttp%253a%252f%252fwww.youtube.co m%252fwatch%253fv%253deQemvyyJ-g&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DeQemvy yJ-g&sigr=11a3bvfac&newfp=1&tit=%26quot%3BDance+of+the+Sugar+Plu m+Fairy%26quot%3B+on+the+Glass+Armonica http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HpovwbPGEoo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqKlCy0T-g Wave Videos Reflection off a sea wall: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PevRZAxDxZw Big wave at beach: http://www.weather.com/blog/weather/8_21326.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QdoTdG_VNV4&feature =player_embedded#at=131 Tacoma narrows bridge: http://video.search.yahoo.com/search/video;_ylt=A2KLqIGXa SdPEn0AIxT7w8QF?p=tacoma+narrows+bridge&b=21&tnr=20